[R@ntau-Net] Re: [ekonomiRN] Ekonomi Palanta 101 Motivation

2005-03-07 Terurut Topik darul
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 9:14 AM
Subject: [ekonomiRN] Ekonomi Palanta 101 Motivation

 Asalamualaikum WW
 Aloha Sanaks,
 Lets ask ourself, what am I in this room for ?. Is this room going 
 to be like other rooms, a nato center, No Action Talk Only room ?
 Let me answer these questions:
 1.Iam in the room for, finding solution to too many issues like 
 economy, education, politic as well as business.And absolutely not 
 an easy thing to do, but we have to do it anyway, and in fact, we 
 have been doing it for over three years.Unfortunately, we had too
 many conflict of interest and lagging on basic understanding.
Therefore we have to make real thing, a biz activity. What is it?

 2.We care for our people, we concern and we know that if we dont do
 it, we are going to be in a big trouble, we are going to be sorry.

Now we are there, getting multi dimension crisis. Will we do nothing here?

 3.We are going to have  BATO, both action and talk organisation,and
 insyaAllah, we can make it.
You are confident, so aren't we?

 4.The potentials, the threats and opportunities are so huge, 
 especially in business.(only people with  basic understanding in 
 politic, economic, business, investment and management will notice 
 it, religion included and we will talk about it :)

Do not want to be NATO.

 Think big, and dont forget the basic. When we look back to where we 
 started a few years ago, in 2002 to be exact, and I found that we 
 dont really have a real basic understanding on almost everything.Iam
 afraid to say that, but I said that anyway, for the sake of a 
 critical  thinking.

As a member you have the right to do so.

 We are in the conservative faith based society, meaning that all 
 ideas, thoughts , decisions and all that always come from the top.
 Top down system, where  the leader knows everything.One of many 
 reason why we are left behind on about anything, business, 
 education, technology and too many other things.

 Kamanakan barajo ka mamak, mamak barajo ka ego.Tasabuik rajo, iyolah 
 jadi rajo mamak awak tu. Bak kato wae sen nagari du lai. Nan 
 kamanakan pacayo bana jo kehebatan mamak, tapi kenyataan dilapangan
 manunjuak an lain, incompetent kato rang LN.

You said that I am inside?

 Bak kato mamak di palanta, bangso awak kayo jo ide tapi miskin jo 
 implementasi, why ? and its going to be a long long answer sanaks, 
 jawabnyo minggu muko sajo, bia carito labiah sero, iruik kopi tu 
 stek stek sajo

Wenak kopinya tapi pahit katanya
 Mambangun iko nomi samo jo mambangun rumah.Arsitek marancang gambar, 
 kamudian bamacam macam kontraktor mangarajokan, sajak dari pondasi 
 sampai ka atok, langkok. Untuak tugas marancang iko nomi  awak 
 paralu sanaks nan mangarati partamo agamo(hukm sar'i), hukum dagang 
 baiak dagang dalam maupun lua nagari, information technology,bisnis 
 tarutamo start up process, nah alah cukuik tu samantaro.
Where are You

 We get motivated, and get direction(understanding) and follow by 
 action, then be patient(perseverance).Thats all about business.

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Tata Tertib Palanta RantauNet:

RE: [R@ntau-Net] Re: [ekonomiRN] Ekonomi Palanta 101 Motivation

2005-03-07 Terurut Topik Syahril.Bakri
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.,
Manariak, menarik makasuik ambo, patangkaran/pambicaraan Mak Kalek jo
Mak Darul, ambo caliak lai intinyo concern/tujuannyo ka pambangunan
nagari dan sumber daya urang awak.

Ambo pribadi iyo masih ingin batanyo ka dunsanak awak dima sajo,
tarutamo mengenai topik bisnis pariwisata dan lokasi MIA, sekalipun ambo
urang aia tawa padang, tapi masih kabua dima bana katapiang du, tujuan
ambo batanyo bia / seumpamo awak tingga mambangun bisnis yg direncanakan
RN ko, sabalun itu iyo sarancaknyo awak/dunsanak yg lain tau bana
persis/dan nagari sekitar MIA du, buliah pembangunan/perancangan bisnis
tu batua2 tapek guno dan talatak didaerah yang batua2 strategis. Maksuik
ambo misalnyo, hotel yg akan dibangun, travel agent, object wisata yg
kadikambangkan, invest utk taxi dll. barado ditampek strategis.

Satalah tau itu, mungkin manuruik ambo, baru bisa bisnis apo yang akan
dibuek, baa caro koordinasinyo, baa caro pangaturan dananyo dll.

Soal sumber daya ambo masih yakin urang awak masih bisa diandalkan, tapi
mungkin dek antaro sifat / adat dan agama yang mambuek urang awak indak
namuah / kesannyo indak maksimal, soalnyo kalau indak awak, kaduluan
beko investor asiang dan konglomerat.

Sakian sajo, saketek pamikiran panasaran dari ambo, salah kato baiak
tatulih dan indak tatulih tolong ambo dimoohkan.

Sakian, wass.

-Original Message-
From: darul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 7 March 2005 16:21
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: [ekonomiRN] Ekonomi Palanta 101 Motivation

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 9:14 AM
Subject: [ekonomiRN] Ekonomi Palanta 101 Motivation

 Asalamualaikum WW
 Aloha Sanaks,
 Lets ask ourself, what am I in this room for ?. Is this room going 
 to be like other rooms, a nato center, No Action Talk Only room ?
 Let me answer these questions:


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