How to associate pdb with application?

2003-08-29 Thread JM
Presumably a database can be associated with an application by supplying
application and database with identical Creator IDs. I am using a unique,
registered creator ID.

I've set the applications creator ID via PILRC entry:


I've set the databases creator ID by setting the creator field in the header

dbhdr-creator = 'XXXx';

The database is being made on a desktop computer with the appropriate byte
swapping, etc.

I load both .prc and .pdb resultants onto the Palm platform (I'm using the
emulator right now Palm OS 4.1).  In every other respect the application and
database run fine. But there is no indication that these are associated.
Deleting the application should result in a deleted database, but it does
not. Also, the Records for the application says N/A, though I am expecting
it to have the number of records in the databases associated with it.

Can any experienced Palm Programmer help me out? Is matchin Creator IDs
enough or am I missing something.

Thanks in advance,


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Transparency in 16-bit land

2003-08-29 Thread R . Zane Rutledge
Finally doing some graphics in 16-bit color, and I'm curious about 
direct color. I'm supposed to pass a direct color RGB565 value to 
BmpSetTransparentValue(), where that transparent value is defined 
(according to the manual) as UInt32.

First of all, shouldn't that passed value be only 16 bits? What's up 
with 32? And secondly (most importantly), what's the best/simplest way 
to finesse the needed red/green/blue values into the 565 form in C 
code? I'm probably being dense here, but this is momentarily confusing. 
It seems like most convenient API functions deal with RGBColorType 
values, rather than the 565 value directly...then this one threw me.

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Network Connection

2003-08-29 Thread Pablo Montilla

Hash: SHA1

Hello, Is there a way to connect to the network trough a USB cradle?

Thanks in advance,
- -- 
WAR, n.  A by-product of the arts of peace.  The most menacing
political condition is a period of international amity.  The student
of history who has not been taught to expect the unexpected may
boast himself inaccessible to the light.  In time of peace prepare
for war has a deeper meaning than is commonly discerned; it means,
not merely that all things earthly have an end -- that change is the
one immutable and eternal law -- but that the soil of peace is
sown with the seeds of war and singularly suited to their germination
and growth.  It was when Kubla Khan had decreed his stately pleasure
dome -- when, that is to say, there were peace and fat feasting in
Xanadu -- that he

heard from afar
Ancestral voices prophesying war.

One of the greatest of poets, Coleridge was one of the wisest of
men, and it was not for nothing that he read us this parable.  Let us
have a little less of hands across the sea, and a little more of
that elemental distrust that is the security of nations.  War loves
come like a thief in the night; professions of eternal amity provide
the night.
 -- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

Version: PGP 8.0.2


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Re: Best Windows tool for developing applications for the PalmOS?

2003-08-29 Thread Oliver
 Ben, I wont pretend I know whats yBasPad or 
 anything related to it. 
 Google is not helping me either. :-( Could you 
 please elaborate more on that front ? 

That's because Ben meant cBasPad (or yBasic), I think


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RE: How to associate pdb with application?

2003-08-29 Thread LionScribe
Start off by using OnBoard RsrcEdit
( to see if everything
is as expected.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of JM
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 7:40 PM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: How to associate pdb with application?

Presumably a database can be associated with an application by supplying
application and database with identical Creator IDs. I am using a unique,
registered creator ID.

I've set the applications creator ID via PILRC entry:


I've set the databases creator ID by setting the creator field in the header

dbhdr-creator = 'XXXx';

The database is being made on a desktop computer with the appropriate byte
swapping, etc.

I load both .prc and .pdb resultants onto the Palm platform (I'm using the
emulator right now Palm OS 4.1).  In every other respect the application and
database run fine. But there is no indication that these are associated.
Deleting the application should result in a deleted database, but it does
not. Also, the Records for the application says N/A, though I am expecting
it to have the number of records in the databases associated with it.

Can any experienced Palm Programmer help me out? Is matchin Creator IDs
enough or am I missing something.

Thanks in advance,


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please see

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Re: Network Connection

2003-08-29 Thread Palm Dev Forum
If you mean with a VISOR, then forget it.  Check the archives.  Mocha PPP is
the only solution, but no USB support is available from the Mocha PPP

Gary Gorsline
Easy Business Software
== End of Message ==

- Original Message - 
From: Pablo Montilla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: palm-dev-forum
To: Palm Developer Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 8:08 PM
Subject: Network Connection

Hash: SHA1

Hello, Is there a way to connect to the network trough a USB cradle?

Thanks in advance,
- -- 
WAR, n.  A by-product of the arts of peace.  The most menacing
political condition is a period of international amity.  The student
of history who has not been taught to expect the unexpected may
boast himself inaccessible to the light.  In time of peace prepare
for war has a deeper meaning than is commonly discerned; it means,
not merely that all things earthly have an end -- that change is the
one immutable and eternal law -- but that the soil of peace is
sown with the seeds of war and singularly suited to their germination
and growth.  It was when Kubla Khan had decreed his stately pleasure
dome -- when, that is to say, there were peace and fat feasting in
Xanadu -- that he

heard from afar
Ancestral voices prophesying war.

One of the greatest of poets, Coleridge was one of the wisest of
men, and it was not for nothing that he read us this parable.  Let us
have a little less of hands across the sea, and a little more of
that elemental distrust that is the security of nations.  War loves
come like a thief in the night; professions of eternal amity provide
the night.
 -- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

Version: PGP 8.0.2


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please see

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Re: Network Connection

2003-08-29 Thread Aaron Yang
There's another software named Softick PPP which supports connecting via USB
cradle. But I don't know if it supports VISOR or no.

Just for your reference

Palm Dev Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED] ???
news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ???...

 If you mean with a VISOR, then forget it.  Check the archives.  Mocha PPP
 the only solution, but no USB support is available from the Mocha PPP
 Gary Gorsline
 Easy Business Software
 == End of Message ==

 - Original Message - 
 From: Pablo Montilla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Newsgroups: palm-dev-forum
 To: Palm Developer Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 8:08 PM
 Subject: Network Connection

 Hash: SHA1

 Hello, Is there a way to connect to the network trough a USB cradle?

 Thanks in advance,
 - -- 
 WAR, n.  A by-product of the arts of peace.  The most menacing
 political condition is a period of international amity.  The student
 of history who has not been taught to expect the unexpected may
 boast himself inaccessible to the light.  In time of peace prepare
 for war has a deeper meaning than is commonly discerned; it means,
 not merely that all things earthly have an end -- that change is the
 one immutable and eternal law -- but that the soil of peace is
 sown with the seeds of war and singularly suited to their germination
 and growth.  It was when Kubla Khan had decreed his stately pleasure
 dome -- when, that is to say, there were peace and fat feasting in
 Xanadu -- that he

 heard from afar
 Ancestral voices prophesying war.

 One of the greatest of poets, Coleridge was one of the wisest of
 men, and it was not for nothing that he read us this parable.  Let us
 have a little less of hands across the sea, and a little more of
 that elemental distrust that is the security of nations.  War loves
 come like a thief in the night; professions of eternal amity provide
 the night.
  -- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

 Version: PGP 8.0.2


 For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe,
 please see

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MapTap API broken in 2.1

2003-08-29 Thread Brian Smith
Since Hal appears to be using a currently broken mail blacklist...

Having a problem using the API with 2.1... it launches with the title and
map being set, but there's nothing drawn, and no indication that the
coordinates or scale are being honored.  Changing the map details settings
doesn't work (doesn't change the view, and changes don't stick).  I'm
getting the same results both from CacheMate and your mapCaller program
(didn't recompile the latter).

Tried with both HandEra 330 and OS 4.0 debug ROMs.

Brian Smith // avalon73 at arthurian dot nu //
Software Developer  //  Gamer  //   Webmaster  //  System Administrator
Frisbeetarianism, n.:  The belief that when you die, your soul goes up
 the on roof and gets stuck.

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turn on/off beam receiving on OS 3.5

2003-08-29 Thread Sean Yang
Hi All,

I know the ExgControl() can implement turn on/off beam receiveing at OS4 or
later, but I don't know what's API can implement the function at OS3.5,
Where can I get some documents and/or answers?

Thanks in advance!

Sean Yang

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Re: Transparency in 16-bit land

2003-08-29 Thread Damir
Hi Zane!

RZR Finally doing some graphics in 16-bit color, and I'm curious about
RZR direct color. I'm supposed to pass a direct color RGB565 value to
RZR BmpSetTransparentValue(), where that transparent value is defined
RZR (according to the manual) as UInt32.

RZR First of all, shouldn't that passed value be only 16 bits? What's up
RZR with 32?
In my app, I have used pure wite transparent color, and I set it 0x

  BmpSetTransparentValue((BitmapType*)m_BmpV3, 0x);

RZR And secondly (most importantly), what's the best/simplest way
RZR to finesse the needed red/green/blue values into the 565 form in C
RZR code?
I am using encoding to 5-6-6:

  //make 5-6-5 bitmap coding (16bit)
  //UInt8 R,G,B
  R = (R-7) / 8;
  G = (G-3) / 4;
  B = (B-7) / 8;

  //put all colors to one value
  UInt16 color = (R11) | (G5) | B;

 Damir  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: MapTap API broken in 2.1

2003-08-29 Thread Hal Mueller
Was probably broken in 2.0 too--but now fixed in 2.2.  Please give it 
a try with cacheMate and let met know.

As written, changes to the map details don't stick.  They probably 
should, though.  Would that be useful?  What else would you like to 
see in the external API?

I think the mail problem is fixed too (RIP osirusoft), since I did 
receive your note to dev-forum.


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How to wrap lines for list items?

2003-08-29 Thread Bhaskara Srihari (RBIN/BCS3) *
I have a list with some of the items which does not fit in one line. So, I want to 
show them as wrapped in multiple lines.
Can anybody help me how to do this?

PS: I am a totally new to Palm OS programming :(

Thanks for any help.


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Re: How to wrap lines for list items?

2003-08-29 Thread Prashant Jha
I have a list with some of the items which does not
 fit in one line. So, I want to show them as wrapped
 in multiple lines.
You will first need to set the height of the row with
TblSetRowHeight and then in your drawing function
TblSetItemStyle, use customTableItem or
tallCustomTableItem depending upon your requirement.
Hope that helps.

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Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software

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Re: How to wrap lines for list items?

2003-08-29 Thread Damir
Hi, Sri.
Do you use List Control?

BSRB Hello,
BSRB I have a list with some of the items which does not fit
BSRB in one line. So, I want to show them as wrapped in multiple
BSRB lines.
BSRB Can anybody help me how to do this?

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Please Wait

2003-08-29 Thread Marianne

I want to add the  Please Wait   that appears when application delete menu
option is selected..
What I did was , I created a form of width 70 and height 20 and left origin
40, top origin 80...
Put a label of Please Wait..
And i called FrmGotoForm(PleaseWaitForm) in UIPalmMain() which is called in
 Shown below is in UIPalmMain() :

case sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch:

 if( CheckPalmOff() )   //check if the sensor has given keyboard off or
palm off events

error = AppStart();

if (error == ErrCommError )
 { // if error in AppStart ,  don't launch the UI  return .
  DriverStop() ;
 return error;

 // start application by opening the main form
 // and then entering the main event loop



And I have handles frmLoad event and frmOpent Event properly..
But I can't see the form when I click my UI icon..

Can anyone help me out

Thanks in advance


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RE: How to wrap lines for list items?

2003-08-29 Thread Bhaskara Srihari (RBIN/BCS3) *
Hello Prasanth,
Thanks for the reply. 
I am a little confused since I have list in hand rather than a table!

Do you mean I should rather use a table instead of a list and use these APIs?
Can I use the APIs designated to tables for lists also?

Please clarify.

Thanks and Regards,

-Original Message-
From: Prashant Jha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 11:16 AM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: Re: How to wrap lines for list items?

I have a list with some of the items which does not
 fit in one line. So, I want to show them as wrapped
 in multiple lines.
You will first need to set the height of the row with
TblSetRowHeight and then in your drawing function
TblSetItemStyle, use customTableItem or
tallCustomTableItem depending upon your requirement.
Hope that helps.

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Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software

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RE: How to wrap lines for list items?

2003-08-29 Thread Bhaskara Srihari (RBIN/BCS3) *
Yes, I am using a list control.

-Original Message-
From: Damir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 11:25 AM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: Re: How to wrap lines for list items?

Hi, Sri.
Do you use List Control?

BSRB Hello,
BSRB I have a list with some of the items which does not fit
BSRB in one line. So, I want to show them as wrapped in multiple
BSRB lines.
BSRB Can anybody help me how to do this?

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RE: How to wrap lines for list items?

2003-08-29 Thread Prashant Jha
 I am a little confused since I have list in hand
 rather than a table!
 Do you mean I should rather use a table instead of a
 list and use these APIs?
In haste, I assumed that you had a table instead of a
list. Sorry about that. However, if you think, you can
use a table, my solution will work.

 Can I use the APIs designated to tables for lists
No you cannot do that since list and tables are two
different controls and the implementation is


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Re: How to wrap lines for list items?

2003-08-29 Thread L.M. Fridael
AFAIK, it's not possible to draw list items of variable height(which is what
your question boils down to).

You could implement your list as a gadget. This gives you the most
flexibility in how items are displayed. Creating a gadget is more work,
though, because you have to implement the drawing and event handling


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Anybody knows of an open source ARM assembler?

2003-08-29 Thread Frank Schaeckermann
Hi everybody!

Since I have finished my work on Pila Version 2.0 and uploaded it to the 
 net (see tools-forum) I am now looking into adding ARM support to it!

Does anybody know of an open source ARM assembler I could use as a 
starting point?

Thanks in advance, Frank

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Show/Hide Scroll Bar problem

2003-08-29 Thread Boris Epshteyn

I have a relatively simple table where all cell are custom drawn.
Sometimes the number of records to display is minimal -- so no need
for ScrollBar. Therefore, in resource editor, I set Usable for scroll
bar to false. When my init procedure detects that there are more
records that table can display at a time, I am trying to set scroll
bar visible. However it never happens. There code I am using is:

if (numOfPrograms  numRows)
  ScrollBarType *verBar = (ScrollBarType *) FrmGetObjectPtr(form, 
FrmGetObjectIndex(form, sclSummary));
  TblHasScrollBar(table, true);
  CtlSetUsable(FrmGetObjectPtr(form, FrmGetObjectIndex(form, sclSummary)), true);
  SclSetScrollBar(verBar, 1, 0, numOfPrograms - numRows - 1,  numRows - 1);
elseTblHasScrollBar(table, false);

Basically the task is to show/hide(enable/disable) scroll bar at will.
I would appreciate any ideas and comments.

Best regards,
 Boris  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Anybody knows of an open source ARM assembler?

2003-08-29 Thread Frank Schaeckermann
On second thought... this may probably better be asked in the pno-forum!
Sorry for the noise! *red face*
Frank Schaeckermann wrote:
Hi everybody!

Since I have finished my work on Pila Version 2.0 and uploaded it to the 
 net (see tools-forum) I am now looking into adding ARM support to it!

Does anybody know of an open source ARM assembler I could use as a 
starting point?

Thanks in advance, Frank

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Re: Show/Hide Scroll Bar problem

2003-08-29 Thread Damir
Hi, Boris.

Set Usable in resource, and MinVal, MaxVal to 0;
Calling  SclSetScrollBar() should be enough to make it shown.


BE I have a relatively simple table where all cell are custom drawn.
BE Sometimes the number of records to display is minimal -- so no need
BE for ScrollBar. Therefore, in resource editor, I set Usable for scroll
BE bar to false. When my init procedure detects that there are more
BE records that table can display at a time, I am trying to set scroll
BE bar visible. However it never happens. There code I am using is:

if (numOfPrograms  numRows)
BE {
BE   ScrollBarType *verBar = (ScrollBarType *)
BE FrmGetObjectPtr(form, FrmGetObjectIndex(form, sclSummary));
BE   TblHasScrollBar(table, true);
BE   CtlSetUsable(FrmGetObjectPtr(form, FrmGetObjectIndex(form, sclSummary)), true);
BE   SclSetScrollBar(verBar, 1, 0, numOfPrograms - numRows - 1,  numRows - 1);
BE   SclDrawScrollBar(verBar);
BE }
BE elseTblHasScrollBar(table, false);

BE Basically the task is to show/hide(enable/disable) scroll bar at will.
BE I would appreciate any ideas and comments.

BE -- 
BE Best regards,
BE  Boris  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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frmTitleSelectEvent and menus

2003-08-29 Thread Paul Nevai
Please help...

When did frmTitleSelectEvent start to handle menus? OS 3.3? OS 3.5? /PaulN

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RE: frmUpdateEvent + slow row data access

2003-08-29 Thread Roger Stringer

Subject: frmUpdateEvent + slow row data access (large pdb) = intolerably 
slow screen updates...
From: Gregg Woodcock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 13:00:56 -0500

I would like to do something smarter than just have the entire screen
redrawn every time an udpate needs to happen.  My screen is a table and each
row is an entry into a pdb which has potentially thousands and thousands of
records.  That means to access DmQueryRecord might take over a second for
each row. SNIP
Why so slow?

Are you accessing records by unique ID?   If so, switch over to access them 
by index #.   DmQueryRecord should be very fast ( milliseconds).

Roger Stringer
Marietta Systems, Inc.  (
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Re: frmTitleSelectEvent and menus

2003-08-29 Thread Douglas Handy

When did frmTitleSelectEvent start to handle menus?

OS 3.5


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2003-08-29 Thread T.
Hi group, I've reviewed the many postings on this problem and am using:

 NetSocketLingerType linga;
 linga.onOff = true; //true means on
 linga.time = 0; //seconds.
 result = NetLibSocketOptionSet( netLib
   , socket
   , netSocketOptLevelSocket
   , netSocketOptSockLinger
   , linga
   , sizeof(linga)
   , timeoutTicks
   , err
to force each socket to shut down.  I'm also using a SysTaskDelay(5) to
allow the OS a chance to work, but I continue to rec the
netErrTooManyTCPConnections error after about 16 iterations of a send loop.
Has there been any new insight on this?  I'm using Palm 5, Codewarrior 9,
and the Clie PEG NZ-90.  Thanks for any thoughts.

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Re: How to wrap lines for list items?

2003-08-29 Thread Dave Lippincott
The Palm answer for long entries in a list is to crop the entry and use an
ellipsis to notify the user there is more to the entry.  If you are using a
pop trigger, you can make that larger and when the item is selected, show
the as much of the string as the screen will allow.
Another option is to place a multi-line field below the list and when the
item is selected, show the whole string.

- Original Message - 
From: L.M. Fridael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: palm-dev-forum
To: Palm Developer Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 5:19 AM
Subject: Re: How to wrap lines for list items?

 AFAIK, it's not possible to draw list items of variable height(which is
 your question boils down to).

 You could implement your list as a gadget. This gives you the most
 flexibility in how items are displayed. Creating a gadget is more work,
 though, because you have to implement the drawing and event handling


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please see

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Re: MapTap API broken in 2.1

2003-08-29 Thread Brian Smith
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Hal Mueller wrote:

 I think the mail problem is fixed too (RIP osirusoft), since I did
 receive your note to dev-forum.

Doesn't look like it's osirusoft... it's  Looks like people are
testing open relays that are Road Runner customers in my area.  The way
that blacklist works, if they receive an email through a relay with a
specific format, they blacklist the relay it came from.  In this case, the
open relay servers forward through the RR mail server for this region, and
makes for a nice denial of service for the rest of us in the area when
sending to those that blindly follow their blacklist.

Even those guys say that blind following of the list isn't the best way...
I'm using SpamAssassin myself, which they recommend.  I'm sending an email
to them now to try and remedy this.

Brian Smith // avalon73 at arthurian dot nu //
Software Developer  //  Gamer  //   Webmaster  //  System Administrator
Be nice to other people.  They outnumber you 6 billion to one.

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Re: netErrTooManyTCPConnections

2003-08-29 Thread Palm Dev Forum
You still have to close the socket after setting this parameter.   We set
the linger flag first when setting up the socket, then do the necessary
operations, then close the socket.   We can open 1 socket at a time as fast
as cpu will take it.  We've never tested multiple sockets open - we don't
need that feature.

If you are, you should post the whole socket operations, as this should work

Gary Gorsline
Easy Business Software
== End of Message ==

- Original Message - 
Newsgroups: palm-dev-forum
To: Palm Developer Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 9:21 AM
Subject: netErrTooManyTCPConnections

 Hi group, I've reviewed the many postings on this problem and am using:

  NetSocketLingerType linga;
  linga.onOff = true; //true means on
  linga.time = 0; //seconds.
  result = NetLibSocketOptionSet( netLib
, socket
, netSocketOptLevelSocket
, netSocketOptSockLinger
, linga
, sizeof(linga)
, timeoutTicks
, err
 to force each socket to shut down.  I'm also using a SysTaskDelay(5) to
 allow the OS a chance to work, but I continue to rec the
 netErrTooManyTCPConnections error after about 16 iterations of a send
 Has there been any new insight on this?  I'm using Palm 5, Codewarrior 9,
 and the Clie PEG NZ-90.  Thanks for any thoughts.

 For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe,
please see

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Re: Network Connection

2003-08-29 Thread Palm Dev Forum
Aaron - right you are - now I remember I was looking for VISOR specific.  I
believe you told me that when I asked.

Gary Gorsline  1-888-E-CLAIM-1 or 1-813-968-1616
Easy Business SoftwareFax 1-813-968-7153
5279 Ehrlich Road
Tampa, Florida  33624 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
== End of Message ==

- Original Message - 
From: Aaron Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: palm-dev-forum
To: Palm Developer Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 9:43 PM
Subject: Re: Network Connection

 There's another software named Softick PPP which supports connecting via
 cradle. But I don't know if it supports VISOR or no.

 Just for your reference

 Palm Dev Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED] ???
 news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ???...
  If you mean with a VISOR, then forget it.  Check the archives.  Mocha
  the only solution, but no USB support is available from the Mocha PPP
  Gary Gorsline
  Easy Business Software
  == End of Message ==
  - Original Message - 
  From: Pablo Montilla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Newsgroups: palm-dev-forum
  To: Palm Developer Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 8:08 PM
  Subject: Network Connection
  Hash: SHA1
  Hello, Is there a way to connect to the network trough a USB cradle?
  Thanks in advance,
  - -- 
  WAR, n.  A by-product of the arts of peace.  The most menacing
  political condition is a period of international amity.  The student
  of history who has not been taught to expect the unexpected may
  boast himself inaccessible to the light.  In time of peace prepare
  for war has a deeper meaning than is commonly discerned; it means,
  not merely that all things earthly have an end -- that change is the
  one immutable and eternal law -- but that the soil of peace is
  sown with the seeds of war and singularly suited to their germination
  and growth.  It was when Kubla Khan had decreed his stately pleasure
  dome -- when, that is to say, there were peace and fat feasting in
  Xanadu -- that he
  heard from afar
  Ancestral voices prophesying war.
  One of the greatest of poets, Coleridge was one of the wisest of
  men, and it was not for nothing that he read us this parable.  Let us
  have a little less of hands across the sea, and a little more of
  that elemental distrust that is the security of nations.  War loves
  come like a thief in the night; professions of eternal amity provide
  the night.
   -- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
  Version: PGP 8.0.2
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  please see

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2003-08-29 Thread Ian Mantripp
on Thu, Aug 28, 2003, kcorey wrote:

Has anyone else noticed the falch web site seems to be having



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Re: netErrTooManyTCPConnections

2003-08-29 Thread T.
Thanks for the reply, I do a shutdown and then a close on the socket at the
bottom of this routine.  This method is called in a loop that is reading
from a database..

Thanks again

static Err Upload(Char buf[], Char fileName[])
   Err err;
   UInt16 netLib;
   UInt16 ifErrs;
   NetSocketRef socket;
   Int16 result;
   NetSocketAddrINType destAddr;
   Char errMessage[100];
   FileRef fileRef=NULL;
   UInt32 numBytesRead=0;
   NetLibAddressType address;

   // Find the network library
   err = SysLibFind(Net.lib, netLib);
   if (err)
 return err;

   // Get and validate the destination
   if (!GetAddr(netLib, address.addr, address.port)) {
   FrmCustomAlert(ErrorMessageAlert,Failed to validate destination
  return 1;

   // Open the network library
   err = NetLibOpen(netLib, ifErrs);
   if (ifErrs || (err  err != netErrAlreadyOpen))
goto CloseNetLib;

   UInt16 timeoutTicks = SysTicksPerSecond()*360;

   // Open a socket
   socket = NetLibSocketOpen(netLib,// Network library
 netSocketAddrINET,   // Address domain
 netSocketTypeStream, // Socket type
 netSocketProtoIPTCP, // Protocol
 timeoutTicks, // Timeout
 err   // Error result
   if (err)
goto CloseNetLib;

 NetSocketLingerType linga;
 linga.onOff = true; //true means on
 linga.time = 0; //seconds.
 result = ::NetLibSocketOptionSet( netLib
   , socket
   , netSocketOptLevelSocket
   , netSocketOptSockLinger
   , linga
   , sizeof(linga)
   , timeoutTicks
   , err

   if (err)
goto CloseSocket;

   // Connect the socket to its destination
   MemSet(destAddr, sizeof(destAddr), 0); = netSocketAddrINET; // This should match the second
argument to NetLibSocketOpen
   destAddr.port = address.port;
   destAddr.addr = address.addr;
   err = 0;
   result = NetLibSocketConnect(netLib,  // Network library
socket,// Socket
(NetSocketAddrType*)destAddr, //
Destination address
sizeof(destAddr),  // Length of
err // Error result

   // Send customer data

   UInt16 sentBytes = 0;
   UInt16 bytesToSend = 0;

   result = 0;

   bytesToSend = gCustDataLen+1;

   while (sentBytes  bytesToSend) {
  result = NetLibSend (netLib,   // Network library
   socket, // Socket reference
   buf + sentBytes,// Buffer to send
  - sentBytes, // Bytes to send from buffer
   0,  // Flags
   NULL,   // Destination address -- 
does not apply to TCP sockets
   0,  // Length of destination
   timeoutTicks, // Timeout
   err  // Error result
  if (result == -1) {

  sentBytes += result;

   if (err)
 goto CloseSocket;

 Err closeError;

 // Close the socket

  result = NetLibSocketShutdown (netLib,
  closeError) ;

 if (!err  closeError)
   StrPrintF(errMessage,Problem shutting down socket. Error:
   return closeError;
  result = NetLibSocketClose (netLib, // Network Library
socket,   // Socket reference
-1,   // Timeout
closeError// Error result

  if (!err  closeError)
   StrPrintF(errMessage,Problem closing socket. Error: %d,closeError);
   return closeError;

   SysTaskDelay(5 * SysTicksPerSecond());

 // Close the network library
  closeError = NetLibClose(netLib, false);

  if (!err  closeError)
   StrPrintF(errMessage,Problem closing network library. Error:
   return closeError;

  return err;

Palm Dev Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 You still have to close the socket after setting this parameter.   We set
 the linger flag first when setting up the socket, then do the necessary

Re: How to wrap lines for list items?

2003-08-29 Thread Mike Margerum
Draw the list yourself using a gadget
WinDrawChars, FldCalcFieldHeight and FntWordWrap are your friends.
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Re: How to wrap lines for list items?

2003-08-29 Thread Mike Margerum
Also, if you only need to support OS 4.0 or greater you can use the 
tallCustomTableItem Table item type

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RE: Please Wait

2003-08-29 Thread LionScribe
I cannot make head or toes of your code. What I can advise is that most
probably the other FrmGotoForm() is called immediately after the first one
(the function does not stop when you call FrmGotoForm(), so you do not see
the first form.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Marianne
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 2:16 AM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: Please Wait


I want to add the  Please Wait   that appears when application delete menu
option is selected..
What I did was , I created a form of width 70 and height 20 and left origin
40, top origin 80...
Put a label of Please Wait..
And i called FrmGotoForm(PleaseWaitForm) in UIPalmMain() which is called in
 Shown below is in UIPalmMain() :

case sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch:

 if( CheckPalmOff() )   //check if the sensor has given keyboard off or
palm off events

error = AppStart();

if (error == ErrCommError )
 { // if error in AppStart ,  don't launch the UI  return .
  DriverStop() ;
 return error;

 // start application by opening the main form
 // and then entering the main event loop



And I have handles frmLoad event and frmOpent Event properly..
But I can't see the form when I click my UI icon..

Can anyone help me out

Thanks in advance


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2003-08-29 Thread Dave Lasker
I couldn't reach it earlier this week, but it appears to be up now.

kcorey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Has anyone else noticed the falch web site seems to be having


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PDBC and AppInfo block

2003-08-29 Thread David Martin

I am using PDBC and want to include categories. I am getting 15
categories no matter how many (or few) I specify:
(omitted header stuff)
(records after that)

the result is I get a category list beginning with All, then several
blank rows, then finally the categories I specified.

what am I doing wrong?


David M

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Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software

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HostFPrintF isn't working

2003-08-29 Thread someog
I'm seeing major problems with the newest emulator, v3.5, which I wasn't seeing
with whatever version of the emulator I had before.  I think it was 3.1.  Some
very simple code snippets can illustrate the problems.


short nLen = 32;
HostFPrintF(HostLogFile(), %d, nLen);

This prints 0 to the logfile.  Similarly,

short nLen = 32;
char tmp[200];
StrPrintF(tmp, %d, nLen)

...puts 0 in tmp.  Why isn't the short being correctly formatted?  Using a
format specifier of %hd doesn't help.


This code crashes the emulator.  Why?  The previous version didn't crash.

char tmp[200];
StrPrintF(tmp, %d %s, 18, BOO);

The equivalent construct using HostFPrintF(HostLogFile()) also crashes.

Anyone know of a decent workaround?


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Re: HotSync software

2003-08-29 Thread M Wasson
That doesn't answer my question.

Can HotSync Manager be distributed and installed by itself?  Apart from Palm

Viren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Bare min , you will need HoSynch Mgr of Palm on PC. To do other data
 transfer, write it on ur own over serial link if u dont wanna have

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Re: HotSync software

2003-08-29 Thread Dave Lippincott
Not that I know of anymore.  There was a version that you could just install
Hotsync and not the desktop but they have been rolled into the same install
for quite some time.  As some point a customer of mine attempted to get a
license to just install the Hotsync app and got turned down.

- Original Message - 
Newsgroups: palm-dev-forum
To: Palm Developer Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: HotSync software

 That doesn't answer my question.

 Can HotSync Manager be distributed and installed by itself?  Apart from

 Viren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Bare min , you will need HoSynch Mgr of Palm on PC. To do other data
  transfer, write it on ur own over serial link if u dont wanna have

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please see

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