C++ standard template library

2004-02-10 Thread Micah Wylde
Does anyone know how to get the strings class in the standard template
library to work in codewarrior?

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Re: Not able to delete program database....

2004-02-10 Thread Horst Borscht

"Caspar Heiden, vd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im
Newsbeitrag news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hey all,
> I've got an app that runs off SD. Of course, runs off SD means it's copied
to RAM, runs and then gets deleted from RAM by the OS. It's possible that,
when the > app crashes or the user resets the device, the copy of the APP in
RAM will not be deleted. This can be problematic with future updates of the
app that will also > be released on SD.
> So, I made a launcher app that checks wether a copy of the app is
currently in RAM and if it is, deletes it. At least tries to delete it
because I get an error as soon > as DmDeleteDatabase is called:
> Does anybody know why this happens? And better yet, what can be done about
> Thank you, regards,
> Caspar

Hi Caspar,

with my project I ran into the same trouble. I craeted a "Killer.prc" that
deletes a copy of my "Main.prc" in RAM. The main routine is:

static UInt32 OJKPalmMain(
UInt16 cmd,
MemPtr /*cmdPBP*/,
UInt16 launchFlags)
 Boolean newSearch = true;
 Err err;
 UInt16 cardNo;
 LocalID dbID;
 DmSearchStateType stateInfo;

switch (cmd)
 case sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch:
   do {
err = DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator(newSearch, &stateInfo,
sysFileTApplication, 'ABCD', false, &cardNo, &dbID);
newSearch = false;
if (!err)
 err = DmDeleteDatabase(cardNo, dbID);
   } while (!err);

return errNone;

The above prc resides as the "start.prc" on my MMC. So, when the user
inserts the MMC to update my prc, a copy in RAM will be deleted

Have you taken into consideration, that you need two programs? A "Main.prc"
and a "Kiler.prc"? If you try to delete the RAM-copy of your "Main.prc" from
within your "Main.prc" itself, it won't work.

To make sure, that the user won't be able to start the RAM-copy of my
"Main.prc" (that may accidentially reside in RAM), I use this in the AppMain
of my "Main.prc":
  case sysAppLaunchCmdCardLaunch:
   cardTypeP = (SysAppLaunchCmdCardType *) cmdPBP;
   cardTypeP->startFlags  |= sysAppLaunchStartFlagNoUISwitch;
   FtrSet(cAppFileCreator, cFeatureNumVolRef, cardTypeP->volRefNum);
   FtrSet(cAppFileCreator, cFeatureMMCLnchRef, 1); //Set flag "card launch"

  case sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch:
   err = FtrGet(cAppFileCreator, cFeatureMMCLnchRef, &theFeature);
   if (!err && theFeature) {
FtrSet(cAppFileCreator, cFeatureMMCLnchRef, 0); //Unset flag "card
launch" and launch prc
err = FtrGet(cAppFileCreator, cFeatureNumVolRef, &theFeature);
if (!err) {
 if (!(err = AppStart())) {
   else {
FrmAlert(RAMlaunchAlert); //User tried to start RAM-copy of prc, show
error message

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Re: [ANN] Another free JPEG library for Palm OS (revised)

2004-02-10 Thread Laurens

"Regis St-Gelais" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> jcpalm 1.0 is a Jpeg Compression shared library for Palm OS
> based on the IJG code.

Thanks a lot for your work. I'm impressed by the thorough documentation
(always a good sign). Any chance of creating an Armlet out of this to
improve performance? I don't have the time to try it out right now, could
you give an indication of *decompression* performance?


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DataManager Error

2004-02-10 Thread Bryan Troutman
Running my app on any emulator/simulator.

It's always successful on the first run and alway fails on the second.  I'm
getting the following error.

datamgr.c, Line:3324, DmDatabaseProtect tried to deprotect unprotected

My question is, should I be setting the protect on the database prior to
exiting the app?  I'm currently not setting that in code, which makes me
curious as to why I'm getting this message.


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fail to call telephone manager api

2004-02-10 Thread dwj
I¡¯m now developing a telephone manager application, I choose palm os5
simulator as debug tool.

The below is my routine:

1 SysLibLoad(kTelMgrDatabaseType,kTelMgrDatabaseCreator, telRefNumP);

  the returned err=0(successful);

2 err = TelOpen(*telRefNumP, kTelMgrVersion, telAppIdP);

  the returned err=0(successful);

3 err = TelIsPhbAddEntrySupported(telRefNum,telAppId,NULL);

t the returned err =0(successful);

4 err = TelPhbAddEntry(telRefNum, telAppId, &entry, NULL) ;

 The returned err =0x2F0C(unsuccessful)

#define  telErrorClass  0x2F00

telErrPhoneComm   (telErrorClass | 0x0C)the communication link with
the phone is down

the two macros defined in TelephonyMgrTypes.h

How to solve the question? Thanks in advance.

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Re: fail to call telephone manager api

2004-02-10 Thread Horst Borscht

"dwj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> I¡¯m now developing a telephone manager application, I choose palm os5
> simulator as debug tool.
> The below is my routine:
> 1 SysLibLoad(kTelMgrDatabaseType,kTelMgrDatabaseCreator, telRefNumP);
>   the returned err=0(successful);
> 2 err = TelOpen(*telRefNumP, kTelMgrVersion, telAppIdP);
>   the returned err=0(successful);
> 3 err = TelIsPhbAddEntrySupported(telRefNum,telAppId,NULL);
> t the returned err =0(successful);
> 4 err = TelPhbAddEntry(telRefNum, telAppId, &entry, NULL) ;
>  The returned err =0x2F0C(unsuccessful)
> #define  telErrorClass  0x2F00
> telErrPhoneComm   (telErrorClass | 0x0C)the communication link
> the phone is down
> the two macros defined in TelephonyMgrTypes.h
> How to solve the question? Thanks in advance.

Maybe you have to use VirtualPhone?


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read record

2004-02-10 Thread John Lai
Hi, I have a DB storing student's ID and name. Both are variable-length 
string. Records are written to memory like this:
12\x00Amy Chan\x00
3456789\x00Ben Yau\x00

Provided the student ID, I want to get his name. The following function gets 
fatal error at MemHandleLock(). Please help.

Err GetStudentName(DmOpenRef dbP, Char *stdID, Char *stdName)
Err err = errNone;
Int16 numRecords;
Int16 index;
Boolean found = false;
char *text;
	numRecords = DmNumRecords(dbP);

if (numRecords > 0)
for (index=0; index
if (recordH)
text = (char *) MemHandleLock(recordH); // fatal alert 
here, free handle
if (text!= NULL && StrCompare(text, stdID) == 0)
text += StrLen(text) + 1; // get student name
found = true;
StrCopy(stdName, text);
return err;
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port to WinCE

2004-02-10 Thread George VS
Hi group,

Is there any lib or recomendations on porting Palm app to WinCE with focus
on reusing much of the code.
I managed to implement parts of Palm APIs under WinCE.
Any ideas?


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Re: port to WinCE

2004-02-10 Thread Markus Dresch


"George VS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi group,
> Is there any lib or recomendations on porting Palm app to WinCE with focus
> on reusing much of the code.
> I managed to implement parts of Palm APIs under WinCE.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,

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Re: [ANN] Another free JPEG library for Palm OS (revised)

2004-02-10 Thread alexandre rousseau
"Regis St-Gelais" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> jcpalm 1.0 is a Jpeg Compression shared library for Palm OS
> based on the IJG code.
> It was ported to Palm OS by IDEO, TRG & Harold Howe in 2000
> I made some minor corrections in it
> (with the permission of Harold Howe) and rebuild it to jcpalm 1.1
> The new version can be downloaded from our web site.

Thanks, Regis. Much appreciated.


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Re: [ANN] Another free JPEG library for Palm OS (revised)

2004-02-10 Thread Regis St-Gelais
"David A. Desrosiers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message de
> > jcpalm 1.1 Jpeg Compression shared library for Palm OS (source and
> > http://www.laubrass.com/doc/PUB/JPEG/jcpalm_lib_1.1.zip
> AIE! Please don't release changed code with the same version
> numbering on it as the last version (unless you can guarantee that nobody
> downloaded the previous .zip files you posted links to earlier, with the
> same version numbers).
> I'd recommend incrementing jcpalm to 1.2 and jdpalm to 1.1, and
> make another release.

Hi David,

I usualy keep a tight revsion control with my comercial products.
This porting project was kind of a hobby project and I just whanted to make
others gain from what I've learned.
This is the first time I publish free code and I hope you understand that I
can make mistakes.
I will increment my version as soon as possible and make a new release as
you suggested.

I will try to keep the old links alive by replacing the old zip files by
dummy zip files with simply a text file contaning the link for the new

Thanks you for your suggestions and also for your patience.

Regis St-Gelais

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Re: read record

2004-02-10 Thread Laurens

"John Lai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Provided the student ID, I want to get his name. The following function
> fatal error at MemHandleLock(). Please help.
> numRecords = DmNumRecords(dbP);

Use this instead:

numRecords = DmNumRecordsInCategory(dmAllCategories);

DmNumRecords also counts deleted records, causing your loop to query deleted
records. I didn't examine the rest of your code in detail, but this might
very well be the cause of your problem. At any rate, you should not use
DmNumRecords in this case.


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Re: [ANN] Another free JPEG library for Palm OS (revised)

2004-02-10 Thread Regis St-Gelais

"Laurens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message de

> Thanks a lot for your work. I'm impressed by the thorough documentation
> (always a good sign). Any chance of creating an Armlet out of this to
> improve performance? I don't have the time to try it out right now, could
> you give an indication of *decompression* performance?

Hi Laurens,
Thank you for your comentary. I was starting to think that no one was
interested in it.

I did not make any real performance tests.
I can only tell you that decompression apear to be at least 2 times faster
than the compression (with a quality of 75)

I do not plan to create an Armlet for this as the actual performances are
greatly enough for my application.

Regis St-Gelais

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What does this Link error means?

2004-02-10 Thread Alexandre Luz Barreto
Link Error: _RuntimeModule_: ´PDZDescompInstall´ referenced from 
'__DummyStartup__' is undefined

I´m trying to make a Shared library..


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SysGetTrapAddress(sysTrapWinSetForeColorRGB) on some OS 3.5.3 devices

2004-02-10 Thread Henk Jonas
Hi all,

haven't read news for a while, I don't know if this topic was discussed 
I had an issue with 3 users regarding a crash in one of my apps 
(FlugLotse). I found after some digging, that the call 
SysGetTrapAddress(sysTrapWinSetForeColorRGB) does not report 
SysGetTrapAddress(sysTrapSysUnimplemented) but something else, 
(0xffef) it was for one of them. The code snippet I use is directly 
copied from the Handspring Visor API docs:

5.2.1 Determing if 16 bit Color APIs are present

it suggests to compare SysGetTrapAddress(sysTrapWinSetForeColorRGB) with 
SysGetTrapAddress(sysTrapSysUnimplemented) to decide if direct color API 
is available. But as it seems it fails on some Palm devices. But only 
until the next hard reset. Maybe some other application does overwrite 
something there? Can it be possible at all? Anyone has any thoughts about?

Henk Jonas
Palm OS ® certified developer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  www.metaviewsoft.de/palmos
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Re: port to WinCE

2004-02-10 Thread Manoel Teixeira
  I've ported all the memory and datamgr api's from palm to wince.

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 12:01:54 +0100, "Markus Dresch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

> De: "Markus Dresch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Data: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 12:01:54 +0100
> Para: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Assunto: Re: port to WinCE
> http://www.palmside.com/dal.htm
> http://www.mobilewizardry.com/multi-platform/index.php
> "George VS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> > Hi group,
> >
> > Is there any lib or recomendations on porting Palm app to WinCE with focus
> > on reusing much of the code.
> > I managed to implement parts of Palm APIs under WinCE.
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see 
> http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

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Re: endian formats with fixed point math

2004-02-10 Thread Robert Scott
On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 00:38:38 -0600, "desa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I have some code that uses fixed point math in 22.10 representation.  So I
>do a lot of bit shifting like this.
>int Number = 300 << 10;
>This doesn't work on a Palm though, because it uses Big Endian byte order.
>I had read that you need to swap the bytes before you perform the bit shift
>and then swap them back.  Is this correct?  If so, what's the best way to do

No, you should not have to swap bytes, as long as your fixed point
math does not make any assumptions about byte order.  It it is written
in C and does not use any casts, like (char*)(&int32value), then it
should word regardless of the endian format.

Robert Scott, Ypsilanti, MI
(reply through this forum, not by e-mailing me directly)

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[ANN] free JPEG library for Palm OS (Last annonce I hope)

2004-02-10 Thread Regis St-Gelais
I hope this is my last annoncement (I begin to feel like a spammer).

I've incremented the version numbers of both libraries.
It was necessary to make some correction in the text files to
comply with the IJG licencing.
If you donloaded the previous version please discard it and
download the new version.

(The old links are still working but they just gives you a small zip file
containing the new links)

jcpalm 1.0 is a Jpeg Compression shared library for Palm OS
based on the IJG code.
It was ported to Palm OS by IDEO, TRG & Harold Howe in 2000
I made some minor corrections in it and, with the permission
of Harold Howe, I rebuild it to jcpalm 1.2
The new version can be downloaded from our web site.

jcpalm 1.2 Jpeg Compression shared library for Palm OS (source and code):

Harold Howe's original version of jcpalm can be downloaded from the
eyemodule web site:

jdpalm 1.1 is a Jpeg Decompression shared library for Palm OS
also based on the IJG code.
Harold Howe started to port it to Palm OS but never finished it.
With his permission, I have completed the porting.
It can also be downloaded from our web site.

jdpalm 1.1 Jpeg Decompression shared library for Palm OS (source and code):

You can use those libraries freely provided that you
follow the licencing terms.
See jcpalm.txt and jdpalm.txt

The bigger difference with jcpalm implementation is that you can compress
the image as you get it from the image source (zire 71 camera in my case).
You just feed the data line by line to the compressor. That way you
don't have to store the full uncompressed image
(about 1 meg for a 640x480 picture).
A callback gives you the compressed image by chucks of around 16K.

It is the same principle for the decompression phase(jdpalm). A callback
you the decompressed image by chucks of around 16K. You can display it,
store it or transmit it as you receive the decompressed image without
having to store the full decompressed image.

Anyway, if you like it, use it. If you don't... well don't use it.
I hope you will like it :)

If you find any bug or error, please let me know so that I can make changes
and update the library.

I would also appreciate your comments.

As stated in the license, it is an "AS IS" library.
Laubrass and I do not offer any support nor guarantees.
Usage is at your own risk and responsability.

Best regards

Regis St-Gelais

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2004-02-10 Thread LionScribe
What is the optimal minimum amount to send at a time when beaming data, and
does it make a big difference (loss) by sending little data at a time.

begin 666 Arye Schreiber.vcf
M0D5'24XZ5D-!4D0-"E9%4E-)3TXZ,BXQ#0I..E-C:')E:6)E[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

Re: read record

2004-02-10 Thread John Lai
I checked, DmNumRecords() do works fine in my app.

DmQueryRecord() also return a valid handle.

The problem is I don't know how to read the MemPtr returned by 

I tried to cast MemPtr to Char*. Then, I think, text should be point at 
"12". After increment text with StrLen(text)+1, text now should point at 
"Amy Chan".

But free handle occurs for MeMHandleLock().

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Re: port to WinCE

2004-02-10 Thread Richard Coutts
> http://www.palmside.com/dal.htm
> http://www.mobilewizardry.com/multi-platform/index.php

These abstractions are a great idea, but I wonder about to the memory and
performance overhead they introduce, and whether the effort they save by
having a single code base is offset by implementation issues.  I'd be very
interested in hearing from users of either of these systems.


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Re: port to WinCE

2004-02-10 Thread Aaron Ardiri
> > http://www.palmside.com/dal.htm
> > http://www.mobilewizardry.com/multi-platform/index.php
> These abstractions are a great idea, but I wonder about to the memory and
> performance overhead they introduce, and whether the effort they save by
> having a single code base is offset by implementation issues.  I'd be very
> interested in hearing from users of either of these systems.

we've had absolutely no performance issues - if you are at palmsource, 
why not chase us down and we can show you demo's of things running that
surely should be native (atari 2600 emulator is good example) :P

Aaron Ardiri
PalmOS Certified Developer

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Re: C++ standard template library

2004-02-10 Thread Greg Lutz
At 11:30 PM 2/9/2004, Micah Wylde wrote:
Does anyone know how to get the strings class in the standard template
library to work in codewarrior?


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Re: port to WinCE

2004-02-10 Thread Manoel Teixeira

  I've done it  (MemoryMgr and DataMgr) and it runs quicker in wince the in palm/OS.

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 17:11:48 +0100, "Aaron Ardiri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

> De: "Aaron Ardiri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Data: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 17:11:48 +0100
> Para: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Assunto: Re: port to WinCE
> > > http://www.palmside.com/dal.htm
> > > http://www.mobilewizardry.com/multi-platform/index.php
> > 
> > These abstractions are a great idea, but I wonder about to the memory and
> > performance overhead they introduce, and whether the effort they save by
> > having a single code base is offset by implementation issues.  I'd be very
> > interested in hearing from users of either of these systems.
> we've had absolutely no performance issues - if you are at palmsource, 
> why not chase us down and we can show you demo's of things running that
> surely should be native (atari 2600 emulator is good example) :P
> ---
> Aaron Ardiri
> PalmOS Certified Developer
> http://www.mobilewizardry.com/members/aaron_ardiri.php
> -- 
> For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see 
> http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

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Generic error

2004-02-10 Thread Teresa smith
i've just opened up a new project in codewarrior r8 to
create a palm application but i keep getting this
dialog box error, saying "generic error 32770, unknown
error has occured" is there any way i can prevent it
popping up all the time... 


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FrmGetObjectPtr compliation error

2004-02-10 Thread George

I'm using an older version of Code Warrior (7.0) to compile the following
code and got some compliation errors.  Since I'm new to Palm Programming, I
don't know what I did wrong.  This code is from the Palm OS Programming
Bible sample code "hello".  I compare that code to some other sample codes,
they all use simliar syntax in FrmGetObjectPtr.

Could you give me some advice on what to do to resolve this error?

Thanks in advance,


static void SaySomething(UInt16 alertID)
FormType   *form = FrmGetActiveForm();
FieldType  *field;
MemHandle  h;

field = FrmGetObjectPtr(form, FrmGetObjectIndex(form,

if (FldGetTextLength(field) > 0)
h = FldGetTextHandle(field);

if (h)
{Char  *s;

 s = MemHandleLock((void *)h);

 FrmCustomAlert(alertID, s, NULL, NULL);
 MemHandleUnlock((void *)h);
 FrmCustomAlert(alertID, "whoever you are", NULL,


Error messages I got from Code Warrior:

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'FieldType *'
hello5.cpp line 43   MainNameField));

Error   : function call 'MemHandleLock(void *)' does not match
'MemHandleLock(_opaque *)'
hello5.cpp line 52s = MemHandleLock((void *)h);

Error   : function call 'MemHandleUnlock(void *)' does not match
'MemHandleUnlock(_opaque *)'
hello5.cpp line 55MemHandleUnlock((void *)h);

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'FieldType *'
hello5.cpp line 76   FrmGetObjectIndex(form, MainNameField));

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RE: C++ standard template library

2004-02-10 Thread Ben Combee
Which version?  In V9, just create a project with the C/C++ wizard and turn on the MSL 
switvch, then #include , then use std::string.

-Original Message-
From:  Micah Wylde
Date:  2/9/04 11:31 pm
To:  Palm Developer Forum
Subj:  C++ standard template library

Does anyone know how to get the strings class in the standard template
library to work in codewarrior?

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RE: What does this Link error means?

2004-02-10 Thread Ben Combee
That is the entry point for your shared library.  See the Pallm OS Target panel, and 
change the name to match your shared lib's install routine.

-Original Message-
From:  Alexandre Luz Barreto
Date:  2/10/04 5:47 am
To:  Palm Developer Forum
Subj:  What does this Link error means?

Link Error: _RuntimeModule_: ´PDZDescompInstall´ referenced from
'__DummyStartup__' is undefined

I´m trying to make a Shared library..


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Re: endian formats with fixed point math

2004-02-10 Thread desa
But, if that were the case why does, 300 << 10, on a PC equal 307200, the
correct answer, and on my Tungsten T3 I get -2048?

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3D Buttons - One more time

2004-02-10 Thread Mike Davis
I must not be explaining my problem correctly.  I keep getting replies 
telling me this is in the PILRC docs.  But what I'm after isn't covered in 
those docs.   Syntax and such is covered just fine but that's not what I'm 
asking about.

I'm having problem creating 3D buttons that don't have banding.

I have explained this here, since it has an embedded image that I 
wanted to show as an example.


Everytime I try to create a 3D image using PSP and reduce it to 8 bits, I 
get banding.  I know the cause, but not the solution to fix this.  I can only 
do 3D buttons in PSP using 24 bit mode.  My images have far fewer 
than 256 colors.

I'd like hearing from those that create these high resolution 3D buttons 
that can explain the process.


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RE: Generic error

2004-02-10 Thread Ben Combee
This is an IDE problem that occurs occasionally.  The error number isn't important -- 
it just means "crash".  Try removing the Metrowerks folder from your My Documents 
folder to clear out the IDE prefs.

-Original Message-
From:  Teresa smith
Date:  2/10/04 8:41 am
To:  Palm Developer Forum
Subj:  Generic error

i've just opened up a new project in codewarrior r8 to
create a palm application but i keep getting this
dialog box error, saying "generic error 32770, unknown
error has occured" is there any way i can prevent it
popping up all the time...


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Re: endian formats with fixed point math

2004-02-10 Thread Ben Combee
Because you didn't write 300L << 10.  300 by itself is a 16-bit integer.

-Original Message-
From:  desa
Date:  2/10/04 9:47 am
To:  Palm Developer Forum
Subj:  Re: endian formats with fixed point math

But, if that were the case why does, 300 << 10, on a PC equal 307200, the
correct answer, and on my Tungsten T3 I get -2048?

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Re: FrmGetObjectPtr compliation error

2004-02-10 Thread Henk Jonas
Hi George,

I don't use CodeWarrior, so I don't know how to do it, but you should 
really made the compiler a bit more relaxed. All the errors are no 
errors at all, they could be called warnings but nothing more. The code 
will be syntactical correct. You can avoid the error (if you can not 
make the compiler more relaxed) doing some casting like:

field = (FieldType *) FrmGetObjectPtr(form, FrmGetObjectIndex(form, 


George wrote:


I'm using an older version of Code Warrior (7.0) to compile the following
code and got some compliation errors.  Since I'm new to Palm Programming, I
don't know what I did wrong.  This code is from the Palm OS Programming
Bible sample code "hello".  I compare that code to some other sample codes,
they all use simliar syntax in FrmGetObjectPtr.
Could you give me some advice on what to do to resolve this error?

Thanks in advance,


static void SaySomething(UInt16 alertID)
FormType   *form = FrmGetActiveForm();
FieldType  *field;
MemHandle  h;
field = FrmGetObjectPtr(form, FrmGetObjectIndex(form,
if (FldGetTextLength(field) > 0)
h = FldGetTextHandle(field);
if (h)
{Char  *s;
 s = MemHandleLock((void *)h);

 FrmCustomAlert(alertID, s, NULL, NULL);
 MemHandleUnlock((void *)h);
 FrmCustomAlert(alertID, "whoever you are", NULL,

Error messages I got from Code Warrior:

Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'FieldType *'
hello5.cpp line 43   MainNameField));
Error   : function call 'MemHandleLock(void *)' does not match
'MemHandleLock(_opaque *)'
hello5.cpp line 52s = MemHandleLock((void *)h);
Error   : function call 'MemHandleUnlock(void *)' does not match
'MemHandleUnlock(_opaque *)'
hello5.cpp line 55MemHandleUnlock((void *)h);
Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
'FieldType *'
hello5.cpp line 76   FrmGetObjectIndex(form, MainNameField));

Henk Jonas
Palm OS ® certified developer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  www.metaviewsoft.de/palmos
For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see 

Re: 3D Buttons - One more time

2004-02-10 Thread Henk Jonas
Hi Mike,

1. try to convert the picture to grayscale. You will get a nice gray 
gradient in 8 bit. Set a grayscale palette.
2. Use a better programm, which can downsample images from 24-bit to 8 
bit web-palette (or Windows-palette, which I use always) with dithering.
3. Write your own dithering algorithm.
4. Switch to 16-bit mode

Mike Davis wrote:

I must not be explaining my problem correctly.  I keep getting replies 
telling me this is in the PILRC docs.  But what I'm after isn't covered in 
those docs.   Syntax and such is covered just fine but that's not what I'm 
asking about.

I'm having problem creating 3D buttons that don't have banding.

I have explained this here, since it has an embedded image that I 
wanted to show as an example.


Everytime I try to create a 3D image using PSP and reduce it to 8 bits, I 
get banding.  I know the cause, but not the solution to fix this.  I can only 
do 3D buttons in PSP using 24 bit mode.  My images have far fewer 
than 256 colors.

I'd like hearing from those that create these high resolution 3D buttons 
that can explain the process.


Henk Jonas
Palm OS ® certified developer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  www.metaviewsoft.de/palmos
For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see 

Re: FrmGetObjectPtr compliation error

2004-02-10 Thread Ben Combee
Those are errors in C++, but not C.  C++ has stronger type rules relating to void 
pointers.  If it were looser, it would be too easy to mess up pointers to objects.

-Original Message-
From:  Henk Jonas
Date:  2/10/04 10:32 am
To:  Palm Developer Forum
Subj:  Re: FrmGetObjectPtr compliation error

Hi George,

I don't use CodeWarrior, so I don't know how to do it, but you should
really made the compiler a bit more relaxed. All the errors are no
errors at all, they could be called warnings but nothing more. The code
will be syntactical correct. You can avoid the error (if you can not
make the compiler more relaxed) doing some casting like:

field = (FieldType *) FrmGetObjectPtr(form, FrmGetObjectIndex(form,



George wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm using an older version of Code Warrior (7.0) to compile the following
> code and got some compliation errors.  Since I'm new to Palm Programming, I
> don't know what I did wrong.  This code is from the Palm OS Programming
> Bible sample code "hello".  I compare that code to some other sample codes,
> they all use simliar syntax in FrmGetObjectPtr.
> Could you give me some advice on what to do to resolve this error?
> Thanks in advance,
> George.
> static void SaySomething(UInt16 alertID)
> {
> FormType   *form = FrmGetActiveForm();
> FieldType  *field;
> MemHandle  h;
> field = FrmGetObjectPtr(form, FrmGetObjectIndex(form,
> MainNameField));
> if (FldGetTextLength(field) > 0)
> h = FldGetTextHandle(field);
> if (h)
> {Char  *s;
>  s = MemHandleLock((void *)h);
>  FrmCustomAlert(alertID, s, NULL, NULL);
>  MemHandleUnlock((void *)h);
> }
> }
> else
> {
>  FrmCustomAlert(alertID, "whoever you are", NULL,
> }
> }
> Error messages I got from Code Warrior:
> Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
> 'FieldType *'
> hello5.cpp line 43   MainNameField));
> Error   : function call 'MemHandleLock(void *)' does not match
> 'MemHandleLock(_opaque *)'
> hello5.cpp line 52s = MemHandleLock((void *)h);
> Error   : function call 'MemHandleUnlock(void *)' does not match
> 'MemHandleUnlock(_opaque *)'
> hello5.cpp line 55MemHandleUnlock((void *)h);
> Error   : illegal implicit conversion from 'void *' to
> 'FieldType *'
> hello5.cpp line 76   FrmGetObjectIndex(form, MainNameField));

Henk Jonas
Palm OS ® certified developer

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  www.metaviewsoft.de/palmos

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initialisation of memory pointer

2004-02-10 Thread vikram sonawane
   i'm getting an invalid read runtime error for
memmove usage, warning says that the first parameter
passed to memmove is not initialised.
Can n e one plz give me some help on
initialisation of mem ptrs in a simulator


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ExgManager question

2004-02-10 Thread David Vestal
When sending data to another palm with ExgPut, how can I know whether the other palm 
successfully got the data?  With the code below (which is what I'm using), the code 
sends all the bytes with ExgSend, with no errors, even if nothing is receiving the 

Err err;
ExgSocketType socket;
UInt32 bytesSent = 0;
UInt32 totalBytes = DATA_LEN;
UInt8 bytes[DATA_LEN];

// Prepare data 
MemMove(bytes, myData, DATA_LEN);

// Prepare socket
MemSet(&socket, sizeof(ExgSocketType), 0);
socket.name = exgBeamPrefix;
socket.target = appFileCreator;
socket.length = totalBytes;
socket.count = 1;
socket.description = "Autotap custom data lists";

err = ExgPut(&socket);

if(errNone == err)
while(totalBytes > bytesSent && err == errNone)
bytesSent += ExgSend(&socket, &bytes[bytesSent], 
totalBytes - bytesSent, &err);

ExgDisconnect(&socket, err);

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Re: Grimlins

2004-02-10 Thread Teresa smith
Hi, I'm trying to figure out what exactly grimlins do
in the Palm Simulator, i've read numerious articles
but they don't good understanding of grimlins.
would anybody  be able able to tell me what there
function is..


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RE: Grimlins

2004-02-10 Thread Jonathan Mackenzie
Gremlins will test your application by simulating a crazy user that taps, types, and 
generally has a good go at crashing your app by excercising the GUI. You can run a 
single gremlin against a seed number, or multiple ones (known as a horde). The 
significance of the seed number is that it acts as a seed for a pseudo-random number 
generator, in turn this can generate a repeatable stream of user events.

- Jonathan

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Teresa
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 12:44 PM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: Re: Grimlins

Hi, I'm trying to figure out what exactly grimlins do
in the Palm Simulator, i've read numerious articles
but they don't good understanding of grimlins.
would anybody  be able able to tell me what there
function is..


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Silkscreen structure

2004-02-10 Thread Peyman Purparhizkar
Hi All,

I am new in palm development and I appreciate if some body answers the 
following questions:

1 - When I touch the silk screen, just one x, y is returned by penDown 
Event, does this mean that only one sensitive point of silkscreen is touched 
or Palm OS selects one point from several points by using an especial 

2 - If several points are touched by pressing finger on silk Screen, is 
there any way in CodeWarrior for Palm OS V9, to retrieve the X and Y 
locations of all points that have been touched.

3 - Why the FrGet and FrSet functions are wildly used to store and retrieve 
global variables in library functions. Isn’t it possible to simply save this 
values in local static variables like ‘state’ in the following example :

void MyFunc()
static int state = 0;
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Re: endian formats with fixed point math

2004-02-10 Thread desa
It still doesn't work.  I even tried this.
Int32 number = 300;
Int32 shift = 10;
Int32 result = number << shift;

result is equal to -2048, which is the same incorrect answer as before.

I should have mentioned that I'm using PRC-Tools.  Is this an issue with the
compiler?  Did you actually test this out in Codewarrior?

Thanks for your help!

"Ben Combee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Because you didn't write 300L << 10.  300 by itself is a 16-bit integer.

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How do you pause a program for a few milliseconds?

2004-02-10 Thread RVRoadie
In PockeC there is a wait() function. I can't find the CW equivalent in.
This has go to be easy, but I can't find it.


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Re: endian formats with fixed point math

2004-02-10 Thread Ben Combee
How did you view the value of result?  If you used StrPrintF, did you use %ld in the 
format string?  Just using %d will give you the 16-bit value.

-Original Message-
From:  desa
Date:  2/10/04 1:27 pm
To:  Palm Developer Forum
Subj:  Re: endian formats with fixed point math

It still doesn't work.  I even tried this.
Int32 number = 300;
Int32 shift = 10;
Int32 result = number << shift;

result is equal to -2048, which is the same incorrect answer as before.

I should have mentioned that I'm using PRC-Tools.  Is this an issue with the
compiler?  Did you actually test this out in Codewarrior?

Thanks for your help!

"Ben Combee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Because you didn't write 300L << 10.  300 by itself is a 16-bit integer.

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Re: ExgManager question

2004-02-10 Thread palmDev
  > err = ExgPut(&socket);

  if err is none zero then that means the the user aborted or
  the connection can't be made.

  - Original Message -
  From: "David Vestal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 1:29 PM
  Subject: ExgManager question

  > When sending data to another palm with ExgPut, how can I know whether
the other palm successfully got the data?  With the code below (which is
what I'm using), the code sends all the bytes with ExgSend, with no errors,
even if nothing is receiving the data.
  > Err err;
  > ExgSocketType socket;
  > UInt32 bytesSent = 0;
  > UInt32 totalBytes = DATA_LEN;
  > UInt8 bytes[DATA_LEN];
  > // Prepare data
  > MemMove(bytes, myData, DATA_LEN);
  > // Prepare socket
  > MemSet(&socket, sizeof(ExgSocketType), 0);
  > socket.name = exgBeamPrefix;
  > socket.target = appFileCreator;
  > socket.length = totalBytes;
  > socket.count = 1;
  > socket.description = "Autotap custom data lists";
  > err = ExgPut(&socket);
  > if(errNone == err)
  > {
  > while(totalBytes > bytesSent && err == errNone)
  > {
  > bytesSent += ExgSend(&socket, &bytes[bytesSent],
  > totalBytes - bytesSent, &err);
  > }
  > ExgDisconnect(&socket, err);
  > }
  > --
  > For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe,
please see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

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Re: port to WinCE

2004-02-10 Thread Alan Ingleby
The biggest problem I see is the GUI and Syncronisation components.

Have you made any headway into solving these problems?

Are you currently licensing / sharing your current work on the Memory and
Data Manager APIs? :-)

"Manoel Teixeira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>   I've done it  (MemoryMgr and DataMgr) and it runs quicker in wince the
in palm/OS.
>   Manoel
> On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 17:11:48 +0100, "Aaron Ardiri"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:
> > De: "Aaron Ardiri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Data: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 17:11:48 +0100
> > Para: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Assunto: Re: port to WinCE
> >
> > > > http://www.palmside.com/dal.htm
> > > > http://www.mobilewizardry.com/multi-platform/index.php
> > >
> > > These abstractions are a great idea, but I wonder about to the memory
> > > performance overhead they introduce, and whether the effort they save
> > > having a single code base is offset by implementation issues.  I'd be
> > > interested in hearing from users of either of these systems.
> >
> > we've had absolutely no performance issues - if you are at palmsource,
> > why not chase us down and we can show you demo's of things running that
> > surely should be native (atari 2600 emulator is good example) :P
> >
> > ---
> > Aaron Ardiri
> > PalmOS Certified Developer
> > http://www.mobilewizardry.com/members/aaron_ardiri.php
> >
> >
> > -- 
> > For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe,
please see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/
> >
> >
> >

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codewarrior sdk location

2004-02-10 Thread Geoff Callaghan
When I install the SDK, it doesn't find my codewarrior installation. Where
should I put the SDK so CodeWarrior can find it?

Geoff Callaghan
IT Manager
TRAK Engineering

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RE: 3D Buttons - One more time

2004-02-10 Thread Randall Pulsifer
PSP is fine for what you're doing, esp if you have < 256 colors. Just reduce
the image to 256 colors. If you do it while choosing "nearest Match" you'll
see the banding within PSP. This is the same banding that Pilrc will
generate. However, PSP also gives you the option when reducing colors to use
"error diffusion" reduction method which is another name for dithering. So,
choose this in PSP while reducing to 256 colors BEFORE Pilrc gets it's hands
on the file and all will be well. You'll see the dithering if you zoom in in
PSP, but it'll look great on the Palm screen. If you need to dither a 24 bit
image down to 16 bit, you will indeed need another graphics program. But,
I've not used a graphics image (as opposed to a photo image) yet that didn't
look fine in 256 colors when properly dithered.

  > -Original Message-
  > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:bounce-palm-
  > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Davis
  > Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 12:55 PM
  > To: Palm Developer Forum
  > Subject: 3D Buttons - One more time
  > I must not be explaining my problem correctly.  I keep getting replies
  > telling me this is in the PILRC docs.  But what I'm after isn't covered
  > in
  > those docs.   Syntax and such is covered just fine but that's not what
  > I'm
  > asking about.
  > I'm having problem creating 3D buttons that don't have banding.
  > I have explained this here, since it has an embedded image that I
  > wanted to show as an example.
  > http://www.msdsite.com/temp/button.html
  > Everytime I try to create a 3D image using PSP and reduce it to 8 bits,
  > I
  > get banding.  I know the cause, but not the solution to fix this.  I can
  > only
  > do 3D buttons in PSP using 24 bit mode.  My images have far fewer
  > than 256 colors.
  > I'd like hearing from those that create these high resolution 3D buttons
  > that can explain the process.
  > Thanks,
  > --
  > For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe,
  > please see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see 

PilRC Designer and CW 9.2 ( Easy question )

2004-02-10 Thread Muriph, Michael

   I open a CW project that has a .rcp file for a resource. i.e.
  File New project Palm OS C app

   When I double click the .rcp file it opens as text in the right CW pane.
  When I click a .rsrc file in a CW project Construcor opens.

   Is this how it should be working? Is this the desired setup?

  As you can tell I am still getting use to all this!

Thanks Michael

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linker error

2004-02-10 Thread Partha B
HI all,

I always had this "Linker Error: func_xxx referenced
from func_yyy is undefined" in CodeWarrior.

I used to work around this error by including the .c
file directly where I call the function, instead of
including the .h file.

Now I am into serious development of huge apps running
on Palm OS 5.2 using CW 9.0. Can somebody tell this
ignorant person the "right way" of using multiple
source files? I've gone through the archives of this
list, and I somehow dont seem to get a solution to
this problem (using extern "c" directive etc).

Thanks very much.
Note: I m writing my apps in C using CW9.0. I tried
various linkers in the project settings, but didnt help.

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Re: linker error

2004-02-10 Thread Alan Ingleby
I'm sorry, but I get the impression that you're not very familiar with C
programming.  I could be wrong here, so please feel free to correct me.  Get
a good book on C programming fundamentals, and read it.  The problems you
are having don't sound like they're related to PalmOS, or Codewarrior;
they're fundamental C issues.


"Partha B" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> HI all,
> I always had this "Linker Error: func_xxx referenced
> from func_yyy is undefined" in CodeWarrior.
> I used to work around this error by including the .c
> file directly where I call the function, instead of
> including the .h file.
> Now I am into serious development of huge apps running
> on Palm OS 5.2 using CW 9.0. Can somebody tell this
> ignorant person the "right way" of using multiple
> source files? I've gone through the archives of this
> list, and I somehow dont seem to get a solution to
> this problem (using extern "c" directive etc).
> Thanks very much.
> Partha.
> Note: I m writing my apps in C using CW9.0. I tried
> various linkers in the project settings, but didnt help.
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online.
> http://taxes.yahoo.com/filing.html

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RE: linker error

2004-02-10 Thread Ben Combee
First, include the .c files directly in your project, and, second, make sure your 
functions aren't declared as "static".  That limits their visibility to just that file.

-Original Message-
From:  Partha B
Date:  2/10/04 4:22 pm
To:  Palm Developer Forum
Subj:  linker error

HI all,

I always had this "Linker Error: func_xxx referenced
from func_yyy is undefined" in CodeWarrior.

I used to work around this error by including the .c
file directly where I call the function, instead of
including the .h file.

Now I am into serious development of huge apps running
on Palm OS 5.2 using CW 9.0. Can somebody tell this
ignorant person the "right way" of using multiple
source files? I've gone through the archives of this
list, and I somehow dont seem to get a solution to
this problem (using extern "c" directive etc).

Thanks very much.
Note: I m writing my apps in C using CW9.0. I tried
various linkers in the project settings, but didnt help.

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RE: PilRC Designer and CW 9.2 ( Easy question )

2004-02-10 Thread Ben Combee
Yes, this is expected as .rcp files are text files.  You can launch PilRC designer 
from the PalmOS menu then drag the rcp file from the project window to PD.

-Original Message-
From:  Muriph, Michael
Date:  2/10/04 10:22 am
To:  Palm Developer Forum
Subj:  PilRC Designer and CW 9.2 ( Easy question )

   I open a CW project that has a .rcp file for a resource. i.e.
  File New project Palm OS C app

   When I double click the .rcp file it opens as text in the right CW  pane.
  When I click a .rsrc file in a CW project Construcor opens.

   Is this how it should be working? Is this the desired setup?

  As you can tell I am still getting use to all this!

Thanks Michael

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Re: How do you pause a program for a few milliseconds?

2004-02-10 Thread Robert Moynihan
Try the SysTaskDelay(Int32 ticks) function.  Bob.

RVRoadie wrote:

In PockeC there is a wait() function. I can't find the CW equivalent in.
This has go to be easy, but I can't find it.


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RE: DataManager Error

2004-02-10 Thread Bryan Troutman

I'm using cw9 and I'm running the code from the ide, so it loads to the
simulator.  the first time it runs with no problem but every second time I
run it from cw9 I get the error. (datamgr.c, Line:3324, DmDatabaseProtect
tried to deprotect unprotected

Running my app on any emulator/simulator.

It's always successful on the first run and alway fails on the second.  I'm
getting the following error.

datamgr.c, Line:3324, DmDatabaseProtect tried to deprotect unprotected

My question is, should I be setting the protect on the database prior to
exiting the app?  I'm currently not setting that in code, which makes me
curious as to why I'm getting this message.


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T3 Form Resizing with Tables

2004-02-10 Thread Ryan Andersen
How do you resize a table when switching from 160 to 240?  How do you add
table rows, when you create a table in Constructor with a fixed number of

Palm's example doe snot include how to handle this situation?


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RE: DataManager Error

2004-02-10 Thread Ben Combee
The CW debugger protects your application's DB when it DLs it to the sim.  It sounds 
like you are ending your session without the debugger having a chance to unprotect it. 
 Are you using the support for launching PalmSim when the debugger starts or having it 
autosave your session?

-Original Message-
From:  Bryan Troutman
Date:  2/10/04 6:20 pm
To:  Palm Developer Forum
Subj:  RE: DataManager Error


I'm using cw9 and I'm running the code from the ide, so it loads to the
simulator.  the first time it runs with no problem but every second time I
run it from cw9 I get the error. (datamgr.c, Line:3324, DmDatabaseProtect
tried to deprotect unprotected

Running my app on any emulator/simulator.

It's always successful on the first run and alway fails on the second.  I'm
getting the following error.

datamgr.c, Line:3324, DmDatabaseProtect tried to deprotect unprotected

My question is, should I be setting the protect on the database prior to
exiting the app?  I'm currently not setting that in code, which makes me
curious as to why I'm getting this message.


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Palm desktop Database File

2004-02-10 Thread Jefferson samuel
Hello All,

I’m trying to create a Desktop companion for my Palm
application.  My choice of programming for this would
be Visual Basic. I want to make a decision on my
Desktop database file. 

1)I don’t want to use ODBC driver driven Database like
MS Access, Excel..Etc.
2)Database should support simple queries.

I found palm software’s using CDB, PSI file extensions
as desktop database files. Having been read from their
respective conduits they are transferred to the

Want the desktop database file to be encrypted using

Can we incorporate blowfish encrytion in Palm
Does the CDK have any examples to transfer files like

Appreciate your time.

With regards

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Re: fail to call telephone manager api

2004-02-10 Thread dwj
First, Thank you.

But I haven't the rom image which support telephony service (call
SysLibLoad(kTelMgrDatabaseType,kTelMgrDatabaseCreator, telRefNumP)

How to solve it?

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