Classic emulator interface on Palm Pre

2009-04-06 Thread Diego Acevedo


I just watch a video of classic application running on Palm Pre.

See link:

Click on video.



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Re: Ubuntu Linux Palm OS development?

2009-01-05 Thread Diego Acevedo
Kent Loobey wrote:
 What do you use to develop Palm applications?
 I want to develop a Palm TX application.
 I find the developer options for development on a linux system confusing.
 I am just asking what tool chain / IDE you are using.
I am using Mac OS X Leopard, Xcode, PRC-Tools-r3, pilrc-3.2, Palm OS 
Emulator 3.5 and sdk-5r4. You should strip carriage returns from sdk 
first. Also install PRC-Tools-r3 for Mac first then pilrc-3.2.
Attached is PERL program to strip carriage returns.

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see!/usr/bin/perl -w
# A script to convert a number of .h source files from dos line
# ending format to unix line format.
# Usage: dos2unix DIRECTORY

use File::Find;

@ARGV = qw(.) unless @ARGV;

find(\process_file, @ARGV);

sub process_file {
@files = *.h;
$| = 1;
$linesFixed = 0;
foreach( @files ) {
print $_\t;
open(INPUT, $_);
rename( $_, $_.bak) || die Unable to rename $_\n$!\n;
open(OUTPUT, $_);
while(INPUT) {
if ( s/\r\n/\n/ ) {
print OUTPUT;
} continue {
print ($linesFixed)\n;
$linesFixed = 0;
close INPUT;
close OUTPUT;