Re: Creating Palm App

2000-12-04 Thread esanborn

Also check the version of CodeWarrior Lite that is on the CD. The CD from a book
that I checked was an older version of CodeWarrior (Don't know exactly what book
you are refering to) . If so, you would be better off downloading the latest
version for trial purposes. You can buy that version or download the trail from:


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Re: Fatal Error using WinDrawTruncChars() ???

2001-01-03 Thread esanborn

I think that the 1500 has the 3.0 ROM (although its flashable...) Such that your
problem may be that WinDrawTruncChars is not in the OS yet. Try using  the
PalmOS glue version as Ken mentioned.


I just took a quick look and hte docs don't seem to cover this one (only the
text glue functions), but if you look under 3.5 support\Incs\librariesPalmOS
Glue  from CodeWarrior you ought to find it in WinGlue.h


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Re: Books or source?

2001-01-03 Thread esanborn

There are a number of good books out there at the moment, and you can search
them down at or go to

>From my perspective (and everyone has individual tast when it comes to books),
the best out there right now is "Palm OS Programming Bible" by Lonnon R. Foster
followed by "Palm Programming the developer's guide" by Neil Rhodes. I go for
the first one simply because it is more up to date and was written for the 3.5
SDK whereas the latter was written for an older version of the SDK and oyu have
to mess with the code to get it to work on the newer SDK.


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Re: Color

2001-01-08 Thread esanborn

There is a piece of sample code in the Knowledge Base called Color Deal that
covers the basics of adding color to an application. The only exception being is
that it does not cover the new funtions present in the Prism and OS 4.0 to
handle 16 bit color.


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RE: Colour support

2001-01-17 Thread esanborn

look at the color deal sample cod ein the knowledge base to handle setting text
color, background color, etc.


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Re: Platinum vs. Palm Powered

2001-01-26 Thread esanborn

There was a lab session on this at Palm Source and I believe that the Web Page
does describe the change over. In any case, the Platinum Program has been
replaced by a Palm Powered Compatible Solution logo. This is not the self test
logo that was referred to earlier in the thread. It is, at the moment, what was
the Platinum Test run through QP Testing. And the link given will lead you to a
description of it.

The change over is for a variety of reasons, but to simplify the best that I
*The test is underused in its present form
*The test is not well understood by the user or developer base
*The test was written with a PIM or standard "productivity" application in mind
and did not always port very well to many of the other types of applications
coming out on palm.

The logo change is a marketing thing and has a lot to do with corporate image
etc. etc. But the test itself is being revamped for OS 4.0 and the focus will
change a bit. Rather than try and pick out Palm Quality based on standard UI
use, we will concentrate on system level compatibility with an eye looking
forward to the eventual move to the ARM chip with OS 5.0. This is not to say
that use of standard UI is not a good thing (that is an entirely different
issue), but rather that judging that was very subjective and system level
compatibility plays a strong role as we move on.

This will mean that we will be stricter when it comes to writing directly to the
screen, stricter about patching traps and other "unsupported" behavior, and
stricter about applications that are just not playing by the rules. On the other
hand, we will remove some of the restrictions about the look and feel of an
individual application. Really, if the UI of your application is poor, it is up
to the user base to decide that...

For now, the test has not changed, just the logo. Look for the new test to come
out along with OS 4.0. Any opinions are welcome :)

Palm Developer Support

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Re: How to use profile

2001-02-09 Thread esanborn

Using it is simple. Run the Profiler version of POSE, from the 'profiling' menu
you have start stop and dump. You can also use the HostControl API to control
when it starts and stops... This is all in the documentation as the previous
message stated. But are you on a MAC or PC? The output file come in both a
Metrowerks Profiler file which I believe is only readable on a MAC, as well as a
tab deliminated text file that can be opened with something like MS Excel.
However, if at all possible, I would reccomend going the MAC route. It is much
easier to understand. Also, remember that POSE is emulating a real device and
thus the Profiler is accurate but not perfect. It is not measuring time but
rather estimated cycles to perform certain activities. The number of cycles
required is taken from the Motorolla spec and thus the accuracy is dependent on
the spec being correct. Further, diferent devices have different wait states,
such that a real time measurement might be different for the different devices (
I think POSE is set to that of a 5, but it is open source and you can change it
:) So use Profiler and then always retest with a real device if possible.


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2 new devices

2000-08-07 Thread esanborn

Below is a copy of the announcement of the new m100 and Palm 7x devices that are
being released from Palm, Inc.(TM) today. If you are a memebr of the developer
program you will be receiving this by email as well.

-Ezekiel Sanborn de Asis
Palm Developer Support

Dear Palm OS (R) platform Developers,

Today Palm, Inc. (TM) is announcing two new products.  This email
outlines important hardware and software information for each new

ROM image files for each of the new products will be made available
in the Provider Pavilion, and a fully compatible version of the
Palm OS Emulator with appropriate skins will be available in the
near future.

New devices should be available in the near future for purchase in
the hardware discount program.

Palm m100 (TM) Handheld

The Palm m100 handheld is the first product in the new Entry Level
Product Line, where it is positioned as the entry-level consumer
Palm product. The device has a smaller overall form factor than
the Palm III (TM) device, and has an increased ruggedness and a
significantly enhanced industrial design.  Faceplates for the Palm
m100 handheld are replaceable, and a variety of different colored
faceplates are available.  The Palm m100 handheld will offer basic
Palm functionality and be positioned as the easiest and most
economical Palm product to use.

>From a hardware developers perspective, its new shape and size
will mean that hardware add-ons for other devices will not extend
to it. Specific information on the physical characteristics of this
new device will be made available through the Solution Provider
Pavilion. Further, the modem casing for the Palm m100 handheld will
also be obtainable, and information pertaining to this will be
posted in the Solution Provider Pavilion.

The Palm m100 handheld includes:
* ROM - 2 MB Masked ROM (4 MB on Japanese device)
* Processor   - 16 MHz Motorola Dragonball (TM) EZ (MC68EZ328)
* Display - 160 x 160 pixel (.29 dot pitch) 4-bit active matrix
TFT display. The LCD differs from that of other Palm
* Shape   - Completely New Form Factor
* Serial  - The pin order is the same as the Palm IIIx, however,
the size and shape is new.
* Battery - 2 AAAs
* Palm OS software 3.5.1
* Palm Desktop software version 3.5
* HotSync Manager version 3.06

Other Changes Worth Noting

*The alarm sound is significantly louder than that of any other
  Palm device (Low = 50 dB in SPL, Med = 62 and High = 75)
*3 ROM versions will be released:
  -EFIGS (which allows you to pick between English, French,
Italian, German, or Spanish)
  -JAPAN (Japanese)
*3 New Applications have been added:
  -NotePad (allows you to scribble out notes or draw on the
 screen, as well as set an alarm for these.  NotePad records
 are synched back to a NotePad application that runs on the
 PC or MAC, which remains separate from the Palm Desktop.)
  -Clock (Clock featuring large numbers and alarm functionality)
  -New Tutorial
*The European device running the EFIGS ROM will come bundled with
  a new mail application designed to connect via a cell phone.
*Mail, Expense, and Network HotSync have been removed.
*The MemoPad HardKey now is set to map to the NotePad application.
  MemoPad can still be accessed from the launcher.
*Two new selectors in the silk screen area. The new clock application
  displays the time when the user taps a small dot in the top left
  corner of the graffiti alphabet writing area on the silk screen
  (analogous to the "abc" keyboard popping up when the user taps the
  bottom left corner). Further, the contrast control is accessed by
  tapping the top right corner of the graffiti number writing area.
*When the device is off, the user can access the clock display by
  pushing the scroll up arrow hard key. This will wake the device up,
  display the clock for a couple of seconds and then put the device
 back to sleep. Note that security applications may prevent this
  from working.

Palm VIIx (TM) Handheld

The Palm VIIx Handheld includes:
* Processor   - 20 MHz Motorola Dragonball (TM) EZ (MC68EZ328)
* Display - 4-bit active matrix TFT display
* Color   - Black.
* Cradle  - The Palm VIIx device uses the same cradle the Palm
IIIxe (TM), and it is compatible with the current cradle
shipped with the Palm VII device.  The cradle shipping
with the Palm VIIx device has pin 4 (DTR) and 9 (RI)
combined so that it can detect which com port the cradle

Re: Best books / documents about color programing

2000-08-08 Thread esanborn

I think the article Jun-Kiat Lam is refering to is article 1710 in the Knowledge
Base. In addition, I would look at the Sample Code entitled "Color Deal" as an
example of using color in your application.

Ezekiel Sanborn de Asis

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pin order on m100

2000-08-08 Thread esanborn

In response to the below question, the later is correct. You will not be able to
simply plug in a cable or connector designed for a 3 device because the physical
dimensions are different.

Ezekiel Sanborn de Asis
Palm Dev Support

>Latest eWeek magazine, arriving today, says the serial connector on the
m100 is "the same as those in other Palm devices." However the
information on says, "Serial: pin order is the same as the
Palm IIIx, however, the size and shape is new."

Which is correct?

Steve Patt
President, Stevens Creek Software
  Best PQA ("ePQA"), PalmSource 99
  Best Application ("PizzaScan"), Palm Developer's Conference 1998
  First printing software for the Palm - September, 1997

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RE: pin order on m100

2000-08-08 Thread esanborn

As a side note to my previous message on using 3 cradles or cables in a m100
device... I tried a bunch of 3 series cords this morning and none of them would
fit in the m100, however, the m100 hotsync cable does fit into a 3 device and
works fine...

Ezekiel Sanborn de Asis

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Re: Is 3.5 buggy?

2000-09-05 Thread esanborn

with 3.5 if you use a callback function for your gadget (available only from 3.5
on), FrmDrawForm will redraw your gadgets.

-Ezekiel Sanborn de Asis

on 9/4/00 5:01 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I emulated my program for Palm IIIc and 3.5 color debug rom.
> It turns out that the system does not redraw screen after
> alerts and dialogs.  Is this a known problem?

This is covered in more detail in the Palm OS 3.5 page at, but
the basics are:

1. If you've set the Save Behind bit for a form, the system tries to save
the screen bits that will be covered up when the form appears. If there is
enough memory to do perform the save, the bits are restored to the screen
when the form is erased. If there is not enough memory, the system simply
sends an update event to the underlying form.

2. The default frmUpdateEvent, handled by the OS in FrmHandleEvent(), calls
FrmDrawForm() for your form.

3. FrmDrawForm() redraws the form's parts (title, border) and then calls the
drawing routines of all the form's objects (except gadgets). However, it had
what I would call a bug in the versions of the OS prior to OS 3.5 - it would
not erase the form first. Under OS 3.5, it does the erase first.

4. If you do any explicit drawing on your form (e.g., within a gadget), you
must include a case for frmUpdateEvent in your form's event handler. In this
case, call FrmDrawForm() yourself, then call your drawing code, then return
true from your event handler so the default behavior does not take place.


Palm, Inc.

We grow a lot faster than trees,
so we miss a lot of stuff. - B. Andreas

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Re: CW Project Settings

2000-09-12 Thread esanborn

In the settings for your project make sure that the under PalmRez Post Linker
the project type is appl

-Ezekiel Sanborn de Asis

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Re: Converting project from CW For Windows to Mac CW

2000-09-12 Thread esanborn

As mentioned, if you move the CW files from the PC to the MAC the resource fork
will be automagically integrated. As for getting the files to be recognized
correctly on the MAC system, use RscEdit (comes with CodeWarrior or the SDK, but
you need to unpack it). In any case, open each of the following files with
rscedit. A couple of them will tell you that there is no resource fork yet,
select yes to create one. Once the file is opened, select "Get Info" from the
"File" menu, and then change the TYPE and Creator ID to the following

(capital sensitive)
.mcp files  type = MMPr ID = CWIE  (also, cut off
the .mcp extension)
.c , .cpp and .h filestype = TEXT ID = CWIE
.rsrc files   type = PLob ID = MWCP

You can probably guess that CWIE is CodeWarrior and MWCP is constructor.

Now, moving things back from the MAC to the PC there are a few things you will
have to do. The .mcp file needs to be given the right extension, so rename it
adding the .mcp on the end. Now there will be finder.dat files everywhere, and
resource forks for everything. oh well. But the thing I find annoying is that if
on the MAC I had a resource file called realbigdog.rsrc (the file name is longer
then 8 characters and the extension is longer then 3), when I move it to the PC
-> in the Rsc director there will be realbigdog.rsrc, but the file in the
resource.frk subdirectory (that has the info in it) will be called realbi~1.rsr
. Such that if I was to just try and open the file  realbigdog.rsrc with
constructor, it would look for a  realbigdog.rsrc file in the resource.frk
folder -  not find one - create a new one with nothing in it. The solution is of
course to first go find that dummy realbi~1.rsr file in the resource.frk folder
and rename it  realbigdog.rsrc to match the name one directory up. You can keep
the name to 8 or less characters, but regardless, .rsrc will be truncated to
.rsr .

You will also want to remove the StarterSim target...

-Ezekiel Sanborn de Asis

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RE: debugger patch solves 1 problem out of 3

2000-09-12 Thread esanborn

Using CodeWarrior R6, if you install SDK 3.5 and the 3.5 patch 1available via
the PalmOS web page and then get the CodeWarrior update via

I do not think that these problem will occur.

-Ezekiel Sanborn de Asis

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Re: Platinum question

2000-09-18 Thread esanborn

The Platinum test was written to generally cover what a Platinum appliction
should look like. However, it is impossible to write a simple test that
absolutely covers everything. Rather then writing a really vague test, it was
written (long before I came here) to be a general guideline. So yes, there are a
lot of situations that merit an exception to the test. One of these is the
global find situation, and exceptions have been granted on this one many times.
Having the option to turn global find on is a nice addition, but for
applications with large databases like restaurant guides, e-book readers, etc.
it is a better user experience to have it turned off. Or it might only search
certain fields, like in the case of a restaurant guide... maybe it would only
search the users comments section and not everythign else. I am pretty sure that
you will get your exception for the find issue... :)

Taking a step back and looking at Platinum again, I would encourage anyone who
is looking at getting Platinum to go through the test and pick out what would
stand in the way of their app passing (this includes testing on debug ROMs).
Then try and justify why your app does what it does (unless it is crashing :).
Really picture the alternative, because there are alot a lot of cases where the
user experience is acceptable but it would be a whole lot better if it was more
similar to that of the standard PIM applications. However, if you really have
your reasons, pre-submit your exception requests to QP. They will send it in to
Palm and we will make a judgement... A lot of exceptions get granted, such that,
there is a good chance you will have no problems. However, if it is a case where
there is a good reason not to give an exception (it may have to do with future
compatibility, a dramatically different UI, etc.), you will know before you put
$1000 down to get your app tested...

-Ezekiel Sanborn de Asis

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Re: Drawing on gadget

2000-09-26 Thread esanborn

certainly gadgets are different with the 3.5 OS (the old gadget was just a set
of bounds and you can mimic it with a RectangleType checking to see if the taps
fall into it yourself... while the new gadget is a UI object such that the
system checks to see if the tap is in the gadget and then looks for the gadget's
call back function) , but I am not sure if the problem is with the gadget or
with the way you are converting (or capturing) the users penstrokes in the
gadget to a bitmap... If you have not already looked at signature++ in the
knowledgebase, do so. Of course, that is a pre 3.5 piece of sample code and
might take some tweaking to make it work in the 3.5 SDK (I will have to try it
out myself... but take into account the screen depth -- you could just set it to
1. )

-Ezekiel Sanborn de Asis

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Re: OS 3.5.2

2000-09-26 Thread esanborn

The upgrade is at:

or go to  -> support -> Palm OS Software 3.5.2 Upgrade at the
bottom kind of to the left

You are right that it should be in the ROM clickwrap area as well... I will
forward it on.

-Ezekiel Sanborn de Asis

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Re: Difference between 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 ???

2000-11-16 Thread esanborn

The 3.5.1 ROM is only on the m100 and contains a patch that corrects 2 problems
on the 3.5 ROM. If you look at the Knowledge Base article on the 3.5.2 patch at

the 3.5.1 patch is only the first 2 bullets. It is recommended devices with  3.5

 and 3.5.1 are updated to 3.5.2

-Ezekiel Sanborn de Asis
Palm Developer Support

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