Database Edit Question...

2003-07-29 Thread Régis Daniel de Oliveira
 file://Busca no Banco de Dados as Informacoes sobre a Senha do
 dbPtrF = NULL;
 OpenDatabase(&dbPtrF, "Config");


   typedef struct
Char *CodRca;
Char *NomeRca;
Char *Senha;
} StructType;

StructType *s;
StructType theStructure;

h = DmGetRecord(dbPtrF, 0);
s= (StructType *)MemHandleLock(h);

theStructure = *s;

theStructure.NomeRca="Regis Daniel";

DmWrite(s, 0, &theStructure, sizeof(theStructure));


 h = DmQueryRecord(dbPtrF, 0);
 Codigo = (Char *) MemHandleLock(h);
 Nome = Codigo + StrLen(Codigo) + 1;
 Senha = Nome + StrLen(Nome) + 1;

Régis Daniel de OliveiraRégis Daniel de Oliveira Gerente de Informática
Minasmix Atacado Distribuidor Ltda

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Re: Database Edit Question...

2003-07-29 Thread José dos Santos Machado
Hi Régis, greetings from Rio, 

Well, since my first old days of PalmOS C programming, I do not assign 
strings to the structs like you're doing:
/*Now, I'm changing the struct content...*/
theStructure.NomeRca="Regis Daniel";
I usually do this: 

StrCopy(theStructure.CodRca,  "8");
StrCopy(theStructure.NomeRca, "Regis Daniel");
StrCopy(theStructure.Senha,   "saf"); 

And, specifically in your case, I guess your record is Packed, that is, all 
the fields are written one behind another. Like this: 


And you could not use the
StructType *s;
StructType theStructure; 

h = DmGetRecord(dbPtrF, 0);
s= (StructType *)MemHandleLock(h);
Approach. You should unpack the record before copy it to the struct and 
modify the struct. You could always write the record in a unpacked way, and 
then just make a locked pointer to it and DmWriteString what you wanna do. 

E-mail me in private (well, you can write in portuguese to me too) and I can 
tell you some simpler samples of how to write records in database. 

Actually I only write XML strings to my records, as they're easier to 
manipulate since you do have some basic set of XML functions. 

Basically the
DmWrite(s, 0, &theStructure, sizeof(theStructure));
function is bad too. Sizeof(thestructure) will return the size of 
3*sizeof(char*), witch willl currupt your DmWriting. 

That is: You're a bit lost with database programming for PalmOS. You must 
first understand how it works and how does the C struct works, before 
writing it. 

Again: e-mail me in PVT and I can send to you some code samples. 

Cheers ! 

-- J. Machado

PS: I guess this is a double POST... My mail server is playing with me 
today :(   Sorry people !

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