Re: [Paraview] paraview GUI entry point not found in win10, compiled with qt 5.10 and vs 2017.

2017-12-20 Thread
Thank you! it works! I found it conflict with my miniconda python, which
uses and contains qt5.6.2

Di Cheng
Engineer of Research and Development Center, visiting scholar at University
of Connecticut
China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics
Phone @ China: +86-l58Ol5949ll
Phone @ US: +l-86O-6l7-l886

Address: No.17, YunGang West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, China

Zip Code:100074

On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 9:43 AM, Cory Quammen <>

> Check your PATH environment variable to make sure nothing is inserting a
> path Qt DLLs different from the Qt with which you built ParaView. Note that
> CMake installs Qt DLLs, so if you have that installed, your PATH may be set
> to point to those DLLs.
> HTH,
> Cory
> On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 7:01 PM, 程迪 <> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I just compiled paraview 5.4.1 using vs 2017 in win 10 using qt 5.10.
>> The compilation works but only the `pvserver` works while the
>> `paraview.exe` cannot run.
>> The error is :Entry Point Not Found:
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> entry point  `?setSelectionModel@QListWidget ... ` could not be located
>> in the dynamic link library `C:\pv54_diy\bin\vtkpqComponents-pv5.4.dll`
>> Here is what I did:
>> - win10 64bit
>> - vs2017 community version
>> - MSMPI  8.1.12438.1091 runtime and SDK
>> - QT 5.10.0 using msvc2017_64/lib
>> - cmake version 3.10.1
>> - Python 3.6.3 :: Anaconda, Inc.
>> - I compiled the boost 1.66.0 myself
>> - I attached the `CMakeCache.txt` file in the email.
>> I tried to solve this problem like this:
>> - locate  `vtkpqComponents` in the vtk source code. I cannot locate where
>> it is, so I cannot find which file is responsible for this, I also cannot
>> identify what this `dll` file is used for.
>> - I searched the maillist archive, cannot find anything useful.
>> - I tried to read the successful build log on DashBoard:
>>, However, I
>> cannot see essential difference.
>> - I can run `pvserver` and use the official release of paraview 5.4.1 gui
>> client to connect to it. I can open the head dataset and render it using
>> volume mode remotely.
>> Could anyone help me?
>> Di Cheng
>> Engineer of Research and Development Center, visiting scholar at
>> University of Connecticut
>> China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics
>> Phone @ China: +86-l58Ol5949ll
>> Phone @ US: +l-86O-6l7-l886
>> Address: No.17, YunGang West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, China
>> <,+YunGang+West+Road,+Fengtai+District,+Beijing,+China+Zip+Code%EF%BC%9A100074=gmail=g>
>> Zip Code:100074
>> <,+YunGang+West+Road,+Fengtai+District,+Beijing,+China+Zip+Code%EF%BC%9A100074=gmail=g>
>> ___
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> --
> Cory Quammen
> Staff R Engineer
> Kitware, Inc.
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[Paraview] post-process of CFL3D result with surfaces in paraview?

2017-11-29 Thread
Hi paraviewers,

I am using paraview to render results in CFL3D, which is in Plot3D format,
including `` grid file and `abc.q` solution file. Besides, I have a
boundary condition file `` in FieldView 1.3 format which was
generated by grid pre-processor.

My problem is: How to extract the surface of the aircraft?

Because the Plot3D format is a multi-block curvilinear grid. When I use
`Extract Surface` filter, it will extract the block interfaces. My current
solution to combine blocks by `Merge Blocks` filter. Then I can extract the
surfaces, including the outer boundary and the inner aircraft walls. After
that, I need to clip the farfield and keep the aircraft walls. Is there a
better solution?

However, what I need to do is to evaluate the force on specific parts. So I
need to use the information from the boundary condition file
`` which indicates ranges of indexes in curvilinear grid as
wall of certain parts. My problem is how to use it to generate several
surfaces in paraview for rendering and integration.

p.s. I am using paraview 5.4.1. The grid consists of farfield outer
boundary and several aircraft parts' wall inner boundaries.

Di Cheng
Engineer of Research Center
China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics
Phone: +86-l58Ol5949ll

Address: No.17, YunGang West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, China

Zip Code:100074
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Re: [Paraview] paraview osmesa render on supercomputer nodes

2017-11-20 Thread
Yes, the network environment in TianHe-2 is weird.

However, the problem can be solved manually by set ssh port forwarding like

1. start pvserver on cn123 in direct connection mode and let it listen to
port 1
2. manually modify the local port forward in my PC as: -L1::1
3. use paraview gui in my PC to connect to localhost:1

I think it makes sense.

研发中心 工程师
Di Cheng
Engineer of Research Center
China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics
Phone: +86-l58Ol5949ll

Address: No.17, YunGang West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, China

Zip Code:100074

On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 12:30 PM, David E DeMarle <>

> ---
> This syntax isn't clear to me:
> > srun -n 24 pvserver -sp=15801 --mesa --use-offscreen-rendering
> --disable-xdisplay-test
> ---ssh -N -f -L15801:localhost:15801 though internal connection-->
> Where are you trying to run ssh on to open up this second (between login
> and compute) tunnel?
> ---
> ERROR: In /HOME/pp569/soft/ParaView-v5.4.1/VTK/Common/System/vtkSocket.cxx,
> line 206
> vtkServerSocket (0x20e9c20): Socket error in call to bind. Address already
> in use.
> Indicates that pvserver is trying to grab a socket that some other process
> owns. You might be competing with one of your other pvserver processes
> (from an earlier run or perhaps a misconfigured non-mpi pvserver task
> running on the same node from this srun invocation) or possibly your ssh
> tunnel process.
> ---
> Forward connections from desktop to login to compute are harder to setup
> in most cases because in general you don't know what compute node (and
> sometimes login node) you will get.
> ---
> I recommend using something simple like netcat to send and receive
> messages across each tunnel. If you can type on one side and see the text
> on the other, then paraview should be able to use the connection.
> ---
> Please let us know how it goes. We would love to see ParaView running on
> Tianhe-2!
> David E DeMarle
> Kitware, Inc.
> Principal Engineer
> 21 Corporate Drive
> <,+NY+12065=gmail=g>
> Clifton Park, NY 12065
> <,+NY+12065=gmail=g>
> -8662
> Phone: 518-881-4909 <(518)%20881-4909>
> On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 11:23 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit <
>> wrote:
>> Di,
>> While it's not entirely obvious to me what could be going wrong, you
>> may to check these docs out instead:
>> rwarding#A_Forward_Connection_Over_an_ssh_Tunnel
>> Utkarsh
>> On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 7:04 AM, 程迪 <> wrote:
>> > Hi everyone,
>> >
>> > I just compiled the OSMesa version of paraview 5.4.1 on Tianhe-2
>> > supercomputer. My trouble is to connect the pvserver running on
>> computing
>> > nodes while I am on login node with ssh tunnelling (-L).
>> >
>> > Here is what I did
>> >
>> > My computer (win7 64 bit)
>> > ---ssh -L15801:localhost:15801 through VPN--->
>> > LN31 (login node, RHEL maybe, using slurm)
>> >> srun -n 24 pvserver -sp=15801 --mesa --use-offscreen-rendering
>> >> --disable-xdisplay-test
>> > ---ssh -N -f -L15801:localhost:15801 though internal connection-->
>> > CN (computing node)
>> >
>> > And here is the error:
>> >
>> > ```
>> > Waiting for client...
>> > Connection URL: cs://cn10687:15801
>> > ERROR: In /HOME/pp569/soft/ParaView-v5.4.1/VTK/Common/System/vtkSocket
>> .cxx,
>> > line 206
>> > vtkServerSocket (0x20e9c20): Socket error in call to bind. Address
>> already
>> > in use.
>> >
>> > ERROR: In
>> > /HOME/pp569/soft/ParaView-v5.4.1/ParaViewCore/ClientServerCo
>> re/Core/vtkTCPNetworkAccessManager.cxx,
>> > line 349
>> > vtkTCPNetworkAccessManager (0x14ad080): Failed to set up server socket.
>> >
>> > Exiting...
>> > ```
>> >
>> > It seems not working. I am pretty sure that the PC -- ssh -L through
>> VPN -->
>> > LN works well. What happend in LN -- ssh -L --> CNxxx link?
>> >
>> > I have searched the internet for something, I found that LLNL did some
>> work
>> > on it
>> > [
>> -paraview-in-client-server-mode].
>> >
>> > 

[Paraview] paraview osmesa render on supercomputer nodes

2017-11-18 Thread
Hi everyone,

I just compiled the OSMesa version of paraview 5.4.1 on Tianhe-2
supercomputer. My trouble is to connect the pvserver running on computing
nodes while I am on login node with ssh tunnelling (-L).

Here is what I did

My computer (win7 64 bit)
---ssh -L15801:localhost:15801 through VPN--->
LN31 (login node, RHEL maybe, using slurm)
> srun -n 24 pvserver -sp=15801 --mesa --use-offscreen-rendering
---ssh -N -f -L15801:localhost:15801 though internal connection-->
CN (computing node)

And here is the error:

Waiting for client...
Connection URL: cs://cn10687:15801
ERROR: In /HOME/pp569/soft/ParaView-v5.4.1/VTK/Common/System/vtkSocket.cxx,
line 206
vtkServerSocket (0x20e9c20): Socket error in call to bind. Address already
in use.

line 349
vtkTCPNetworkAccessManager (0x14ad080): Failed to set up server socket.


It seems not working. I am pretty sure that the PC -- ssh -L through VPN
--> LN works well. What happend in LN -- ssh -L --> CNxxx link?

I have searched the internet for something, I found that LLNL did some work
on it [

They used `ssh -R` to map from LN to CN, rather than `ssh -L` and run
paraview in RC mode, does it make any sense?

However, in Tianhe-2, the `ssh -R` is forbidden. So I cannot use this

Di Cheng
Visting scholar at UConn ME Combustion Diagnostic Lab
Engineer of Research Center of China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics
Phone: +86-l58Ol5949ll

Address: No.17, YunGang West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing, China

Zip Code:100074
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Re: [Paraview] pvpython with pvserver SelectionModel

2015-04-26 Thread
Hi, Yves Rogez

I have encountered the same problem. And I think it is a problem about the

Please compare the python version and environment setting in different
releases :

 import sys

And I think there are some differences responsible for the segfault .


Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
No.15 Beisihuanxi Road, Beijing (100190)
P. R. China

 Message: 2
 Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2015 22:18:54 +0200
 From: Yves Rogez
 Subject: [Paraview] pvpython with pvserver SelectionModel
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; Format=flowed


 I've just compiled paraview on its last git master branch and I get a
 strange segfault using pvpython with connection to a pvserver (no MPI,
 on localhost, linux). This occurs for instance, when creating a simple
 sphere with the following code:

 from paraview.simple import *
 servermanager.Connect( localhost )
 s = Sphere()

 The strange thing is that under the ParaView GUI python shell all works

 I've made a little debugging and the error comes from
 the selmodel variable is NULL after

 I recompiled on the

   * 4.3.1 release tag = same problem
   * 4.1.0 release tag = all works fine
   * 4.2.0 release tag = same problem

 Any idea ?

 -- next part --
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[Paraview] How to use calculate weighted sum of given timesteps in paraview?

2015-04-25 Thread
Dear all,

I am doing proper orthogonal decomposition on a openfoam data set. The last
step is to calculate the weighted sum of given timesteps of the dataset.
But I found it is very difficult to do it in programmable filter because of
3 reasons:

1. In programmable filter it is difficult to pass weight vector to the
2. In script of programmable filter, the locals() returns: [self, inputs,
output, request], in which *self *is vtkPythonProgrammableFilter, *inputs *is
a list of CompositeDataSet, *output *is CompositeDataSet, and *request
*is vtkInformation.
I do not know how to use it; And according to the blog [], I cannot loop
over all timesteps in vtkPythonProgrammableFilter; The author of the blog
recommend using vtkPythonAlgorithm, but
3. I do not know how to use vtk filters such as vtkPythonAlgorithm in

I have tried some methods. But none of them worked.
I tried to find how TemporalStatistics filter is implemented.
I referred the code in this pipermail [], it does
not request different timestep. But only used timestep values passed with

I read this article on wiki[].
But I am still confused. I tried reader1.UpdatePipeline(t1)
The information tab in paraview shows different Current  data time in
reader1 and reader2. But if I use ProgrammableFilter to use reader1 and
reader2 as inputs, it seems that the result is controlled by VCR time on
the top of paraview GUI.

Some more frustrating problem is because of the complexity of
proxies/servermanager structure of paraview, I cannot access the vtk Object
behind of paraview proxies. Even if I can write a vtk class in python like
what Berk Geveci did in his blog [], I cannot use it in
paraview directly.

My question is:
What can I do next to calculate weighted sum of given timesteps in paraview?



Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
No.15 Beisihuanxi Road, Beijing (100190)
P. R. China
Tel.: +86-15801594911
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[Paraview] Hi, Apply button of ExtractLocation filter of paraview 4.3.1 does not work?

2015-03-03 Thread
I am using ubuntu 12.04 LTS and paraview 4.3.1
I am using a CGNS file generated by FLUENT 6.3, I import the data file and
everything is ok, except the ExtractLocation filter does not work.
The input is a slice of the imported MultiBlock dataset

I have tried convert the slice from cell data to point data and use the
result point data as ExtractLocation's input, it does not work;
I have tried different mode of ExtractLocation, it does not work
I tried use CGNS reader as ExtractLocation's input, it does not work
I doubted if it is because my point is at the corner of the slice plane.
And the float point is not accurate enough, so I tried
el.Location =
[el.Input.GetDataInformation().DataInformation.GetBounds()[i] for i in
It still does not work

Finally, I used python shell to run
it works, and the data information refreshed. I do not know why, it seems
the apply button does not work.

I do not know if this is a bug or feature?


Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
No.15 Beisihuanxi Road, Beijing (100190)
P. R. China
Tel.: +86-15801594911
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