Re: Newbie Question About Setttings

2013-03-17 Thread Colin Howard

I believe you can ignore these times if you set recording mode to unbounded.

The Fareham  area of Southern England has been Colin 
Howard's home  ever since July 1981, only the Lord 
himself knows for how much longer this will remain true.

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Re: [vip-l] Aussie streaming of the cricket from India

2013-03-17 Thread Ketan Kothari

Hi friends,

That is indeed a wonderful news.  Testmatch Sofa is also a wonderful 
commentary.  I hope more and more such outlets come up to hit at these money 
hungry boards.


-Original Message- 
From: Stephen jolley

Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2013 5:55 PM
To: Vip Vip-l ; PC audio discussion list.
Subject: [vip-l] Aussie streaming of the cricket from India

Hi all,

There is an Australian sports comment and opinion website known as The Roar
 . For this and the remaining fourth test, they
are streaming a live off TV radio coverage of the cricket from India. The
lead commentator is former ABC broadcaster, Glen Mitchell. The coverage is
sensible yet entertaining, with focus as one would expect on each ball.

You can get to it from my web page

Stephen Jolley

Melbourne Australia.

"too much cricket is barely enough".


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Re: Newbie Question About Setttings

2013-03-17 Thread Darran Ross

Hi List.

Thanks for info so far on my queries about setting up before recording, but 
I'm back now with a Goldwave specific question.

I notice in the settings for a new recording that there's a section called 
presets with various options. Now I'm OK here up to a point, I understand 
what is meant by the AM, FM, CD and DVD quality, but what I'm not sure about 
is the times in minutes given after each option. For example, it says CD 
Quality 5 minutes, CD Quality 80 minutes and DVD Quality 5 minutes etc and 
so on.

Could someone explain these differences please? I've had a look in the 
Goldwave help, but it doesn't mention this so far as I could tell.

Regards, and thanks as always for the help.


- Original Message - 
From: "Hamit Campos" 

To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 10:09 PM
Subject: RE: Newbie Question About Setttings

Yep, if that's what you wish. Like I said, I just suggested you look at 
so you can see how good of a recording you'll get. Remember, the last 

you get by down arrowing is the best one.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Darran
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 4:21 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Newbie Question About Setttings

Thanks for this.

I see I've got eight options here for the default format, should I have 

same bit rate selected here as I do in Goldwave? Assuming that that's
possible, haven't checked that yet!

- Original Message -
From: "Hamit Campos" 
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 8:09 PM
Subject: RE: Newbie Question About Setttings

Since we're talking about line in recording, then yes you must check the
listen to this device box, check the leval of volume just to be safe and
make sure you aren't distorting, and there's not much in the defalt 

dialogue box. What it will do though if you down arrow to the last choice
tellyou what the highest sample rate and bit depth your line in 

can be at. For instance, mine will onlydo 96 thousand KHZ which is fine,
at 16 bit. My laptop on the other hand can do full HD 96 thousand KHZ at
bit. That's Blu-Ray quality. So there you have it.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Darran
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 11:46 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Newbie Question About Setttings

Hi List.

I'm about to start trying to record on my PC, and I've got a couple of
starter questions for the list. I'll be using Goldwave to record and 

but my question concerns the settings within Windows 7 itself.

Basically, do I need to make any changes to the settings within Recording
Devices, or do I just plug in my Line-In cable and only concern myself
the various options in Goldwave? Need I do anything in the Listen tab or
Advanced tab for example? Should the Listen to this Device be checked or
unchecked, and what about the Default Format settings when Running in
Mode? And, what is shared Mode come to that!

As you can tell, I'm seeking a guiding hand! Any advice on which options
select in the Recording devices tabs would be much appreciated.



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burning discs with soundtaxi

2013-03-17 Thread brian parker
Hi, i am trying to burn a disc with soundtaxi. it says there no 
converted files to burn. i hav no files in the folder that soundtaxi 
hax converted, but i have some other audio folders to burn. will 
soundtaxi only burn a disc using files that it has converted. or, 
have i got this wrong. if anyone who uses soundtaxi to burn discs, 
has any ideas, i would be glad for the help. brian.

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Aussie streaming of the cricket from India

2013-03-17 Thread Stephen jolley
Hi all,


There is an Australian sports comment and opinion website known as The Roar
 . For this and the remaining fourth test, they
are streaming a live off TV radio coverage of the cricket from India. The
lead commentator is former ABC broadcaster, Glen Mitchell. The coverage is
sensible yet entertaining, with focus as one would expect on each ball.


You can get to it from my web page


Stephen Jolley

Melbourne Australia.

"too much cricket is barely enough".

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