nero problem

2005-10-16 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I am trying to copy OTR files I have put on my hard drive.  Nero version
5.5 pops out the disk before it verifies the data, takes the disk back in
and then says drive is empty.  I can't figure out why.  It will sit there
forever saying drive is empty.  If I pop out the disk again and let it go
back in it will not fix the problem.  Also, all verifications come up
bad, and I don't know why.  Any suggestions?  Kurt 

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restatement of steve's problem

2005-07-09 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I am writing this message in behalf of steve, since he doesn't seem to be
able to give enough information etc.  He is trying to download MP3 OTR. 
He is on the list for otr for which we get links every week.  When he
tries to click on the link to save it, it starts playing instead.  If he
does alt F4 to stop the stream and hits the application key he gets no
target or save as choice and therefore can't download the files.  He had
quicktime on is system, was getting some kind of a quicktime error and he
took it off.  He uses windows media player, although he has the real
player on the system also, but the main problem is that he never has the
option to save the shows, they just stream and don't download.  I hope
that is a better statement of the facts so that you can see what the
problem is.  Kurt 

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putting CD album tracks on another CD

2005-06-27 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I don't seem to be able to copy two CDs together.  I can't get them all
saved.  I just end up with the shortcuts and not the tracks themselves. 
I use Nero but don't know what I am doing wrong.  Can anybody help?  Any
suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks.  Kurt 

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2005-05-10 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I tried to download a file from google mail, but there is no way to
download it.  It is an MP3 file.  What do I do?  Kurt 

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iriver cd/mp3 or otherm

2005-04-24 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I had one of the old iriver cd/mp3 players, which they don't make
anymore.  I bought a newer one which I don't like because I can't use it.
 It has the stick batteries and the special control you have to plug in. 
I believe it also has a radio in it, but it has been sitting in the box
for months because I can't get it to play.  Has anybody used this kind or
can I get the older one somewhere?  I had problems with one of the
buttons on the one I had, but I can't use the newer one at all.  Any
suggestions?  Thanks.  Kurt 

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2005-04-19 Thread Kurt E. Yount
The address for listmaker is
If you get it to work, please let me know.  I can make lists but they are
empty.  Kurt 

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listmaker questions

2005-04-17 Thread Kurt E. Yount
Does anybody use listmaker and have they actually gotten it to make a
list?  I want to catalog all my CDs and I just want to put them in the
drive and have a list made of all contents.  Some are music, some are
otr, but I just want a list so I can find them later.  Any suggestions
about listmaker or others?  If so, please provide URL or where I can get
them.  Thanks.  Kurt 

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2005-04-09 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I tried to use a program called listmaker to catalog my OTR CDs.  I can
catalog each one as a folder, but can't get the program to print out a
list with each CD and what is on it.  What am I doing wrong?  Thanks. 

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I-pod questions

2005-03-12 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I have two questions about I-pods.  Does an I-pod take
CDs and compress them, or does it take them as they are.  And, in that
case, can you put MP3s on there.  Also, what will I pay for a good size
one and can it be used with an IBM?  Thanks.  Kurt

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disk copying easy CD extractor problems

2005-02-05 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I am having two problems.  I cannot get a CD to copy, I can't copy the
tracks off it and easy cD extractor fails on about track four and will
not continue.  This is a book and this is CD #4 so I want to copy the
whole CD.  Any suggestions?  Kurt 

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nero settings won't stay

2004-12-04 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I reset my nero and the settings won't stay.  There is no okay to make
them stay.  Any suggestions?  Kurt 

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text to MP3

2004-11-26 Thread Kurt E. Yount
Besides saypad, whose address I don't have, are there any other good ways
to convert text to MP3?  If anybody has the address for saypad or any
other text to speech program could you post to the list please?  I am
especially interested in ways to turn an entire book into mp3.  My hard
drive crashed and I need to gather them again.  Thanks.  Kurt 

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(no subject)

2004-11-25 Thread Kurt E. Yount
My hard drive crashed and I need some way to convert MP3 to audio.  My
bookport died and I need a way hopefully besides saypad to try to convert
a text file or a dozen into MP3.  I want to read the new stephen king and
the bookport will not be back till January.  I would appreciate any
suggestions. I also lost total recorder, easy CD extractor and everything
else.  If anything can help with any of these addresses I would
appreciate it.  Thanks to everybody's patience in this matter.  Kurt 

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speeding up mp3 files

2004-11-15 Thread Kurt E. Yount
Yes Marty, I had forgotten about that, but I thought there was something
that came out with XP that would do that.  Thanks for the reminder
though.  Kurt  

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speeding up MP3 files

2004-11-14 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I think I heard somewhere that XP had a function to speed up MP3 files. 
I have a bookport but it is presently being fixed.  Has anybody else
heard about this and how is it done?  Kurt 

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easy cd creator question

2004-10-26 Thread Kurt E. Yount
using easy CD creator, how do I find the bit rate?  I have been told it
is there, but I cannot find it.  Can you help.  

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copying files

2004-10-10 Thread Kurt E. Yount
When I try to copy three files I end with disk 1 and then disk three and
disk two.  When I take disk three out and try to recopy the files look
like they are in order, then when I go back it is always disk 1 and disk
3 and disk 2.  They will not copy so that I have disk 1, 2, 3.  Aside
from throwing the computer off the balcony, how doo I get these files to
be copied in numerical order?  Thank you.  Kurt 

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easy cd creator

2004-10-09 Thread Kurt E. Yount
Well, I guess easy CD extractor is $29.00 which I would pay if I could
get it to work, but I can't make it convert anything.  It keeps saying
convert unavailable.  I don't know what to do.  Any suggestions?  I get
the digest, so if answers came in before I haven't seen them yet.  Kurt 

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ripping CDs

2004-10-07 Thread Kurt E. Yount
Is there a faster program than CDEX that is free for ripping CDs?  I have
nero, but I have to pay for the new plug-in to rip CDS.  Does anybody
know of another one that is free.  Thank you.  Kurt 

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lame 3

2004-10-03 Thread Kurt E. Yount
Where can I reliably get the lame 3 mp3 dll?  Thank you.  Kurt 

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total recorder

2004-10-03 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I have found two total recorder segments on main menu.  One was Randy
Formente and one was Monty.  Does anybody know of any more?  Thank you. 

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total recorder

2004-10-03 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I think the main menu numbers I have for total recorder were 883 and
1084.  If anybody knows of any others, please let me know.  Thank you. 

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accelerated recording

2004-09-27 Thread Kurt E. Yount
According to the help file you are supposed to be able to record at up to
nine times normal speed with total recorder.  However, it says that it
doesn't work if prerecord is checked.  The gap thing is different.  The
accelerated feature is supposed to be silent when it is working.  Other
than that, I can't tell how to do it.  Thanks for the suggestions.  Kurt 

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accelerated speed in total recorder

2004-09-26 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I have just started to use total recorder.  How do I enable accelerated
recording.  I don't seem to be able to get it to do that.  Also, is there
a way to do a bunch of files at once with their original file names?  I
want to convert RM files to MP3.  Thank you.  Kurt 

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wav to mp3

2004-09-26 Thread Kurt E. Yount
Can I turn wav files to MP3 with nero, or do I have to use CDEX?  I want
to use the eclipse reader and turn the files into MP3.  Thank you.  Kurt 

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if recording fast how do you know it is over?

2004-09-26 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I think I got the fast recording to work, but how do you know when it is
over?  No, it isn't working.  Kurt 

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rm to mp3 files

2004-09-19 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I just got a note saying that if you want RM files many people need to
ask for them.  The e-mail address is 
If anybody else wants the ability to convert to rm files, please write a
note to the above e-mail address.  Otherwise, it will be at least several
months.  Thank you.  Kurt  

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cd/mp3 players

2004-09-19 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I have an iriver player which broke.  I am looking for a rather cheap
player which has true resume for at least one disk.  Any suggestions? 
Thank you.

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CD/DVD ripping program

2004-09-10 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I contacted the place about the CD/DVD ripping program and asked them
about RM files.  They said yes, they could add it.  I just sent them a
note saying that as soon as they fix it so I can do that I will buy it,
otherwise I will not buy it.  I will keep you posted.  Kurt 

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ripping software

2004-09-09 Thread Kurt E. Yount
If they could give me a file would rip RM files to MP3 I would buy it
without a demo, if I could use it.  I want to be able to do that and have
wanted to for a year.  Kurt

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2004-08-29 Thread Kurt E. Yount
Does anybody have any suggestions on how to use the rwavrecorder to
recorder a batch of files?  I cannot get it to a damn thing.  Any
suggestions?  Thank you.  Kurt 

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second rwavrecorder question

2004-08-23 Thread Kurt E. Yount
If I use rwavrecorder to convert files, will they all be in one piece,
not separate files?  Also, do I then have to use CDEX to change them from
wav to MP3?  Thank you.  By the way, I don't see what the commands are. 

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2004-08-23 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I collect OTR and for some reason some of the OTR was in MP2.  I don't
know why it was.  I was also told that if you changed the file name to
MP3 from MP2 the programs would play.  The weird thing is some of the
stuff (maybe mp2 or mp3) plays on the sony but not the Iriver and not the
other stuff.  Frankly, I am now mystified.  This is more complicated than
I thought.  Kurt 

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CD duplicators

2004-08-23 Thread Kurt E. Yount
Basically I heard on one of the OTR lists that CD duplicators can be
bought that would copy a CD at about 52X in three minutes or so.  I would
be interested in something like that, since I would like a better chance
that the CD would copy correctly and be a good copy if put in a
duplicator.  This is as opposed to taking 40 minutes or an hour to copy
at 4x which the OTR groups want you to use.  This was a device, as I
understand it, where you put the CD you want to copy in one slot and the
CDR blank in the other and then copy it.  If I am misunderstanding
something, please let me know.  Thank you.  Kurt 

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RM to mp3 conversion

2004-08-21 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I was going to use total recorder to convert RM files to MP3.  How
difficult are some of these to use?  I have downloaded some of these type
things before, but never got them to work.  Any suggestions?  Thanks in
advance.  Kurt 

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cd/mp3 players, some stuff doesn't play

2004-08-21 Thread Kurt E. Yount
My CD/MP3 Iriver wore out, one of the buttons got stuck, and I have to
get a new player.  I want one with resume.  My Iriver would not play all
files, especially not MP2.  Does anybody know how much and which one
might be better and where I can get it.  I liked the Iriver a lot and
wanted to get the slim version, but if it doesn't play everything I don't
want it.  I have a sony one, but it only has resume till you lift the
lid.  Any suggestions?  Kurt 

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cd duplicators

2004-08-21 Thread Kurt E. Yount
Does anybody on this list have experience with CD duplicators?  I would
like to find one, since I think they do a better job quicker than the
computer can.  Does anybody have any ideas about this?  Thank you.  Kurt 

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2004-08-17 Thread Kurt E. Yount
Well, this site is gone. Kurt 
Hi Kurt,
To get SayPad go to

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total recorder question

2004-08-16 Thread Kurt E. Yount
Is there a way to have total recorder record all files in a directory to
MP3 and hopefully use file names?  Thank you.  Kurt  

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2004-08-15 Thread Kurt E. Yount
Does anybody know when saypad was updated and does anybody have the URL? 
My bookport died so I have to go back to using saypad.  Thank you.  Kurt

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nero question

2004-08-15 Thread Kurt E. Yount
When I try to write a compilation in nero I get write unavailable.  What
am I doing wrong?  Thank you.  Kurt 

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cdex question

2004-07-04 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I am trying to use CDEX and when I copy a file with f9 I only get one and
have to do it again.  What am I doing wrong?  Thank you.  Kurt 

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program for cataloging CDs

2004-05-31 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I am looking for a user friendly program to catalog my CDs.  What I want
is something where I put the disks in, hit return or something and it
makes a file of what is on the CD.  I would then like that to be printed
out as a TXT file or something else.  Any suggestions?  Kurt 

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