Sound Forge 11 Question

2017-11-13 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi all


I recently bought SF 11 together with Samplitude, and installed it on both
my computers. On both pc's I can't even open a 30 second file in Sound Forge
due to apparent low memory, even though on my work machine there's 2 tb hd
space, 16 gig ram and an 8 core processor.

Also, I can confirm that no other program is running in the background while
I have SF open.

Is there a way to solve this? I would appreciate any help an  suggestions.


All the best

Quinten Pendle


A WhatsApp audio question

2016-12-17 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi all

When sending voicenotes from WhatsApp to your computer, these notes are 
exported as .opus files.
Is there a way to convert these files to more commonly used file types, or 
could one have WhatsApp export them to another file type?
Thanks for any and all help.

All the best
Quinten Pendle

Stuttering PC

2015-12-16 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi all

I upgraded to Windows 10 this past Sunday. Everything went smoothly during
the upgrade process, and so far everything is running reasonably smoothly.
The only major problem is that the audio on my pc has it's moments where it
stutters like hell. I at first thought that the problem lies with the
Scarlet 2I2 USB sound card I'm using, so I put in my Audigy, and later
enabled on board sound in Bios; but each of these audio routes had even more
stuttering. I disabled both the latter audio devices again and am only using
the Scarlet 2i2, but the problem persists.
The stuttering happens especially when Jaws 16 is talking, not so much when
music is playing. The specs of this machine is a 2 tb WD hard drive, 8 gigs
of ram, Win 10 64 bit, and an Intel E5700 with on board graphics. The other
thing that's happening because of this almost constant stuttering, is that
my vocabulary is unfortunately growing in a direction not suitable for
children and other more sophisticated human beings.

If there's anyone here who could perhaps suggest a solution to this very
niggling problem, I'd be eternally grateful.

Thanks for any help.

All the best

Quinten Pendle

RE: feeling bass frequencies

2015-09-27 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi Andre

Is there a possibility that you could maybe make your sub stand against the
chair in which you sit when listening to music? This way, maybe, the sub
could transfer some of it's bass through the chair or bank, through which
you could maybe feel it? Maybe this is stupid, i don't know.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of André van
Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 9:26 PM
Subject: feeling bass frequencies

Hi all


I sincerely hope this is not off topic for the list.  If so the moderators
must please let me know and I will request people to answer me off list.


I have a very unique situation here.  I have just had a second cochlear
implant which resulted  in my losing all frequencies below about 100 hz.
This as many of you know results in you losing quite a deal of the lower
bass sounds in music.


I’m researching some way of now compensating for this.  The only way I can
think up is to  use my tactile sense to feel the missing frequencies.  Maybe
the brain may put the signals of the  audio and visual cortex together   and
create some kind of a whole.


What I have done is to lightly rest my fingers  onto  the front of my
reasonable quality sub whoofer.  It is then indeed possible to do this.  But
it’s really not the most comfortable position to sit in also.  Another thing
– if you turn up the bass too much, the harmonics starts to distort the
cochlear implants.


So I’m wondering if someone has any thoughts on this rather unique challenge
to share?







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Substitute for audiostocker

2015-02-08 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi all
I've been using AudioStocker in Winamp under win Xp, but now that I've upgraded 
to Win7, i find that Audiostocker no longer seems to work.
Is there any substitute for it, or do i need to configure it differently?

Thanks for any help.

All the best
Quinten Pendle

Help with Creative audigy please

2014-11-09 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi all

I recently upgraded to Win7 on a machine with 8 gig ram and so on. I then 
bought a Creative Audigy sound card, since my old Soundblaster Live had it's 

For some obscure reason though, this audigy soundcard stutters like mad 
sometimes, without warning, and apparently without reason.
This happens regardless of any audio I run through it, music, jaws, ... 
I updated the drivers for the stupid piece of crap, I uninstalled it, 
reinstalled it, tried to free up some resources, but to no avail.

I think I'm at the point where I wanna smash the thing into a zillion pieces.

Is there any solution for this?

I'd appreciate any help in this regard.

Thanks in advance.

All the best

Quinten Pendle

Hi allAccessible Pitch correcter

2013-11-28 Thread Quinten Pendle
Is there perhaps such a thing out there?
We use Melodyne at the studio, but it's very, very graphical, and doesn't
really work with screen readers, as far as i can tell.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks very much.
All the best
Quinten Pendle

RE: recording software for home use

2013-09-01 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi Andre

I would think what you have would be sufficient for getting started, judging
from the info you gave.
Good luck. Would like to hear what you come up with, and, if I can at all
help and give some suggestions, feel free to mail me off list or something.

All the best
Quinten Pendle

-Original Message-
From: André van Deventer [] 
Sent: 01 September 2013 05:59 PM
Subject: recording software for home use

Hi all


I have it in mind to play around with recording   my own vocals together
with back tracks.  Just something to tinker around with.  I have a very
severe hearing loss and am interested to see if I can still make some music.


So what I have at present is the following:


-  A blue usb yeti microphone

-  Some backing tracks

-  Audacity.

Would I need any more inexpensive or free software or hardware to make a
reasonably sounding recording?


Remember this is not for commercial use but simply for mee to fool around





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RE: How to do a partial fade in Sound Forge

2012-11-27 Thread Quinten Pendle
I'm having the same issue. What version of SF are you using?

-Original Message-
From: Steve Matzura [] 
Sent: 27 November 2012 05:13 PM
To: pc-audio
Subject: How to do a partial fade in Sound Forge

I have a piece of audio that runs about three minutes or so. The first 45
seconds or so should be played at normal level, then a quick duck of about
12dB over maybe two seconds, then the rest of the audio should remain at the
lower level for the rest of its duration. How in the world is this done with
Sound Forge? I can fade something totally out over the length of a
selection, but I cannot figure out how to control the depth of the face,
then keep it at that lowered level for the rest of the duration of the
audio. Any suggestions welcome, with my thanks in advance.

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Recommendation of an audio recorder

2012-02-07 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi all

A friend of mine is in the market for an audio recorder, not very much the
high end stuff, but rather more like the Olympus DS30 or anything alike.
Any recommendations would be welcomed.

Thanks much.

Quinten Pendle

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RE: Restoring "Auto tag" to Winamp 5.621

2011-10-24 Thread Quinten Pendle
I'm having the same issue, and would also appreciate any help/suggestions in
this regard.

Thanks much.
Quinten Pendle

-Original Message-
From: Stumpy [] 
Sent: 25 October 2011 08:44 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Restoring "Auto tag" to Winamp 5.621

I'd like to know if there is a way to restore the "Auto tag" option in the
alt 3 dialogue in the newest version of Winamp.  Is there any way to do this
short of finding an old copy that still had "Auto tag" in it?  Thanks for
any help...

I'm using a Win 7 64 bit Home premium machine with jaws 13 if that matters
at all.

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RE: winamp question

2011-06-12 Thread Quinten Pendle
Haha, glad I could help.
Enjoy Ireland for me. :)
Quinten Pendle

-Original Message-
From: joe bollard [] 
Sent: 12 June 2011 12:34 PM
To: pc -audio
Subject: winamp question

gotcha thanks quintin, it works, one happy irishman, take care, travel
safely, joe., To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to:
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RE: winamp problem

2011-06-12 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi Joe
When you land on the general settings, you should just use tab to find the
relevant check box, you shouldn't open the treviews with your arrow keys.

All the best
Quinten Pendle

-Original Message-
From: joe bollard [] 
Sent: 12 June 2011 12:26 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: winamp problem

hello quintin,i have followed your instructions, but somehow can't find 
the message you suggested, i pressed control and p when in winamp, found 
"general purpose"  but when arroing down couldn't find "winamp updates" 
could find lots of other plug ins suggestions, but no winamp updates, 
puzzling, joe.
----- Original Message - 
From: "Quinten Pendle" 
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" 
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2011 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: winamp problem

> Hi Joe
> Try the following:
> Inside winamp, hit control +p for preferences and use your arrow keys 
> to find the general category. Once there, tab until you reach a 
> checkbox that says  "check for new winamp version at startup" and 
> uncheck it. This should solve the problem. Hope this helps.
> All the best
> Quinten Pendle
> -Original Message-
> From: joe bollard []
> Sent: 12 June 2011 11:32 AM
> To: pc -audio
> Subject: winamp problem
> hello friends, i think i may have asked this question on this list 
> before, so apologies  if i have, but i don't recall any solution, i am 
> currently using winamp, but when listening to an audio file i suddenly 
> get a message saying "winamp update"  and then i can't get out of the 
> file, i try everything, i'm using jaws 11  and windows xp, i have to 
> turn off the computer to get out of the file, hope i'm making myself 
> clear, is there any way i can stop this, i don't want winamp updates, 
> any help will really be appreciated, take care, travel safely, joe. To 
> unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: 
> -
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RE: winamp problem

2011-06-12 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi Joe

Try the following:
Inside winamp, hit control +p for preferences and use your arrow keys to
find the general category. Once there, tab until you reach a checkbox that
says  "check for new winamp version at startup" and uncheck it.
This should solve the problem.
Hope this helps.

All the best
Quinten Pendle

-Original Message-
From: joe bollard [] 
Sent: 12 June 2011 11:32 AM
To: pc -audio
Subject: winamp problem

hello friends, i think i may have asked this question on this list before,
so apologies  if i have, but i don't recall any solution, i am currently
using winamp, but when listening to an audio file i suddenly get a message
saying "winamp update"  and then i can't get out of the file, i try
everything, i'm using jaws 11  and windows xp, i have to turn off the
computer to get out of the file, hope i'm making myself clear, is there any
way i can stop this, i don't want winamp updates, any help will really be
appreciated, take care, travel safely, joe. To unsubscribe from this list,
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RE: Cubase VS Sonar, as well as voice tuning

2011-03-28 Thread Quinten Pendle
I don't necessarily think so, because I'm not gonna use either of these
programs for midi at all.

-Original Message-
From: Mac Norins [] 
Sent: 28 March 2011 09:18 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Cubase VS Sonar, as well as voice tuning

You would be better off trying to get these questions answered on the Midi 
Mag list, than here, don't you think?

- Original Message - 
From: "Quinten Pendle" 
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" 
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 11:54 AM
Subject: Cubase VS Sonar, as well as voice tuning

Hi all

Since other apps are talked about here, I thought I'd ask.
Is Cubase or Nuendo at all accessible with Jaws, or are there scripts
available that will let you work in 1 of these apps? How does Cubase or
Nuendo compare with Sonar?

Another important issue, is voice tuning.
The studio where I work, use Melodyne to do voice tuning, since it sounds
very natural, not as synthetic as some of the autotuners out there. Also,
with melodyne it's possible to tune small portions of music, even parts of a
single note. I wonder if Melodyne can be accessed at all with Jaws, or is
the lay-out too graphical? What good alternative is there to melodyne, if
any, something that would enable you to achieve almost the same success as
with Melodyne?

Thanks for any help, it would be highly appreciated.

All the best
Quinten Pendle
Twitter: ahafanQ

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Cubase VS Sonar, as well as voice tuning

2011-03-28 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi all

Since other apps are talked about here, I thought I'd ask.
Is Cubase or Nuendo at all accessible with Jaws, or are there scripts
available that will let you work in 1 of these apps?
How does Cubase or Nuendo compare with Sonar?

Another important issue, is voice tuning.
The studio where I work, use Melodyne to do voice tuning, since it sounds
very natural, not as synthetic as some of the autotuners out there.
Also, with melodyne it's possible to tune small portions of music, even
parts of a single note.
I wonder if Melodyne can be accessed at all with Jaws, or is the lay-out too
What good alternative is there to melodyne, if any, something that would
enable you to achieve almost the same success as with Melodyne?

Thanks for any help, it would be highly appreciated.

All the best
Quinten Pendle
Twitter: ahafanQ

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RE: R09HR, Zoom H2, or Zoom H4?

2009-01-07 Thread Quinten Pendle
I am almost sure it keeps time and date for some time if you've got to
change the batteries, although I've only had to do this once, some time ago.
Someone, correct me if I'm wrong.
I doubt whether the batteries will charged if the Sony is connected to the
pc though.

-Original Message-
From: Bobcat [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 4:37 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: R09HR, Zoom H2, or Zoom H4?

Does the Sony PCM D50 keep the date and time when you change batteries? 
Also, can batteries charge in the machine?

To bad the PCM D50 doesn't set date and time when connected to the computer 
or does it?  I have Sony Digital Voice Editor software for a Sony voice 
recorder.  It has an option to update the date and time on compatible 
recorders.  Sadly, my voice recorder ICD-P620 doesn't have that feature and 
looses the time every time I change batteries.


- Original Message - 
From: "Martin, Tim A., NMDOT" 
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 9:38 AM
Subject: RE: R09HR, Zoom H2, or Zoom H4?

> Hi Brad,
> The Sony is usable as far as simple operation.  You will need someone 
> to help you get the date and time set when you first turn on the 
> machine.

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RE: R09HR, Zoom H2, or Zoom H4?

2009-01-07 Thread Quinten Pendle

Well, there are many buttons on the sony itself, designated to perform
definite, and in my case frequently used, functions.
The actual menus of the sony isn't very accessible, unless you have a good
But even so, the Sony is worth every cent.
I own both the Zoom H2 and the Sony PCM D50, and I've now bought a pair of
binaural microphones from Core-Sound, which I've used on both recorders.
On each level the Sony stands out head and shoulders above the Zoom.

-Original Message-----HTH

Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
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From: Bradford Trainham [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 8:48 AM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: R09HR, Zoom H2, or Zoom H4?

Is the Sony machine accessible?
Brad Trainham

-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Quinten Pendle
Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2009 1:04 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: R09HR, Zoom H2, or Zoom H4?

Well, I own the Zoom H2, and can' complain.

The Zoom isn't really that accessible, although Neal Ewers has a rather
valuable tutorial up at blindcooltech about it. However, if you really want
to go for the quality option, I would recommend the Sony PCM D50 (not
included in your list, quite expensive, but well worth every cent).

-Original Message-
From: James Scholes []
Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2009 8:00 PM
Subject: R09HR, Zoom H2, or Zoom H4?

Hello. I'm looking at buying a new voice recorder, as the Olympus DS50 that
I currently own is, to sum up in 1 word, useless. I've narrowed down my
choices to: The Edirol R09HR, the Zoom H2, or the Zoom H4. Which would
people recommend, both from a quality and accessibility standpoint?

--Check out my radio and TeamTalk server!
James Scholes

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RE: SV: new Mediaplayer available

2009-01-05 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi all

I actually like this new MaPlEr.
The only major enhancement I would like to see (the thing that will convince
me to buy the program), is the ability to scrole through the playlist using
the arrow keys, where as currently when you arrow down, the next track
starts to play immediately.

All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
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-Original Message-
From: Marco Steinebach - Mardy [] 
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 4:37 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: SV: new Mediaplayer available

Hi Anders,
Yes, I had a look to Foobar2000. Its a good one, but there are some things
in MaPlEr you may wanna notice: You can play a whole folder from the windows
explorer by just selecting "Play with MaPlEr" from the file menu. You can
pause and resume the playback from everywhere in windows by using the pause
key. You can play an audiolink from the internet without downloading it
first. The userinterface seems to be more usuable to me. And, yes, it's not
free, but the price is only 7,00 Euro, not too much, I think. You can try
the program, but you'll hear a message every 90 seconds in the demo version.

Best regards

Jonathan Mosen List Founder
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RE: R09HR, Zoom H2, or Zoom H4?

2009-01-01 Thread Quinten Pendle
Well, I own the Zoom H2, and can' complain.

The Zoom isn't really that accessible, although Neal Ewers has a rather
valuable tutorial up at blindcooltech about it.
However, if you really want to go for the quality option, I would recommend
the Sony PCM D50 (not included in your list, quite expensive, but well worth
every cent).

-Original Message-
From: James Scholes [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2009 8:00 PM
Subject: R09HR, Zoom H2, or Zoom H4?

Hello. I'm looking at buying a new voice recorder, as the Olympus DS50 that
I currently own is, to sum up in 1 word, useless. I've narrowed down my
choices to: The Edirol R09HR, the Zoom H2, or the Zoom H4. Which would
people recommend, both from a quality and accessibility standpoint?

--Check out my radio and TeamTalk server!
James Scholes

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Motu UltraLite MK3

2008-12-03 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi all

After a recommendation from a friend, I bought this sound card.

The one problem that I have, is that the application in which you change the
volume of channels, adjust recording levels, panning, etc. etc. etc. does
not seem very accessible.

Do any of you happen to have this particular model, and if so, are there any
tips you can offer to find your way around this machine and to put it to
better use?

Thanks for any help, it will be received gratefully.

All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
Email and Msn:

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8:17 AM

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RE: Station Playlist, revisited

2008-11-04 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi James
Thanks for your suggestion.
I forgot to mention that the other pc, the one to which the audio is being
streamed, is linked to the network via a digital link, because that pc is
not in the same building as the rest of the computers.
Would this affect what you suggested, or not really?

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of James Scholes
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 9:41 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Station Playlist, revisited

Hi Quinten,
Regarding your second question, on your network, why not setup a network
drive? To do this, go into my computer, select the tools menu, and then
select map network drive. Press shift tab and in the combo box select the
drive letter you want, then in the edit field, type the path to the folder
on the other PC that you want to map. For example: If the other computer is
called test1, and you want to map the audio folder, you would type
\\test1\audio If you did this, you could add files from the other machine to
your playlist, just as if they were on your own PC. On Tuesday, November 04,
2008 at 06:25 PM (GMT), Quinten Pendle wrote: Hi all

Would it be possible for you to stream audio from one pc with SPL loaded, to
another pc, also with SPL loaded, on the same network, just as you would do
from the pc to a server? Also, would it be possible to set up a playlist
(.m3u file) on the pc to which the audio from the other pc is streamed,
containing the URL to which this audio is streamed, in combination with
other songs, so that in the event of the connection between the 2 pc's brake
off, the pc set to receive the stream, should automatically proceed to play
the other files on the playlist?

I hope I made sense.

Thanks for any help, it is grately appreciated.

All the best
Quinten Pendle

Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
Email and Msn:

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Check out my radio and TeamTalk server!
James Scholes

MSN/Windows Live Messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
AIM: JamesScholes000
Skype: james.scholes
Find me on Facebook! Username: jamesscholes
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Station Playlist, revisited

2008-11-04 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi all

Would it be possible for you to stream audio from one pc with SPL loaded, to
another pc, also with SPL loaded, on the same network, just as you would do
from the pc to a server?
Also, would it be possible to set up a playlist (.m3u file) on the pc to
which the audio from the other pc is streamed, containing the URL to which
this audio is streamed, in combination with other songs, so that in the
event of the connection between the 2 pc's brake off, the pc set to receive
the stream, should automatically proceed to play the other files on the

I hope I made sense.

Thanks for any help, it is grately appreciated.

All the best
Quinten Pendle

Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
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Station Playlist Studio: a final question

2008-09-18 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi again all

Is there any way one could check the remaining time of a song currently

Thanks again for any help.

All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
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RE: Station Playlist Studio: 2 questions

2008-09-18 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi Kevin and Orhan

Thanks a stack for all your help, I really appreciate it.

All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
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-Original Message-
On Behalf Of orhan deniz
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 9:57 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Station Playlist Studio: 2 questions

Hi Quinten,
I can answer your first question. You can select songs, and cut and paste
them using windows commands. However, there is an annoyance with SPL studio.
If you decide at the last minute you want to insert a track, it will go
above the track you are playing. So, to combat this, you insert an hour
marker by pressing Control plus H, and insert it above the hour marker. Now
if you are using creator alongside studio and hour markers are not ignored,
you could run in to problems, but don't quote me on that.

Best regards,
Orhan Deniz.
MSN/Windows Live ID:
Twitter:! Profile:
On Thursday, 18 September 2008 8:29:17 PM, Quinten wrote: 
> Greetings all

> This week I started working at a local radio station here in town, and 
> they use Station Playlist Studio.

> Since the demo I have of it, expired, I just would like 2 small 
> questions answered, if possible please:

> First, is it possible to move, or drag songs up and down in a playlist 
> once it is loaded, (similar to how you can move songs around in a 
> playlist while in Winamp)? And if possible, what is the key command 
> one should use to do this?

> Second:  While in SPL, is it possible to search and load a song into 
> the playlist if it isn't there automatically? If so, again, what are 
> the keyboard commands to be used?

> Thanks for any and all help, it is much appreciated.

> All the best
> Quinten Pendle
> Klerksdorp, South Africa
> Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
> Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
> Email and Msn:
> Skype:
> ahakimbo
> Website:

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Station Playlist Studio: 2 questions

2008-09-18 Thread Quinten Pendle
Greetings all

This week I started working at a local radio station here in town, and they
use Station Playlist Studio.

Since the demo I have of it, expired, I just would like 2 small questions
answered, if possible please:

First, is it possible to move, or drag songs up and down in a playlist once
it is loaded, (similar to how you can move songs around in a playlist while
in Winamp)?
And if possible, what is the key command one should use to do this?

Second:  While in SPL, is it possible to search and load a song into the
playlist if it isn't there automatically?
If so, again, what are the keyboard commands to be used?

Thanks for any and all help, it is much appreciated.

All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
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Another Winamp question

2008-08-04 Thread Quinten Pendle
Greetings all

Each time I try to play an audio cd with Winamp, it wants to retrieve cd
information first, and I have all my days to try and convince winamp to quit
the cd info thing, and jus play the darn track.
This is getting wrist slittingly annoying.
Any suggestions as to how I might be able to get Winamp to NOT do this each

Thanks for any help.

All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
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RE: Just bought a Zoom H2, any advice?

2008-07-16 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hello Lynn

For it's price, I think the Zoom H2 is one fine, outstanding, excellent,
fantastic, awesome piece of machinery.
I owned one for just under 2 months, when out of stupidity, I tried to put
my Zoom on electricity, not realising that in the US they use 120 Volts,
compared to the 240 we use in South Africa.
Needless to say, my Zoom is ... Well, yeah.
I'm still crying crocodile tears about it, and plan to re-invest in another
one in the very near future.

Sighted assistance initially might be a good idea, but as someone else said,
the Zoom remembers your preferences.

Well, to conclude:

Enjoy every second of your Zoom.

All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
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-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Lynn Schneider
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 2:41 AM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: Just bought a Zoom H2, any advice?

Hi!  I bought myself a Zoom H2 and it should be arriving by UPS within the
next couple days.  I have listened to Neal Ewers' excellent podcasts on this
recorder, and have downloaded and read through the manual, but I was
wondering if anyone out there could give me the menu structure for it, or
any other advice you have found helpful, especially since I will have very
little to no sighted help.  I was very disappointed with the sound quality
of the Olympus, so I hope I will like the Zoom better.  If I do, I plan to
do some podcasting.

Thanks in advance for any insights.


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RE: A question regarding the burning of an audio cd

2008-07-15 Thread Quinten Pendle
Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.

All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
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-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Steady Goh
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 4:45 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: A question regarding the burning of an audio cd

Hi, track 8 and 9 can be 2 seperate audio files. Just be sure that the file
that is suppose to be track 8 has no silence at the end and the track 9 file
has no silence at the beginning so that the 2 files will play smoothly 1
after another. After you add the tracks to your cd layout, go to track 9,
hit alt enter to go to properties and change the 2 seconds pause to 0. Also
note that copy method must be disk at once and not track at once. hth.

锦发/Steady Goh

About Steady Groh 吴锦发

  - Original Message - 
  From: Quinten Pendle 
  To: 'PC Audio Discussion List' 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 2:35 PM
  Subject: A question regarding the burning of an audio cd

  Hi everyone

  I need to burn an audio cd with 14 tracks on it.
  However, between tracks 8 and 9, there should be no space and no audible
  In other words, the sounds from track 8 are supposed to flow into the
  of track 9.
  What would be the best way to record these tracks, should I record both
  tracks as one single track?
  If so,  how can I tell the cd when track 8 should be finished, and when
  track 9 should start?

  I'm using Nero Start Smart to burn cd's.

  Thanks for any help.

  All the best
  Quinten Pendle
  Klerksdorp, South Africa
  Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
  Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
  Email and Msn:

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A question regarding the burning of an audio cd

2008-07-15 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi everyone

I need to burn an audio cd with 14 tracks on it.
However, between tracks 8 and 9, there should be no space and no audible
In other words, the sounds from track 8 are supposed to flow into the sounds
of track 9.
What would be the best way to record these tracks, should I record both
tracks as one single track?
If so,  how can I tell the cd when track 8 should be finished, and when
track 9 should start?

I'm using Nero Start Smart to burn cd's.

Thanks for any help.

All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
Email and Msn:

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Question regarding Sonar 7 and mp3

2008-05-09 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi all

I'm demoing Sonar here, but have the following question:
When I import various file types e.g. wav, flac, and wma into Sonar, it
handles the files okay.
However, when I import any mp3 file, regardless of bit rate and so on, it
doesn't play the file, all it does, is to play a sort of static noise for
the duration of the file.
I've fiddled around with various settings in Sonar, but can't seem to know
which adjustments to make.

Any help and/or pointers will once again be highly appreciated.

All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
Email and Msn:

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RE: A question regarding multitrack recording

2008-05-08 Thread Quinten Pendle

Thanks for the help, at least I now have some directions to explore.

All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
Email and Msn:

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Chris Wright
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 8:18 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: A question regarding multitrack recording

The answer to your problem is Sonar.

There are two sets of Jaws scripts available. One is free, and the other one
will cost you some money.

The free set of scripts is called JSonar. Go to

for more info.

The set of scripts you'll have to pay for is called CakeTalking. Go to

for more info.
- Original Message - 
From: "Quinten Pendle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" 
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:18 PM
Subject: A question regarding multitrack recording

> Greetings all
> For the past 7-8 years I've been using Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 (yes, I
> that this program is now ancient), but the reason I stuck with 
> Cakewalk so long, is because it works for me, and I know it well. 
> However, I'm increasingly needing to import .mp3 files into my 
> projects,
> every time I want to use an mp3 file, I have to convert it back to 
> wave format.
> My question then is this:
> Is there a program that would allow you to do multitrack recordings, 
> but would also allow you to import files in other formats than wav, 
> e.g. mp3, flac, ogg, etc? Also, would said program be reasonably 
> accessible, and if not, are there Jaws scripts for the program 
> available?
> Thanks for any help, it will be much appreciated.
> All the best
> Quinten Pendle
> Klerksdorp, South Africa
> Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
> Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
> Email and Msn:
> Skype:
> ahakimbo
> Website:
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A question regarding multitrack recording

2008-05-08 Thread Quinten Pendle
Greetings all

For the past 7-8 years I've been using Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 (yes, I realise
that this program is now ancient), but the reason I stuck with Cakewalk so
long, is because it works for me, and I know it well.
However, I'm increasingly needing to import .mp3 files into my projects, but
every time I want to use an mp3 file, I have to convert it back to wave

My question then is this:
Is there a program that would allow you to do multitrack recordings, but
would also allow you to import files in other formats than wav, e.g. mp3,
flac, ogg, etc?
Also, would said program be reasonably accessible, and if not, are there
Jaws scripts for the program available?

Thanks for any help, it will be much appreciated.

All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
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RE: Using 2 sound cards

2008-03-12 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi all
Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it.

All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
Email and Msn:

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of David Truong
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 12:47 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Using 2 sound cards

HI Mate,

Taken from the Freedom Scientific support section:


I have two sound cards on my computer. How do I make sure JAWS uses the one
I want? 


Many JAWS users who also use music or audio production software want JAWS
and Eloquence to speak through one sound card, while using the other for
their production work. To do this, you need to edit a file called JFW.ini
and install the updated Eloquence Speech driver in the accompanying zip

Editing the jfw.ini file: 

list of 5 items
1. Using My Computer or Windows Explorer, browse your hard drive to the
currently running version of JAWS and find the jfw.ini file in that folder. 
2. Press ENTER to open. 
3. You should find some lines that read: 

list of 3 items nesting level 1
. Synth1Name=eloq 
. Synth1LongName=Eloquence for JAWS 
. Synth1Driver=eloq

The number doesn't matter, it may be 1, 2, or 3, but it must be the same for
all entries for Eloquence. 

list end nesting level 1
4. Add the following line after the driver line: Synth1Port=SB Live! Wave
Device. Of course, you need to make sure that the synth number matches the
other lines, so that if the Driver line read "Synth3Driver=eloq" then the
port line would read "Synth3Port=SB Live! Wave Device"

The text after the = sign in the Port line comes from Control Panel/Sound &
Multimedia/Audio tab. It must be one of the entries that can be chosen for
Preferred Playback device. 

5. Save your changes and exit Notepad. With JAWS version 5.x and higher, you
are done. 
list end

If you have JAWS version 4.x, you will also need to install the updated
driver. As long as JAWS is running and speaking through Eloquence, eloq.jls
cannot be simply overwritten when unzipping the file. You will need to
switch to NoSpeech or MS SAPI to get the eloq.jls to overwrite properly. 

list of 4 items
1. Download the file from 
2. Unzip the zip file into the root of the active JAWS directory where you
made the change to the jfw.ini file. 
3. Restart JAWS and it should now be speaking from the sound card you
4. If not, make sure the entries are correct in the jfw.ini file and that
your sound card is indeed installed correctly. Most audio and music
production software allows you to select a sound device for it as well, so
it can use one sound card while JAWS uses another. 
list end

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Quinten Pendle
Sent: Wednesday, 12 March 2008 7:31 AM
Subject: FW: Using 2 sound cards

-----Original Message-
From: Quinten Pendle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 11:28 PM
Subject: Using 2 sound cards

Greetings all
I am currently using a creative soundblaster Live, but find when I broadcast
audio and communicate with people via e.g. msn, I can't really hear jaws
I know that if you use Winamp, you can turn down the volume of the music,
but for various reasons I am not using Winamp.
My question, short and simple, is this:
Can I use e.g. my soundblaster live to have all the audio played, except
Jaws? Would I be able to have jaws using my onboard sound card as output?
This way I can manipulate both audio streams through a mixer.
I hope this makes sense.
Thanks for any help, once again.
All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
Email and Msn:

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RE: Using 2 sound cards

2008-03-11 Thread Quinten Pendle
Thanks Nick. Would you, or anyone else for that matter, mind telling me how
to get JFW to work through the onboard soundcard, once I've enabled it?
Thanks for any and all the help.
All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
Email and Msn:

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Nick G
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 2:22 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Using 2 sound cards

Quinten, that is recommended, to be honest.  Definitely possible.
- Original Message - 
From: "Quinten Pendle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 5:42 PM
Subject: Using 2 sound cards

Greetings all

I am currently using a creative soundblaster Live, but find when I broadcast
audio and communicate with people via e.g. msn, I can't really hear jaws

I know that if you use Winamp, you can turn down the volume of the music,
but for various reasons I am not using Winamp.

My question, short and simple, is this:

Can I use e.g. my soundblaster live to have all the audio played, except

Would I be able to have jaws using my onboard sound card as output?

This way I can manipulate both audio streams through a mixer.

I hope this makes sense.

Thanks for any help, once again.

All the best

Quinten Pendle


Klerksdorp, South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 83 395 4593

Fax: +27 (0)86 516 0498

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Using 2 sound cards

2008-03-11 Thread Quinten Pendle
Greetings all 

I am currently using a creative soundblaster Live, but find when I broadcast
audio and communicate with people via e.g. msn, I can't really hear jaws

I know that if you use Winamp, you can turn down the volume of the music,
but for various reasons I am not using Winamp. 

My question, short and simple, is this:

Can I use e.g. my soundblaster live to have all the audio played, except

Would I be able to have jaws using my onboard sound card as output?

This way I can manipulate both audio streams through a mixer. 

I hope this makes sense. 

Thanks for any help, once again. 

All the best

Quinten Pendle


Klerksdorp, South Africa

Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593

Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498

Email and Msn:





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FW: Using 2 sound cards

2008-03-11 Thread Quinten Pendle

-Original Message-
From: Quinten Pendle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 11:28 PM
Subject: Using 2 sound cards

Greetings all
I am currently using a creative soundblaster Live, but find when I broadcast
audio and communicate with people via e.g. msn, I can't really hear jaws
I know that if you use Winamp, you can turn down the volume of the music,
but for various reasons I am not using Winamp.
My question, short and simple, is this:
Can I use e.g. my soundblaster live to have all the audio played, except
Would I be able to have jaws using my onboard sound card as output?
This way I can manipulate both audio streams through a mixer.
I hope this makes sense.
Thanks for any help, once again.
All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
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RE: Question regarding Station Playlist Studio

2008-02-19 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi, and thanks for all your help so far.

I do have one more question, please bare with me:
 Is there a setting in station playlist, that would allow me to turn down
the volume of the music so that I  could still hear the stuff that Jaws is
reading, and without lowering the volume of the content that I'm streaming
to the Internet?

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Question regarding Station Playlist Studio

2008-02-18 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi all
After your recommendations last week, I've decided to evaluate the
aforementioned program.
I can't however get the microphone to work, (I can hear myself talking, but
people who listen to my audio over the Internet, can only hear the music I
play, but when I talk inbetween songs, they hear nothing).
Any hint as to what I'm doing wrong, and what I should change in the
Thanks for any help.
All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
Email and Msn:

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RE: SAM encoder or alternative

2008-02-13 Thread Quinten Pendle
Hi Dan

Thanks very much for the advice, I'm in the process of checking it out.

All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
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-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Dan Eickmeier
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 11:58 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: SAM encoder or alternative

Hi Quinton, a very very good product to go with for broadcasting if  
you have one sound card,  and you want something which is very  
accessible, is Station Playlist Studio, from http://station
   Dan Eickmeier, Brantford, Ontario Canada.  Amateur radio station  
VA3ETS.  EchoLink node number:6165

On 13-Feb-08, at 3:43 PM, Quinten Pendle wrote:

> Greetings everyone
> Although I've been busy with audio production for quite some time
> now, I'm
> new to this list, and relatively new to the world of internet  
> broadcasting.
> My question, as the subject line suggests, relates to broadcasting
> software,
> specifically to SAM broadcaster, from
> Up until now, I've been using Winamp together with either Shoutcast,
> or the
> SAM encoder, to stream audio to the shoutcast server.
> However, as I'm sure you know, this is a rather limited option, as you
> cannot do things such as cross fade between songs, talk over music,  
> etc.
> etc. etc.
> I played around with SAM Broadcaster on the computer of one of my
> sighted
> friends, and first impression I got, is that this is a very robust  
> piece of
> software.
> However, accessibility is seriously lagging here, or not?
> I'm using Jaws 8 as screen reader, and I've wondered whether there  
> are any
> Jaws scripts available to work with SAM, for if I'm going to buy  
> SAM, at
> least I would like to use as many of it's features as possible.
> If this is a no-go area, I've played around with ZARA Radio a bit,
> and like
> the features that it has, as well as the fact that it is reasonably
> accessible.
> What I can not seem to figure out, is how to have this program work  
> with
> either the SAM Encoder, or the Shoutcast encoder for that matter.
> Do you route the whole process through Winamp?
> And if you do, what are the risk of Jaws leaking through to your  
> broadcast,
> as I'm using only one sound card?
> I really hope someone on this list would be able to shed some light
> on these
> issues for me.
> Thanks for your time.
> All the best
> Quinten Pendle
> Klerksdorp, South Africa
> Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
> Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
> Email and Msn:
> Skype:
> ahakimbo
> Website:
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.2/1270 - Release Date:
> 2/10/2008
> 12:21 PM
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SAM encoder or alternative

2008-02-13 Thread Quinten Pendle
Greetings everyone
Although I've been busy with audio production for quite some time now, I'm
new to this list, and relatively new to the world of internet broadcasting.
My question, as the subject line suggests, relates to broadcasting software,
specifically to SAM broadcaster, from
Up until now, I've been using Winamp together with either Shoutcast, or the
SAM encoder, to stream audio to the shoutcast server.
However, as I'm sure you know, this is a rather limited option, as you
cannot do things such as cross fade between songs, talk over music, etc.
etc. etc.
I played around with SAM Broadcaster on the computer of one of my sighted
friends, and first impression I got, is that this is a very robust piece of
However, accessibility is seriously lagging here, or not?
I'm using Jaws 8 as screen reader, and I've wondered whether there are any
Jaws scripts available to work with SAM, for if I'm going to buy SAM, at
least I would like to use as many of it's features as possible.
If this is a no-go area, I've played around with ZARA Radio a bit, and like
the features that it has, as well as the fact that it is reasonably
What I can not seem to figure out, is how to have this program work with
either the SAM Encoder, or the Shoutcast encoder for that matter.
Do you route the whole process through Winamp?
And if you do, what are the risk of Jaws leaking through to your broadcast,
as I'm using only one sound card?
I really hope someone on this list would be able to shed some light on these
issues for me.
Thanks for your time.
All the best
Quinten Pendle
Klerksdorp, South Africa
Tel:  +27 (0) 83 395 4593
Fax:  +27 (0)86 516 0498
Email and Msn:

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