RE: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

2014-06-09 Thread Alexandra GrĂ¼nauer
This can also happen with the audio jacks. I had this problem and bought
little adapters that you plug between the cable cable and the cable socket
in the wall. The idea to get the company do something about it is good.


> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
> Frank Ventura
> Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:09 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: RE: 60 cycle hum/noise interference
> True but in this case I verified that I am using the audio out jacks.
> Frank
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Jerry
> Berrier
> Sent: Monday, June 09, 2014 4:27 AM
> To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
> Subject: RE: 60 cycle hum/noise interference
> You could also get very strong hum if you accidentally plugged into the
> video ports rather than audio on the TV.
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
> Frank Ventura
> Sent: Sunday, June 8, 2014 8:57 PM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: RE: 60 cycle hum/noise interference
> Tim, thanks. I took a quick look at Amazon and there are many and I think
> some are specific to car stereo. I really can't tell which one is correct
for my
> situation.
> Frank
> -Original Message-
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of tim
> cumings
> Sent: Sunday, June 8, 2014 8:41 PM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: 60 cycle hum/noise interference
> Frank check Amazon.
> On 6/8/2014 7:58 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:
> > Hi all, when I plug the audio out (two rCA jacks) from my TV into my
> > mixer
> I get a constant 60 cycle hum. I understand that a ground loop isolator
> help this situation. Can anyone recommend one or point me in the direction
> of where I can buy one?
> > Thanks
> > Frank
> >
> >

RE: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

2014-06-09 Thread Frank Ventura
True but in this case I verified that I am using the audio out jacks.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Jerry Berrier
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2014 4:27 AM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

You could also get very strong hum if you accidentally plugged into the video 
ports rather than audio on the TV.  

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Frank Ventura
Sent: Sunday, June 8, 2014 8:57 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: RE: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

Tim, thanks. I took a quick look at Amazon and there are many and I think some 
are specific to car stereo. I really can't tell which one is correct for my 

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of tim cumings
Sent: Sunday, June 8, 2014 8:41 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

Frank check Amazon.
On 6/8/2014 7:58 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:
> Hi all, when I plug the audio out (two rCA jacks) from my TV into my 
> mixer
I get a constant 60 cycle hum. I understand that a ground loop isolator might 
help this situation. Can anyone recommend one or point me in the direction of 
where I can buy one?
> Thanks
> Frank

Re: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

2014-06-09 Thread Laurence Taylor
On 09/06/2014 14:33, Dean Masters wrote:
> I had the same problem when I ran a line from the headphone output on the TV 
> to my PC. I dindn't know which of those things to get on Amazon but I knew 
> that with Comcast they don't ground their lines correctly and that is where 
> the hum comes from.

If you've got cable, make sure the cable company fitted an
isolated outlet. They should do anyway, but if you haven't got
one ask them to fit one.

...Is that seat saved? No, but we're praying for it.
---Taglines by Tagzilla (

Re: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

2014-06-09 Thread Don Ball
YOU USE to be able to get one at radio shack but I ordered one from amazon a 
while back.
They run about $12 us so get the best one you can find for around that 
- Original Message - 
From: "Frank Ventura" 

To: "PC Audio Discussion List" 
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2014 7:58 PM
Subject: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

Hi all, when I plug the audio out (two rCA jacks) from my TV into my mixer I 
get a constant 60 cycle hum. I understand that a ground loop isolator might 
help this situation. Can anyone recommend one or point me in the direction 
of where I can buy one?


Re: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

2014-06-09 Thread Dean Masters
I had the same problem when I ran a line from the headphone output on the TV 
to my PC. I dindn't know which of those things to get on Amazon but I knew 
that with Comcast they don't ground their lines correctly and that is where 
the hum comes from. so I unscrewed the cable connection until the hum went 
away. so I have no idea if there is a picture but since I am the only one 
that uses the TV it doesn't matter. So the cable connection is just stuck in 
enough to get sound but not enough to get the hum.


-Original Message- 
From: Frank Ventura

Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2014 8:57 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: RE: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

Tim, thanks. I took a quick look at Amazon and there are many and I think 
some are specific to car stereo. I really can't tell which one is correct 
for my situation.


-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of tim 

Sent: Sunday, June 8, 2014 8:41 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

Frank check Amazon.
On 6/8/2014 7:58 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:
Hi all, when I plug the audio out (two rCA jacks) from my TV into my mixer 
I get a constant 60 cycle hum. I understand that a ground loop isolator 
might help this situation. Can anyone recommend one or point me in the 
direction of where I can buy one?


RE: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

2014-06-09 Thread Jerry Berrier
You could also get very strong hum if you accidentally plugged into the
video ports rather than audio on the TV.  

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Frank
Sent: Sunday, June 8, 2014 8:57 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: RE: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

Tim, thanks. I took a quick look at Amazon and there are many and I think
some are specific to car stereo. I really can't tell which one is correct
for my situation.

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of tim
Sent: Sunday, June 8, 2014 8:41 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

Frank check Amazon.
On 6/8/2014 7:58 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:
> Hi all, when I plug the audio out (two rCA jacks) from my TV into my mixer
I get a constant 60 cycle hum. I understand that a ground loop isolator
might help this situation. Can anyone recommend one or point me in the
direction of where I can buy one?
> Thanks
> Frank

RE: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

2014-06-08 Thread Frank Ventura
Tim, thanks. I took a quick look at Amazon and there are many and I think some 
are specific to car stereo. I really can't tell which one is correct for my 

-Original Message-
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of tim cumings
Sent: Sunday, June 8, 2014 8:41 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

Frank check Amazon.
On 6/8/2014 7:58 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:
> Hi all, when I plug the audio out (two rCA jacks) from my TV into my mixer I 
> get a constant 60 cycle hum. I understand that a ground loop isolator might 
> help this situation. Can anyone recommend one or point me in the direction of 
> where I can buy one?
> Thanks
> Frank

Re: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

2014-06-08 Thread Gary Schindler
RadioShack sells ground loop isolators for use with RCA hookup, or look for 
the Art Cleanbox, or Behrenger hum destroyer. you will have to adapt the 
latter two units from quarter inch standard phone to RCA jacks respectively.

- Original Message - 
From: "Frank Ventura" 

To: "PC Audio Discussion List" 
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2014 7:58 PM
Subject: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

Hi all, when I plug the audio out (two rCA jacks) from my TV into my mixer I 
get a constant 60 cycle hum. I understand that a ground loop isolator might 
help this situation. Can anyone recommend one or point me in the direction 
of where I can buy one?


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Re: 60 cycle hum/noise interference

2014-06-08 Thread tim cumings

Frank check Amazon.
On 6/8/2014 7:58 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:

Hi all, when I plug the audio out (two rCA jacks) from my TV into my mixer I 
get a constant 60 cycle hum. I understand that a ground loop isolator might 
help this situation. Can anyone recommend one or point me in the direction of 
where I can buy one?

60 cycle hum/noise interference

2014-06-08 Thread Frank Ventura
Hi all, when I plug the audio out (two rCA jacks) from my TV into my mixer I 
get a constant 60 cycle hum. I understand that a ground loop isolator might 
help this situation. Can anyone recommend one or point me in the direction of 
where I can buy one?