Re: Goldwave and Going directly to a certain time in a file?

2016-01-02 Thread Colin Howard

GoldWave V5.70, I've just been playing and discover the following.

If you open the file, don't play or do anything with or to it, but simply do
ctrl-g.  You are now in an edit box which, as you've not played the file
will contain the value 0:00:00. so now, assume you want to go 10 minutes
and 25 seconds into the file, simply replace by overtyping 10:25. If you
then put your start marker here, start playing and this is where it begins.
If you also wanted to end the segment, say, at 15 minutes 45 seconds, no
need to play the file, simply do ctrl-g, it should display the value you
entered earlier, i.e 10:25, don't move the cursor but simply type in 15:45,
press return and put your finish marker.  If you now play the selection by
using one of the three play keys, you should start at the start marker and
finish at the finish marker.  If you use the k key, it also will start at
the start marker but will play past the finish marker.

I have my three play buttons set as follows:

Play1 (f2) is set to play all, i.e from start to end of file.

Play2 (f3) is set to play selection, i.e whatever is between the start and
finish markers.

Play3 (f4) is set to play view,  i.e whatever is showing on the screen this
is determined by my zoom ratio, I usually only have one second's worth of
the fjile on the screen but, of course, this can be less or more.

I find these settings ideal all the time.

Don't forget also, to set the scrub value, this is an edit field found after
the wind speed settings in the play tab.  By default (certainly until this
version of GoldWave) it is set to 0.000 but I set mine to 0.150, meaning
whenever I move a marker or arrow key, I hear 0.15 seconds' worth of any
recording, this I find invaluable but there is a definite nack to making use
of the feature.  Sometimes, when moving markers, you may hear more than you
need to delete, therefore, then, play the selection to find out exactly what
is between the markers.  A case in point, is, when you might need to remove
a mouth click, usually only about .0002 of a second.

I hope these comments are of some help - I have been a GoldWave user now for
over 8 years and have been involved with sound processing eversince the days
of razor blades and reel-to-reel tapes!

Re: Goldwave and Going directly to a certain time in a file?

2016-01-02 Thread Colin Howard

Start playing file, then Ctrl with g, enter time, return, continues playing
from entered cursor position.
Press f7 to stop adjust start/finish markers as desired.

Re: Goldwave and Going directly to a certain time in a file?

2016-01-02 Thread covici
What I do is to hit shift-e and tab once and set the start marker to
that location, or the end marker if you want to delete or otherwise
manipulate a section ending with that time.

Gerardo Corripio  wrote:

>  How would one in Goldwave 5.7, in a file that's two-hours in length,
> get to where one can enter for instance 21 minutes or so, permitting
> one to jump directly to that point in time, without having to
> fast-forwawrd with the left/right arrow keys until one gets to for
> example, 21 minutes?
> -- Enviado desde mi lap Gerardo J Corripio Flores Psicólogo, Terapéuta
> Reiki Saludos desde Tampico, Tamaulipas México

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

 John Covici