
Total Recorder 7.1 is now available from www.totalrecorder.com.
Here are the changes in this version:

Windows Vista 64-bit is fully supported with the introduction of the 64-bit version of Total Recorder's kernel mode driver. The user interface for working with tags has been redesigned. Support for tags has also been extended with the following enhancements:

Support for artwork in tags.
Total Recorder can read ID3v2 tags for all versions (version 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4). Ability to play multichannel audio files in stereo, provided that an appropriate audio codec is installed. Statistics, including the total duration and the total size for selected files in a playlist, are now available.
Minor enhancements for the built-in scheduler, including the following:

Tooltips have been added to the list of scheduled jobs so that the main characteristics of each job can be displayed without opening additional dialog boxes. The restriction where you could not schedule more than one job at the same time has been removed.
Other minor enhancements.
Favorites are now supported by Total Recorder. Similar to the favorites you use in a browser, such as Internet Explorer, you can do the following:

Add a file, playlist, or URL to your Favorites list.
Open an item from your Favorites list in Total Recorder.
Import and export favorites.
Maintain a history of favorites.
Play an audio file or a video file at a slower or faster speed than normal while optionally preserving the original tone. The process and the ability to capture a URL for background recording have been enhanced.
New buttons have been added to the toolbar on the Sound Image panel.
Many other enhancements.


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