Hear is what I would like to know.
If I have a multi band limiting plug in selected in whenamp for listening to 
mp3's and things like that.
Does it matter or have any affect on a cd that I am burning I mean does it 
affect the sound of it or adjust the sound of the burned copy of the cd?
Or does it not matter if I have any plug in selected in win or not cause 
since winamp has nothing to do wth cd's and burning them then I can just 
leave whatever plug ins selected in winamp and not even worry about them.
And just burn a cd like I usually would before I had the pul ins installed 
and running.
Or is it a good idea to first open and go in toe dsp plug in section and 
unselect any plug ins that might be running before burning the cd?
Thanks ahd have a nice day.


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