Hi Juergen,

What version of wget have you on your system?
(# wget --version)

If you've got version 1.11.1 or higher can you execute the following wget command and send me the output in a mail and I'll follow up: (Replace SOA_username & SOA_passwd with your Sun Online Account username & password) # /usr/sfw/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --auth-no-challenge --http-user="SOA_Username" --http-passwd="SOA_Passwd" "https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=145005-01&method=hs"; -O 145005-01.jar

Alternatively if the version of wget you are using is between 1.10.2 and 1.11, could you # /usr/sfw/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --http-user="SOA_Username" --http-passwd="SOA_Passwd" "https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=145005-01&method=hs"; -O 145005-01.jar

Could you please include your SOA_Username in the mail too.

Could you also provide more detail about the issues you are having with the Patch Basket (I'm assuming were talking about the PatchFinder tool - http://sunsolve.sun.com/patchfinder/ - here...) too please?
It seems to work ok for me...


Jürgen Mengeling wrote:
On 28.06.10 15:10, Don O'Malley wrote:

Could you please also ensure that you have completed "Step 5 - Register
for patch download automation" on the "Update Account" link also.

The T&C on SunSolve changed after the Oracle acquisition, so you will
need to accept the new T&C prior to being able to download patches via
wget (which is used by PCA).

If you are continuing to have issues please let me know.


Martin Paul wrote:
Techie wrote:
My PCA is no longer working since the Oracle buy out of SUN. I went
directly to SUNSOLVE and I cannot download directly from there either.

First thing to check is whether your contract number is listed
correctly in the "Update Account" section on SunSolve. Ensure that you
have the correct "Entitlements" for getting access to the patch you
try to download.

If you can't even download patches from SunSolve directly, you should
really contact Sun Support. Tell them that you can't use a service
that you already paid for, which is unacceptable.


Hello *

similar behaviour here (de), pca download failed ( 403 You are not entitled to retrieve this content.)

----------- 8< ---------------
Trying https://sunsolve.sun.com/ (1/1)
Adding to /tmp/pca.862815: header=Authorization: Basic [base64:usenname:passwd removed] /usr/sfw/bin/wget --progress=dot:binary "https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=145005-01&method=hs"; --ca-certificate=./scripts/pca -O /net/nfsremote/storage/VolGroup02-00/clients/solaris/patches/./145005-01.tmp --2010-06-29 08:54:59-- https://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=145005-01&method=hs
Resolving sunsolve.sun.com...
Connecting to sunsolve.sun.com||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: https://getupdates2.sun.com/all_signed/145005-01.jar [following] --2010-06-29 08:55:02-- https://getupdates2.sun.com/all_signed/145005-01.jar
Resolving getupdates2.sun.com...
Connecting to getupdates2.sun.com||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 You are not entitled to retrieve this content. 2010-06-29 08:55:09 ERROR 403: You are not entitled to retrieve this content..

Removing /tmp/pca.862815
Failed (Error 403: You are not entitled to retrieve this content.)
Failed (patch not found)
----------- >8 ---------------

[not being pedantic but: send/log username/password as base64 coded??,
just a quick google gives some new accounts -)]

manual patch download working (green lock is always shown): mostly, sometimes I get also "not entitled" message but after checking "Update Account" everything is ok.
Current Contracts are marked as valid,
Patch Entitlements: "Solaris10SoftwareUpdates ContractRequired SolarisSoftwareUpdates Public", Step 5: your are already been registered.

basket download also not working.

greetings juergen

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