
sorry for the late reply. I'm stuck in the middle of a move of our research group to a new building (and being integrated into a larger organisation), so it's not easy to find some spare time for PCA issues right now.

As for VRTS patches, you're right about the basic problem. I've added the extra rules for 119303/119304/119305 to PCA now for a beginning.

I'm wondering though whether all of the other patches you list are real world problems: While many patches are listed as unbundled, their package version is often specific enough for PCA to match it to a certain OS release or architecture. E.g. often the packages version of VRTSxxx is different for sparc and i386, so the package in question will never appear on the wrong architecture.

Have you seen all of the patches listed wrongly on a real world system, or did you grep all Veritas patches from patchdiag.xref to compile the rules?

Don't get me wrong - I'll happily add exceptions for all affected patches to PCA (and I still think this is a viable solution, as once added they will apply to everybody, so most people never have to bother). But on the other hand I only want to add required rules, as the list has to be maintained, too.


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