Hi PCE'rs,

The slot requests we've received so far don't look in a rush. We believe
it'll be more convenient to skip the proposed April 7 and set up a
virtual meeting later, e.g. in May and June, hopefully when the global
situation resolves.

We'll poll the list on time to identify a date and a time slot that will
fit the majority.

Take care,

Dhruv & Julien

On 11/03/2020 11:20, Dhruv Dhody wrote:
> Hi WG,
> By now you would have seen the note from the IESG regarding the
> in-person IETF 107 meeting [1]. We are still waiting for further
> instructions on further planning of the virtual WG session. Please
> bear with us.
> We are still accepting slot request on the WG agenda, please make the
> request SOON, this would also help us in planning the virtual WG
> meeting.
> In the meantime, the mailing list is always open for business, please
> use it to describe the motivation for your new drafts, list updates to
> your existing I-Ds, discuss open issues etc.
> Take care!
> Dhruv & Julien
> [1] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/ietf/wxgxvqtHNdtuHqoXAjSqJulrrCA/
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 11:12 AM Dhruv Dhody <dhruv.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi WG,
>> The PCE WG session in Vancouver is scheduled for Tuesday Afternoon
>> session I [1]. If you need some face-to-face time to progress some
>> work, please send a slot request to the chairs/secretary directly by
>> Friday March 13th including:
>> - the draft(s) you want to discuss,
>> - the expected presenter name, (mention clearly if the presenter would
>> be remote)
>> - the requested duration, including question time as part of the slot,
>> - the reason why you want to be on the agenda; What do you want to
>> achieve? Why is a presentation necessary to achieve it?
>> Please note - Asking for a slot does not mean you will get one. We
>> will be prioritizing moving WG work first as well as drafts that were
>> discussed on the mailing list. Please make sure to introduce your new
>> draft or summarize an update in the mailing list. The last date to
>> submit drafts is Monday March 9th [2].
>> Thanks!
>> PCE Chairs & Secretary
>> [1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/107/agenda.html
>> [2] https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/important-dates/


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