2013-03-26 Thread Dooley, John W - APHIS
I have a better idea for those that hate blather.  Perhaps you should remove me 
from the chairperson position.  I do not have time for people that push my way 
or the highway and contribute nothing.  Obviously, trying to discuss and get 
ideas in a general setting appears to be upsetting to some.  Guess that is 
democracy (anti political correctness.

It has been a week and have gotten only one response (totally negative-removed 
the name for obvious reasons).   Obviously doing something wrong.

John William Dooley
MS Organismal Biology, SJSU
389 Oyster Point Blvd, Suite 2A
South San Francisco, Ca 94080
650-8769093 (office)
650-8760915 (fax)
650-3338426 (cell)
Personal email:


how did we ever get into all this blather.

i have been a member of the pacific coast ent soc sind 1956.  i get much much 
more work done  without all this social media blather.

remove me from you listand i may not renew in the future.  nor support the 
student scholarship much longer.


[] on behalf of Dooley, John W - APHIS 
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 11:15 PM
To: Kipling (Kip) Will (
Cc:; T.C. MacRae 
Guess you cannot send '' as a bcc

John William Dooley
MS Organismal Biology, SJSU
389 Oyster Point Blvd, Suite 2A
South San Francisco, Ca 94080
650-8769093 (office)
650-8760915 (fax)
650-3338426 (cell)
Personal email:

From: Dooley, John W - APHIS
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Kipling (Kip) Will (
Cc: T.C. MacRae (
Subject: PCES

Kip, Ted, Frederique and others interested,

I know that some are opposed to FaceBook and other social media.  However, I 
believe we should take advantage of Facebook, Listserv, and the website.  
Facebook would be more important in bring in the students and younger 
professionals and we have one already available.I like the idea that Ted 
raised using a blog on FaceBook and what about (is it feasible) having a blog 
section on the website as well?

Need to get this going but I feel like the blind in the lead.  What about these 

1.   Contact the biology departments at the universities and colleges to 
see if any of the entomology clubs would be interested in joining/accessing the 
FB and Website?

2.   Can we put in links to the website to online identification keys (e.g. 
Insecta Mundi, Zootaxa-free ones,  bugGuide,  USDA-SEL-ARS (scalenet, APHIDS, 
and Aleyrodid info)

3.   Link to the different collections that would be helpful (e.g. CASC, 
CSAC, PPQ, Essig Museum)

Any other ideas? What should we do first?

John William Dooley
MS Organismal Biology, SJSU
389 Oyster Point Blvd, Suite 2A
South San Francisco, Ca 94080
650-8769093 (office)
650-8760915 (fax)
650-3338426 (cell)
Personal email:

-Original Message-

Hi John,

I probably have as much blogging and Facebook experience as any of us, so I'll 
offer my thoughts now as an early contribution to the conversation.

There are a couple of ways to blog using FaceBook. The first would be to 
simply treat FB like a blog - status updates and photo uploads can be used as 
periodic posts. The other way is to develop a true blog on some other hosting 
service (I use WordPress for my own blog) and have blog posts automatically fed 
to the FB page. Either way is fairly easy (once you become familiar with the 
platform) but face an uphill climb in terms of gaining audience - a FB page 
must be Like in order for it to show up in somebody's news feed, and a blog 
must either be subscribed to or otherwise bookmarked for somebody to receive 
notification whenever new content is posted.

In my opinion, how to blog is not so much the problem versus who will blog. We 
have FB pages both for the Society and for the journal. So far, I've been using 
the PPE FB page to post status of PPE issues and occasional links to articles 
of general interest to editors, reviewers or authors. I do also occasionally 
blog on behalf of PPE on my own blog - usually longer, more informative posts 
with figures or multiple components that don't fit nicely on FB. I'm not sure 
that anyone else has ever posted on the page, although I have given 
administrative access to all members of the PPE Editorial Board (at least those 
that are on FB that I am aware of). Chris Borkent is managing the PCES FB page 


2013-03-26 Thread Frederique Lavoipierre
Hi John,

The reason I haven't answered your email is that my life took a sudden turn and 
I have been so busy there has been no time for non-essential emails. I recently 
accepted a job on very short notice, at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden.

I would still like to be part of the PCES, and I enjoy social media blather - 
and now it will keep me connected to my Bay Area interests, friends and 
colleagues! SBBG is all Ca native plants, and provides me a great opportunity 
to pursue my interest in flower-visiting insects. There is a nice collection at 
the nearby SB Natural History Museum. I do hope to be able to come to an 
occasional meeting, but in the meantime: Facebook!  As to blogging, I don't 
even have time for writing that is already overdue. Facebook takes just a few 
moments, and allows me to network in a variety of areas of interest. I find I 
can get MORE work done when I can take a minute or two break on Facebook.

The Insecta-Palooza page continues to grow 
(, with fans from all over the 
world, and every time I see the new 'likes', I just think Good! More people 
who like insects enough to want to learn more about them. Granted, it isn't as 
serious as PCES. I would be happy to post some serious entomological news on 
the PCES facebook page.

My two cents worth.



From: [] on 
behalf of Dooley, John W - APHIS []
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 1:58 PM
To: Kipling (Kip) Will (
Cc:; T.C. MacRae (
Subject: Re: [PCES] RESENT: PCES

I have a better idea for those that hate blather.  Perhaps you should remove me 
from the chairperson position.  I do not have time for people that push my way 
or the highway and contribute nothing.  Obviously, trying to discuss and get 
ideas in a general setting appears to be upsetting to some.  Guess that is 
democracy (anti political correctness.

It has been a week and have gotten only one response (totally negative-removed 
the name for obvious reasons).   Obviously doing something wrong.

John William Dooley
MS Organismal Biology, SJSU
389 Oyster Point Blvd, Suite 2A
South San Francisco, Ca 94080
650-8769093 (office)
650-8760915 (fax)
650-3338426 (cell)
Personal email:


how did we ever get into all this blather.

i have been a member of the pacific coast ent soc sind 1956.  i get much much 
more work done  without all this social media blather.

remove me from you listand i may not renew in the future.  nor support the 
student scholarship much longer.


[] on behalf of Dooley, John W - APHIS 
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 11:15 PM
To: Kipling (Kip) Will (
Cc:; T.C. MacRae 
Guess you cannot send '' as a bcc

John William Dooley
MS Organismal Biology, SJSU
389 Oyster Point Blvd, Suite 2A
South San Francisco, Ca 94080
650-8769093 (office)
650-8760915 (fax)
650-3338426 (cell)
Personal email:

From: Dooley, John W - APHIS
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Kipling (Kip) Will (
Cc: T.C. MacRae (
Subject: PCES

Kip, Ted, Frederique and others interested,

I know that some are opposed to FaceBook and other social media.  However, I 
believe we should take advantage of Facebook, Listserv, and the website.  
Facebook would be more important in bring in the students and younger 
professionals and we have one already available.I like the idea that Ted 
raised using a blog on FaceBook and what about (is it feasible) having a blog 
section on the website as well?

Need to get this going but I feel like the blind in the lead.  What about these 

1.   Contact the biology departments at the universities and colleges to 
see if any of the entomology clubs would be interested in joining/accessing the 
FB and Website?

2.   Can we put in links to the website to online identification keys (e.g. 
Insecta Mundi, Zootaxa—free ones,  bugGuide,  USDA-SEL-ARS (scalenet, APHIDS, 
and Aleyrodid info)

3.   Link to the different collections that would be helpful (e.g. CASC, 
CSAC, PPQ, Essig Museum)

Any other ideas? What should we do first?

John William Dooley
MS Organismal Biology, SJSU
389 Oyster Point Blvd, Suite 2A
South San Francisco,