Re: [PD-dev] Separating GUI from the engine in PD

2007-03-12 Thread carmen
On Mon Mar 12, 2007 at 11:08:42AM +0100, Pierpaolo Marcon wrote:
 I'm trying to put Pd on a DSP processor, but I need to separate completely
 the Pd engine from the GUI.
 Does anybody knows if it is available on the web the Pd engine code?
 (without GUI)

sure.. just download PD from miller puckette's website. delete the GUI files, 
disable it in the makefile and on launch..

the desireData branch has gone further than that, but im not sure how well it 
works with nogui. youre porably better off using csound, supercollider, or 
chuck, if you dont want a GUi, for the time being

PD-dev mailing list

Re: [PD-dev] Fwd: Request for dev access

2007-02-14 Thread carmen
On Wed Feb 14, 2007 at 03:15:10PM -0700, Luke Iannini (pd) wrote:
 Sorry, posted this to the wrong list the first time.  Thanks Frank
 I'd like to be added to the CVS dev list, such that I can begin
 posting a few of the publicly-useful abstractions I've been working
 on, and more presently to get the mmonoplayer externals added.
 I'd also still be interested in getting us over to Subversion, if
 there is still a supportive group for this?  I've maintained several
 SVN repos now, and feel a bit more up to the task of organizing the

i'd be more interested in moving us over to Git, so i can stop getting these 
emails. what do we need. a webpage to register repos?

 Reasons for my admission include the bad luck of a prime number of developers.
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Re: [PD-dev] pd-extended build logs

2007-01-27 Thread carmen
On Sat Jan 27, 2007 at 05:06:06PM -0500, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
 On Jan 27, 2007, at 5:56 AM, Georg Holzmann wrote:
 The Windows scripts might not send emails, since it's a pain to do that on 
 Windows. Feel free to get that working.
 How should I get this working ? - I would have to log me into the windows 
 machine ...
 Get it working on any machine, then check it into CVS.  That's what the 
 auto-builds use.  Ideally, it would use only software in Cygwin or MinGW.  So 
 someone needs to figure out how to send emails 
 from a script on a Windows machine.

or you could just commit the build log to a file and use CVS's equivalenet of 
.git/hooks/post-commit to send it from the CVS server.. which is more likely to 
be able to get mails through the -cvs list address anyways

 As we enjoy great advantages from inventions of others, we should be glad of 
 an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and this we should 
 do freely and generously. - Benjamin 
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Re: [PD-dev] pd-extended build system questions

2007-01-08 Thread carmen
On Mon Jan 08, 2007 at 04:30:20PM -0500, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
 On Jan 8, 2007, at 1:21 PM, Georg Holzmann wrote:
 Okay, I build now a shared library because I have a lot of shared code - it 
 will be installed in the same directory as the pd externals.
 Hm - I just noted that the shared library can't be found now...
 Where do I have to install them now on all the platforms ?
 E.g. on linux do I have to install it now to /usr/lib or something similar - 
 or is it also possible to install it somewhere relative to the pd binary ?
 Wow, that's great that you have a shared library already!  Since Pd-extended 
 is built with gcc on all platforms, porting the build process to other 
 platforms isn't too difficult, its mostly a matter of 
 getting the right flags, which are listed in externals/Makefile.
 As for using the shared library, I think that you have to explicitly load it 
 in each external.  You can look at pd/src/s_loader.c to see how Pd does it.  
 An external is just a shared libray that Pd 
 loads, so its the same mechanism.

maybe the dlopen part. the library search part is hand-rolled. so putting 
things in /usr/lib won't get youa nything..

 News is what people want to keep hidden and everything else is publicity. 
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Re: [PD-dev] pd-extended build system questions

2007-01-08 Thread carmen
On Tue Jan 09, 2007 at 12:03:14AM +0100, Georg Holzmann wrote:
 So is there a way how the externals can find the shared library, whithout 
 copying it into a global library path like /usr/lib/ ?
 It seems that the only way is, to add the 
 /full/path/to/installed/library/directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable 
 before starting pd ...
 I think you can link to it using a relative path, or even better, just the 
 same dir, i.e. .  Mac OS X has handy tools for managing library paths 
 (otool -L and install_name_tool), I don't know about 
 other platforms.
 . does not work on linux - I would have to install the library first and 
 then link it to the full path where I have it installed.
 So it seems that the only way is to use dlopen() - where I have to modify the 
 source (and handle it seperate for all platforms in the source file ...).
 I think it's not worth to do that for PDContainer - but we can continue to 
 think about it if we can also use it for other externals ;)

how about modifying s_loader to also check in system paths for externals.. then 
you could reuse the same method regardless of whether its external to PD, or 
external to PD externals..

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PD-dev mailing list

Re: [PD-dev] strings

2006-12-17 Thread carmen
 Automatic type conversion sounds like a really bad idea if the language only 
 partially supports it.  Pd is strongly typed

is it? it mainly has numbers that occasionally look like symbols, and symbols 
that more than occasionally look like lists and/or strings..

 , so what Martin says is definitely appropriate. 
  Perl is the opposite, everything can be automatically cast, so there it 
 makes sense.

it is definitely a design decision which way to go. could PD flexibly support 
both at once? or does there need to be an OCaml edition, and a Perl edition?

PD-dev mailing list

Re: [PD-dev] strings

2006-12-17 Thread carmen
 Automatic type conversion sounds like a really bad idea if the language only 
 partially supports it.  Pd is strongly typed

do you think the target user base wants to think in terms of casting types? i 
don't. i have a feeling that was why there are so few types. i think most users 
wan't to be able to plug anything into anythign and at least get some sort of 
result, more than expected bang, got '' scrolling 1000 times a second in 

my vote would be a nice selection of types, and autocasting (maybe warnings at 
most for int vs float, string to symbol, etc)

of course the only real way to vote for this would be write the code - i think 
i'll wait for PNPD instead.. :)

PD-dev mailing list

Re: [PD-dev] moving iemgui from core to extra

2006-12-15 Thread carmen
 If we are going to have full-fledged namespaces, than this is an essential 
 step.  Think C without any #includes or Java without any #imports.  Only the 
 bare minimum is 
 in the language itself.  Everything else is a library.

in Python 2.5, Tk is still a configure-time option, which means, TkInter isnt 
shipped as a seperate library (Even TCL ships Tk seperately). likewise, the JVM 
from sun includes a GUI as well. the Squeak VM includes a gui, debugger, source 
code editor, etc.

these GUIs may be shipped as nonoptional parts of the core, but presambly they 
do have their own namespace and installation directory on disk - does this mean 
we'll be cerating [iemgui/numbox2]'s in patches soon (or [declare import 
iemgui] or whatever)?

my question would be... what do you get out of this change. other than make 
people's patches slightly harder to build, and have to worry about getting your 
changes incorporated into miller's version or continually move around files 
every version bump..

i guess the prefs dialog has a setting for default library imports?

PD-dev mailing list

[PD-dev] ChangeLogs

2006-11-29 Thread carmen
ive found the file src/ChangeLog on the devel_0_39 branch, which contains some 
information on ImPd 0.37 through DesireData 0.39.

are the changes from the devel branch documented somewhere? things like the 
scheduler, audio interfaces, SIMD/vectorization/memory-alignment, whatever else 
may be different..

likewise, is there a changelog for monsieur poquette's version? ive heard that 
its 1.manual/x5.htm, but that file doesn't exist in the devel branch..


PD-dev mailing list

Re: [PD-dev] missing file from pd-MAIN and fftw version

2006-09-26 Thread carmen
 and that is the question: why do we necessarily need the fftw based 
 fft-objects in plain pd and cannot use externals?

 so the only drawback is see is: the objects are called [fftw~] instead of 
 [fft~]; but lo and behold, i vaguely remembered krzysztof magic in cyclone, 
 where a newly 
 loaded class raises itself over an already existing class. while he is using 
 it to overwrite objects from other externals (e.g. iemmatrix's [matrix~]), i 
 don't see any 
 reason why this should not work with internals.

 et voila, does this not sound good?

sounds good. maybe there should be some official policy on the overloading of 

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Re: [PD-dev] Refactoring Pure Data

2006-09-11 Thread carmen
On Mon Sep 11, 2006 at 02:21:33PM +0200, Vincent Lordier wrote:
 Hi enthusiasts devs !
 I want to work on pd's code readability and structure, only refactoring, not
 adding new features. (
 The final goal is to make PD easy to scale (desactivate MIDI, Audio,
 Network, some CoreLibs, ...)
 'We've got to undo the MIDI revolution!  said Miller'
 = Well, as far as I know, removing MIDI from PD's hairy code isn't as easy
 as ./configure --nomidi' make install ... yet !
 There is quite a bit to do in this area, some of it is just renaming,
 indenting, some of it might be cleaning out stuff.h to separate clearly
 MIDI, Audio, engine, GUI and CoreLibs.
 Again, my goal is not to alter pd in its behavior (yet), nor optimizing
 anything (yet), just to improve readability and separation of modules.
 Any help on this and / or pointers to previous work is welcomed :)
 I want to make it easier for anyone to get into the code, to maintain it and
 to address issues like portability (from embedded - PDa-like or even tinier
 - to bigger systems).
 BUT my main problem right now is : on which version / branch should I work
 on ?

whichever you want. you cant work on the MAIN branch, since youre not g-d. if 
you work on the devel_0_39 branch yo might break it (it is currently used for 
DesireData and Vibrez, afaik). 

you might want to at least peak at the devel_0_39 branch, building with 'scons 
desire=1' since a lot of refactoring has already taken place, mainly in regards 
to GUI/engine seperation. i dont think anyone has taken on moving all the 
'internals' to 'externals'. since the only thing differentiationg an internal 
and an external is the makefile, and where the source resides (As it is, many 
externals use private 'internal' headers)...

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