Re: [PD] Latest Pd-extended experiences

2007-06-04 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig

i stripped the zexy from the subject-line.

David Powers wrote:
 Bad news:
 BUT - there are some SERIOUS problems with Gem, and the entire patch
 is now broken!!! I'm trying to understand more of the problems, but
 what I see right now, is something wrong with pix_buffer, and
 pix_freeframe, and something with the fonts, in particular. There's an
 error with rotateXYZ but I don't think that's important. Any
 suggestions??? This is on WinXp, pd-extended RC 1.

let's have a look.

 Here is the output when I first load my patch:
 [tabdump] part of zexy-2.1 (compiled: Apr 14 2007)
 Copyright (l) 1999-2006 IOhannes m zmölnig, forum::für::umläute  IEM
 expr, expr~, fexpr~ version 0.4 under GNU General Public License
 MAN::resetState entered
 GEM: loaded image: C:/vid/gem-vj/crab.jpg
 [tabset] part of zexy-2.1 (compiled: Apr 14 2007)
 Copyright (l) 1999-2006 IOhannes m zmölnig, forum::für::umläute  IEM
 pix_film:: directshow support
 handle 0AAF0D98
 filmQT created
 pix_film:: quicktime support
 handle 1AAF0F48
 handle 212FCA98
 handle 312FCB38
 handle 412FCBD0
 handle 512FCC70
 handle 612FCD18
 pix_buffer_read: couldn't find pix_buffer '1115-buff'

there is a minor annoyance, where [pix_buffer_read] (and
[pix_buffer_write]) do a check for an existing [pix_buffer] at creation
time (which is a bad time to check, since the corresponding [pix_buffer]
might be yet non-existant).
usually you can safely ignore this warning.
(however, i was not able to detect any other problems from your error
logs, which does not mean that there are none).

 GEM: loaded images: C:/vid/gem-vj/img/aliens1/ .jpg from 0 to 18 skipping 1
 [urn] part of zexy-2.1 (compiled: Apr 14 2007)
 Copyright (l) 1999-2006 IOhannes m zmölnig, forum::für::umläute  IEM
 ... couldn't create
 handle 012FE8F0
 filmQT created
 handle 112FE9E8
 handle 212FEAA0
 handle 312FEB40
 handle 412FEBD8
 handle 512FEC78
 handle 612FED20
 pix_buffer_read: couldn't find pix_buffer '1121-buff'
 GEM: loaded images: C:/vid/gem-vj/img/mad/ .jpg from 0 to 13 skipping 1
 trying to load C:/vid/gem-vj/freeframe/PeteSlide
 C:\\vid\\gem-vj\\freeframe\\PeteSlide: couldn't load
 error: GemException: couldn't load FreeFrame-plugin
 pix_freeframe freeframe/PeteSlide
 ... couldn't create

just to make sure: you DO have a PeteSlide.dll in C:/vid/gem-vj/freeframe/?
and Gem has been able to load this dll in previous incarnations?

afaik, Gem for w32 is still just directly pulled from
(instead of compiled on the autobuild farm); this might still be a
problem with compiler versions and the like...

 trying to load C:/vid/gem-vj/freeframe/PeteGaussianBlur
 C:\\vid\\gem-vj\\freeframe\\PeteGaussianBlur: couldn't load
 error: GemException: couldn't load FreeFrame-plugin
 pix_freeframe freeframe/PeteGaussianBlur
 ... couldn't create
 handle 012FC708
 filmQT created
 handle 112FC800
 handle 212FC8B8
 handle 312FC958
 handle 412FA350
 handle 512FA3F0
 handle 612FA498
 pix_buffer_read: couldn't find pix_buffer '1141-buff'
 GEM: loaded images: C:/vid/gem-vj/img/fly/ .jpg from 0 to 14 skipping 1
 GEM: loaded images: C:/vid/gem-vj/img/universe/ .jpg from 0 to 12
 skipping 1
 error: GEM: rotateXYZ: needs 0 or 3 arguments
 error: GEM: rotateXYZ: needs 0 or 3 arguments
 error: GEM: rotateXYZ: needs 0 or 3 arguments
 error: GEM: rotateXYZ: needs 0 or 3 arguments

this has always been like this: [rotateXYZ] either needs no or exactly 3
arguments; try to find out why your patch gives another number of
arguments to this object.

 [demultiplex] part of zexy-2.1 (compiled: Apr 14 2007)
 Copyright (l) 1999-2006 IOhannes m zmölnig, forum::für::umläute  IEM
 error: GEMtext: unable to open font C:/vid/gem-vj/over/vera.ttf

Gem's default font has changed from arial.ttf to vera.ttf for legal reasons.
just copy your old C:/vid/gem-vj/over/arial.ttf to


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[PD] function-to-block dictionary in pd-extended [was: Re: PD i education]

2007-06-04 Thread Anders Friberg
Sounds great!
I started to think about how it could be done. One simple start would be 
to include the list of objects according to function that is found in 
core-pd.  However, I think it would be better to put in in the help menu 
rather than then right-clicking on the canvas. This would encourage 
newbies to use the standard pd blocks to start with.

A general function-to-block dictionary is more complicated since there 
seems to be something like 1000 help files in the doc section...
One possibility could be to put a text label in each help file, for example:
;;;pd-extended classification;;;category: audio;function: filter, 
subfunction: bandpass;;;
This is just an example. It could be done in a number of ways e.g. just 
give keywords. The audio/control classification is of course already 
evident from the tilde sign.This could be complemented with a short 
;;;description: A 2-pole bandpass filter;;;

Then this would be divided in thee tasks:
1. agree on the list of categories and functions
2. label the help files ( I guess that it would be easy for everyone to 
do in the CVS?)
3. Implement sorting according to function in the browser. (If the 
browser search the doc section a new lib would be included automatically.)

The first step can be done on this list or in the pd doc group.
The second step can easily be distributed. I could spend some time with 
it and I think I could mobilize more people at the department as well.
The last step depends mostly on hans so it would be great to hear your 
opinion about it.

marius schebella wrote:
 Three, I would like to help build such a database.

 Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

 I sometimes forget even the names of the objects that I have written, 
 so I would use the dictionary for sure.  So you are not alone in the 
 desire for a dictionary, there is at least two of us ;)


 On May 30, 2007, at 7:51 AM, Anders Friberg wrote:

 This is a quite extreme viewpoint. Translate that to language 
 learning, for example a German learning English. It implies that 
 using a dictionary from German to English is forbidden and the only 
 available dictionary is from English to German. Then assume that the 
 German guy have some basic understanding of the English language but 
 forgot one word... This is exactly my own case. Maybe I am away from 
 pd for a year (God forbid!). Then most of my fluency will fade away 
 and a dictionary would be extremely helpful. I tend to remember 
 functionality but not the exact block name. Am I alone?
 We also try to avoid any fancy stuff in the basic tutorials but we 
 use pd-extended ourselfs and we provide ready-made patches using 
 pd-extended that the students can interface to.

Anders Friberg
Associate Professor
Speech, Music and Hearing, KTH
Lindstedtsvägen 24
S-100 44 Stockholm
work: +46 8 7907876
mobile: +46 70 7746287

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Re: [PD] Try my Digital Waveguide Synthesis patches!

2007-06-04 Thread Frank Barknecht
Kim Taylor hat gesagt: // Kim Taylor wrote:

 I've found this board very useful while doing my university project, I
 thought I'd show you what I've done with Pd. Any feedback at all would
 be really useful at this stage in the project. It'd also be nice to
 get some comments from you Pd guru's on how I've put it together.

Just had a quick look, impressive work you did there. More comments
later, but there is one big technical problem for everyone not on
Windows as you: Your abstractions are named with mixed upper/lowercase
letters and in your patches you even use different spelling for the
same patch sometimes, like [dline-term] and [dline-Term] while the
actual object is called dline-TERM.pd. Pd *is* case-sensitive so you
should decide what names to use. I would recommend to stick with all
lowercase names.

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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Re: [PD] Try my Digital Waveguide Synthesis patches!

2007-06-04 Thread Frank Barknecht
Kim Taylor hat gesagt: // Kim Taylor wrote:

 I've found this board very useful while doing my university project, I
 thought I'd show you what I've done with Pd. Any feedback at all would
 be really useful at this stage in the project. It'd also be nice to
 get some comments from you Pd guru's on how I've put it together.
 See attachment, or failing that

Another thing: Something really strange is happening in excitation.pd:
Opening it, even with -noloadbang, completely freaks out my Pd and
makes it grind to a complete halt for like 20 seconds. The scollbar to
the right is showing a huge patch area, but there doesn't seem to be
anything outside the visible area.

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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Re: [PD] Try my Digital Waveguide Synthesis patches!

2007-06-04 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig
Frank Barknecht wrote:

 See attachment, or failing that
 Another thing: Something really strange is happening in excitation.pd:
 Opening it, even with -noloadbang, completely freaks out my Pd and
 makes it grind to a complete halt for like 20 seconds. The scollbar to
 the right is showing a huge patch area, but there doesn't seem to be
 anything outside the visible area.

it's the cnv object, that has a fontsize of something rather large...;
if you disable/delete/fix this object, then the patch will open just normal.



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[PD] gem based multi headed media player

2007-06-04 Thread Tim Boykett


has anyone had any experience using (multiple) gem(s)
to output several videos simultaneously on a multiheaded
(linux) box?

the questions that arise as we ponder this is how much CPU gets
used to decode the video, how much to render, how much the
graphics cards can take away effort from the CPU, what sort of
idea of harddisks can make the data transfer more efficent, etc.

any experiences? any suggestions?



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[PD] [PD-announce] Call for Papers: FLOSS+Art

2007-06-04 Thread propaganda
sorry for  please 


Call for Papers
Deadline: September 15th 2007

people.makeart is a new project by GOTO10.

It is a repository of articles and lecture materials focused on the 
relationship between FLOSS (Free/Libre/Open Source Software) and 
digital arts, as well as a database of free digital art projects.

The selected papers will be published on the people.makeart website and
will be printed in the FLOSS+Art book, scheduled for spring 2008, using 
OpenMute's POD publishing service.

GOTO10 is now accepting new, old and recycled papers on the following

- opening digital art's practice, code and culture
- FLOSS communities VS. art collectives
- digital art licensing, copying and distributing, using open content
- role of the artist in FLOSS development
- influence of FLOSS on digital art practices
- free software to produce art and the art of producing free software
- economy of an open digital artwork
- FLOSS as an embedded political message in digital art
- paradox and limitations of open licenses for digital art
- FLOSS as a way to quote and embed other artworks in a new one
- digital artist as a FLOSS developer/user and vice-versa
- definitions and manifestos for a free software art
- branching and forking of an open digital artwork
- opening digital art to ensure future maintainance and porting

Submission Procedures: 

- Submit your final paper to pmafloss-at-goto10-dot-org
  no later than September 15th, 2007. Include the text FLOSS+Art
  followed by your paper's title in your e-mail subject line.
- Submit as many papers as you want, one mail submission for each.
- Accepted formats : plaintext, LaTeX, OpenDocument
  No other file format will be accepted.
- The paper must be attached to the mail, do not send us links
- The submitted paper must be written in English
- Paper must be 1500 words minimum

More information:


The FLOSS+Art POD publishing is a collaboration between GOTO10 and
the Digital Research Unit of the University of Huddersfield,
with commissions and contributions from various organisations and

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Re: [PD] PD-list Digest, Vol 27, Issue 15

2007-06-04 Thread ruth mccracken
I have installed pd-extended 0.38.4 on ubuntu feisty. When I tried to open it, 
it asked for several libraries. So I made several symbolic links to libraries 
it has asked for, and they appear to be working OK.

But has got me stumped.

When I try to open pd I get the following error message:

/usr/local/lib/pd/bin/pd-gui: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I have in /usr/lib/openoffice/program. 
I have tried:

a/  making a symbolic link from /usr/local/lib/pd/bin to 

b/ copying to /usr/local/lib/pd/bin

Neither worked! [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Does anyone have any advice on what I can do here?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Send PD-list mailing list submissions to

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than Re: Contents of PD-list digest...

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Latest Pd-extended experiences (IOhannes m zmoelnig)
   2. function-to-block dictionary in pd-extended [was: Re: PD i
  education] (Anders Friberg)
   3. Re: Try my Digital Waveguide Synthesis patches! (Frank Barknecht)
   4. Re: Try my Digital Waveguide Synthesis patches! (Frank Barknecht)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2007 09:32:55 +0200
From: IOhannes m zmoelnig 
Subject: Re: [PD] Latest Pd-extended experiences
To: David Powers 
Cc: pd-list 

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15


i stripped the zexy from the subject-line.

David Powers wrote:
 Bad news:
 BUT - there are some SERIOUS problems with Gem, and the entire patch
 is now broken!!! I'm trying to understand more of the problems, but
 what I see right now, is something wrong with pix_buffer, and
 pix_freeframe, and something with the fonts, in particular. There's an
 error with rotateXYZ but I don't think that's important. Any
 suggestions??? This is on WinXp, pd-extended RC 1.

let's have a look.

 Here is the output when I first load my patch:
 [tabdump] part of zexy-2.1 (compiled: Apr 14 2007)
 Copyright (l) 1999-2006 IOhannes m zm?lnig, forum::f?r::uml?ute  IEM
 expr, expr~, fexpr~ version 0.4 under GNU General Public License
 MAN::resetState entered
 GEM: loaded image: C:/vid/gem-vj/crab.jpg
 [tabset] part of zexy-2.1 (compiled: Apr 14 2007)
 Copyright (l) 1999-2006 IOhannes m zm?lnig, forum::f?r::uml?ute  IEM
 pix_film:: directshow support
 handle 0AAF0D98
 filmQT created
 pix_film:: quicktime support
 handle 1AAF0F48
 handle 212FCA98
 handle 312FCB38
 handle 412FCBD0
 handle 512FCC70
 handle 612FCD18
 pix_buffer_read: couldn't find pix_buffer '1115-buff'

there is a minor annoyance, where [pix_buffer_read] (and
[pix_buffer_write]) do a check for an existing [pix_buffer] at creation
time (which is a bad time to check, since the corresponding [pix_buffer]
might be yet non-existant).
usually you can safely ignore this warning.
(however, i was not able to detect any other problems from your error
logs, which does not mean that there are none).

 GEM: loaded images: C:/vid/gem-vj/img/aliens1/ .jpg from 0 to 18 skipping 1
 [urn] part of zexy-2.1 (compiled: Apr 14 2007)
 Copyright (l) 1999-2006 IOhannes m zm?lnig, forum::f?r::uml?ute  IEM
 ... couldn't create
 handle 012FE8F0
 filmQT created
 handle 112FE9E8
 handle 212FEAA0
 handle 312FEB40
 handle 412FEBD8
 handle 512FEC78
 handle 612FED20
 pix_buffer_read: couldn't find pix_buffer '1121-buff'
 GEM: loaded images: C:/vid/gem-vj/img/mad/ .jpg from 0 to 13 skipping 1
 trying to load C:/vid/gem-vj/freeframe/PeteSlide
 C:\\vid\\gem-vj\\freeframe\\PeteSlide: couldn't load
 error: GemException: couldn't load FreeFrame-plugin
 pix_freeframe freeframe/PeteSlide
 ... couldn't create

just to make sure: you DO have a PeteSlide.dll in C:/vid/gem-vj/freeframe/?
and Gem has been able to load this dll in previous incarnations?

afaik, Gem for w32 is still just directly pulled from
(instead of compiled on the autobuild farm); this might still be a
problem with compiler versions and the like...

 trying to load C:/vid/gem-vj/freeframe/PeteGaussianBlur
 C:\\vid\\gem-vj\\freeframe\\PeteGaussianBlur: couldn't load
 error: GemException: couldn't load FreeFrame-plugin
 pix_freeframe freeframe/PeteGaussianBlur
 ... couldn't create
 handle 012FC708
 filmQT created
 handle 112FC800
 handle 212FC8B8
 handle 312FC958
 handle 412FA350
 handle 512FA3F0
 handle 612FA498
 pix_buffer_read: couldn't find pix_buffer '1141-buff'

[PD] pd-0.38 installation [Was: PD-list Digest, Vol 27, Issue 15]

2007-06-04 Thread Frank Barknecht

(I changed the subject to something more meaningful.)

ruth mccracken hat gesagt: // ruth mccracken wrote:
 I have installed pd-extended 0.38.4 on ubuntu feisty. When I tried to open 
 it, it asked for several libraries. So I made several symbolic links to 
 libraries it has asked for, and they appear to be working OK.

first: I wouldn't bother at all with such an ancient version of Pd
anymore. We're (almost) at 0.41 in regular Pd now, 0.38 is obsolete,
You should try to install at least version 0.39, or even one of the
0.40 autobuilds (they work fine on Linux). 

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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Re: [PD] Latest Pd-extended experiences

2007-06-04 Thread David Powers
Just to be clear and follow up, some of this was caused because I was
not only missing randomF, but also tripleRand (replacing with
abstractions in my extra directory was easiest solution.) That's
cleared up, and as a whole my monster Vj patch does run. (And the font
issue isn't a big deal, in fact arial never worked out of the box
anyway you had to copy the font over somewhere).

The [pix_freeframe] problem, however, seems to be the only real
remaining problem. Note that these worked with my previous pd+Gem
combo. The only thing that has changed is my version of PD. But the
plugins just won't load now. I'm using the identical patch except for
replaced objects. So would I want to replace this Gem with some other
one, wait for a new pd-extended, or what? Adding those plugins
certainly gives Gem a nice extra range of pix manipulation abilities,
though not essential to my work.

*Sorry about the bad subject line, gmail doesn't let you change it in
a reply, it's annoying, but I use it so I can check email from work
and keep track of things when I don't have access to my own


 just to make sure: you DO have a PeteSlide.dll in C:/vid/gem-vj/freeframe/?
 and Gem has been able to load this dll in previous incarnations?

  trying to load C:/vid/gem-vj/freeframe/PeteGaussianBlur
  C:\\vid\\gem-vj\\freeframe\\PeteGaussianBlur: couldn't load
  error: GemException: couldn't load FreeFrame-plugin
  pix_freeframe freeframe/PeteGaussianBlur
  ... couldn't create


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Re: [PD] PD i education

2007-06-04 Thread Andy Farnell

On Tue, 29 May 2007 10:39:40 +0200
Eirik Arthur Blekesaune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can anybody help me point out who uses PD to teach electronic music? ..
 (Algoritmic) Composistion
 real-time performance

Electronic music and DSP are intersecting, I think Pd is unique
in its potential to teach the greatest amount in a single environment.
Before Pd you could only cover such a wide range of principles 
with a pile of different tools.
How to break up units into music processing, composition, synthesis,
sequencing? Here's my unit outlines...

 What are the pros and cons for using it to teach DSP-theory?

Pros: DSP has a very wide applications field, with Pd it's 
easy to demonstrate/model lots of things, not just sound, but possibly
radar, process control, machine listening, without expensive DSP 
development boards. If I had more time and resources I would include
some physical/electronics and interfacing stuff, because that is useful
for real time performance and instrument designers imo.

With GUI canvas concept it is possible to build active teaching tools 
with Pd itself. Active lecture slides that are patches and contain links
to other patches makes Pd a very powerful demonstration device for CBT.

It's free open source software, perfect for teaching, now students only
need knowledge and motivation, not expensive licenses to get education. 

Cons, hmm, as Tom said, the fine grain sample/block level could be
better somehow. There's a river to cross when moving between teaching
about delays and filters. And for Pd to be a mature as a development tool
as well as for teaching it needs to output code that can be compiled
into new externals or used in separate applications. I believe these two 
things are related. It's like Pd is missing a lowest level where you can
basically write simplified code into objects and compile them.

 Eirik Blekesaune

Use the source

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[PD] loading freeframe-objects with Gem/Pd-extended (was Re: Latest Pd-extended experiences)

2007-06-04 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig
David Powers wrote:
 Just to be clear and follow up, some of this was caused because I was
 not only missing randomF, but also tripleRand (replacing with
 abstractions in my extra directory was easiest solution.) That's
 cleared up, and as a whole my monster Vj patch does run. (And the font

ya, i noticed that most problems have been solved when reading your
other mail after sending my reply

 issue isn't a big deal, in fact arial never worked out of the box
 anyway you had to copy the font over somewhere).

fonts are searched using the pd-paths (as, to my knowledge, is
documented in the help-files...); so you can just add -path
C:/windoze/fonts (or whatever) to give you direct access to all
installed truetype-fonts)

 The [pix_freeframe] problem, however, seems to be the only real
 remaining problem. Note that these worked with my previous pd+Gem
 combo. The only thing that has changed is my version of PD. But the
 plugins just won't load now. I'm using the identical patch except for
 replaced objects. So would I want to replace this Gem with some other
 one, wait for a new pd-extended, or what? Adding those plugins
 certainly gives Gem a nice extra range of pix manipulation abilities,
 though not essential to my work.

yes, that's the point of having a freeframe-loader available

anyhow, could you try replacing the current Gem.dll with an older one
(where you know that it worked) and report back?
make sure you do have backups though...


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Re: [PD] gem based multi headed media player

2007-06-04 Thread moritz
Tim Boykett wrote:
 has anyone had any experience using (multiple) gem(s)
 to output several videos simultaneously on a multiheaded
 (linux) box?
 the questions that arise as we ponder this is how much CPU gets
 used to decode the video, how much to render, how much the
 graphics cards can take away effort from the CPU, what sort of
 idea of harddisks can make the data transfer more efficent, etc.
 any experiences? any suggestions?


with a P4 2.ghz and very important, a graphic card with its own memory 
(with restricted drivers, opengl support, here nvüdüa ) under ubuntu can 
i buffer (with pix_buffer) more than 8 videos all at 16 seconds length 
but this are not videos from a harddisk, but directly from one webcam 
-- cpu uses less than the graphiccard does here his job very well.
but at this point pd has nothing to handle with the harddisk.

i dont have experiences reading non-live videos (from harddisk) and Gem.

When i want to render the gemwindow to harddisk with pix_record and 
pix_snap i have a cpu-load of 100%, tested with all available codecs.. 
sometimes pd crashes, sometimes i got corrupt movie-files, few times i 
got playable movies. i got not a stable solution now for rendering.



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Re: [PD] PD i education

2007-06-04 Thread Frank Barknecht
Andy Farnell hat gesagt: // Andy Farnell wrote:

 How to break up units into music processing, composition, synthesis,
 sequencing? Here's my unit outlines...

One thing that I always forget to ask students to bring besides
laptop, USB-sticks etc. but that is out absolutely crucial and is
still often missing: They have to bring a *mouse*. Patching Pd with
the touchpad is a major pain.

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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Re: [PD] puredata Arduino and Ping

2007-06-04 Thread Kyle Klipowicz
Yes, please describe the physical configuration of the 5 sensors
Marko. I am working on a similar project using 6 sensors, but we have
not done much testing in our proper configuration yet.

My guess is that since all the sensors are hard wired with a specific
ping frequency, they will detect each other's pings when placed in
close proximity.


On 6/3/07, marius schebella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 your code and patch look good. It is not clear to me, why you are using
 these delaytimes for the different sensors. but that should not affect
 your results anyway. the minimum delaytime between two measurements is
 only 200microseconds. but maybe it also depends on the length of the
 impulse? would it be possible, that the sensing fields of the 5 sensors
 overlap, and you get the crosstalk from that?
 on the other hand, it may also be possible that the problem is in your
 circuit. you could try to use 10k pulldown resistors. maybe that stops
 the crosstalk.


 Marko Timlin wrote:
  I am working with several ultra sound sensors called Ping from Parallax
  wired to an Arduino board that is connected to puredata.
  currently I am working with 3 sensors and it works fine.
  now I want to work with 5 sensors and the following problem occurs:
  - I get phantom values on sensors that are not modified: if, for example, 
  I change the value of sensor B, sensor C also changes its values, not 
  exactely syncronized but it jumps to a simlar value range. very annoying 
  is that a problem of my script for arduino or a problem of pd?
  does anybody already have experience with such a configuration?
  I am using Pd version 0.39.2-extended-RC1 on windows xp.
  attached you find the arduino and pd patch for that idea.
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  - --

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Re: [PD] [OT] PD i education

2007-06-04 Thread oliver
hi, andy

really interesting site:

only bad thing is that most of your music-example patches for download require 
abstractions that are not included. that's sad, because i really liked the 
(the only one that works)

btw: padawan vst-instruments are also great !



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[PD] binweise delay

2007-06-04 Thread Mirko Maier
hi list,
is there a possibility for binwise spectral delay with fft? i tried to write 
the analysis in buffers and read it time-variably out before re-synthesizing, 
but that didn't work (in fact buffer writing / reading the analysis did not 
work at all).


Pt! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört?
Der kanns mit allen:

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Re: [PD] binweise delay

2007-06-04 Thread Frank Barknecht
Mirko Maier hat gesagt: // Mirko Maier wrote:

 is there a possibility for binwise spectral delay with fft? i tried
 to write the analysis in buffers and read it time-variably out
 before re-synthesizing, but that didn't work (in fact buffer writing
 / reading the analysis did not work at all).

Is this: what you mean?

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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Re: [PD] puredata evolution

2007-06-04 Thread Matteo Sisti Sette

PD is often said to be meant to be a tool for just prototyping.

It certainly had to be so when it was born but hey, nowadays, with the 
available cpu power of average machines... don't you think that it is no 
more necessarily so?

I'm curious: how many of you really re-code their pd patches into something 
else when you're finished experimenting and you've reached a reasonably 
final version of what you're patching?
I don't.

I put this under the thread of pd evolution because in my opinion, in my 
wishes, in my personal vision of pd's future, one really important step 
would be to assume it is no more a tool for prototyping but an environment 
for developing final applications. I think pd-vanilla is the data-flow, 
audio-oriented analoguous of an interpreted programming language. Ok, an 
interpreted language is 1000 times slower than a compiled one, so, in the 
case of applications requiring 100% state-of-the-art cpu power, it can only 
be used for prototyping; however, for applications that require much less 
computing power than is available, a lot of interpreted languages are used 
for developing real-life applications.

IMHO there are just a couple of crucial things that  need to be solved in 
order to make that step in PD.
One is a few bugs that make your life impossible when you're developing a 
somewhat large application (i.e. many abstraction, reused many times, and 
nested, as is needed when designing a complex system either top-down or 
bottom-up or mixed). Every time you hit CTRL+S, you're likely to be obliged 
to close PD and restart it.
And the second is the GUI is tremendously slow.
I don't mind it may be somewhat limited if one wants to build arbitrary 
interfaces. I just accept (and eventually love) pd's gui, with its bangs, 
toggles, sliders, and the way they work; with appropriate programming (i.e. 
patching) they are powerful (you can use them as display avoiding manual 
changes, you can obtain multiple controllers of the same value that don't 
loose their coherence etc etc).
I just take them as they are and as they work...
but the problem is: it's all so slow.
I can't believe it can't be faster and less cpu-expensive.

Reimplementing the CURRENT guy mechanism, without any change in its 
specifications, in a faster way would be imho an enormous benefit to those 
who use PD as a developing environment. Because it would encourage rather 
than discourage such practices as nesting GOP-enabled abstractions to 
mantain complex interfaces manageable.

I don't know whether some of the aspects I describe are specific to the 
Windows version, as I only use PD under Windows. However, coherently with 
the idea of a reliable developing environment, if this environment is 
supposed to be platform-independent, platform-specific issues should be 

I'd love to hear other opinions about all this.


 --, the professional e-mail, gratis per te:
 In REGALO 'All the Good Thing' di NELLY FURTADO
 Clicca qui:

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[PD] isn't the GUI supposed to have lower priority than process?

2007-06-04 Thread Matteo Sisti Sette

I always thought that in PD, process (i.e. dsp and control processing) had 
the priority over GUI rendering, in such a way that drawing the gui would 
NEVER cause audio clicks although this means there's no warranty about how 
much gui rendering may be delayed.

To my great disappointment, I see that when opening a subpatch with a lot of 
gui, audio clicks are produced. Just opening it, i.e., right-clicking on it 
and open (or just left-clicking when not in edit mode)
Not to mention moving around a big GOP-enabled object (or, I guess, a 
handful of gui elements at the same time).
But the first one seems to me a much more severe problem.

Suppose you have a large application (for a performace, for example) with a 
lot of controllers and display that you may only occasionally need. So you 
have your main interface (i.e. most important elements you need to see all 
the time) in your main window, and lots of less critical displays and 
controllers inside subpatches or instances of abstractions. When you need to 
check out or move a display or controller, you click on the subpatch (or 
even abstraction) to show up the controllers it contains.
This is just not possible because when you do that, you suddenly get a 
second of silence (if the subpatch you open contains more than a couple of 
sliders), as audio processing holds on while drawing the gui.

Do you know of any workarounds?
Do you know if this is Windows-specific?

This is indeed another example of what I was talking about in my previous 
message under the puredata evolution thread.


 --, the professional e-mail, gratis per te:
 Prestiti Online. Scopri subito se sei finanziabile. in 24 ore senza spese né 
anticipi, clicca qui
 Clicca qui:

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Re: [PD] binweise delay

2007-06-04 Thread ugur guney
# You can take a look at this page for help in FFT.
# How did you impelement the buffered analysis?
# I think something like this could work: If the number of bins is 2*N,
prepare N tables with size N samples. 1st table has one in 1st sample and
zero everywhere. Similarly n'th table has 1 in n'th sample and zero in other
samples. This tables will be used to pick up n'th bin from the mixed
# Then prepare 2*N [*~] objects and multiply real and imag output of [rfft~]
with [tabreceive~ preparedTableN]. This way every bin will be seperated,
every pair has the amplitude and phase information of only one bin.
# Then apply delay's to every pair and sum all delayed real and imaginary
parts seperately. Finally put these two signals to [rifft~]
# If I doesn't have two final exams this week, I'll try to implement what
I've said. Good days!
-ugur guney-

On 6/4/07, Mirko Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hi list,
is there a possibility for binwise spectral delay with fft? i tried to
write the analysis in buffers and read it time-variably out before
re-synthesizing, but that didn't work (in fact buffer writing / reading the
analysis did not work at all).


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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-0.39.2-extended-rc2 released!

2007-06-04 Thread timon

On 4 Jun 2007, at 21:46, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

 A couple of known issues:

  * it's still missing Gem font support on Mac OS X :(

Who is making this so difficult? It sounds like politics...


  * the delread~/sqrt~ bug is still not fixed :(

 Test away and file bugs in the bug tracker!



 All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies,
 one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better
 language; and every chapter must be so translated -John Donne

 PD-announce mailing list

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[PD] iem16_array.o: No such file or directory

2007-06-04 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

 From the auto-builds, on all UNIX machines:

Message: 1
Date: Sun,  3 Jun 2007 07:36:32 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [PD-cvs] autobuild: pd-extended debian-testing-powerpc
2007-06-03  06.28.44

gcc -DPD -O2 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer  -ffast-math -Wall - 
W -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch -DGEM2PDP_VERSION=\0.6\ - 
g  -g -O2 -I/home/pd/auto-build/pd-extended/pd/src -I. -I/home/pd/ 
auto-build/pd-extended/externals/pdp/include  -I/home/pd/auto-build/ 
pd-extended/Gem/src  -o yuv.o -c yuv.c
gcc -export_dynamic -shared -o gem2pdp.pd_linux gem2pdp.o yuv.o -lm
g++ -DPD -O2 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer  -ffast-math -Wall - 
W -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch -DGEM2PDP_VERSION=\0.6\ - 
g  -g -O2 -I/home/pd/auto-build/pd-extended/pd/src -I. -I/home/pd/ 
auto-build/pd-extended/externals/pdp/include  -I/home/pd/auto-build/ 
pd-extended/Gem/src  -o pdp2gem.o -c pdp2gem.cpp
pdp2gem.cpp: In member function ‘void pdp2gem::pdpMess(t_symbol*, int)’:
pdp2gem.cpp:137: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will  
break strict-aliasing rules
gcc -export_dynamic -shared -o pdp2gem.pd_linux pdp2gem.o yuv.o -lm
g++ -DPD -O2 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer  -ffast-math -Wall - 
W -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch -DGEM2PDP_VERSION=\0.6\ - 
g  -g -O2 -I/home/pd/auto-build/pd-extended/pd/src -I. -I/home/pd/ 
auto-build/pd-extended/externals/pdp/include  -I/home/pd/auto-build/ 
pd-extended/Gem/src  -o pix_2pdp.o -c pix_2pdp.cpp
gcc -export_dynamic -shared -o pix_2pdp.pd_linux pix_2pdp.o yuv.o -lm
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/pd/auto-build/pd-extended/externals/ 
cc  -Wl,-export_dynamic  -shared -o /home/pd/auto-build/pd-extended/ 
externals/iem16/src/tab16read.pd_linux /home/pd/auto-build/pd- 
extended/externals/iem16/src/iem16_array.o /home/pd/auto-build/pd- 
extended/externals/iem16/src/iem16_table.o -lm -lc
cc: /home/pd/auto-build/pd-extended/externals/iem16/src/ 
iem16_array.o: No such file or directory
cc: /home/pd/auto-build/pd-extended/externals/iem16/src/ 
iem16_table.o: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [/home/pd/auto-build/pd-extended/externals/iem16/src/ 
tab16read.pd_linux] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/pd/auto-build/pd-extended/externals'
make[1]: *** [externals_install] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/pd/auto-build/pd-extended/packages'
make: *** [install] Error 2
upload specs linux_make build tar.bz2
Uploading /home/pd/auto-build/pd-extended/packages/linux_make/build/ 
ls: /home/pd/auto-build/pd-extended/packages/linux_make/build/ 
Pd*.tar.bz2: No such file or directory


Access to computers should be unlimited and total.  - the hacker ethic

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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-0.39.2-extended-rc2 released!

2007-06-04 Thread Jack
I try H264, MPEG4, PNG, JPEG but always and always the same error  
message ! :
pdp_qt : WARNING : unsupported video codec
pdp_qt : ERROR : no usable video stream found

Powerbook G4 12''
X11 1.1 XFree86 4.4.0
PD 0.39.2 Extended-rc2 (Download today)


Le 5 juin 07 à 03:07, Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :

 pdp_qt/pdp_yqt doesn't work with all codecs (yet?).  Try MJPEG,  
 JPEG, PNG.  Those are among the best codecs to use for live video  
 processing anyway since they take the least CPU to decode.


 On Jun 4, 2007, at 8:43 PM, Jack wrote:

 Sorry, i've always the same problem with PDP with Macos 10.4.8.
 When i try to load QT movie with pdp_qt, there is error message :
 pdp_qt : WARNING : unsupported video codec
 pdp_qt : WARNING : unsupported audio codec
 pdp_qt : ERROR : no usable video stream found.

 Le 4 juin 07 à 22:46, Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :

 After a long pause, it's time for another release. That means  
 Candidate 2!! Almost there! Yes, there are a couple known bugs, and
 most definitely unknown bugs. Let's find them and make a final

  * Bitstream Vera Sans Mono is now default font on Windows and
  * Bitstream Vera Sans Mono is included in the Windows installer
  * Monaco is the default font on Mac OS X
  * fixed GUI size, should actually be the same size on all
 platforms now
  * pdp and pidip should support quicktime/mjpeg/png and  
 theora now
  * pdp_ieee1394 included on Mac OS X
  * the Mac OS X package looks much better, thanks to Steffen
  * default preferences are embedded into the on Mac OS X
  * revamped font flags and added '-font-weight' flag

 A couple of known issues:

  * it's still missing Gem font support on Mac OS X :(
  * the delread~/sqrt~ bug is still not fixed :(

 Test away and file bugs in the bug tracker!



 All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies,
 one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a  
 language; and every chapter must be so translated -John Donne

 PD-announce mailing list

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 UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -

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 Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how  
 to realize his wishes.  Now that he can realize them, he must  
 either change them, or perish.-William Carlos Williams

___ mailing list
UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -

[PD] [PD-announce] OPEN technologies workshop, Zaragoza, Spain, June 26th - July 1st

2007-06-04 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

OPEN technologies workshop, Zaragoza, Spain, June 26th - July 1st


Arduino, Pd, and Processing are becoming more and more intertwined.  
Sensors controlling software synthesis, robots controlled by video  
tracking, custom musical instruments, and more. We are a collection  
of developers working with these free software tools. Join us to work  
on projects of these combinations, or help us create new  
possibilities by bringing these tools ever more intertwined.

This event is a combination of a hacklab and a barcamp. We are  
following the ad hoc, participant-driven nature of the barcamp in  
combination with the collaborative work studio environment of a  
hacklab. If you have not been to a hacklab, barcamp, and/or  
unconference before, here are a couple of good references to get an  
idea of the way it is done:

BarCamp on wikipedia:

There will be workshops and talks, and plenty of time to work. We  
will all be working together to create projects which will then be  
exhibited in Zaragoza. Bring one or more of the following: ideas,  
projects, a desire to learn, a desire to teach. Come everyday to pick  
up skills and finish your project. Come whenever you can to learn new  
bits and pieces, and help build compelling things to exhibit!

Dates  Location:
June 26th (Tuesday) - July 1st (Sunday)
Centro de Historia
Pl. San Agustín 2
50002 Zaragoza - Spain

Team - Guest developers:
* Hans-Christoph Steiner, Pd, Polytechnic University, community  
* Emanuele Roman, Processing, visual representation[visio imaginorum  
sonus est]
* XÄ, Pd, electronic music

Team - Resident developers:
* David Cuartielles from Arduino
* Marcos Yarza from Libelium, physical interfaces

Join us! Just sign up on the register page!

If you live near Zaragoza and are willing to host people, please mark  
that on the registration page.  If you want to come and need a place  
to stay, contact people on the registration page who marked  
themselves as hosts.



You can't steal a gift. Bird gave the world his music, and if you can  
hear it, you can have it. - Dizzy Gillespie

PD-announce mailing list

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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] OPEN technologies workshop, Zaragoza, Spain, June 26th - July 1st

2007-06-04 Thread David Powers
OMG I was born in Zaragoza and I haven't been back since I was 5... I
would do almost ANYTHING to be able to attend this... if only I made
more money, ah well... Sorry to be a little OT.


On 6/4/07, Hans-Christoph Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OPEN technologies workshop, Zaragoza, Spain, June 26th - July 1st


 Arduino, Pd, and Processing are becoming more and more intertwined.
 Sensors controlling software synthesis, robots controlled by video
 tracking, custom musical instruments, and more. We are a collection
 of developers working with these free software tools. Join us to work
 on projects of these combinations, or help us create new
 possibilities by bringing these tools ever more intertwined.

 This event is a combination of a hacklab and a barcamp. We are
 following the ad hoc, participant-driven nature of the barcamp in
 combination with the collaborative work studio environment of a
 hacklab. If you have not been to a hacklab, barcamp, and/or
 unconference before, here are a couple of good references to get an
 idea of the way it is done:

 BarCamp on wikipedia:

 There will be workshops and talks, and plenty of time to work. We
 will all be working together to create projects which will then be
 exhibited in Zaragoza. Bring one or more of the following: ideas,
 projects, a desire to learn, a desire to teach. Come everyday to pick
 up skills and finish your project. Come whenever you can to learn new
 bits and pieces, and help build compelling things to exhibit!

 Dates  Location:
 June 26th (Tuesday) - July 1st (Sunday)
 Centro de Historia
 Pl. San Agustín 2
 50002 Zaragoza - Spain

 Team - Guest developers:
 * Hans-Christoph Steiner, Pd, Polytechnic University, community
 * Emanuele Roman, Processing, visual representation[visio imaginorum
 sonus est]
 * XÄ, Pd, electronic music

 Team - Resident developers:
 * David Cuartielles from Arduino
 * Marcos Yarza from Libelium, physical interfaces

 Join us! Just sign up on the register page!

 If you live near Zaragoza and are willing to host people, please mark
 that on the registration page.  If you want to come and need a place
 to stay, contact people on the registration page who marked
 themselves as hosts.



 You can't steal a gift. Bird gave the world his music, and if you can
 hear it, you can have it. - Dizzy Gillespie

 PD-announce mailing list

 ___ mailing list
 UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -

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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-0.39.2-extended-rc2 released!

2007-06-04 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

Hmm... try pdp_yqt.  Also, try opening the movie included in the  
media folder in the Help Browser


On Jun 4, 2007, at 9:56 PM, Jack wrote:

 I try H264, MPEG4, PNG, JPEG but always and always the same error  
 message ! :
 pdp_qt : WARNING : unsupported video codec
 pdp_qt : ERROR : no usable video stream found

 Powerbook G4 12''
 X11 1.1 XFree86 4.4.0
 PD 0.39.2 Extended-rc2 (Download today)


 Le 5 juin 07 à 03:07, Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :

 pdp_qt/pdp_yqt doesn't work with all codecs (yet?).  Try MJPEG,  
 JPEG, PNG.  Those are among the best codecs to use for live video  
 processing anyway since they take the least CPU to decode.


 On Jun 4, 2007, at 8:43 PM, Jack wrote:

 Sorry, i've always the same problem with PDP with Macos 10.4.8.
 When i try to load QT movie with pdp_qt, there is error message :
 pdp_qt : WARNING : unsupported video codec
 pdp_qt : WARNING : unsupported audio codec
 pdp_qt : ERROR : no usable video stream found.

 Le 4 juin 07 à 22:46, Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :

 After a long pause, it's time for another release. That means  
 Candidate 2!! Almost there! Yes, there are a couple known bugs, and
 most definitely unknown bugs. Let's find them and make a final

  * Bitstream Vera Sans Mono is now default font on Windows and
  * Bitstream Vera Sans Mono is included in the Windows  
  * Monaco is the default font on Mac OS X
  * fixed GUI size, should actually be the same size on all
 platforms now
  * pdp and pidip should support quicktime/mjpeg/png and  
 theora now
  * pdp_ieee1394 included on Mac OS X
  * the Mac OS X package looks much better, thanks to Steffen
  * default preferences are embedded into the on Mac OS X
  * revamped font flags and added '-font-weight' flag

 A couple of known issues:

  * it's still missing Gem font support on Mac OS X :(
  * the delread~/sqrt~ bug is still not fixed :(

 Test away and file bugs in the bug tracker!



 All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies,
 one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a  
 language; and every chapter must be so translated -John Donne

 PD-announce mailing list

 ___ mailing list
 UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -

 ___ mailing list
 UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management - 


 Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how  
 to realize his wishes.  Now that he can realize them, he must  
 either change them, or perish.-William Carlos Williams


All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies,  
one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better  
language; and every chapter must be so translated -John Donne

___ mailing list
UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -

Re: [PD] [PD-announce] OPEN technologies workshop, Zaragoza, Spain, June 26th - July 1st

2007-06-04 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

Well, the workshop is free, and you might be able to find someone to  
crash with, so it would just be the cost of getting there.


On Jun 4, 2007, at 11:31 PM, David Powers wrote:

 OMG I was born in Zaragoza and I haven't been back since I was 5... I
 would do almost ANYTHING to be able to attend this... if only I made
 more money, ah well... Sorry to be a little OT.


 On 6/4/07, Hans-Christoph Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OPEN technologies workshop, Zaragoza, Spain, June 26th - July 1st


 Arduino, Pd, and Processing are becoming more and more intertwined.
 Sensors controlling software synthesis, robots controlled by video
 tracking, custom musical instruments, and more. We are a collection
 of developers working with these free software tools. Join us to work
 on projects of these combinations, or help us create new
 possibilities by bringing these tools ever more intertwined.

 This event is a combination of a hacklab and a barcamp. We are
 following the ad hoc, participant-driven nature of the barcamp in
 combination with the collaborative work studio environment of a
 hacklab. If you have not been to a hacklab, barcamp, and/or
 unconference before, here are a couple of good references to get an
 idea of the way it is done:

 BarCamp on wikipedia:

 There will be workshops and talks, and plenty of time to work. We
 will all be working together to create projects which will then be
 exhibited in Zaragoza. Bring one or more of the following: ideas,
 projects, a desire to learn, a desire to teach. Come everyday to pick
 up skills and finish your project. Come whenever you can to learn new
 bits and pieces, and help build compelling things to exhibit!

 Dates  Location:
 June 26th (Tuesday) - July 1st (Sunday)
 Centro de Historia
 Pl. San Agustín 2
 50002 Zaragoza - Spain

 Team - Guest developers:
 * Hans-Christoph Steiner, Pd, Polytechnic University, community
 * Emanuele Roman, Processing, visual representation[visio imaginorum
 sonus est]
 * XÄ, Pd, electronic music

 Team - Resident developers:
 * David Cuartielles from Arduino
 * Marcos Yarza from Libelium, physical interfaces

 Join us! Just sign up on the register page!

 If you live near Zaragoza and are willing to host people, please mark
 that on the registration page.  If you want to come and need a place
 to stay, contact people on the registration page who marked
 themselves as hosts.



 You can't steal a gift. Bird gave the world his music, and if you can
 hear it, you can have it. - Dizzy Gillespie

 PD-announce mailing list

 ___ mailing list
 UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management - 

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 UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management - 


If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

___ mailing list
UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -

Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-0.39.2-extended-rc2 released!

2007-06-04 Thread palmieri, ricardo

what codec are u using in your qt mov?


2007/6/4, Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Sorry, i've always the same problem with PDP with Macos 10.4.8.
When i try to load QT movie with pdp_qt, there is error message :
pdp_qt : WARNING : unsupported video codec
pdp_qt : WARNING : unsupported audio codec
pdp_qt : ERROR : no usable video stream found.

Le 4 juin 07 à 22:46, Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :

 After a long pause, it's time for another release. That means Release
 Candidate 2!! Almost there! Yes, there are a couple known bugs, and
 most definitely unknown bugs. Let's find them and make a final

  * Bitstream Vera Sans Mono is now default font on Windows and
  * Bitstream Vera Sans Mono is included in the Windows installer
  * Monaco is the default font on Mac OS X
  * fixed GUI size, should actually be the same size on all
 platforms now
  * pdp and pidip should support quicktime/mjpeg/png and theora now
  * pdp_ieee1394 included on Mac OS X
  * the Mac OS X package looks much better, thanks to Steffen
  * default preferences are embedded into the on Mac OS X
  * revamped font flags and added '-font-weight' flag

 A couple of known issues:

  * it's still missing Gem font support on Mac OS X :(
  * the delread~/sqrt~ bug is still not fixed :(

 Test away and file bugs in the bug tracker!



 All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies,
 one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better
 language; and every chapter must be so translated -John Donne

 PD-announce mailing list

 ___ mailing list
 UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -

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UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -

ricardo palmieri
# 1185833173
[linux user # 392484]
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