Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-0.39.3-extended released!

2007-10-22 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> On Oct 21, 2007, at 6:47 PM, marius schebella wrote:
>> Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>>>   * PDP/PiDiP work out-of-box on Mac OS X
>> live input should be renamed from pdp_v4l to pdp_ieee1394
> I couldn't resist.  I made this change in all the help patches and  
> example patches, and reuploaded the release.  So if you are on the  
> Mac and your pdp/pidip patches have pdp_v4l in them, download again.

how about: creating an abstraction [pdp_videoin] (or [pdp_livein]) that 
uses either [pdp_v4l] or [pdp_ieee1394]

actually i thought there was something like this...


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Re: [PD] [OT] Re: about sexism is TERMINATE THREAD PLEASE

2007-10-22 Thread acastonguay
From: "Alexandre Castonguay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
User-Agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.9a
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Importance: Normal

Hi all, Yves,

Here are some facts may help explain and paint a correct picture of the
convention's gender distribution.

Number of applications received for the exhibition component :

9 (F)
26 (M)

Invitations sent :

6 (F)
12 (M)

Number of applications for performances (* I am unsure as to the gender of
one applicant as we didn't ask people to specify it in their application.)

3 (F)
32 (M)

Invitations sent :

2 (F)
18 (M)

As Andrew Brouse noted, the applications for papers did not carry the
author's names so it makes it hard to get a picture of the gender
breakdown. Out of 46 'papers invitations', 2 were extended to women and I
believe that may unfortunately be the number of applicants?  Andrew may be
able to answer to that.

I believe that the impression Yves got is justified.  It is just that the
community is overwhelmingly male and 'white' (another thread!).  It also
seems that the juries for the papers, exhibition and performances were
conscious of the fact as it is somewhat reflected in the final breakdown
of invitations sent.

Some observations on other parts of this long thread that may yet yield
something positive.

* The component of the convention that had the highest representation of
women applicants was the exhibition. It shows that this form of
contribution is often the way through which women enter the community. It
should be maintained and expanded through other conventions.

* I heard through the application process that some women were intimidated
by the perceived technological sophistication of the pd scene and thought
that their work may not be 'pure' enough to warrant an application. In
that light, dismissing people whose work process calls on external
expertise to be realized does not help with that perception of purity.

* I am personally glad that our efforts of providing better documentation
and access to the software got a renewed push through the work groups and
discussions happening at the convention.

* Building a more representative community will take time and many more
pd-conventions, workshops, efforts through documentation and packaging,
participating in long email threads and chats.  Let's keep in mind that
most of us take part in these efforts because we believe we can make the
community more inclusive, make good work and have fun while doing it.

A bientot,


On Friday 19 October 2007 08:24:26 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ola,
> > Honestly I wasn't even sure this sevy was really Yves, and for that
> > matter I know nothing about Yves.  As I said- the original statement was
> > completely untrue; and the original poster hasn't responded to that fact.
> >  I honestly did not believe the subject was a problem on this list.
> wrong! i sent this after reading 'wettest dream' in a mail from 2 weeks
> ago, but anyway it was 2 years or more that this was going on,
> and was also a general feeling from pd convention
> ( seems work groups were only constituted of men ),
> too bad some people speaking here were not there.
> saludos,
> sevy
> ___
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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-0.39.3-extended released!

2007-10-22 Thread João Miguel Pais
is it possible to improve something on the xp installer? I have my own  
"particular" version of pd installed, and what the installer does is  
basically overwriting almost all files. but the installer asks if he wants  
to overwrite *each* file, so I must sit there with the finger on the "yes"  
key for 5min. is it possible to add a "yes for all" button?


Am 21.10.2007, 19:41 Uhr, schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Finally, it's done!  The most polished release of Pd yet.  We are
> further refining Pd into a truly powerful and usable programming
> platform.
> Some highlights:
>   * PDP/PiDiP work out-of-box on Mac OS X
>   * Gem has working shader support
>   * new libraries: mapping, msd, mrpeach net/OSC, flib
>   * [comport] is robust on all platforms
>   * -font-face and -font-weight command line options
>   * new font and layout is the exact same size on all platforms to
> the pixel
>   * a new, pretty Icon on GNU/Linux and Mac OS X
>   * anti-aliasing of boxes and lines on Mac OS X
>   * a .deb package for Debian and Ubuntu, with GNOME menu support
> If you want the details, here's the changelog:
> 0.39.3-extended-rc5
>   * Mac OS X: pidip finds its default font again
>   * Debian/Ubuntu: some minor cleanups in the package
>   * included setuid security fix from Miller (hence bumped up version
> to 0.39.3
> 0.39.2-extended-rc4
>   * Mac OS X: added default prefs separate from embedded prefs
>   * GNU/Linux: added embedded prefs
>   * Mac OS X: updated msd/2D/3D from
>   * Windows: reg settings for loading libs now in installer
>   * Mac OS X and Windows: added xsample to load by default
>   * Mac OS X: switched Cmd-T to fontpanel
>   * Mac OS X: added Cmd-click to toggle editmode
>   * font and box size tweaks to make everything fit in the boxes
>   * Debian and Ubuntu: Created quick hack debian package
>   * added ggee to default libraries to load
>   * GNU/Linux: PiDiP finds the fonts by default now
> 0.39.2-extended-rc3
>   * pdp and pidip support quicktime/mjpeg/png
>   * included list-abs now works properly with 0.39.2
>   * Gem font support on Mac OS X is now included!
>   * delread~/delwrite~ bug fixed
>   * sqrt~ bug fixed
> 0.39.2-extended-rc2
>   * Bitstream Vera Sans Mono is now default font on Windows and GNU/
> Linux
>   * Monaco is the default font on Mac OS X
>   * fixed GUI size, should actually be the same size on all platforms
> now
>   * pdp and pidip should support quicktime/mjpeg/png and theora now
>   * pdp_ieee1394 included on Mac OS X
>   * the Mac OS X package looks much better, thanks to Stffn http://
>   * default preferences are embedded into the on Mac OS X
>   * revamped font flags and added '-font-weight' flag
>   * it's still missing Gem font support on Mac OS X :(
>   * the delread~/sqrt~ bug is still not fixed :(
> 0.39.2-extended-rc1
>   * DejaVu Sans Mono is now default font
>   * same sizes and layout on all platforms
> 0.39.2-extended-test7
>   * Gem should be installed and working on all platforms
>   * the MSD (Mass-Spring-Damper) externals are included
>   * included Thomas Grill's Mac/Intel fixes for iemlib and cyclone
>   * Universal binaries for flext externals
> 0.39.2-extended-test6
>   * Lots of random little bugs fixed
> 0.39.2-extended-test5
>   * Much has changed, this test release should have benefitted a lot
> from the nightly autobuilds and a few workshops to stress test them
> 0.39.2-extended-test4
>   * all of creb should be included now on all platforms
>   * updated version of [hid] for Mac OS X
> 0.39.2-extended-test3
>   * Added iem_ambi and iem_bin_ambi libraries
>   * Cleaned up the doc folders
>   * Removed the annoying close confirm
>   * Added latest Gem test builds
>   * Writing to the serial port using [comport] now works on Windows
> 0.39.2-extended-test2
>   * included Mapping lib, RRADical, pixelTANGO
>   * included intro workshop sketches
> 0.39.2-extended-test1
>   * Basically minimal changes from Pd-0.38.4-extended, just enough to
> get it to build
> Access to computers should be unlimited and total.  - the hacker ethic
> ___
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Friedenstr. 58
10249 Berlin
Tel +49 30 42020091
Mob +49 162 6843570
skype: jmmmpjmmmp
IBM Thinkpad R51, XP, Pd-Ext-0.39-2-t5, Pd Van 0.40-t2

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Re: [PD] metastudio released

2007-10-22 Thread hard off
holey dooley! you want to try that out on a 13" monitor!  looks like
there's heaps of good stuff in there though.

i tried loading a demo song, still just getting very clicky sounds,
but i will give it more of a go to find its sweet spots.  the rhythms
are cool.

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Re: [PD] install latest pd-ext

2007-10-22 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

Hello, and welcome!

I decided to put out Debian/testing and Ubuntu/gutsy packages, they  
should be ready tomorrow.  THen I'll love to hear back from you  
whether they work.


On Oct 22, 2007, at 12:53 AM, Josh Lawrence wrote:

> Hello - newbie lurker here.
> I am attempting to install the latest Pd-extended on my debian testing
> box, and this is what I get:
> pd-extended: Depends: tcl8.4 but it is not going to be installed
>Depends: tk8.4 but it is not going to be installed
>Depends: libflac7 but it is not installable
>Depends: imagemagick
>Depends: libpng3 but it is not going to be installed
>Depends: libmpeg1 but it is not going to be installed
>Depends: libmpeg2-4 but it is not going to be installed
>Depends: libmpeg3-1 but it is not going to be installed
>Depends: libquicktime0 but it is not installable
>Depends: libdv4 but it is not going to be installed
>Depends: libimlib2 but it is not going to be installed
>Depends: libgsl0 but it is not going to be installed
>Depends: libmagick++9c2a but it is not going to be  
> installed
>Depends: x-ttcidfont-conf but it is not going to be  
> installed
>Depends: libavifile-0.7c2 but it is not going to be  
> installed
> E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or
> specify a solution).
> So no problem, I can go through and install these, except I get
> tripped right off the bat - there is no libflac7, only 6 and 8.  How
> are the debian folks getting past this issue?  The website mentions
> automatically getting the right dependancies downloaded, but I do not
> know how to do that.
> Thank you,
> -- 
> Josh Lawrence
> ___
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"[W]e have invented the technology to eliminate scarcity, but we are  
deliberately throwing it away to benefit those who profit from  
scarcity."-John Gilmore

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Re: [PD] [OT] about sexism

2007-10-22 Thread Andrew Brouse
Hello Pders,

I just wanted to pick up where Alex left off and provide some more  
statistics regarding gender balance in the papers sessions. Here are  
some raw and slightly warmed-over stats:


Number of submissions received for the papers sessions :


Number of submissions received for the papers sessions from men:


Number of submissions received for the papers sessions from women:


Percentage of submissions from women as a percentage of the whole:

3 / 44 * 100 = 6.81%
2 / 44 * 100 = 4.54%

*(the count actually went to 46, but two were just tests)
**(this is based on the name of the listed principal author, and  
there is one name I am not sure about, I show the numbers for both  
possible cases.)


Number of submissions which were accepted:


Percentage of submissions which were accepted as a percentage of the  

26 / 44 * 100 = 59.09%

Number of submissions from women which were accepted:


Percentage of submissions from women which were accepted:

2 / 3 * 100 = 66.6%
2 / 2 * 100 = 100%

Number of women who were accepted and who did attend and present at  



One of the clearly agreed and accepted principles shared by all  
members of the executive and steering committees for PdCon was that  
we wanted to enable - as much as possible - the participation of  
women, minorities and people from outside of the euro-centric  

Given those precepts, we did our best with what we had to work from.
Were we successful? I'll leave that for others to judge.

It is clear, in any case, that for these sorts of gatherings in the  
Pd community, there is still a long way to go.

As an old "gauchiste", I have always believed that the ultimate goal  
for human society was for all people to be considered and treated as  
equals - in all aspects of life.

I also always understood the notion of "Politically Correct'" - a  
critical term which originated in the left, but has now been co-opted  
by the right - to indicate the tendency, of some, to be more  
interested in linguistic semantics than material reality.

I am interested in material reality.
I am interested in seeing redress, actual material change  - in our  
society, in our world - for those who have been materially  
disfavoured. I do what I can to help that process along.

At the same time, there are real differences between women and men.
There is no point trying to minimise those differences.
Women are equal, but different.

What a beautiful difference.


On 21-Oct-07, at 8:25 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Message: 3
> Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 12:13:51 -0400 (EDT)
> From: "Alexandre Castonguay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [PD] [OT] Re: about sexism is TERMINATE THREAD PLEASE
> Cc:
> Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1
> Hi all, Yves,
> Here are some facts may help explain and paint a correct picture of  
> the
> convention's gender distribution.
> Number of applications received for the exhibition component :
> 9 (F)
> 26 (M)
> Invitations sent :
> 6 (F)
> 12 (M)
> Number of applications for performances (* I am unsure as to the  
> gender of
> one applicant as we didn't ask people to specify it in their  
> application.)
> 3 (F)
> 32 (M)
> Invitations sent :
> 2 (F)
> 18 (M)
> As Andrew Brouse noted, the applications for papers did not carry the
> author's names so it makes it hard to get a picture of the gender
> breakdown. Out of 46 'papers invitations', 2 were extended to women  
> and I
> believe that may unfortunately be the number of applicants?  Andrew  
> may be
> able to answer to that.
> I believe that the impression Yves got is justified.  It is just  
> that the
> community is overwhelmingly male and 'white' (another thread!).  It  
> also
> seems that the juries for the papers, exhibition and performances were
> conscious of the fact as it is somewhat reflected in the final  
> breakdown
> of invitations sent.
> Some observations on other parts of this long thread that may yet  
> yield
> something positive.
> * The component of the convention that had the highest  
> representation of
> women applicants was the exhibition. It shows that this form of
> contribution is often the way through which women enter the  
> community. It
> should be maintained and expanded through other conventions.
> * I heard through the application process that some women were  
> intimidated
> by the perceived technological sophistication of the pd scene and  
> thought
> that their work may not be 'pure' enough to warrant an application. In
> that light, dismissing people whose work process calls on external
> expertise to be realized does not help with that perception of purity.
> * I am personally glad that our efforts of providing better  
> documentation
> and access to the software got a renewed push through the work  
> groups and
> discussions happe

Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-0.39.3-extended released!

2007-10-22 Thread Patrice Colet

João Miguel Pais a écrit :
> is it possible to improve something on the xp installer? I have my own  
> "particular" version of pd installed, and what the installer does is  
> basically overwriting almost all files. but the installer asks if he wants  
> to overwrite *each* file, so I must sit there with the finger on the "yes"  
> key for 5min. is it possible to add a "yes for all" button?
> joao

  Just a little hint,
this is caused by the this in the iss file:

DestDir: {sys}; Flags: confirmoverwrite promptifolder

it could be replaced by

DestDir: {sys}; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite

I didn't try it because I can't make packages with my mingw setup and 
the actual cvs files, too many errors...

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Re: [PD] Will Netotchka Nezvanova please sit down...

2007-10-22 Thread Christopher Murtagh
On Wednesday 17 October 2007 15:12:38 Michal Seta wrote:
> On 10/17/07, chris clepper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  For example, I
> > am one of two non-c74 employees banned from using Nato for life (the
> > other is Sean Booth of Autechre).  NN was amusing then annoying then
> > pathetic in a space of maybe 18 months.
> I know at least one more: max mailing list admin at McGill (back in
> the day when Max progressed from MIDI only to Max/MSP and from being
> owned by Opcode to c74).

 Hrm... who was that? ;-)


Chris (a.k.a. digital murderer)

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[PD] repertory for amateurs

2007-10-22 Thread Hans Roels

I am teaching electronic music to a group of teenagers (minimum age 
15 years)in a music school in Belgium and I mainly use PD for this. 
We play improvisations and I write some pieces but i am also looking 
for compositions that I can use.
So these are my two questions:
- Has anybody made some pieces with electronics that I could use? or 
do you know pieces like this? I guess there are some composers in 
this list. If there are parts for acoustic instruments, these can't 
be too difficult (most of these teenagers have been playing an 
instrument since they were 9 years old). No Ferneyhough pieces please :)
- If anyone would like to make a piece for any combination of 
instruments and/or electronics (no more than 4 computer performers 
simultaneously), please do so! Again: if you also want to involve an 
acoustic instrument, take care that it is playable for an amateur. 
Let me know if you are interested and I 'll give you some more details.

I would like to make a kind of PD repertory project but with 
live-electronic pieces for amateurs and/or children. The only pieces 
that I can use at the moment are pieces of Alvin Lucier, Somei Satoh, 
Daniel Goode,...

hans r

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[PD] scroll bug

2007-10-22 Thread matteo sisti sette

I just posted a bug report about this, but I am in an urgency of
finding a quick workaround.

On Windows XP,
sometimes, when scrolling up and down a big patch window with a huge
lot of gui stuff (many instances of a few gop-enabled abstractions),
I get a "Divide by Zero" error dialog, which does NOT crash or hang PD
(but does annoy):

divide by zero
divide by zero
while executing
"expr -abs(0)/0"
invoked from within
"pdtk_canvas_scroll .x9a4e60.c y [expr -abs(0)/0]"
(command bound to event)

It never happened to me before, so I suspect it happens when the patch
you're scrolling is very "big" (in terms of quantity of gui elements).
Seems to happen only with the scroolwheel, not the scroll bar.

If I scroll a lot up and down and up and down, I am almost sure to
reproduce it within less than a minute.

I have been working for months developing this patch, which is going
to be used on stage in a show the day after tomorrow and suddenly I
add a couple of instances and this bug appears; though it does not
crash pd it does worry me, so my question is: does anybody know this
bug and know whether there are some particular circumstances
triggering it so that maybe I can avoid them for the moment??

(avoiding scrollwheel scrolling is just not feasible, as you can even
move the mousewheel unintentionally, furthermore the sound technician
managing the audio through the patch needs to be able to scroll in a
handy way and has always done it with the scrollwheel since it was
never a problem up to now)

PD Vanilla 0.40.2 on Windows XP.
Clean install with no externals.

Any help will be appreciated

Matteo Sisti Sette

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Re: [PD] scroll bug

2007-10-22 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig
matteo sisti sette wrote:
> Hi,
> I just posted a bug report about this, but I am in an urgency of
> finding a quick workaround.

i just posted a quick hack which _might_ fix your problem, could you try it.


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Re: [PD] [GEM-dev] proper alpha channels in GEM?

2007-10-22 Thread Patrice Colet
  I have another question that is a little bit OT,
inkscape only export bitmaps in png format, then I'd like to use 
imagemagicks for converting png to tiff, or even better svg to tiff,
but it's very tricky, for the moment none of the tries I've done gave 
something satisfaying, the tiff image result after conversion:
"imagemagicks myfile.png myfile.tiff" gives a totally gray result with 
pix_texture, in an image editor there doesn't seem to have an alpha 
channel, even with -channel RGBA option.
  Any hint would be very appreciated.
(I've made these tries with Gem-0.90 dll, the 0.91 crashes too often)

Patrice Colet a écrit :
> This test is successfull, thanks.
> Jack a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I think that alpha channel only work with TIFF format in RVB 32 bit image.
>> Have a look on the patch.
>> Jack
>> Le 22 oct. 07 à 16:14, Patrice Colet a écrit :
>>> Hello, I've looked into pd-list archive and found this thread.
>>> Is it possible to load a picture with an alpha channel with pix_image?
>>> when I load such picture (both jpg and png) nothing happens (no console
>>> message), no image is loaded.
>>> My RGBA pictures are made with inkscape.

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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-0.39.3-extended released!

2007-10-22 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

On Oct 22, 2007, at 10:42 AM, Patrice Colet wrote:

> Hello,
> João Miguel Pais a écrit :
>> is it possible to improve something on the xp installer? I have my  
>> own  "particular" version of pd installed, and what the installer  
>> does is  basically overwriting almost all files. but the installer  
>> asks if he wants  to overwrite *each* file, so I must sit there  
>> with the finger on the "yes"  key for 5min. is it possible to add  
>> a "yes for all" button?
>> joao
>  Just a little hint,
> this is caused by the this in the iss file:
> DestDir: {sys}; Flags: confirmoverwrite promptifolder
> it could be replaced by
> DestDir: {sys}; CopyMode: alwaysoverwrite
> I didn't try it because I can't make packages with my mingw setup  
> and the actual cvs files, too many errors...

If you post the errors on pd-dev then we can help you get past them



There is no way to peace, peace is the way.   -A.J. Muste

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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-0.39.3-extended released!

2007-10-22 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

I am sure it can be improved.  Patches welcome! :D

Also, I am actively seeking someone to take over maintenance of the  
Windows builds of Pd-extended.  Any volunteers?


On Oct 22, 2007, at 9:34 AM, João Miguel Pais wrote:

> is it possible to improve something on the xp installer? I have my own
> "particular" version of pd installed, and what the installer does is
> basically overwriting almost all files. but the installer asks if  
> he wants
> to overwrite *each* file, so I must sit there with the finger on  
> the "yes"
> key for 5min. is it possible to add a "yes for all" button?
> joao
> Am 21.10.2007, 19:41 Uhr, schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner  
>> Finally, it's done!  The most polished release of Pd yet.  We are
>> further refining Pd into a truly powerful and usable programming
>> platform.
>> Some highlights:
>>   * PDP/PiDiP work out-of-box on Mac OS X
>>   * Gem has working shader support
>>   * new libraries: mapping, msd, mrpeach net/OSC, flib
>>   * [comport] is robust on all platforms
>>   * -font-face and -font-weight command line options
>>   * new font and layout is the exact same size on all platforms to
>> the pixel
>>   * a new, pretty Icon on GNU/Linux and Mac OS X
>>   * anti-aliasing of boxes and lines on Mac OS X
>>   * a .deb package for Debian and Ubuntu, with GNOME menu support
>> If you want the details, here's the changelog:
>> 0.39.3-extended-rc5
>>   * Mac OS X: pidip finds its default font again
>>   * Debian/Ubuntu: some minor cleanups in the package
>>   * included setuid security fix from Miller (hence bumped up version
>> to 0.39.3
>> 0.39.2-extended-rc4
>>   * Mac OS X: added default prefs separate from embedded prefs
>>   * GNU/Linux: added embedded prefs
>>   * Mac OS X: updated msd/2D/3D from 
>> osx/
>>   * Windows: reg settings for loading libs now in installer
>>   * Mac OS X and Windows: added xsample to load by default
>>   * Mac OS X: switched Cmd-T to fontpanel
>>   * Mac OS X: added Cmd-click to toggle editmode
>>   * font and box size tweaks to make everything fit in the boxes
>>   * Debian and Ubuntu: Created quick hack debian package
>>   * added ggee to default libraries to load
>>   * GNU/Linux: PiDiP finds the fonts by default now
>> 0.39.2-extended-rc3
>>   * pdp and pidip support quicktime/mjpeg/png
>>   * included list-abs now works properly with 0.39.2
>>   * Gem font support on Mac OS X is now included!
>>   * delread~/delwrite~ bug fixed
>>   * sqrt~ bug fixed
>> 0.39.2-extended-rc2
>>   * Bitstream Vera Sans Mono is now default font on Windows and GNU/
>> Linux
>>   * Monaco is the default font on Mac OS X
>>   * fixed GUI size, should actually be the same size on all platforms
>> now
>>   * pdp and pidip should support quicktime/mjpeg/png and theora now
>>   * pdp_ieee1394 included on Mac OS X
>>   * the Mac OS X package looks much better, thanks to Stffn http://
>>   * default preferences are embedded into the on Mac OS X
>>   * revamped font flags and added '-font-weight' flag
>>   * it's still missing Gem font support on Mac OS X :(
>>   * the delread~/sqrt~ bug is still not fixed :(
>> 0.39.2-extended-rc1
>>   * DejaVu Sans Mono is now default font
>>   * same sizes and layout on all platforms
>> 0.39.2-extended-test7
>>   * Gem should be installed and working on all platforms
>>   * the MSD (Mass-Spring-Damper) externals are included
>>   * included Thomas Grill's Mac/Intel fixes for iemlib and cyclone
>>   * Universal binaries for flext externals
>> 0.39.2-extended-test6
>>   * Lots of random little bugs fixed
>> 0.39.2-extended-test5
>>   * Much has changed, this test release should have benefitted a lot
>> from the nightly autobuilds and a few workshops to stress test them
>> 0.39.2-extended-test4
>>   * all of creb should be included now on all platforms
>>   * updated version of [hid] for Mac OS X
>> 0.39.2-extended-test3
>>   * Added iem_ambi and iem_bin_ambi libraries
>>   * Cleaned up the doc folders
>>   * Removed the annoying close confirm
>>   * Added latest Gem test builds
>>   * Writing to the serial port using [comport] now works on Windows
>> 0.39.2-extended-test2
>>   * included Mapping lib, RRADical, pixelTANGO
>>   * included intro workshop sketches
>> 0.39.2-extended-test1
>>   * Basically minimal changes from Pd-0.38.4-extended, just enough to
>> get it to build
>> - 
>> ---
>> Access to computers should be unlimited and total.  - the hacker  
>> ethic
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Re: [PD] scroll bug

2007-10-22 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

Please post a bug in the tracker.  Attach a patch that this happens  
with, and the instructions to reproduce the bug.  The easier it is to  
reproduce this bug in your patch, the easier it will be to fix the bug:


On Oct 22, 2007, at 12:06 PM, matteo sisti sette wrote:

> Hi,
> I just posted a bug report about this, but I am in an urgency of
> finding a quick workaround.
> On Windows XP,
> sometimes, when scrolling up and down a big patch window with a huge
> lot of gui stuff (many instances of a few gop-enabled abstractions),
> I get a "Divide by Zero" error dialog, which does NOT crash or hang PD
> (but does annoy):
> """
> divide by zero
> divide by zero
> while executing
> "expr -abs(0)/0"
> invoked from within
> "pdtk_canvas_scroll .x9a4e60.c y [expr -abs(0)/0]"
> (command bound to event)
> """
> It never happened to me before, so I suspect it happens when the patch
> you're scrolling is very "big" (in terms of quantity of gui elements).
> Seems to happen only with the scroolwheel, not the scroll bar.
> If I scroll a lot up and down and up and down, I am almost sure to
> reproduce it within less than a minute.
> I have been working for months developing this patch, which is going
> to be used on stage in a show the day after tomorrow and suddenly I
> add a couple of instances and this bug appears; though it does not
> crash pd it does worry me, so my question is: does anybody know this
> bug and know whether there are some particular circumstances
> triggering it so that maybe I can avoid them for the moment??
> (avoiding scrollwheel scrolling is just not feasible, as you can even
> move the mousewheel unintentionally, furthermore the sound technician
> managing the audio through the patch needs to be able to scroll in a
> handy way and has always done it with the scrollwheel since it was
> never a problem up to now)
> PD Vanilla 0.40.2 on Windows XP.
> Clean install with no externals.
> Any help will be appreciated
> Thanks
> m.
> -- 
> Matteo Sisti Sette
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I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and  
during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man  
for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers.  - General  
Smedley Butler

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Re: [PD] [GEM-dev] proper alpha channels in GEM?

2007-10-22 Thread B. Bogart
Hi Patrice,

I did a quick test and GIMP will convert a transparent PNG to TIF fine.
I don't have Gem working on this machine to test loading the tif, but I
can confirm it shows transparency. "convert" did do something strange to
the png file when converting to tif I can see...

send me your tif if you still can't get it to work and I'll see if I can
confirm your troubles.


Patrice Colet wrote:
>   I have another question that is a little bit OT,
> inkscape only export bitmaps in png format, then I'd like to use 
> imagemagicks for converting png to tiff, or even better svg to tiff,
> but it's very tricky, for the moment none of the tries I've done gave 
> something satisfaying, the tiff image result after conversion:
> "imagemagicks myfile.png myfile.tiff" gives a totally gray result with 
> pix_texture, in an image editor there doesn't seem to have an alpha 
> channel, even with -channel RGBA option.
>   Any hint would be very appreciated.
> (I've made these tries with Gem-0.90 dll, the 0.91 crashes too often)
> Patrice Colet a écrit :
>> This test is successfull, thanks.
>> Jack a écrit :
>>> Hello,
>>> I think that alpha channel only work with TIFF format in RVB 32 bit image.
>>> Have a look on the patch.
>>> Jack
>>> Le 22 oct. 07 à 16:14, Patrice Colet a écrit :
 Hello, I've looked into pd-list archive and found this thread.

 Is it possible to load a picture with an alpha channel with pix_image?

 when I load such picture (both jpg and png) nothing happens (no console
 message), no image is loaded.
 My RGBA pictures are made with inkscape.
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Re: [PD] [GEM-dev] proper alpha channels in GEM?

2007-10-22 Thread cyrille henry

Patrice Colet a écrit :
>   I have another question that is a little bit OT,
> inkscape only export bitmaps in png format, then I'd like to use 
> imagemagicks for converting png to tiff, or even better svg to tiff,
> but it's very tricky, for the moment none of the tries I've done gave 
> something satisfaying, the tiff image result after conversion:
> "imagemagicks myfile.png myfile.tiff" gives a totally gray result with 
> pix_texture, in an image editor there doesn't seem to have an alpha 
> channel, even with -channel RGBA option.
imagemagick is quite strange with tiff export. you have to manually add some 
option in order to have a valid tiff file.
you can find the correct option somwhere on the net.

then, Gem load this file with no problem.


>   Any hint would be very appreciated.
> (I've made these tries with Gem-0.90 dll, the 0.91 crashes too often)
> Patrice Colet a écrit :
>> This test is successfull, thanks.
>> Jack a écrit :
>>> Hello,
>>> I think that alpha channel only work with TIFF format in RVB 32 bit image.
>>> Have a look on the patch.
>>> Jack
>>> Le 22 oct. 07 à 16:14, Patrice Colet a écrit :
 Hello, I've looked into pd-list archive and found this thread.

 Is it possible to load a picture with an alpha channel with pix_image?

 when I load such picture (both jpg and png) nothing happens (no console
 message), no image is loaded.
 My RGBA pictures are made with inkscape.
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Re: [PD] repertory for amateurs

2007-10-22 Thread Andy Farnell

Hans, feel free to pick apart or use/share anything you find
on these pages for your teaching.

On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 17:20:58 +0100
Hans Roels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am teaching electronic music to a group of teenagers (minimum age 
> 15 years)in a music school in Belgium and I mainly use PD for this. 
> We play improvisations and I write some pieces but i am also looking 
> for compositions that I can use.
> So these are my two questions:
> - Has anybody made some pieces with electronics that I could use? or 
> do you know pieces like this? I guess there are some composers in 
> this list. If there are parts for acoustic instruments, these can't 
> be too difficult (most of these teenagers have been playing an 
> instrument since they were 9 years old). No Ferneyhough pieces please :)
> - If anyone would like to make a piece for any combination of 
> instruments and/or electronics (no more than 4 computer performers 
> simultaneously), please do so! Again: if you also want to involve an 
> acoustic instrument, take care that it is playable for an amateur. 
> Let me know if you are interested and I 'll give you some more details.
> I would like to make a kind of PD repertory project but with 
> live-electronic pieces for amateurs and/or children. The only pieces 
> that I can use at the moment are pieces of Alvin Lucier, Somei Satoh, 
> Daniel Goode,...
> hans r
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Use the source

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Re: [PD] Spectrum graphing amplitude problem

2007-10-22 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

On Sun, 21 Oct 2007, Jason Plumb wrote:

Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
The most rapid change you can have in a signal is an alternance of two 
values: e.g. +1, -1, +1, -1, +1, -1, ... which has S/2 frequency.
Woah, that's a *super* good way to remember that.  Thanks.  I love examples, 
and that's great!

I don't know why you would be taught that in any other way, as a first way 
of learning it. It's perfectly good to learn it in other ways, to 
consolidate your knowledge, but the first way to learn it ought to be the 
most obvious.

A very simple way to explain aliased frequencies would be: spin a bicycle 
wheel. When you accelerate it beyond a certain point, it will begin to 
look like it's going backwards instead. This is because the wheel speed, 
together with the repetitiveness of the wheel's appearance, have crossed 
the Nyquist frequency of your eye.

That's cool, makes sense.  Since I now understand that I'm dealing with 
a graph/display issue, maybe I need to do some heavier lifting?  That 
is, unless somebody can suggest a better way, I guess I'll try and do 
block-synchronized snapshots, somehow walk/traverse the fft results 
myself and look for local discretized maximums.  Doesn't seem like much 

When scaling down a graph, you often don't want to decimate it (ignore 
values). Instead you might want to know the minima and maxima, so you can 
plot two curves at once: if you reduce your graph by 10, you will replace 
every chunk of 10 values by the max of that chunk of 10 values in one 
graph, and by the min of that chunk in the other graph. (If you want to 
see the exact position of the peak then you can't use that method at all.)

 _ _ __ ___ _  _ _ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal QC Canada___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] scroll bug

2007-10-22 Thread IOhannes m zmölnig

>> I just posted a bug report about this, but I am in an urgency of
>> finding a quick workaround.

Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> Please post a bug in the tracker.  

actually matteo just wanted to point out that he has already submitted a
bug-report to the bug-tracker [1817858]

i think he only wanted to raise the priority on a social level.
however, if it is so important for him, he should have noticed that
45minutes after he had submitted the bug, i have already posted a
possible solution.


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Re: [PD] repertory for amateurs

2007-10-22 Thread Max Neupert

at a workshop frank and me gave we had a participant, who is a music  
teacher. he has some interesting java applets and pd patches on his  
site (in german)


Am 23.10.2007 um 02:06 schrieb Andy Farnell:

> Hans, feel free to pick apart or use/share anything you find
> on these pages for your teaching.
> On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 17:20:58 +0100
> Hans Roels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am teaching electronic music to a group of teenagers (minimum age
>> 15 years)in a music school in Belgium and I mainly use PD for this.
>> We play improvisations and I write some pieces but i am also looking
>> for compositions that I can use.
>> So these are my two questions:
>> - Has anybody made some pieces with electronics that I could use? or
>> do you know pieces like this? I guess there are some composers in
>> this list. If there are parts for acoustic instruments, these can't
>> be too difficult (most of these teenagers have been playing an
>> instrument since they were 9 years old). No Ferneyhough pieces  
>> please :)
>> - If anyone would like to make a piece for any combination of
>> instruments and/or electronics (no more than 4 computer performers
>> simultaneously), please do so! Again: if you also want to involve an
>> acoustic instrument, take care that it is playable for an amateur.
>> Let me know if you are interested and I 'll give you some more  
>> details.
>> I would like to make a kind of PD repertory project but with
>> live-electronic pieces for amateurs and/or children. The only pieces
>> that I can use at the moment are pieces of Alvin Lucier, Somei Satoh,
>> Daniel Goode,...
>> hans r

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Re: [PD] Spectrum graphing amplitude problem

2007-10-22 Thread Martin Peach
Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
>A very simple way to explain aliased frequencies would be: spin a bicycle 
>wheel. When you accelerate it beyond a certain point, it will begin to look 
>like it's going backwards instead. This is because the wheel speed, 
>together with the repetitiveness of the wheel's appearance, have crossed 
>the Nyquist frequency of your eye.

That won't work in sunlight for example. You need a flashing light source 
like a fluorescent tube. It's the Nyquist frequency of the light source that 
causes the aliasing, not of your eyes, unless you try it while blinking 
rapidly. The wagon wheels in western movies appear to turn backwards when 
the spokes are moving faster than the frame rate of the movie.


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Re: [PD] scroll bug

2007-10-22 Thread Steffen Juul

On 22/10/2007, at 18.06, matteo sisti sette wrote:

> It never happened to me before

It did happen to me before, cf. [1]. But it seams to be "fixed" in  
later versions of Pd-extended-0.39.x

As i describe in that email it happened all the time when i tried to  
scroll or had scrolling enabled.


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Re: [PD] Spectrum graphing amplitude problem

2007-10-22 Thread Charles Henry
On 10/22/07, Martin Peach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
> >A very simple way to explain aliased frequencies would be: spin a bicycle
> >wheel. When you accelerate it beyond a certain point, it will begin to look
> >like it's going backwards instead. This is because the wheel speed,
> >together with the repetitiveness of the wheel's appearance, have crossed
> >the Nyquist frequency of your eye.
> That won't work in sunlight for example.

Haven't you ever seen it?  (in sunlight that is)

> You need a flashing light source
> like a fluorescent tube. It's the Nyquist frequency of the light source that
> causes the aliasing, not of your eyes, unless you try it while blinking
> rapidly. The wagon wheels in western movies appear to turn backwards when
> the spokes are moving faster than the frame rate of the movie.
> Martin

Vision doesn't work exactly like a camera.  There's no sampling that
occurs--the visual signals are more/less continuous except for
momentary "refresh" periods brought about by eye motion and nystagmus.
I thought about it today, and I'm not entirely sure why it happens
(perhaps there is a certain maximum speed which can be perceived--this
is equivalent to saying there is a finite bandwidth of motion
perception).  I don't really know.  I need to defer to *real* experts,
but I agree, the description is more precise when talking about a
camera effect...


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Re: [PD] [PD-dev] working towards Pd-0.40.3-extended

2007-10-22 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

On Oct 22, 2007, at 4:45 PM, Luke Iannini (pd) wrote:

Sounds good to me!  I think my biggest "blocker"-level issues with  
the extended 0.40.3 builds are the mismatched font-cursor handling  
in object-boxes with the new fonts, and the inability to use >~/ 
mtx_*~ and so on (though I believe IOhannes may have fixed that  

What mismatched font cursor handling?  If there's a bug, please  
report it on the tracker. :-)

Oh, it would also be cool to get the OS X sysex-enabling patches  
and IOhannes' $@/$# patches in by then... I did some work on that  
last week - the sysex patch worked mostly without issue but I  
couldn't get the $@ patch to apply.

Patches to pd/src can be added to packages/patches, then they'll be  
automatically included.  But they have to get along with the rest of  
the patches that are in that folder.


On 10/22/07, Hans-Christoph Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey all,

Now with Pd-0.39.3-extended finally out, I'd like to talk about
setting the timetable for the next Pd-extended release.  I think it's
a good idea to set a code freeze/branch date at the end of the year.
Then spend one month on release candidates, and aim to have a final
release in the beginning of February.

Hopefully, we can work together to get things more integrated and
polished, and make the next version much better than this one. :D



If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an
idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps
it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into
the possession of everyone, and the receiver cannot dispossess
himself of it.- Thomas Jefferson

PD-dev mailing list


There is no way to peace, peace is the way.   -A.J. Muste

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[PD] Array indexing for the wind and the birds

2007-10-22 Thread Jeff Rose
So I was playing with the FFT example that lets you adjust the gain
for frequency bands that gets applied to a plain noise signal.  In
messing around I found that I could actually make some cool sounds
that seemed like rushes of wind and birds and animals chirping.  So,
that's the goal.  I want to make a birds and wind patch based on the
resynthesis.pd audio example.  I thought for starters I would use some
[metro]s connected to [random]s that would send numbers down to [line]
objects, which would generate lines to write into my gain array.  Does
this sound like a reasonable strategy?

My real question is how to work with arrays in this manner.  I'd like
to use [line] objects to generate small sequences that I write into
short segments of an array.  With a for loop this would be straight
forward, but I don't know how to iterate through an array, or how to
generate the line instantaneously rather than having it take some
amount of time like you normally would use line for an envelope or

In the long run I'll need to remember the start index and length of
each "chirp" so that after a short delay I can turn the gain back down
at that location.  Anything like a priority queue in PD, so I can just
have my delay's pop off the queue?  Also, how tough is it to
dynamically create objects from within patches?  Say, if I make a self
contained chirp patch that deals with it's own cleanup, can I sort of
instantiate it with some parameters and then send it off to do it's
thing and die when it's done?  (Was just reading the papers on Chuck,
so maybe my mind is thinking in the wrong way for PD...)

Well, hopefully at least my goal is clear :-)

Thanks for the help,

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Re: [PD] [pdp_qt][pdp_qt~]: controling the frames

2007-10-22 Thread Javier García
any idea?

Subject: [pdp_qt][pdp_qt~]: controling the frames 
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 22:38:52 +0200


to play a file with one of these objects, i send a [play< 

If i send then for example a [45< to the right inlet, the file starts to play 
the file from the frame 45.

But should i do to get stopped the frame 45 when i send [45 mailing list
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Re: [PD] Spectrum graphing amplitude problem

2007-10-22 Thread Roman Haefeli
On Mon, 2007-10-22 at 17:33 -0500, Charles Henry wrote:
> On 10/22/07, Martin Peach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
> > >A very simple way to explain aliased frequencies would be: spin a bicycle
> > >wheel. When you accelerate it beyond a certain point, it will begin to look
> > >like it's going backwards instead. This is because the wheel speed,
> > >together with the repetitiveness of the wheel's appearance, have crossed
> > >the Nyquist frequency of your eye.
> >
> > That won't work in sunlight for example.
> Haven't you ever seen it?  (in sunlight that is)
> > You need a flashing light source
> > like a fluorescent tube. It's the Nyquist frequency of the light source that
> > causes the aliasing, not of your eyes, unless you try it while blinking
> > rapidly. The wagon wheels in western movies appear to turn backwards when
> > the spokes are moving faster than the frame rate of the movie.
> >
> > Martin
> Vision doesn't work exactly like a camera.  

i think, that is the point that martin is trying to make. 

i am not an expert either, but when i encountered this effect (watching
the frontwheel, while cycling at night, for instance), there was always
artificial light involved. to be more precise, there was always kind of
a fluorescence or any other kind of 'gas discharge lamp' (is that the
correct expression?) involved. it doesn't seem to work with common light
bulbs, since their 'afterglow time' is too long. 

for me, it seems, that it is rather related to the light source and its
frequency and not to a property of the eye.


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Re: [PD] Spectrum graphing amplitude problem

2007-10-22 Thread Martin Peach
Charles Henry wrote:
> On 10/22/07, Martin Peach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
>>> A very simple way to explain aliased frequencies would be: spin a bicycle
>>> wheel. When you accelerate it beyond a certain point, it will begin to look
>>> like it's going backwards instead. This is because the wheel speed,
>>> together with the repetitiveness of the wheel's appearance, have crossed
>>> the Nyquist frequency of your eye.
>> That won't work in sunlight for example.
> Haven't you ever seen it?  (in sunlight that is)
No. The spokes just look blurred. Have you? If you try it at night under 
a streetlamp then you get the effect. I'm sure I have analog eyes ;)


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Re: [PD] Spectrum graphing amplitude problem

2007-10-22 Thread Charles Henry
On 10/22/07, Roman Haefeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-10-22 at 17:33 -0500, Charles Henry wrote:
> > On 10/22/07, Martin Peach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
> > > >A very simple way to explain aliased frequencies would be: spin a bicycle
> > > >wheel. When you accelerate it beyond a certain point, it will begin to 
> > > >look
> > > >like it's going backwards instead. This is because the wheel speed,
> > > >together with the repetitiveness of the wheel's appearance, have crossed
> > > >the Nyquist frequency of your eye.
> > >
> > > That won't work in sunlight for example.
> >
> > Haven't you ever seen it?  (in sunlight that is)

As implied, I'm 99% positive I've seen it before.  You might still be
able to convince me that I haven't ;)

> i think, that is the point that martin is trying to make.
> i am not an expert either, but when i encountered this effect (watching
> the frontwheel, while cycling at night, for instance), there was always
> artificial light involved. to be more precise, there was always kind of
> a fluorescence or any other kind of 'gas discharge lamp' (is that the
> correct expression?) involved. it doesn't seem to work with common light
> bulbs, since their 'afterglow time' is too long.
> for me, it seems, that it is rather related to the light source and its
> frequency and not to a property of the eye.

hey, what do you know, there's even a wiki page on it:

Vision is in fact not purely analog.  Although I don't necessarily
think the "discrete frame" theory mentioned in the page is true, there
is a counterexample.  When your eyes make a saccade (fast movement),
there is no blurring.  There is an inhibition of the movement in
between the two visual scenes.
There is also nystagmus.  Even when images appear perfectly clear, the
eye moves in random oscillations.  When researchers (I forget the
citation/can't find it) used an eye camera to track random
oscillations and corrected for the movement (creating a static
retinotopic image), the perceived image disappears.  There may be
something involved in correcting for nystagmus that renders an image
in a series of apparently still frames.  I don't know for sure.


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