Re: [PD] To divide a number in random parts

2011-03-03 Thread Caio Barros
> I thought that you had said that the unit of time is the second. That's how
> I interpreted "quarter = 60". If you don't want this nor any other related
> basis such as 120 divisions or 240 divisions, why did you say "quarter = 60"
> at all ?
Yes the tempo is quarter = 60, but this doesn't mean that I want the chords
with durations in rounded seconds. What I was thinking is to make a
transposition from a duration (say 3,57s) into musical figures, thats why is
easy for me to use quarter = 60. Another thing is that the interpreter will
have a pulsation basis so (s)he can read the music more easily, but it will
not sound like regular pulsations,
Sorry if I wasn't clear enough, I think maybe 1/100 of a second is a good
time basis, I can and will need to make some approximations of the musical
figures, so the interpreter won't have to lose his/her hair studying a 48s

Caio Barros
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Re: [PD] To divide a number in random parts

2011-03-03 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

On Fri, 4 Mar 2011, Caio Barros wrote:

Yes that's right. And another problem is that all the durations are 
integers. I want something without the feeling of (regular) pulsations.

I thought that you had said that the unit of time is the second. That's 
how I interpreted "quarter = 60". If you don't want this nor any other 
related basis such as 120 divisions or 240 divisions, why did you say 
"quarter = 60" at all ?

| Mathieu Bouchard  tél: +1.514.383.3801  Villeray, Montréal, QC
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Re: [PD] To divide a number in random parts

2011-03-03 Thread Caio Barros
> You could try this approach(I also attached a patch with it):
>> 48 = 4 * 10 + 1 * 8
>> so you use
>> n1=random(10)
>> n2 = 10 - n1
>> n3 = random(10)
>> n4 = 10-n3
>> .
>> .
>> n9 = random(8)
>> n10 = 8 - n9
> But this makes the odd-ordered chords to start at every 10 seconds. I
> believe that Caio wants something more random than that.
Yes that's right. And another problem is that all the durations are
integers. I want something without the feeling of (regular) pulsations.

> BTW I have another idea :
> initialise all of them to equal or almost equal amounts, then modify the
> delays gradully : pick a donor randomly among delays that aren't already
> minimum ; pick a acceptor randomly among delays that aren't already
> maximum ; give one unit of delay from the donor to the acceptor.
I was trying to figure out something like that. Now that I think about it,
is more important to have a minimum duration than a maximum because
depending on the minimum I chose, the probability of a chord too long is low
(and bottom line I can always change the result to fit in what I want to

I'll need to experiment a bit. If I have the time to make a cool patch with
general paramethers I'll share with the list. Unfortunately today I could
not compose.

Caio Barros
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Re: [PD] To divide a number in random parts

2011-03-03 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

On Thu, 3 Mar 2011, Markus Demmel wrote:

You could try this approach(I also attached a patch with it):
48 = 4 * 10 + 1 * 8
so you use
n2 = 10 - n1
n3 = random(10)
n4 = 10-n3
n9 = random(8)
n10 = 8 - n9

But this makes the odd-ordered chords to start at every 10 seconds. I 
believe that Caio wants something more random than that.

BTW I have another idea :

initialise all of them to equal or almost equal amounts, then modify the 
delays gradully : pick a donor randomly among delays that aren't already 
minimum ; pick a acceptor randomly among delays that aren't already 
maximum ; give one unit of delay from the donor to the acceptor.

| Mathieu Bouchard  tél: +1.514.383.3801  Villeray, Montréal, QC
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Re: [PD] To divide a number in random parts

2011-03-03 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

On Thu, 3 Mar 2011, Caio Barros wrote:

It's funny that you said that. I slept over this problem and yes, I want 
the chords to have a minimun and maximun duration.

Ok. Give every chord the minimum duration, then pick random amounts of 
extra time to add to each, between zero and the difference between the 
minimum and the maximum.

If you use Tim's solution, the minimum and maximum will be scaled randomly 
because the sum of all random numbers is itself a random number.

Thus you if you reserve minimum time separately and use Tim's solution on 
the time that hasn't been allocated yet, the minimum will be exactly 
respected, whereas the maximum won't.

Now, to make the maximum respected, it has to be another solution than 
that, and to control the likelihood of getting something close to a 
maximum duration, it's also something else (if you have several delays 
close to the maximum before scaling, they won't be close to the maximum 
after the scaling, if it's a downwards scaling).

The problem of having three delays from 0 to M so that the sum is equal to 
M is the problem of picking a random place in a right triangle. If the sum 
has to be N (another number bigger than M), then it's a bigger right 
triangle with cut corners.

When you have four delays, it's about picking a random place in a 
triangular pyramid.

When you have more delays, you'd need a space with more than three 
dimensions to think about it.

| Mathieu Bouchard  tél: +1.514.383.3801  Villeray, Montréal, QC___ mailing list
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Re: [PD] How to capture sound & video from Pd/Gem

2011-03-03 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

On Thu, 3 Mar 2011, ALAN BROOKER wrote:

if you don't get anywhere with [pdp_rec~] another alternative could be 
to try the gridflow objects [#to_pix] to connect a Gem scene to gridflow 
-- then connect to [#record] to record the scene. However I don't think 
it records sound- check out the Gridflow help index and files.

In GridFlow, [#io.quicktimehw] (libquicktime) is the only module that can 
record video. You have to use it through the [#out] interface. It's 
available in all the Ubuntu packages, and in the latest OSX package 

There's nothing for writing sound in GridFlow. However, there's a fairly 
new feature of [#io.quicktimehw] for reading sound from a quicktime, which 
is available through [#in~] as signals or through [#in] as grids. It's 
still a bit experimental though.

([#in~] is just a simple combination of [#in] with [#to~])

It's very possible that I replace libquicktime with something else (but 
patches would stay compatible, apart from use of the name "quicktimehw")

| Mathieu Bouchard  tél: +1.514.383.3801  Villeray, Montréal, QC
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Re: [PD] pd-kinect-skeleton

2011-03-03 Thread matohawk


Anybody made a simple documentation to install step by step all the 
programm to see the Skeleton because I'm a bit confused.
I saw Hans project it's really nice but I think I have some problem 
before with OpenNI and the other things.

It will great if someone could be made a simple documentation.


Le 2011-02-23 11:30, palmieri, ricardo a écrit :

hi pat...

thanks by the tryplex links.

yesterday i'd test some processing and animata examples also.
in mac osx i had lots of crashes. in linux, everything runs well.

now, i will start to try something more usefull.
i hope still today, to post some video with all these experiences.

if somebody need some help, just ask. sharing is the key!

thx for all again.



2011/2/23 philippe boisnard>>


yeah, incredible PSI POse hihihihi, but when I work with dancer or
actually in theater, comedian or dancer have more flexible posture,
for example it captures the back and not just face, and if you are
at the good distance, it captures really in a dynamic movement.

And I think, that the most interresting work, is not only figurative
(3D modelisation for example), but to invente some virtual
interactive space.
For example : create a virtual and invisible wall, each brick is a
sample. The right hand chooses the specific sample, and the other
hand and other interactive dot of body manipulate effects.
This way is interresting because, with the xyz axes we work in a
complet space.

The only difficulty actually, it's for me the speed of captation by
kinect. It's slow, and for the creation where I work actually, the
comedian is speeder than uptake by kinect.

 > hope to see you soon guys.
Hope tooo !


 > cheers
 > palm

twitt-me: @ricardopalmieri
mobile# +551185833173
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Re: [PD] How to capture sound & video from Pd/Gem

2011-03-03 Thread ALAN BROOKER
if you don't get anywhere with [pdp_rec~] another alternative could be
to try the gridflow objects [#to_pix] to connect a Gem scene to
gridflow -- then connect to [#record] to record the scene. However I
don't think it records sound- check out the Gridflow help index and

Personally I have not had much luck with recording in Gem, as
mentioned I output tiffs to combine into a movie file...any sound I
record separately and add later using a video editor.

A bit of a pain but at least it comes together in the end. ..except
IMHO the only really good video editor (Kdenlives) loves crashing .
Next best thing is Pitivi

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 4:38 PM, Markus Demmel  wrote:
> Hi,
> it looks like i can't capture with recordmyDesktop... i only get error code 
> 256
> / 2816
> I would like to give [pdp_rec~] a try, but i can't make a [pix_2pdp] object. 
> The
> error message here is:
> /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/pix_2pdp.pd_linux:
> /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/pix_2pdp.pd_linux: undefined symbol:
> _ZN9CPPExtern4postEPKcz
> but the object is there and the help file refers to pix_freeframe, which could
> be because of the version of GEM from svn.
> Markus
> On 02.03.2011 00:12, Pedro Lopes wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I use recordmydesktop, it captures OpenGL and audio through Jack, sou I 
>> route it
>> to record pd output.
>> Sometimes I have lags, which is shi* but then again I did not setup things
>> carefully (i'm not with an rt kernel now, and my screen is wid).
>> All these videos are recorded that way
>> 1) (see the last frame of this one[1], it helps you
>> with the arguments for the recordmydesktop - since they are a bit freaky) - 
>> This
>> was done with a slower laptop than my newer but it was RT and I really felt 
>> that
>> it helps in grabbing the video/audio data.
>> 2) (see the first frame of this one[1], no lagged
>> older laptop with rt kernel)
>> 3) (once again first frame, this is lagged better
>> laptop, kernel is not rt)
>> [1] hooray for laziness in not cutting the videos!
>> Best,
>> Pedro Lopes
>> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 9:55 PM, ALAN BROOKER > > wrote:
>>     ahh correction- the object is under pidip and is called [pdp_rec~]
>>     On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 9:44 PM, ALAN BROOKER >     > wrote:
>>     > I dont know how much this could help but a good object for recording
>>     > visuals and sound synced is[pdp_record] either part of pdp or pidip
>>     > (cant remember which one).
>>     >
>>     > try the gem_to_pdp bridge to connect Gem scene and [pdp_record]
>>     > together. To be honest I am as yet to try this myself as I often just
>>     > out put Gem visuals as a series of tiffs and then stitch them together
>>     > later to make an ogg file.
>>     >
>>     >
>>     >
>>     >
>>     > On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 9:29 PM, Markus Demmel >     > wrote:
>>     >> Hi List,
>>     >>
>>     >> does anybody know a good (working) way to capture audio and video 
>> from Pd/Gem
>>     >> under linux?
>>     >>
>>     >> So far i tried using glc-capture, which gives good video results, but
>>     refuses to
>>     >> record any sound at all. glc-capture should work with alsa, but it 
>> only
>>     outputs
>>     >> error messages like this: snd_pcm_open (input): Device or resource 
>> busy or [
>>     >> 33.15s alsa_capture error ] initialization failed: Invalid argument 
>> ...
>>     >>
>>     >> markus
>>     >>
>>     >> ___
>>     >>  mailing list
>>     >> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
>>     >>
>>     >
>>     ___
>>  mailing list
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>> --
>> Pedro Lopes (MSc)
>> contact: 
>> website: / 
>> |

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[PD] Weekend in Dublin for Pd mini-con

2011-03-03 Thread Marco Donnarumma
(apologies for cross-posting)

Hi all,
I'll be in Dublin for the Pd mini-con from tomorrow until Monday.

Any microsounder, Pd'r or Pikseler in Dublin up for a chat?
Best wishes,

Marco Donnarumma
Independent New Media and Sonic Arts Professional, Performer, Instructor
ACE, Sound Design MSc by Research (ongoing)
The University of Edinburgh, UK
Lab: | |
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Re: [PD] To divide a number in random parts

2011-03-03 Thread Markus Demmel
You could try this approach(I also attached a patch with it):

48 = 4 * 10 + 1 * 8

so you use

n2 = 10 - n1

n3 = random(10)
n4 = 10-n3
n9 = random(8)
n10 = 8 - n9

On 03.03.2011 02:20, Caio Barros wrote:
> Hey guys, long time since I posted here.
> I've been trying to think a way to divide a number into random parts.
> Let me explain myself better:
> I'm writing a piece where I want 10 chords played during 48 seconds but the
> duration of each chord should be different.
> So I'm trying to figure out a way to divide 48 into 10 unequal parts, I think
> using random numbers should be the best way but the difficulty is to get 10
> random numbers wich summed give 48.
> Since I'm not expert at math maybe someone can help me.
> I want to do this operation with other numbers, therefore a pd patch would be 
> great.
> ___
> mailing list
> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 
#N canvas 1068 504 450 300 10;
#X obj -122 98 random 10;
#X obj -122 34 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144
-1 -1;
#X floatatom -122 163 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj -84 122 - 10;
#X obj -84 144 abs;
#X floatatom -84 164 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj -46 99 random 10;
#X floatatom -46 164 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj -8 121 - 10;
#X obj -8 143 abs;
#X floatatom -8 164 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 29 99 random 10;
#X floatatom 29 164 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 67 123 - 10;
#X obj 67 145 abs;
#X floatatom 67 165 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 105 100 random 10;
#X floatatom 105 165 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 143 122 - 10;
#X obj 143 144 abs;
#X floatatom 143 165 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X floatatom 181 165 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 219 144 abs;
#X floatatom 219 165 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 181 100 random 8;
#X obj 219 122 - 8;
#X connect 0 0 3 0;
#X connect 0 0 2 0;
#X connect 1 0 0 0;
#X connect 1 0 6 0;
#X connect 1 0 11 0;
#X connect 1 0 16 0;
#X connect 1 0 24 0;
#X connect 3 0 4 0;
#X connect 4 0 5 0;
#X connect 6 0 8 0;
#X connect 6 0 7 0;
#X connect 8 0 9 0;
#X connect 9 0 10 0;
#X connect 11 0 13 0;
#X connect 11 0 12 0;
#X connect 13 0 14 0;
#X connect 14 0 15 0;
#X connect 16 0 18 0;
#X connect 16 0 17 0;
#X connect 18 0 19 0;
#X connect 19 0 20 0;
#X connect 22 0 23 0;
#X connect 24 0 21 0;
#X connect 24 0 25 0;
#X connect 25 0 22 0;
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Re: [PD] How to capture sound & video from Pd/Gem

2011-03-03 Thread Pedro Lopes
Never seen such error, for me it simply works :)
It just says that?

This helps?

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 4:38 PM, Markus Demmel  wrote:

>  256
> / 2816

Pedro Lopes (MSc)
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Re: [PD] c:ntr:l

2011-03-03 Thread Marco Donnarumma
Hi Nick,

On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Nick Burge  wrote:

>  Remains a mystery for the time beingI installed the ttf-bitstream-vera
> font via synaptic which was not actually installed before, but without the
> -font-face Monaco flag it still crashed...

I see, I can't imagine why is that. It seems related to Xfont package and
its configuration. Anyways, I'm happy you can use the software.

Meanwhile your patch/program is really great. Fantastic realtime audio
> processes, but problematical when using video ... as soon as I open a gem
> window audio starts to break up. To stop audio from breaking up on my laptop
> I've had to hack the C[]NTR[]L patch into seperate audio and video patches,
> and running 2 simultaneous instances of pd one for audio and one for video,
> sending the note bangs via OSC/udp from one instance to the other.  Not sure
> why one should have to do this, but it works perfectly like that. Maybe you
> know an easier way??

Thanks Nick.
Ok, yes that's an issue which should be solved using a real time kernel. At
least I don't have this problem here with -rt flag and rt kernel. But it
probably depends on the machine capabilities.
What you described is usually good practice when working with real time
audio+video processing in Pd. I believe there should be several threads
about this topic here on the list.

However, I have to admit the C[]NTR[]L application featuring audio-to-video
OSC communication was in the pipeline for long time, but then the project
forked into a more interesting (at least for me) framework, which I'm
developing now.

Best wishes,
and have fun!


Marco Donnarumma
Independent New Media and Sonic Arts Professional, Performer, Instructor
ACE, Sound Design MSc by Research (ongoing)
The University of Edinburgh, UK
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Re: [PD] How to capture sound & video from Pd/Gem

2011-03-03 Thread Markus Demmel

it looks like i can't capture with recordmyDesktop... i only get error code 256
/ 2816

I would like to give [pdp_rec~] a try, but i can't make a [pix_2pdp] object. The
error message here is:

/usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/pix_2pdp.pd_linux: undefined symbol:

but the object is there and the help file refers to pix_freeframe, which could
be because of the version of GEM from svn.


On 02.03.2011 00:12, Pedro Lopes wrote:
> Hey,
> I use recordmydesktop, it captures OpenGL and audio through Jack, sou I route 
> it
> to record pd output.
> Sometimes I have lags, which is shi* but then again I did not setup things
> carefully (i'm not with an rt kernel now, and my screen is wid). 
> All these videos are recorded that way 
> 1) (see the last frame of this one[1], it helps you
> with the arguments for the recordmydesktop - since they are a bit freaky) - 
> This
> was done with a slower laptop than my newer but it was RT and I really felt 
> that
> it helps in grabbing the video/audio data.
> 2) (see the first frame of this one[1], no lagged
> older laptop with rt kernel)
> 3) (once again first frame, this is lagged better
> laptop, kernel is not rt)
> [1] hooray for laziness in not cutting the videos! 
> Best,
> Pedro Lopes
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 9:55 PM, ALAN BROOKER  > wrote:
> ahh correction- the object is under pidip and is called [pdp_rec~]
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 9:44 PM, ALAN BROOKER  > wrote:
> > I dont know how much this could help but a good object for recording
> > visuals and sound synced is[pdp_record] either part of pdp or pidip
> > (cant remember which one).
> >
> > try the gem_to_pdp bridge to connect Gem scene and [pdp_record]
> > together. To be honest I am as yet to try this myself as I often just
> > out put Gem visuals as a series of tiffs and then stitch them together
> > later to make an ogg file.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 9:29 PM, Markus Demmel  > wrote:
> >> Hi List,
> >>
> >> does anybody know a good (working) way to capture audio and video from 
> Pd/Gem
> >> under linux?
> >>
> >> So far i tried using glc-capture, which gives good video results, but
> refuses to
> >> record any sound at all. glc-capture should work with alsa, but it only
> outputs
> >> error messages like this: snd_pcm_open (input): Device or resource 
> busy or [
> >> 33.15s alsa_capture error ] initialization failed: Invalid argument ...
> >>
> >> markus
> >>
> >> ___
> >>  mailing list
> >> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
> >>
> >
> ___
>  mailing list
> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
> -- 
> Pedro Lopes (MSc)
> contact: 
> website: / 
> |

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Re: [PD] large audio files

2011-03-03 Thread Jose Luis Santorcuato
Hi Andrew, I have not worked with mp3, but I've done something similar
with susloop ~, may solve some, help is quite clear.

Best regards


2011/3/3 Andrew Faraday :
> Hey Guys
> I've had a vague Idea (which I find is often the best kind) for something to
> do with pure data.
> Basically, I want it to randomly select a clip from a long MP3 (just under
> an hour long) and play back, preferably with some speed manipulation.
> Although I'm not sure about how to do with with a large file in pure data. I
> suppose the trick might be to pull a minute or so whole-sale from the file
> and then manipulate the playback from an array. But really don't know where
> to start, with the possible exception of [readanySF~] to actually play a
> long file.
> any help?
> Cheers
> Andrew
> ___
> mailing list
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[PD] large audio files

2011-03-03 Thread Andrew Faraday

Hey Guys
I've had a vague Idea (which I find is often the best kind) for something to do 
with pure data. 
Basically, I want it to randomly select a clip from a long MP3 (just under an 
hour long) and play back, preferably with some speed manipulation. Although I'm 
not sure about how to do with with a large file in pure data. I suppose the 
trick might be to pull a minute or so whole-sale from the file and then 
manipulate the playback from an array. But really don't know where to start, 
with the possible exception of [readanySF~] to actually play a long file. 
any help?
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Re: [PD] To divide a number in random parts

2011-03-03 Thread Caio Barros
> Note that if you sum 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10, that's already 55. How many time
> units do you have per 48 seconds ? (do you have a base tempo at all ?)
> And then what do you want the distribution to be like ? Is there any
> maximum duration of a chord, minimum duration of a chord, etc ?
It's funny that you said that. I slept over this problem and yes, I want the
chords to have a minimun and maximun duration. They don't need to bee all of
different durations, the important is this section of the piece to sound
like random/chaotic durations, and as we know random numbers (or durations?)
sometimes don't look random. I will even make this again for the attacks of
individual notes of the chords so the section will have a truly chaotic
And by the way the tempo of this section is quarter = 60 so it's very easy
to do this. (thank you Mathieu for making me think about it more deeply)

Thank you guys for the other answers. This really helps.

Caio Barros
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Re: [PD] iemlib low pass filters exhibiting jitter?

2011-03-03 Thread Luka Princic // Nova deViator
cyrille henry :
> the biquad object from nusmuk audio (bq~) does also have audio inlet
> for filter coef. since it's a biquad, you can shape your filter...

thanks everyone for suggestions and comments. in the meanwhile i
disovered biquad object, which was perfect for my needs.

i will also try high (>150ms) interpolation time and [block~ 1].
and, ah, yes, moog filter...


sujet est machinique!
Nova deViator ¤ ¤ ¤

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