[PD] PdDroidParty v97 release

2011-07-24 Thread Chris McCormick

v97 includes the following internals emulated (not feature complete but the 
basics work): comment, numberbox, numberbox2, sliders, toggle, bang, canvas.

The following special abstractions are also natively emulated on the device. 
You can find out more about these in droidparty-abstractions/_OVERVIEW.pd:

[wordbutton] - It's like a bang, but on the device it is a box with a word in 

[numberbox] - It's like a numberbox, but on the device it stretches to fit a 
rectangle. (better layout).

[taplist] - Lets the user tap through a list of symbols/floats to select one.

[touch] - Kaospad style 2d touch surface.

[menubang] - Puts an entry into the application menu which sends a bang when he 
user selects it. Optional icon is called menubang-.png where  is the 
name of your menubang.

[loadsave] - Wraps an openpanel/savepanel type of interface into a single 
abstraction that lets the user specify or choose filenames on Android (works 
well with sssad).





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Re: [PD] Gem / glsl_fragment

2011-07-24 Thread u...@xdv.org

On 24.07.2011 17:35, cyrille henry wrote:


First, let's try to have the example to work.
did you have any error when clicking on the "load shader" bang on the 
1st example (01.simple texture)?

nop. no errors, but apparantly no shaders, also there.
the only error i can get is with print from [glsl_program], "no 
GLSL-program linked".

for multi texture example, see example 5...

doh! thanks for pointing me there, though. ;)

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Re: [PD] non real-time (r)FFT patch/object?

2011-07-24 Thread padovani

Ok, sorry.. just found it..

Em 24/07/11 12:32, padovani escreveu:


Is there a non signal version of rfft~? An object or a patch that
performs "faster than real-time" real FFT? (so that one can load the
spectral data of a audio file to an array instantly)



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Re: [PD] Gem / glsl_fragment

2011-07-24 Thread cyrille henry


First, let's try to have the example to work.
did you have any error when clicking on the "load shader" bang on the 1st 
example (01.simple texture)?

for multi texture example, see example 5...


Le 24/07/2011 17:05, u...@xdv.org a écrit :

hey there,

i'm trying to implement a "hard-light" blending mode, as described on between 
two textures using a glsl fragment shader. it's compiling, linking and running fine in 
when i try to load it with [glsl_fragment] i don't seem to be getting an ID on the right 
outlet though. it never changes from [ 0] which i take to mean "failure in some 
the same happens, by the way, with the shaders, both vertex and fragment, that 
come in example/data.

a print message on glsl_fragment produces:
[glsl_fragment]: MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS: 8
[glsl_fragment]: MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: 32

seems to be telling me, glsl support is acknowledged to be there.

i'm running: pd-0.42.5-extended
my gem version is: 0.92.3
on x86_64 ubuntu 10.10
with corporate nvidia driver, version: 260.19.44

any ideas anyone?

and then i have another question:
if i manage to run the shader, how would i throw the two textures to their 
respective 2Dsamplers in there?
prefix [pix_dump] output with the samplers name?


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[PD] non real-time (r)FFT patch/object?

2011-07-24 Thread padovani


Is there a non signal version of rfft~? An object or a patch that 
performs "faster than real-time" real FFT? (so that one can load the 
spectral data of a audio file to an array instantly)



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[PD] Gem / glsl_fragment

2011-07-24 Thread u...@xdv.org

hey there,

i'm trying to implement a "hard-light" blending mode, as described on 
between two textures using a glsl fragment shader. it's compiling, 
linking and running fine in ShaderMaker.
when i try to load it with [glsl_fragment] i don't seem to be getting an 
ID on the right outlet though. it never changes from [   0] which i take 
to mean "failure in some way".
the same happens, by the way, with the shaders, both vertex and 
fragment, that come in example/data.

a print message on glsl_fragment produces:
[glsl_fragment]: MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS: 8
[glsl_fragment]: MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: 32

seems to be telling me, glsl support is acknowledged to be there.

i'm running: pd-0.42.5-extended
my gem version is: 0.92.3
on x86_64 ubuntu 10.10
with corporate nvidia driver, version: 260.19.44

any ideas anyone?

and then i have another question:
if i manage to run the shader, how would i throw the two textures to 
their respective 2Dsamplers in there?

prefix [pix_dump] output with the samplers name?


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