[PD] drag-n-drop support in Pd-extended (TkDND)

2011-09-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

Patko and I just got TkDND working on Windows and included Pd-extended
0.43.  That means tomorrows nightly build should have it included, and
its ready for scripting with.  TkDND allows Pd to handle drag-n-drop
events, so you can do things like drop a file onto the Pd window to open
it (implemented in the attached plugin) or drop a pd patch onto a canvas
to make an object (also kind of implemented in the plugin).

There are lots of interesting ideas possible, I'm hoping you will play
with it and see what kinds of stuff we can do.  I forgot who originally
implemented the TkDND stuff for Pd, but this is based on that work, so
thanks for that.

package require tkdnd

dnd bindtarget .pdwindow text/uri-list  {
foreach file %D {open_file $file}

proc setup_dndbind {mytoplevel} {
::pdwindow::error "binding to $mytoplevel"
dnd bindtarget $mytoplevel text/uri-list  "pdtk_canvas_makeobjs $mytoplevel %D %x %y"
bind PatchWindow <> {+setup_dndbind %W}

proc pdtk_canvas_makeobjs {mytoplevel files x y} {
set c 0
for {set n 0} {$n < [llength $files]} {incr n} {
if {[regexp {.*/(.+).pd$} [lindex $files $n] file obj] == 1} {
::pdwindow::error " do it $file $obj $x $y $c"
pdsend "$mytoplevel obj $x [expr $y + ($c * 30)] $obj"
incr c
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[PD] I07 vocoder questions

2011-09-19 Thread João Pais


This is a long mail. I was having a closer look at the I07 vocoder  
example, and wanted to ask a couple questions (some of them general, some  
a bit petty). They're divided into parts, in case someone doesn't want to  
answer everything:

- in [pd read-windows], there's the [r $0-insamprate], is supposed to make  
"sample rate correction". Tracking from where this value comes, it leads  
to the sample loading subpatch, [pd insample] in the main window. There,  
the connection doesn't make sense to me:
 a) the right outlet of [unpack s f] never should give out something, as  
[openpanel] only delivers a symbol.

 b) so, the patch is hard coded to bang a 44100 to [s $0-insamprate]

Since the whole patch can work with any sample rate, what is the function  
of the 44100? Does it assume that the loaded samples will be at 44.1KHz?  
So, a [wavinfo~] or similar object that says the samplerate of the loaded  
file would be better, right?
And, if both loaded sample and patch have the same sample rate, this  
variable isn't really necessary, as it will give out 1, right? (which will  
be multiplied with the transposition, therefore changing nothing).

So, resuming: does this connection recalculates the playback rate of the  
$0-sample table, assuming that the loaded sample is always at 44.1KHz, and  
the patch's sample rate can be variable?

- - - - - -

When pressing rewind, the location value goes to a small negative number.  
I gather that that's the half of msec for the window lenght. Why does a  
sample playback start there, instead of directly in 0? So that the front  
window starts on time, while the back window is delayed? (as explained in  
[pd read-windows])

- - - - - -

Location display (main window, leftest) is in msec of the original sample,  

- - - - - -

[s location-set] in [pd read-windows]: since this variable gets its value  
from [r see-loc] (which is banged~), it doesn't need to receive the value  
from [r location], right?

- - - - - -

[pd hann-window]: the variables window-msec and window-sec don't have  
receive counterparts. Probably a remain from an old patch?

- - - - - -

The no-detune bang should send 0 to transpo-set instead, right?

- - - - - -

As I never studied the fft part really closely, it still remains a mistery  
to me (although the function of each segment is described). Can someone  
point me to a place where to make sense of what's happening around? Or I  
should just go through all the tutorials until I get here?

In case it interests to anyone, I've made a local version of the patch,  
with all variables and tables preceded with $0.

Thanks again,

João Pais

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[PD] menubar os x

2011-09-19 Thread stéfan piat
hello ,

I have a problem to remove the menubar when displaying the gemwin fullscreen
on a specific hardware

I am on os x 10.6.8 + pd-extended 0.42.5
it is working fine on a macbook (gpu = intel gma 950)
but on a recent macbookpro the menubar don't disappear

any idea to solve this ?

thanks for your help

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[PD] pd 0.43-1 test 4 released

2011-09-19 Thread Miller Puckette
Hi all,

Pd version 0.43-1 test 4 is available on http://crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/software.htm
or via git from sourceforge:
git clone git://pure-data.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/pure-data/pure-data

(there was no public release of test versions 1-3; this is my first
public attempt at 0.43-1.)

enjoy (I hope)

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[PD] [soundtouch~] pitch shifter for Pure Data

2011-09-19 Thread katja
On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

> hey Katja,
> I am trying your soundtouch~ on Ubuntu/Maverick.  First I tried the
> included binary, then I built it from source. Both ways I got this:
> soundtouch~.pd_linux: soundtouch~.pd_linux: undefined symbol: _Znaj
Are you building for a 64 bit system? I have tried that several times,  and
can't remember all the details, but that wouldn't make much of a difference
because so far I never succeeded to make it load. For Linux 32 bit (Ubuntu,
Debian), I have not seen this issue. But I don't know by head which gcc
version was used for these.

When building the soundtouch~ class for Windows with latest mingw, I had a
problem with missing libs, and this could be solved by including cflags;

-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++

For what I understand this is a specific feature of mingw, where they have
(recently) split the gnu standard library in smaller units, for which you
can choose to include them statically or supply dll's. I have noticed the
discussion on the list about this topic. But now I wonder if 64 bit Linux,
or maybe gcc 4.5, have adopted a similar approach? I am mostly on OSX and
Debian with not so new GNU tools.

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[PD] CouchPdb is now PuREST JSON

2011-09-19 Thread Thomas Mayer

I have just finished some work on my library formerly known as CouchPdb,
PuREST JSON. It is a library for connecting to RESTful webservices and
getting and storing data in JSON format. The library includes three
objects [rest-json], [json-encode] and [json-decode].

Help patches for these objects are included, as well as (incomplete)
build instructions and demo patches.

The library is available from github:

A demo track using data from bitcoincharts.com is also available from

Best regards,
"We left all that stuff out. If there's an error, we have this
routine called panic, and when it is called, the machine crashes,
and you holler down the hall, 'Hey, reboot it.'" (Dennis Ritchie)

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[PD] pd-extended.deb does (not) conflict with puredata.deb

2011-09-19 Thread Roman Haefeli
Hi Hans

I was going to install Pd-extended from here:

on a Ubuntu 11.04 machine and I got this:

Unpacking pd-extended (from Pd-0.43.1-extended-20110916-ubuntu-natty-i386.deb) 
dpkg: error processing Pd-0.43.1-extended-20110916-ubuntu-natty-i386.deb 
 trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/pd', which is also in package puredata 0.42.6-2
dpkg-deb (subprocess): data: internal gzip write error: Broken pipe
dpkg-deb (subprocess): failed in write on buffer copy for failed to write to 
pipe in copy: Broken pipe
dpkg-deb: error: subprocess  returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:

It seems, that 'pd-extended' is conflicting with 'puredata' without
mentioning 'puredata' in the 'Conflicts:' section. I think either it
should be mentioned there or - what I think would be the better
solution, if possible at all - it should not try to
overwrite /usr/bin/pd. 

I don't know the current state of Pd-extended-0.43, probably it's still
very much work-in-progress. I thought I mention this anyway.


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Re: [PD] (breaking symbols) was Re: find a list of numbers in a text file

2011-09-19 Thread Jonathan Wilkes

- Original Message -
> From: Hans-Christoph Steiner 
> To: Jonathan Wilkes ; fbar Barknecht ; 
> "pd-list@iem.at List" 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 4:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [PD] (breaking symbols) was Re: find a list of numbers in a text 
> file
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 12:59 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:


> Here's an example of this idea applied to the [symbol] and [float]
> boxes.

A good object for tests of any potential changes to symbols is cyclone/comment

Its third argument is a symbol which gives the font to be used.
There are more arguments after the third one.
Therefore, you cannot currently set a font which has spaces in its name.

A few points:
* "DejaVu Sans Mono" is way easier to type than DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono
* "DejaVu Sans Mono" is way easier to read as a single argument than 
DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono
* Allowing [symbol] to automatically convert lists doesn't help this problem.


> https://github.com/pd-projects/newtype
> Also, I attached a Linux 32-bit version and a Mac OS X universal.
> .hc
> News is what people want to keep hidden and everything else is
> publicity.          - Bill Moyers

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[PD] [PD-announce] net-art/poetry launch(es)

2011-09-19 Thread Jason Nelson
Two curiously strange net-artworks/art-games.  I would be more than
charmed for critiques/praises on these works. And of course
extra-overjoyed if you spread them around.

Six Sided Strange.   (interactive Rubik’s inspired cubes built as
story-spaces and digital sculptures, exhibited at Turbulence.org)

Scrape Scraperteeth (an art/poetry-game commissioned by the San
Francisco Gallery of Modern Art)

cheers times nine, Jason Nelson

(if you want to be "gone-goned" from this list (sniff sniff) I will do
so with great fervor and sadness)

Digital Poetry Wonderments:  http://www.heliozoa.com

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[PD] [PD-announce] CouchPdb 0.1

2011-09-19 Thread Thomas Mayer

I am proud to announce CouchPdb 0.1, a library for communication with
CouchDB, a document-oriented database.

The library consists of three objects: [couchdb] for the communication
with CouchDB, [json-encode] for building JSON objects for storing in the
database, and [json-decode] that uses the same mechanisms as [couchdb]
for outputting JSON objects.

Currently the Makefile is only optimized for Debian GNU/Linux Wheezy,
you will need a version of libcurl-dev and libjson0-dev (alias json-c)

Help patches for the objects are included, please report bugs on the
project homepage. For the help patches to work, you will need to have a
running instance of CouchDB on localhost and port 5984 (standard port).


Thanks for your attention and your help,
"When one's home has a really excellent computer capable of reaching
other computers anywhere in the Galaxy, one scarcely needs to budge."
(Janov Pelorat in: Isaac Asimov - Foundation's Edge)

Pd-announce mailing list

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Re: [PD] menubar os x

2011-09-19 Thread Marian Weger

Am 18.09.11 15:20, schrieb stéfan piat:

I have a problem to remove the menubar when displaying the gemwin 
fullscreen on a specific hardware

try "border 0" and make the window fullscreen by setting the dimensions 
of your display (i.e. "dimen 1280 800").

Do not use the "fullscreen" and "menubar" messages.
If you have several monitors connected, shift the window using "offset 
 " to the desired monitor.

This should work on most machines.

But always set up some hotkey for destroying the gemwin, since you won't 
have access to your destroy button with a fullscreen gemwin.

I often use the right mouse button for that with [gemmouse]


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Re: [PD] menubar os x

2011-09-19 Thread stéfan piat
hello marian

thanks for your tip

but if I make the window fullscreen by setting the dimensions of my display,
without using menubar,
the menubar is over the window...
and I have only one monitor... so I can't shift my window to a monitor
without menubar...


2011/9/19 Marian Weger 

> Am 18.09.11 15:20, schrieb stéfan piat:
>> I have a problem to remove the menubar when displaying the gemwin
>> fullscreen on a specific hardware
> try "border 0" and make the window fullscreen by setting the dimensions of
> your display (i.e. "dimen 1280 800").
> Do not use the "fullscreen" and "menubar" messages.
> If you have several monitors connected, shift the window using "offset 
> " to the desired monitor.
> This should work on most machines.
> But always set up some hotkey for destroying the gemwin, since you won't
> have access to your destroy button with a fullscreen gemwin.
> I often use the right mouse button for that with [gemmouse]
> marian
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[PD] zexy aliasing policy

2011-09-19 Thread Jamie Bullock

Hi IOhannes, list,

Can you tell me if there is any policy about zexy aliasing internal objects? 
Mainly I want to know if it is your intention to maintain compatibility between 
builtins and zexy objects with the same name.




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Re: [PD] menubar os x

2011-09-19 Thread Max
use negative coordinates

eg. -32

Am 19.09.2011 um 12:24 schrieb stéfan piat:

> hello marian
> thanks for your tip
> but if I make the window fullscreen by setting the dimensions of my display, 
> without using menubar,
> the menubar is over the window...
> and I have only one monitor... so I can't shift my window to a monitor 
> without menubar...
> best,
> stéfan
> 2011/9/19 Marian Weger 
> Am 18.09.11 15:20, schrieb stéfan piat:
> I have a problem to remove the menubar when displaying the gemwin fullscreen 
> on a specific hardware
> try "border 0" and make the window fullscreen by setting the dimensions of 
> your display (i.e. "dimen 1280 800").
> Do not use the "fullscreen" and "menubar" messages.
> If you have several monitors connected, shift the window using "offset  
> " to the desired monitor.
> This should work on most machines.
> But always set up some hotkey for destroying the gemwin, since you won't have 
> access to your destroy button with a fullscreen gemwin.
> I often use the right mouse button for that with [gemmouse]
> marian
> ___
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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] CouchPdb 0.1

2011-09-19 Thread Jamie Bullock

Hi Thomas,

Congratulations, this sounds like a really useful project.

The URL https://github.com/residuum/CouchPdb is giving me a 404 error however.

All best,



On 5 Sep 2011, at 19:31, Thomas Mayer wrote:

> Hello,
> I am proud to announce CouchPdb 0.1, a library for communication with
> CouchDB, a document-oriented database.
> The library consists of three objects: [couchdb] for the communication
> with CouchDB, [json-encode] for building JSON objects for storing in the
> database, and [json-decode] that uses the same mechanisms as [couchdb]
> for outputting JSON objects.
> Currently the Makefile is only optimized for Debian GNU/Linux Wheezy,
> you will need a version of libcurl-dev and libjson0-dev (alias json-c)
> installed.
> Help patches for the objects are included, please report bugs on the
> project homepage. For the help patches to work, you will need to have a
> running instance of CouchDB on localhost and port 5984 (standard port).
> https://github.com/residuum/CouchPdb
> Thanks for your attention and your help,
> Thomas
> -- 
> "When one's home has a really excellent computer capable of reaching
> other computers anywhere in the Galaxy, one scarcely needs to budge."
> (Janov Pelorat in: Isaac Asimov - Foundation's Edge)
> http://www.residuum.org/
> ___
> Pd-announce mailing list
> pd-annou...@iem.at
> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-announce
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Re: [PD] drag-n-drop support in Pd-extended (TkDND)

2011-09-19 Thread João Pais
one of the first things to do could be a drag+drop version of openpanel. I  
suggest to make it with an "take whole canvas" option - so that a file can  
be dropped anywhere in the canvas, and it's symbol location goes to the  
relevant patch sequence.

Patko and I just got TkDND working on Windows and included Pd-extended
0.43.  That means tomorrows nightly build should have it included, and
its ready for scripting with.  TkDND allows Pd to handle drag-n-drop
events, so you can do things like drop a file onto the Pd window to open
it (implemented in the attached plugin) or drop a pd patch onto a canvas
to make an object (also kind of implemented in the plugin).

There are lots of interesting ideas possible, I'm hoping you will play
with it and see what kinds of stuff we can do.  I forgot who originally
implemented the TkDND stuff for Pd, but this is based on that work, so
thanks for that.


Friedenstr. 58
10249 Berlin (Deutschland)
Tel +49 30 42020091 | Mob +49 162 6843570
Studio +49 30 69509190
jmmmp...@googlemail.com | skype: jmmmpjmmmp

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Re: [PD] pd 0.43-1 test 4 released

2011-09-19 Thread João Pais
which .txt file has the list of new features? Is it possible to post a  
link to it in the website as well?
I've seen 41 files in the package, but wouldn't want to go through them  

João Pais

Hi all,

Pd version 0.43-1 test 4 is available on  

or via git from sourceforge:
git clone git://pure-data.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/pure-data/pure-data

(there was no public release of test versions 1-3; this is my first
public attempt at 0.43-1.)

enjoy (I hope)

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Friedenstr. 58
10249 Berlin (Deutschland)
Tel +49 30 42020091 | Mob +49 162 6843570
Studio +49 30 69509190
jmmmp...@googlemail.com | skype: jmmmpjmmmp

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Re: [PD] zexy aliasing policy

2011-09-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

If you use Pd-extended, then you can use the namespace prefixes, i.e.
zexy/pack, and used any zexy object on any platform without conflicts
with the objects included in Pd vanilla.


On Mon, 2011-09-19 at 12:00 +0100, Jamie Bullock wrote:
> Hi IOhannes, list,
> Can you tell me if there is any policy about zexy aliasing internal objects? 
> Mainly I want to know if it is your intention to maintain compatibility 
> between builtins and zexy objects with the same name.
> Thanks,
> Jamie
> --
> http://www.jamiebullock.com
> ___
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Re: [PD] pd-extended.deb does (not) conflict with puredata.deb

2011-09-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

I think I fixed that last night, please try today's build.  The
pd-extended and puredata packages now support update-alternatives, so
you can choose which package runs when you type 'pd'.


On Sat, 2011-09-17 at 12:09 +0200, Roman Haefeli wrote:
> Hi Hans
> I was going to install Pd-extended from here:
> http://autobuild.puredata.info/auto-build/2011-09-16/Pd-0.43.1-extended-20110916-ubuntu-natty-i386.deb
> on a Ubuntu 11.04 machine and I got this:
> Unpacking pd-extended (from 
> Pd-0.43.1-extended-20110916-ubuntu-natty-i386.deb) ...
> dpkg: error processing Pd-0.43.1-extended-20110916-ubuntu-natty-i386.deb 
> (--install):
>  trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/pd', which is also in package puredata 0.42.6-2
> dpkg-deb (subprocess): data: internal gzip write error: Broken pipe
> dpkg-deb (subprocess): failed in write on buffer copy for failed to write to 
> pipe in copy: Broken pipe
> dpkg-deb: error: subprocess  returned error exit status 2
> Errors were encountered while processing:
>  Pd-0.43.1-extended-20110916-ubuntu-natty-i386.deb
> It seems, that 'pd-extended' is conflicting with 'puredata' without
> mentioning 'puredata' in the 'Conflicts:' section. I think either it
> should be mentioned there or - what I think would be the better
> solution, if possible at all - it should not try to
> overwrite /usr/bin/pd. 
> I don't know the current state of Pd-extended-0.43, probably it's still
> very much work-in-progress. I thought I mention this anyway.
> Roman
> ___
> Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 
> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list

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Re: [PD] zexy aliasing policy

2011-09-19 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig
Hash: SHA1

On 2011-09-19 13:00, Jamie Bullock wrote:
> Hi IOhannes, list,
> Can you tell me if there is any policy about zexy aliasing internal objects? 
> Mainly I want to know if it is your intention to maintain compatibility 
> between builtins and zexy objects with the same name.

there are 2 cases here:
- - "zexy aliasing internal objects" applies (afaik), only to [pack] and
[unpack]; the policy is, that they ought to be compatible, but enhanced
versions of the original objects.
since in fact they are not, the shadowing of the built-in objects is
currently disabled, and you can only access these objects via
[zexy/pack] resp [zexy/unpack])

- - "internal objects aliasing zexy": this is more likely ([abs~] and
[wrap] come to my mind); the policy here is, to keep the old zexy
behaviour as long as this "enhances" (aka "adds to") the original behaviour.
if the internal object had an added feature, i would most likely add
this feature to the zey object (though this never happened, afair).
if the internal object breaks compatibility, i will most likely keep the
original zexy behaviour (unless the break is indeed a bugfix); afair,
this has not happened so far.

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Re: [PD] pd-extended.deb does (not) conflict with puredata.deb

2011-09-19 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig
Hash: SHA1

On 2011-09-19 15:36, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> I think I fixed that last night, please try today's build.  The
> pd-extended and puredata packages now support update-alternatives, so
> you can choose which package runs when you type 'pd'.

afaict, roman has an old version of puredata installed (0.42.6-2), which
does not yet use alternatives (iirc).
i think it might make sense to conflict with "puredata (<< 0.43)"

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Re: [PD] pd 0.43-1 test 4 released

2011-09-19 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig
Hash: SHA1

On 2011-09-18 06:34, Miller Puckette wrote:
> git clone git://pure-data.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/pure-data/pure-data

it seems like you forgot to push?
the last commit i see is from 2011-08-24

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Re: [PD] pd 0.43-1 test 4 released

2011-09-19 Thread Miller Puckette
Bad git confusion on my part... try it now.


On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 05:58:32PM +0200, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 2011-09-18 06:34, Miller Puckette wrote:
> > git clone git://pure-data.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/pure-data/pure-data
> it seems like you forgot to push?
> the last commit i see is from 2011-08-24
> fmadsr
> IOhannes
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
> iEYEARECAAYFAk53ZqYACgkQkX2Xpv6ydvT/CwCgv0XbBUmdMwj95KhTqI1w+psd
> u4gAniqdfsa8k5hny3gA/Um8XEjX9Rs2
> =rxjG

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Re: [PD] pd 0.43-1 test 4 released

2011-09-19 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig
Hash: SHA1

On 2011-09-19 18:08, Miller Puckette wrote:
> Bad git confusion on my part... try it now.

thanks, that did the trick.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
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[PD] [PD-announce] NYC Patching Circle this Thursday 9/22, 6-9pm

2011-09-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

We're back from a 2 month hiatus, I am reemerging after the birth of  
my son, Johann.  He'll be patching soon enough!  We will also be  
joined by Ivan Franco from Portugal, who is starting to use Pd to make  
mobile versions of his modular analog synths (libpd on iOS).

We have sessions booked for the next four months: this Thursday we'll  
be back at General Assembly hosted by Lee Azzarello.  Then the 4th  
Tuesday of Oct 10/25, Nov 11/22, and Dec 12/20, we'll be at a new  
space, 319 Scholes, in East Williamsburgh.


We spend enough time alone staring at our computers; we are proposing
to work together. So often issues that arise when working can be
solved with a quick two minute discussion that would take hours to
solve alone. We have Dorkbot to see people's work, we have Share where
anyone can play, we have workshops and universities to learn from.
This is a meeting where we all can come to work.

This is an informal gathering of patching and patchers (Pd, Max/MSP/
Jitter, and even , Eyesweb, Labview, etc.). Beginners and
Experienced welcome. Open to everyone, students, the public, etc. Work
on personal projects, professional projects, school projects, ask for
help, help others, or just patch quietly to yourself, in a room full of
other people patching patches and helping other people patch.

Thursday 9/22, 6-9pm


Patching Circle, http://puredata.info/community/NYCPatchingCircle
General Assembly, http://www.generalassemb.ly/

902 Broadway, 4th Floor
Flatiron District
New York, NY 10010
347.850.4872 (Hans)

Mailing List

We also now have a mailing list for announcing the meeting each month,  
its very low traffic, only the monthly announcements.  Sign up here:


Pd-announce mailing list

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Re: [PD] drag-n-drop support in Pd-extended (TkDND)

2011-09-19 Thread Mike Moser-Booth
A bit of a variation on what João is suggesting, but I think a simple
[cnv]-like gui object that will take a drag-and-drop file and output
the path and filename would be nice. Something that just defines an
area to drop on. Then you could just do simple things like stick the
[cnv] behind an array and drop a soundfile on it to load, for example.


On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 9:05 AM, João Pais  wrote:
> one of the first things to do could be a drag+drop version of openpanel. I
> suggest to make it with an "take whole canvas" option - so that a file can
> be dropped anywhere in the canvas, and it's symbol location goes to the
> relevant patch sequence.
>> Patko and I just got TkDND working on Windows and included Pd-extended
>> 0.43.  That means tomorrows nightly build should have it included, and
>> its ready for scripting with.  TkDND allows Pd to handle drag-n-drop
>> events, so you can do things like drop a file onto the Pd window to open
>> it (implemented in the attached plugin) or drop a pd patch onto a canvas
>> to make an object (also kind of implemented in the plugin).
>> There are lots of interesting ideas possible, I'm hoping you will play
>> with it and see what kinds of stuff we can do.  I forgot who originally
>> implemented the TkDND stuff for Pd, but this is based on that work, so
>> thanks for that.
>> .hc
> --
> Friedenstr. 58
> 10249 Berlin (Deutschland)
> Tel +49 30 42020091 | Mob +49 162 6843570
> Studio +49 30 69509190
> jmmmp...@googlemail.com | skype: jmmmpjmmmp
> ___
> Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list

Mike Moser-Booth

Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 

Re: [PD] [soundtouch~] pitch shifter for Pure Data

2011-09-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

On Sep 17, 2011, at 6:24 PM, katja wrote:

On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner  

hey Katja,

I am trying your soundtouch~ on Ubuntu/Maverick.  First I tried the
included binary, then I built it from source. Both ways I got this:

soundtouch~.pd_linux: soundtouch~.pd_linux: undefined symbol: _Znaj

Are you building for a 64 bit system? I have tried that several  
times,  and can't remember all the details, but that wouldn't make  
much of a difference because so far I never succeeded to make it  
load. For Linux 32 bit (Ubuntu, Debian), I have not seen this issue.  
But I don't know by head which gcc version was used for these.

Nope, this is on Ubuntu/Maverick/i386 32-bit.  I haven't really  
ventured into 64-bit territory. I hope you get your 64-bit float  
support nailed down, that is a great thing, that'll make the switch to  
64-bit worth it to me.

When building the soundtouch~ class for Windows with latest mingw, I  
had a problem with missing libs, and this could be solved by  
including cflags;

-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++

For what I understand this is a specific feature of mingw, where  
they have (recently) split the gnu standard library in smaller  
units, for which you can choose to include them statically or supply  
dll's. I have noticed the discussion on the list about this topic.  
But now I wonder if 64 bit Linux, or maybe gcc 4.5, have adopted a  
similar approach? I am mostly on OSX and Debian with not so new GNU  

You could also just include the DLLs if you wanted.  This is not MinGW  
specific, its just that Debian, Ubuntu, Mac OS X, etc. provide those  
dynamic libs as part of the OS, while Windows does not.  For Pd- 
extended 0.43 on Windows, I included the libgcc and libstdc++ DLLs, so  
that externals built with MinGW don't need to include libgcc or libstdc 
++ either as statically linked in or as an included DLL.


I hate it when they say, "He gave his life for his country."  Nobody  
gives their life for anything.  We steal the lives of these kids.  - 
Admiral Gene LeRocque

Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 

Re: [PD] drag-n-drop support in Pd-extended (TkDND)

2011-09-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

That would be very useful, great idea!  I'll happily help you get that  
going if you are willing to take it on.  I don't think it would be  
very hard to do.  Basically, just take the plugin I wrote, but bind to  
the canvas widget that the object makes rather than the patch window.   
Then it would call a Tcl proc which would send the info to pd to be  
output from the outlet.  hcs/cursor is an example of that.

What I've been thinking of doing is have file association patches, so  
like wav.pd, mov.pd, mp3,pd, etc.  Then when you drop a .wav file onto  
a canvas, it would copy-n-paste the contents of wav.pd where you  
dropped the .wav file.


On Sep 19, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Mike Moser-Booth wrote:

A bit of a variation on what João is suggesting, but I think a simple
[cnv]-like gui object that will take a drag-and-drop file and output
the path and filename would be nice. Something that just defines an
area to drop on. Then you could just do simple things like stick the
[cnv] behind an array and drop a soundfile on it to load, for example.


On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 9:05 AM, João Pais   
one of the first things to do could be a drag+drop version of  
openpanel. I
suggest to make it with an "take whole canvas" option - so that a  
file can
be dropped anywhere in the canvas, and it's symbol location goes to  

relevant patch sequence.

Patko and I just got TkDND working on Windows and included Pd- 
0.43.  That means tomorrows nightly build should have it included,  

its ready for scripting with.  TkDND allows Pd to handle drag-n-drop
events, so you can do things like drop a file onto the Pd window  
to open
it (implemented in the attached plugin) or drop a pd patch onto a  

to make an object (also kind of implemented in the plugin).

There are lots of interesting ideas possible, I'm hoping you will  
with it and see what kinds of stuff we can do.  I forgot who  
implemented the TkDND stuff for Pd, but this is based on that  
work, so

thanks for that.


Friedenstr. 58
10249 Berlin (Deutschland)
Tel +49 30 42020091 | Mob +49 162 6843570
Studio +49 30 69509190
jmmmp...@googlemail.com | skype: jmmmpjmmmp

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UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->

Mike Moser-Booth

News is what people want to keep hidden and everything else is  
publicity.  - Bill Moyers

Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 

[PD] Pd-extended 0.43 on Win7 WAS: removing path and libs from Pd-extended preferences GUI

2011-09-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

Hey mdd,

I know that patko and pob have been testing on Windows, I think they  
have Win7 too.  I think they have it working there.  Can you post a  
screenshot of your problems here?


On Sep 19, 2011, at 9:48 AM, Marc D. Demers wrote:

Hi .hc,

Just to let you know that pd-exetended 0.43-1 works flawlessly on  
Windows XP but not on Vista and Seven. On those two, when I try to  
use the «test audio», the GUI is unreadable (all the characters are  
one over the other). I will like to know if someone has been able to  
run the latest nightly build on Seven.



> From: h...@at.or.at
> To: jmmmp...@googlemail.com; pd-...@iem.at
> Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2011 15:31:41 -0400
> Subject: Re: [PD-dev] removing path and libs from Pd-extended  
preferences GUI

> For next Pd-extended release, the same set of libraries that have  
> loading automatically at start-up would continue to be loaded as  
> It is just that there wouldn't be a GUI for people to modify that  
> of libraries that are loaded at startup. I think most Pd-extended  

> don't use the startup libs preference already, so I am guessing most
> people wouldn't notice.
> .hc
> On Sunday, September 18, 2011 8:09 PM, "João Pais"
>  wrote:
> > you'll have lots of newbies complaining that their objects don't  

> > (it's a good way to force everyone to use namespaces)
> >
> > >
> > > I am thinking for the next release of Pd-extended, that the  
> > > panels for loading libs and adding paths should be removed.  
> > > and [declare] cover all it can do in a better way, and people  
who really
> > > want to have libs and paths loaded globally on start-up can  
use either a

> > > manually written preferences file or the command line flags.
> > >
> > > I could see maybe keeping the paths GUI, but I don't see any  

> > > reasons to keep the startup libs GUI. Anyone have objections?
> > >
> > > .hc
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Pd-dev mailing list
> > > pd-...@iem.at
> > > http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-dev
> >
> >
> > --
> > Friedenstr. 58
> > 10249 Berlin (Deutschland)
> > Tel +49 30 42020091 | Mob +49 162 6843570
> > Studio +49 30 69509190
> > jmmmp...@googlemail.com | skype: jmmmpjmmmp
> >
> ___
> Pd-dev mailing list
> pd-...@iem.at
> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-dev

Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to  
realize his wishes.  Now that he can realize them, he must either  
change them, or perish.-William Carlos Williams

Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
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Re: [PD] drag-n-drop support in Pd-extended (TkDND)

2011-09-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

I updated the plugin to also work on canvases.  Drop a Pd file onto  
the canvas, and it'll make an object using that.


Description: Binary data

On Sep 19, 2011, at 12:32 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

Patko and I just got TkDND working on Windows and included Pd-extended
0.43.  That means tomorrows nightly build should have it included, and
its ready for scripting with.  TkDND allows Pd to handle drag-n-drop
events, so you can do things like drop a file onto the Pd window to  
it (implemented in the attached plugin) or drop a pd patch onto a  

to make an object (also kind of implemented in the plugin).

There are lots of interesting ideas possible, I'm hoping you will play
with it and see what kinds of stuff we can do.  I forgot who  

implemented the TkDND stuff for Pd, but this is based on that work, so
thanks for that.


"It is convenient to imagine a power beyond us because that means we  
don't have to examine our own lives.", from "The Idols of  
Environmentalism", by Curtis White

Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 

[PD] Libpd on Android

2011-09-19 Thread Pierre Massat

I wanted to try libpd and pd-for-android in Eclipse tonight, but nothing
seems to work the way it should. The examples won"t work (Eclipse complains
about missing /gen folders). I also tried importing PdDroidParty, but it
won't work, and i don't know how to reference PdCore as a library for the
I apologize if you consider this to be off-topic. I wanted to know who wrote
libpd and pd-for-android, hoping that the author(s) would help me a little


Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
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Re: [PD] Libpd on Android

2011-09-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

Missing gen/ folders are an Eclipse annoyance.  Try running Project ->  
Clean then building. If that doesn't work, then try creating a folder  
called 'gen' next to 'src', 'res', etc.


On Sep 19, 2011, at 1:47 PM, Pierre Massat wrote:


I wanted to try libpd and pd-for-android in Eclipse tonight, but  
nothing seems to work the way it should. The examples won"t work  
(Eclipse complains about missing /gen folders). I also tried  
importing PdDroidParty, but it won't work, and i don't know how to  
reference PdCore as a library for the project.
I apologize if you consider this to be off-topic. I wanted to know  
who wrote libpd and pd-for-android, hoping that the author(s) would  
help me a little bit.


Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 

Terrorism is not an enemy.  It cannot be defeated.  It's a tactic.   
It's about as sensible to say we declare war on night attacks and  
expect we're going to win that war.  We're not going to win the war on  
terrorism.- retired U.S. Army general, William Odom

Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 

Re: [PD] Libpd on Android

2011-09-19 Thread Pierre Massat
I did that, but i still get a ton of errors. In PdCore Eclipse seems unable
to import android.os.build in
/src/org.puredata.android.utils/Properties.java .

I very confused, I thought it'd be easy to at least import PdCore...

(To be perfectly honest i'm very new to Eclipse and to programming for
Android in general...)

Thanks for your help...


2011/9/19 Hans-Christoph Steiner 

> Missing gen/ folders are an Eclipse annoyance.  Try running Project ->
> Clean then building. If that doesn't work, then try creating a folder called
> 'gen' next to 'src', 'res', etc.
> .hc
> On Sep 19, 2011, at 1:47 PM, Pierre Massat wrote:
>  Hello,
>> I wanted to try libpd and pd-for-android in Eclipse tonight, but nothing
>> seems to work the way it should. The examples won"t work (Eclipse complains
>> about missing /gen folders). I also tried importing PdDroidParty, but it
>> won't work, and i don't know how to reference PdCore as a library for the
>> project.
>> I apologize if you consider this to be off-topic. I wanted to know who
>> wrote libpd and pd-for-android, hoping that the author(s) would help me a
>> little bit.
>> Cheers,
>> Pierre
>> __**_
>> Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
>> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/**
>> listinfo/pd-list 
> --**--**
> Terrorism is not an enemy.  It cannot be defeated.  It's a tactic.  It's
> about as sensible to say we declare war on night attacks and expect we're
> going to win that war.  We're not going to win the war on terrorism.
>  - retired U.S. Army general, William Odom
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 

[PD] stop sample playback when phasor~ reset?

2011-09-19 Thread James Dunn

Hi list,

I'm controlling tabread4~ with a phasor~ but don't want my samples to 
loop (most of the time). What's the best way to detect a phasor~'s 
reset? ( in both directions - I'm playing the samples forwards and 
backwards). I've looked at edge~ and samphold~ triggered by a bang~ but 
it seems quite tricky.



Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 

Re: [PD] stop sample playback when phasor~ reset?

2011-09-19 Thread Pierre Massat
I generally use threshold~, though it's quite tricky too...


2011/9/19 James Dunn 

> Hi list,
> I'm controlling tabread4~ with a phasor~ but don't want my samples to loop
> (most of the time). What's the best way to detect a phasor~'s reset? ( in
> both directions - I'm playing the samples forwards and backwards). I've
> looked at edge~ and samphold~ triggered by a bang~ but it seems quite
> tricky.
> thanks
> James
> __**_
> Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/**
> listinfo/pd-list 
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 

Re: [PD] drag-n-drop support in Pd-extended (TkDND)

2011-09-19 Thread Pierre Massat
I've put the plugin in the Common Files/Pd folder, and added a reference to
it in Path..., but it won't work. Is there something else i need to do?


2011/9/19 Hans-Christoph Steiner 

> I updated the plugin to also work on canvases.  Drop a Pd file onto the
> canvas, and it'll make an object using that.
> .hc
> On Sep 19, 2011, at 12:32 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> Patko and I just got TkDND working on Windows and included Pd-extended
>> 0.43.  That means tomorrows nightly build should have it included, and
>> its ready for scripting with.  TkDND allows Pd to handle drag-n-drop
>> events, so you can do things like drop a file onto the Pd window to open
>> it (implemented in the attached plugin) or drop a pd patch onto a canvas
>> to make an object (also kind of implemented in the plugin).
>> There are lots of interesting ideas possible, I'm hoping you will play
>> with it and see what kinds of stuff we can do.  I forgot who originally
>> implemented the TkDND stuff for Pd, but this is based on that work, so
>> thanks for that.
>> .hc
> --**--**
> "It is convenient to imagine a power beyond us because that means we don't
> have to examine our own lives.", from "The Idols of Environmentalism", by
> Curtis White
> ___
> Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
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Re: [PD] drag-n-drop support in Pd-extended (TkDND)

2011-09-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

All you need to do is put it into the %CommonProgramFiles%\Pd folder,  
the actual name of the folder that CommonProgramFiles points to can  
vary depending on the language of your system.  Here's more info:



On Sep 19, 2011, at 2:41 PM, Pierre Massat wrote:

I've put the plugin in the Common Files/Pd folder, and added a  
reference to it in Path..., but it won't work. Is there something  
else i need to do?


2011/9/19 Hans-Christoph Steiner 

I updated the plugin to also work on canvases.  Drop a Pd file onto  
the canvas, and it'll make an object using that.


On Sep 19, 2011, at 12:32 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

Patko and I just got TkDND working on Windows and included Pd-extended
0.43.  That means tomorrows nightly build should have it included, and
its ready for scripting with.  TkDND allows Pd to handle drag-n-drop
events, so you can do things like drop a file onto the Pd window to  
it (implemented in the attached plugin) or drop a pd patch onto a  

to make an object (also kind of implemented in the plugin).

There are lots of interesting ideas possible, I'm hoping you will play
with it and see what kinds of stuff we can do.  I forgot who  

implemented the TkDND stuff for Pd, but this is based on that work, so
thanks for that.


"It is convenient to imagine a power beyond us because that means we  
don't have to examine our own lives.", from "The Idols of  
Environmentalism", by Curtis White

Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 

News is what people want to keep hidden and everything else is  
publicity.  - Bill Moyers

Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 

Re: [PD] drag-n-drop support in Pd-extended (TkDND)

2011-09-19 Thread Pierre Massat
I did just that, but how can i actually use the plugin once i've launched
Pd? I created a canvas in a new patch and tried dragging a pd file from my
tesktop onto it, but nothing happened.


2011/9/19 Hans-Christoph Steiner 

> All you need to do is put it into the %CommonProgramFiles%\Pd folder, the
> actual name of the folder that CommonProgramFiles points to can vary
> depending on the language of your system.  Here's more info:
> http://puredata.info/docs/faq/how-do-i-install-externals-and-help-files
> .hc
> On Sep 19, 2011, at 2:41 PM, Pierre Massat wrote:
> I've put the plugin in the Common Files/Pd folder, and added a reference to
> it in Path..., but it won't work. Is there something else i need to do?
> Pierre
> 2011/9/19 Hans-Christoph Steiner 
>> I updated the plugin to also work on canvases.  Drop a Pd file onto the
>> canvas, and it'll make an object using that.
>> .hc
>> On Sep 19, 2011, at 12:32 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>>> Patko and I just got TkDND working on Windows and included Pd-extended
>>> 0.43.  That means tomorrows nightly build should have it included, and
>>> its ready for scripting with.  TkDND allows Pd to handle drag-n-drop
>>> events, so you can do things like drop a file onto the Pd window to open
>>> it (implemented in the attached plugin) or drop a pd patch onto a canvas
>>> to make an object (also kind of implemented in the plugin).
>>> There are lots of interesting ideas possible, I'm hoping you will play
>>> with it and see what kinds of stuff we can do.  I forgot who originally
>>> implemented the TkDND stuff for Pd, but this is based on that work, so
>>> thanks for that.
>>> .hc
>> --**--**
>> "It is convenient to imagine a power beyond us because that means we don't
>> have to examine our own lives.", from "The Idols of Environmentalism", by
>> Curtis White
>> ___
>> Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
>> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
>> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
> News is what people want to keep hidden and everything else is
> publicity.  - Bill Moyers
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 

Re: [PD] Libpd on Android

2011-09-19 Thread Pierre Massat
Hans, I tried using File>New...>Android project in Eclipse to import PdCore
and the examples, and it worked! I'm using Eclipse 3.7. I guess it'd be nice
to update the tutorial on gitorious, since the recommended way to get
pd-for-android in Eclipse using Import doesn't work at all (at least for
me). I don't know who is in charge of maintaining the wiki...


2011/9/19 Pierre Massat 

> I did that, but i still get a ton of errors. In PdCore Eclipse seems unable
> to import android.os.build in
> /src/org.puredata.android.utils/Properties.java .
> I very confused, I thought it'd be easy to at least import PdCore...
> (To be perfectly honest i'm very new to Eclipse and to programming for
> Android in general...)
> Thanks for your help...
> Pierre
> 2011/9/19 Hans-Christoph Steiner 
>> Missing gen/ folders are an Eclipse annoyance.  Try running Project ->
>> Clean then building. If that doesn't work, then try creating a folder called
>> 'gen' next to 'src', 'res', etc.
>> .hc
>> On Sep 19, 2011, at 1:47 PM, Pierre Massat wrote:
>>  Hello,
>>> I wanted to try libpd and pd-for-android in Eclipse tonight, but nothing
>>> seems to work the way it should. The examples won"t work (Eclipse complains
>>> about missing /gen folders). I also tried importing PdDroidParty, but it
>>> won't work, and i don't know how to reference PdCore as a library for the
>>> project.
>>> I apologize if you consider this to be off-topic. I wanted to know who
>>> wrote libpd and pd-for-android, hoping that the author(s) would help me a
>>> little bit.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Pierre
>>> __**_
>>> Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
>>> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/**
>>> listinfo/pd-list 
>> --**--**
>> Terrorism is not an enemy.  It cannot be defeated.  It's a tactic.  It's
>> about as sensible to say we declare war on night attacks and expect we're
>> going to win that war.  We're not going to win the war on terrorism.
>>  - retired U.S. Army general, William Odom
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 

Re: [PD] stop sample playback when phasor~ reset?

2011-09-19 Thread tim vets
When you use phasor~, you normally already know how long it will take for
the sound to be finished playing (because you set its frequency to play it
back at the proper speed)
Store the information about the sound loaded (or recorded) and use that to
stop the playback after one play duration.

[del ]
[t  b  b]
[0( [0(

You get  ms is from [soundfiler]--[/ 44.1], or the length of your
table times 44.1. (assuming your sound runs at 44.1 kHz)
Probably best to put a [hip~ 5] after that, in case the first sample of your
table is not 0.


2011/9/19 Pierre Massat 

> I generally use threshold~, though it's quite tricky too...
> Pierre
> 2011/9/19 James Dunn 
>> Hi list,
>> I'm controlling tabread4~ with a phasor~ but don't want my samples to loop
>> (most of the time). What's the best way to detect a phasor~'s reset? ( in
>> both directions - I'm playing the samples forwards and backwards). I've
>> looked at edge~ and samphold~ triggered by a bang~ but it seems quite
>> tricky.
>> thanks
>> James
>> __**_
>> Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
>> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/**
>> listinfo/pd-list 
> ___
> Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
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Re: [PD] stop sample playback when phasor~ reset?

2011-09-19 Thread Jonathan Wilkes

>From: tim vets 
>To: Pierre Massat ; James Dunn ; 
>Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 4:08 PM
>Subject: Re: [PD] stop sample playback when phasor~ reset?
>When you use phasor~, you normally already know how long it will take for the 
>sound to be finished playing (because you set its frequency to play it back at 
>the proper speed)
>Store the information about the sound loaded (or recorded) and use that to 
>stop the playback after one play duration.
>[del ]
>[t  b  b]
>|        |
>[0(     [0(
>[        |

What's the benefit of this over a line~ based approach?


>You get  ms is from [soundfiler]--[/ 44.1], or the length of your table 
>times 44.1. (assuming your sound runs at 44.1 kHz)
>Probably best to put a [hip~ 5] after that, in case the first sample of your 
>table is not 0.
>2011/9/19 Pierre Massat 
>I generally use threshold~, though it's quite tricky too...
>>2011/9/19 James Dunn 
>>Hi list,
>>>I'm controlling tabread4~ with a phasor~ but don't want my samples to loop 
>>>(most of the time). What's the best way to detect a phasor~'s reset? ( in 
>>>both directions - I'm playing the samples forwards and backwards). I've 
>>>looked at edge~ and samphold~ triggered by a bang~ but it seems quite tricky.
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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] CouchPdb 0.1

2011-09-19 Thread Thomas Mayer
The library has meanwhile been renamed to PuREST JSON, because it 
handles not only CouchDB requests but all kind of RESTful requests to 
webservices: https://github.com/residuum/PuRestJson

On 19.09.2011 13:40, Jamie Bullock wrote:

Hi Thomas,

Congratulations, this sounds like a really useful project.

The URL https://github.com/residuum/CouchPdb is giving me a 404 error however.

All best,



On 5 Sep 2011, at 19:31, Thomas Mayer wrote:


I am proud to announce CouchPdb 0.1, a library for communication with
CouchDB, a document-oriented database.

The library consists of three objects: [couchdb] for the communication
with CouchDB, [json-encode] for building JSON objects for storing in the
database, and [json-decode] that uses the same mechanisms as [couchdb]
for outputting JSON objects.

Currently the Makefile is only optimized for Debian GNU/Linux Wheezy,
you will need a version of libcurl-dev and libjson0-dev (alias json-c)

Help patches for the objects are included, please report bugs on the
project homepage. For the help patches to work, you will need to have a
running instance of CouchDB on localhost and port 5984 (standard port).


Thanks for your attention and your help,
"When one's home has a really excellent computer capable of reaching
other computers anywhere in the Galaxy, one scarcely needs to budge."
(Janov Pelorat in: Isaac Asimov - Foundation's Edge)

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"We left all that stuff out. If there's an error, we have this
routine called panic, and when it is called, the machine crashes,
and you holler down the hall, 'Hey, reboot it.'" (Dennis Ritchie)

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[PD] GEM text examples

2011-09-19 Thread Pagano, Patrick

I am once again soliciting some fun GEM patches that use text in any sort of 
I would love to see any helps or patches that deal with text inside of GEM

Thanks in advance

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Re: [PD] stop sample playback when phasor~ reset?

2011-09-19 Thread tim vets
2011/9/19 Jonathan Wilkes 

> >
> >From: tim vets 
> >To: Pierre Massat ; James Dunn ;
> pd-list 
> >Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 4:08 PM
> >Subject: Re: [PD] stop sample playback when phasor~ reset?
> >
> >
> >When you use phasor~, you normally already know how long it will take for
> the sound to be finished playing (because you set its frequency to play it
> back at the proper speed)
> >Store the information about the sound loaded (or recorded) and use that to
> stop the playback after one play duration.
> >
> >
> >[del ]
> >|
> >[t  b  b]
> >||
> >[0( [0(
> >[|
> >[phasor]
> What's the benefit of this over a line~ based approach?
It depends what you want to do, i guess, for doing granular synthesis and
the like, I'd use phasor~ rather than line~. The benefit being that fast
repetition is easier ( try [metro 0.5] ...).

> >
> >
> >You get  ms is from [soundfiler]--[/ 44.1], or the length of your
> table times 44.1. (assuming your sound runs at 44.1 kHz)
> >Probably best to put a [hip~ 5] after that, in case the first sample of
> your table is not 0.
> >
> >Tim
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >2011/9/19 Pierre Massat 
> >
> >I generally use threshold~, though it's quite tricky too...
> >>
> >>Pierre
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>2011/9/19 James Dunn 
> >>
> >>Hi list,
> >>>
> >>>I'm controlling tabread4~ with a phasor~ but don't want my samples to
> loop (most of the time). What's the best way to detect a phasor~'s reset? (
> in both directions - I'm playing the samples forwards and backwards). I've
> looked at edge~ and samphold~ triggered by a bang~ but it seems quite
> tricky.
> >>>
> >>>thanks
> >>>
> >>>James
> >>>
> >>>___
> >>>Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
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> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
> >>>
> >>
> >>___
> >>Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
> >>UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >___
> >Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
> >UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
> >
> >
> >
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Re: [PD] [soundtouch~] pitch shifter for Pure Data

2011-09-19 Thread katja
Tried to load [soundtouch~] in vanilla Pd on Debian and indeed the same
error was shown about undefined symbol _Znaj. In Pd extended it loads and as
Mathieu pointed out this must be because other libs already loaded
libstdc++. I will upload a fixed version tomorrow or so. Thanks for helping.

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 7:00 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

> I hope you get your 64-bit float support nailed down, that is a great
> thing, that'll make the switch to 64-bit worth it to me.

These days I'm working hard on double precision Pd. While issues kept
popping up, I postponed announcement. But I expect to report very soon,
with vanilla Pd for 99% working correctly in double precision.

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Re: [PD] Libpd on Android

2011-09-19 Thread Peter Brinkmann
The wiki is a collaborative effort, but I'm the one who wrote the most
recent update on Eclipse, and it's working for me in Eclipse 3.7, exactly as
stated.  You really shouldn't have to create any new projects because all
components of pd-for-android come with working Eclipse project

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 8:56 PM, Pierre Massat  wrote:

> Hans, I tried using File>New...>Android project in Eclipse to import PdCore
> and the examples, and it worked! I'm using Eclipse 3.7. I guess it'd be nice
> to update the tutorial on gitorious, since the recommended way to get
> pd-for-android in Eclipse using Import doesn't work at all (at least for
> me). I don't know who is in charge of maintaining the wiki...
> Pierre
> 2011/9/19 Pierre Massat 
>> I did that, but i still get a ton of errors. In PdCore Eclipse seems
>> unable to import android.os.build in
>> /src/org.puredata.android.utils/Properties.java .
>> I very confused, I thought it'd be easy to at least import PdCore...
>> (To be perfectly honest i'm very new to Eclipse and to programming for
>> Android in general...)
>> Thanks for your help...
>> Pierre
>> 2011/9/19 Hans-Christoph Steiner 
>>> Missing gen/ folders are an Eclipse annoyance.  Try running Project ->
>>> Clean then building. If that doesn't work, then try creating a folder called
>>> 'gen' next to 'src', 'res', etc.
>>> .hc
>>> On Sep 19, 2011, at 1:47 PM, Pierre Massat wrote:
>>>  Hello,

 I wanted to try libpd and pd-for-android in Eclipse tonight, but nothing
 seems to work the way it should. The examples won"t work (Eclipse complains
 about missing /gen folders). I also tried importing PdDroidParty, but it
 won't work, and i don't know how to reference PdCore as a library for the
 I apologize if you consider this to be off-topic. I wanted to know who
 wrote libpd and pd-for-android, hoping that the author(s) would help me a
 little bit.


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>>> --**--**
>>> Terrorism is not an enemy.  It cannot be defeated.  It's a tactic.  It's
>>> about as sensible to say we declare war on night attacks and expect we're
>>> going to win that war.  We're not going to win the war on terrorism.
>>>  - retired U.S. Army general, William Odom
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Re: [PD] drag-n-drop support in Pd-extended (TkDND)

2011-09-19 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

Le 2011-09-19 à 20:52:00, Pierre Massat a écrit :

I did just that, but how can i actually use the plugin once i've 
launched Pd? I created a canvas in a new patch and tried dragging a pd 
file from my tesktop onto it, but nothing happened.

Don't you also need to install a tk plugin named tkdnd ? That's not the 
same as the pd-extended plugin, which depends on it... right ?

At least, that's what we had to do back in 2004 when carmen coded tkdnd 
support for impd with the [dropper] class.

| Mathieu Bouchard  tél: +1.514.383.3801  Villeray, Montréal, QC
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Re: [PD] [soundtouch~] pitch shifter for Pure Data

2011-09-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

On Sep 19, 2011, at 7:38 PM, katja wrote:

Tried to load [soundtouch~] in vanilla Pd on Debian and indeed the  
same error was shown about undefined symbol _Znaj. In Pd extended it  
loads and as Mathieu pointed out this must be because other libs  
already loaded libstdc++. I will upload a fixed version tomorrow or  
so. Thanks for helping.

Ah, yeah, that makes sense.  I was testing with Pd vanilla.  So it  
should just be a matter of linking to libstdc++?

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 7:00 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner  
I hope you get your 64-bit float support nailed down, that is a  
great thing, that'll make the switch to 64-bit worth it to me.

These days I'm working hard on double precision Pd. While issues  
kept popping up, I postponed announcement. But I expect to report  
very soon, with vanilla Pd for 99% working correctly in double  

Woo hooo!  I plan on getting this into Pd-extended as soon as possible.


I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my  
telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out  
how to use my telephone."  --Bjarne Stroustrup (creator of C++)

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Re: [PD] drag-n-drop support in Pd-extended (TkDND)

2011-09-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

On Sep 19, 2011, at 9:43 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

Le 2011-09-19 à 20:52:00, Pierre Massat a écrit :

I did just that, but how can i actually use the plugin once i've  
launched Pd? I created a canvas in a new patch and tried dragging a  
pd file from my tesktop onto it, but nothing happened.

Don't you also need to install a tk plugin named tkdnd ? That's not  
the same as the pd-extended plugin, which depends on it... right ?

At least, that's what we had to do back in 2004 when carmen coded  
tkdnd support for impd with the [dropper] class.

Right, patko and I got tkdnd integrated into Pd-extended 0.43 on  
Windows.  I hope to do the same for GNU/Linux and Mac OS X.  tkdnd 2.2  
doesn't work on GNU/Linux, which is a big bummer, and on Mac OS X, it  
only works on Tk/Cocoa, which is what comes with Mac OSX 10.6 and above.


  ¡El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!

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Re: [PD] drag-n-drop support in Pd-extended (TkDND)

2011-09-19 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

Le 2011-09-19 à 13:04:00, Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :

What I've been thinking of doing is have file association patches, so 
like wav.pd, mov.pd, mp3,pd, etc.  Then when you drop a .wav file onto a 
canvas, it would copy-n-paste the contents of wav.pd where you dropped 
the .wav file.

It wouldn't know whether you want is a [readsf~], a [soundfiler], or a 
saved array (or a set thereof, one per channel). I don't think any of 
those three is a default that makes sense.

Also, how would you make wav.pd have a placeholder for the filename ? $1 
could be replaced in objectboxes, but in messageboxes $1 doesn't have the 
same meaning and it could be a conflict.

| Mathieu Bouchard  tél: +1.514.383.3801  Villeray, Montréal, QC
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Re: [PD] auto-completion with popup [was: 3 new gui-plugins]

2011-09-19 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

Le 2011-04-04 à 22:40:00, yvan volochine a écrit :

hi no I never tried it (when I discovered it back in the years, my linux 
knowledge was close to null and I thought that the project was dropped 
(for some reasons..)) it always looked amazing to me, congrats ! (as 
well as gridflow)

En effet, le projet a été abandonné. Je pense parfois à le redémarrer, 
mais après le 2ième congrès de PureData, j'ai pas fait grand chose à part 
essayer de fusionner DesireData avec les diffs 39-40, 40-41 et 41-42.

I'll give a try at desiredata and let you know.

J'ai bien peur que ça marche seulement juste assez pour pouvoir voir de 
quoi ont l'air certaines features, et encore... il y en a plusieurs qui 
sont brisées.

Je sais pas ce que ça me prendrait pour me donner le goût de tout remettre 
ça en marche. Jonathan essaye de me le faire faire, de temps en temps.

| Mathieu Bouchard  tél: +1.514.383.3801  Villeray, Montréal, QC
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Re: [PD] drag-n-drop support in Pd-extended (TkDND)

2011-09-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

On Sep 20, 2011, at 12:38 AM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

Le 2011-09-19 à 13:04:00, Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :

What I've been thinking of doing is have file association patches,  
so like wav.pd, mov.pd, mp3,pd, etc.  Then when you drop a .wav  
file onto a canvas, it would copy-n-paste the contents of wav.pd  
where you dropped the .wav file.

It wouldn't know whether you want is a [readsf~], a [soundfiler], or  
a saved array (or a set thereof, one per channel). I don't think any  
of those three is a default that makes sense.

Also, how would you make wav.pd have a placeholder for the  
filename ? $1 could be replaced in objectboxes, but in messageboxes  
$1 doesn't have the same meaning and it could be a conflict.

This is already implemented, I just need the tkdnd part to work.  The  
idea is that people make their own associations, so people figure out  
what works for them.



I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during  
that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big  
Business, for Wall Street and the bankers.  - General Smedley Butler

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Re: [PD] auto-completion with popup [was: 3 new gui-plugins]

2011-09-19 Thread Mathieu Bouchard

Le 2011-09-20 à 00:48:00, Mathieu Bouchard a écrit :

En effet, le projet a été abandonné. Je pense parfois à le redémarrer, mais

Sorry, this mail was meant to be sent in private.

| Mathieu Bouchard  tél: +1.514.383.3801  Villeray, Montréal, QC___
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[PD] Targeting specific content with HttpGet

2011-09-19 Thread Alvin Google
I have been interested in using streaming information in a pd patch. I 
have taken a  look at the simplewebclient and httpget patches listed 
here in the thread, but I can not figure out how to target specific 
tables or  div class information from a web page.

I assume that you have to download the entire page.
Can you parse for specific information : name of content and it's value?

Any pointers would be appreciated.


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Re: [PD] PdDroidParty Load and save...

2011-09-19 Thread Chris McCormick
Hi Pierre,

It should work on Android 2.2 as that is my current testing device's OS version.

Can you try droidparty-tests/loadsave/ and tell me if it works? What are the 
symptoms you are experiencing, and what do you expect to happen?



On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 02:07:13PM +0200, Pierre Massat wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried using the [loadsave] abstraction that Chris McCormick wrote for
> PdDroidParty yesterday. It doesn't work...
> Does anyone know if it is supposed to work with any version of Android? I
> think my girlfriend's phone uses 2.2.
> Cheers!
> Pierre

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