[PD] Wiimote on pure dyne

2009-04-15 Thread Nicanor Garcia
Hello, I just installed pure dyne linux portable distro on my USB and I'm
trying to configure it to my needs.

I need to use the Wiimote object which is an external, but I haven't been
able to do so.

When I try to change the paths or the startup settings on Pure Data and I
click Save all settings and then OK, the next time I open the window the
changes I made are gone so it wont load the external.

What can I do to change the settings?

Or how can I load this external in other way?

Thank you very much.

Nicanor Garcia O.
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
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[PD] Needed libs for extended on Linux

2009-04-13 Thread Nicanor Garcia

Sorry to bother you with this question but I'm really in a hurry.

I need to install pd-extended on a machine that doesn't have access to
internet, it is a machine in my university.

We installed Ubuntu Studio 8.04 on it and it's working fine.

I forced the installation with the deb package but I got some errors about
Gem and others externals not working because of some needed libs.

For tomorrow I need to work with all the audio objects so I was thinking
about downloading the deb packages for the needed libs in my house and
taking them in an Flash memory, but I'm not sure which packages do I really

I'll apreciate if you could help me.

Thank you very much in advance.

Nicanor García O.
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management - 

[PD] Darwiin Remote OSC and PD, on Mac

2009-03-25 Thread Nicanor Garcia

I need some help trying to connect Darwiinremote (
http://code.google.com/p/darwiinosc/downloads/list) Mac program to PD in a
friend's computer.

I'm tryining to connect it through OSC, but I can't get the PD to receive

I set up the same port in both programs, but I think I'm missing the

In Linux, which I use in my computer, I had to use localhost as the
address but I don't know what to use in Mac.

I already googled and found nothing quickly and I'm really in a hurry as I
have to set up that for a very important project.

Thank you very much and sorry about my english as is not my first language.

Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
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Re: [PD] Pd-extended on AMD 64

2009-03-15 Thread Nicanor Garcia
Hello, I'm trying to install the published .deb package for amd64 but I'm
havint trouble with the needed libs. I'm using a amd64 machine with Studio
64 as OS.

When I try to install with dpkg it tells me that I need to have liblame0
installed, but liblame0 is incompatible with libquicktime1 which is also
needed to install.

I'm a bit novice in linux and I don't know what to do, can anyone help me
with this?ç

Thank you very much.
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