[PD] (linux) libraries loading problem

2007-11-23 Thread yvan volochine
Hi all.
I'm new to pd (and linux) and this is my 1st post here so forgive me
if this is a dumb question.

I just installed pd-0.39.3-extended on ubuntustudio (v7.04, updated).
Everything went fine except none of my libraries loads on startup.
I also installed the following packages:
build-essential / tcl8.4-dev / cdbs / tk8.4-dev / libasound2-dev /
debhelper / libjack0.100.0-dev / x-windows...
I triple checked the doc, my default.pdsettings, my path and startup
in pd... I always get the same error:
"tried... and failed. Can't load library".

I must be missing something really obvious here but I'm stuck...
Thanx for your help.

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Re: [PD] (linux) libraries loading problem

2007-11-23 Thread yvan volochine
I figured it out while I was answering you...
I was adding a "/" before libraries name and somehow misread error messages!
Now everything works fine. I'd just like to understand this though:
I still have strange errors when loading libraries (example with cyclone):

"tried /home/gusano/cyclone.pd_linux and failed
tried /home/gusano/pd-gusano/cyclone.pd_linux and failed
tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra//cyclone/cyclone.pd_linux and failed
tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra//freeverb/cyclone.pd_linux and failed
tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/cyclone/cyclone.pd_linux and failed
tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/freeverb/cyclone.pd_linux and failed
tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/cyclone.pd_linux and failed
tried /home/gusano/cyclone/cyclone.pd_linux and failed
tried /home/gusano/pd-gusano/cyclone/cyclone.pd_linux and failed
tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra//cyclone/cyclone/cyclone.pd_linux and failed
tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra//freeverb/cyclone/cyclone.pd_linux and failed
tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/cyclone/cyclone/cyclone.pd_linux and failed
tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/freeverb/cyclone/cyclone.pd_linux and failed
tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/cyclone/cyclone.pd_linux and failed
tried /home/gusano/cyclone/cyclone-meta.pd and failed
tried /home/gusano/pd-gusano/cyclone/cyclone-meta.pd and failed
tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra//cyclone/cyclone/cyclone-meta.pd and failed
tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra//freeverb/cyclone/cyclone-meta.pd and failed
tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/cyclone/cyclone/cyclone-meta.pd and failed
tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/freeverb/cyclone/cyclone-meta.pd and failed
tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/cyclone/cyclone-meta.pd and succeeded
Added to search path: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/cyclone
Added to help path: /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/cyclone
Added to help path: /usr/local/lib/pd/doc/5.reference/cyclone
Loaded libdir cyclone from /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/cyclone"

is that normal ?


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[PD] Notch filter

2008-01-23 Thread yvan volochine
Hello all !
I'd like to make a 2pole notch filter.
I found a few topics about notch filters on this list but I didn't
understand everything.
I read that I could make one with biquad~ but this object is somehow obscure
to me.
I don't know how to deal with the 5 parameters. In maxmsp, you have the
filtergraph~ object which "translates" your Freq, Q and so on for use with
biquad~ but in pd I just don't get it... The filtergraph pd objects are also
difficult for me to understand.
Could someone explain me how I can make a notch with biquad~ (or with any
other native pd objects) please ?

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Re: [PD] Notch filter

2008-01-23 Thread yvan volochine
Thanx for your prompt answer Claude.
I've read this on Puckette's book and other stuffs on the web, but my
problem is how to implement those equations in pd's world ?
Sorry if this sounds stupid...

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Re: [PD] Add Path problems

2008-03-06 Thread yvan volochine

>> Second question:I think it's possible to load a path with a message in
>> a patch but also don't know how to do it!
> [declare]  (part of pd)
> [import] (part of hcs)
I think that [declare] came with pd-0.4 so it won't work for Delphine as 
she has pd-0.39 (until the tomorrow-windows-build ? =)
[import] should work fine though.
You also have the other trick i.e. put your folder name in object name 
(when folder is already in your pd path):
This can be boring... or handy (when sharing a patch with subfolders).


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Re: [PD] pc mac sharing netsend and netreceive

2008-04-20 Thread yvan volochine

nick burge wrote:
Hello list, does anyone have experience of sharing data between pc and 
mac using the netsend netreceive objects or perhaps OSC? Is extra 
software necessary for example?
Scenario: I want to share the data coming off  an arduino with my 
colleague who runs a Macintosh whilst I run a Windows Vista PC. (Since 
we will be side by side on the stage we could use a LAN cable connection)

Can't tell you much about netsend/netreceive but we used to do this 
between a mac (os x) and a pc (xp) using OSC and udpsend/udpreceive 
(from mrpeach) and it was rock-solid!
We used LAN or wireless, sending and receiving lots of datas, never had 
any problem.



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Re: [PD] pd 0.43 report

2012-10-14 Thread yvan volochine

On 10/14/2012 03:26 PM, Mirko Maier wrote:

- dynamic patching: i have this message:

"editmode 1, mouse 12526 541 0 0, motion 12526 2000 0, mouseup 12526 2000 0 0, mouse 
21 -500 0 0, mouseup 25 1999 0 0, cut, mouse 12526 2000 0 0, motion 12526 541 0, 
mouseup 100 100 0 0"
(sent to a pd-window). in pd 0.43 i need to divide the message in two parts:
"editmode 1, mouse 12526 541 0 0, motion 12526 2000 0, mouseup 12526 2000 0 0"
"mouse 21 -500 0 0, mouseup 25 1999 0 0, cut, mouse 12526 2000 0 0, motion 12526 
541 0, mouseup 100 100 0 0"
and i need a delay of at least 4ms between both actions that it works properly.

didn't test that but that's a nasty hack anyway =)

- i regret that there's no "path" menu anymore / the "path" function in the preferences 
doesn't work when entering a path name with spaces (then, stuff like vslider doesn't work anymore). i have a 
path including spaces, therefore the "path"-function was very helpful.

this is working fine for me (pd-0.43 on linux). on which platform are you?

ps: paths with spaces are nasty as well...



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Re: [PD] pd 0.43 report

2012-10-14 Thread yvan volochine

On 10/14/2012 05:50 PM, yvan volochine wrote:

this is working fine for me (pd-0.43 on linux). on which platform are you?

ah, sorry but I just realized you were talking about pd-extended-0.43, 
my report was for pd-0.43 vanilla



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Re: [PD] firewire is dead?

2012-10-16 Thread yvan volochine

On 10/16/2012 02:45 PM, patrick wrote:

good, i was a little bit worried about using a pci-e firewire adapter
for audio in linux / jack.

about latency, yesterday i used jdelay to measure the round-trip of my
latency, at 44100 with 128, 3 = 17 ms (jack reports 8 ms). at 96000 i
get 7 ms, BUT my cpu seems to be working hard and i get glitches. so the
question is:

with a faster cpu, can i lower the latency?

yes =)

i.e. I have to use huge buffer sizes (so more latency) because of my old 
Intel Core Duo 1.6Ghz (great thinkpad x60 with expresscard slot for my 
FW card though)...


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Re: [PD] OT: Partition space for ubuntu distro?

2012-10-17 Thread yvan volochine

hi João,

I'm going to install ubuntu in my thinkpad x61s, and wanted to ask the
following questions for the most experienced persons around:

- the computer is for media work, 97% only Pd. Maybe some ardour or
other small programs (no video work)
- is the latest ubuntu version recommended? 12.04 LTS?

I don't like ubuntu for music cause it's bloated by default.. (I'm an 
happy arch user)

at least you should think about using a lightweight wm (à la xfce4, 
awesome, ...) instead of latest gnome|unity.

on my thinkpad x60, this makes a big difference =)

- although the computer is 64b, I think the 32b is better for
compatibility. is that right?

I'd say go 64, unless you really have to use old fancy things

- hardwares I mostly work with are hammerfall multiface hdsp (original
model), bcf2000, wacom tablet

no problem

- anything else I should consider? does this version copes well with ntfs?

*you want* to use ext4

- usually I have my systems (w7 + ubuntu) in their individual
partitions, and all work files are in a 3rd partition.

as I said above, I'd use a ext4 partition for linux and avoid even 
reading from ntfs when working. ntfs == windowz

- following the guidelines above (or any others you find relevant), how
much space should I reserve to install the ubuntu system?

15-20Gb should be more than enough and keep you safe for your system if 
you have a separate $HOME partition.

my 20 COP :)



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Re: [PD] [PD-dev] can't seem to get new build system to work

2012-11-22 Thread yvan volochine

On 11/22/2012 04:31 AM, Miller Puckette wrote:

I might be missing something... under Fedora 17 (the newest I believe), when
I try to build Pd using the "new build system" I get:


autoreconf: configure.ac: not using Libtool
autoreconf: running: /usr/bin/autoconf --force
configure.ac:91: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN


This is off a clean git checkout.  Are there build-system patches out there
that I should be applying first, or anyway, what am I missing?

looks like `libtool' is not found



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Re: [PD] GUI toolkits and custom GUIs WAS: Integra Live 1.5 released

2013-01-19 Thread yvan volochine

On 18/01/13 22:31, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

It also depends on what you mean by "improve".  I personally want Pd's GUI to
look and act as native as possible on any given platform, and it turns out
that Tk is one of the better GUI toolkits for doing that.

I think that `supercollider` is a great example of (cross-platform) 
GUI-improvement with their switch to Qt.

my 2 cents


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Re: [PD] GUI toolkits and custom GUIs WAS: Integra Live 1.5 released

2013-01-28 Thread yvan volochine

On 27/01/13 21:15, IOhannes zmölnig wrote:

nova became supernova, and supernova is now an official alternative
scsynth implementation for SC3 (it even comes with SC3, but afaik is not
the default synth engine yet(?))

not yet, unless you have the following line in your startup file:

  Server.program = "/usr/local/bin/supernova";



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Re: [PD] Raspberry Pi as rt guitar effect processor : proof of concept

2013-01-28 Thread yvan volochine

On 27/01/13 17:00, Pierre Massat wrote:


Dear all,

It's working !!! :)

bravo =)



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[PD] completion-plugin in pd-extended

2013-02-25 Thread yvan volochine

hi Hans!

I was wondering if you'd be willing to add completion-plugin[1] to 
pd-extended and if yes, what would be the steps to do it? =)

are you stlil using svn for pd-extended ???




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Re: [PD] completion-plugin in pd-extended

2013-02-25 Thread yvan volochine

On 25/02/13 14:04, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

For something to be included in Pd-extended, it needs to work on all
platforms, and be stable both in terms of bugs and APIs/interface.  I would
love to see the completion plugin get to that point.

oh I see..
as I have no access to osx nor windows machines I guess it'll stay in 
the wild on github for some more time then =)

for example the bug reported here[1] is an OS one IIRC (i.e. users need 
to manually update Tcl on osx and it needs some tweaks, etc so it might 
never work out-of-the-box on osx...)


[1] https://github.com/gusano/completion-plugin/issues/2


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Re: [PD] can't load gridflow 9.13 on Mountain Lion?

2013-03-01 Thread yvan volochine

On 01/03/13 18:53, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:

How many people use Gridflow, anyway?

well, many should because gridflow is amazing =)



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Re: [PD] completion-plugin in pd-extended

2013-03-04 Thread yvan volochine

hi João!

On 03/03/13 17:19, João Pais wrote:

I have a windows and mac (powerpc) machine in my room, sharing the same
keyboard and mouse. is that enough for debugging?

sure if you can help, feel free to test and report bugs to me!

there is still this issue with pd-vanilla[1], which should be tracked on 
sourceforge but I won't do it as I don't own a mac (and the user who 
reported that to me does not seem willing to do it himself)


[1] https://github.com/gusano/completion-plugin/issues/2


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Re: [PD] Git version control, diff and pd.

2013-04-17 Thread yvan volochine

On 17/04/13 16:54, Roman Haefeli wrote:

Can anyone provide tips on how to diff two pd patches to find
differences quickly so that conflicts can be fixed by hand without
spending too much time trying to find differences?

I think there is no way to sanely handle that.

wasn't there some plan to use `json` for pd patches in the (erm..) future?

cannot find that in the archives right now though..



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Re: [PD] got jump-on-click arrays working

2013-04-29 Thread yvan volochine

On 29/04/13 20:36, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:

* I got jump-on-click arrays working.
* Implemented "bargraph style" for "Put" menu arrays.  (See attached)  This is 
basically a multi-slider.


do you have both jump-on-click /and/ "bargraph" at the same time?



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Re: [PD] got jump-on-click arrays working

2013-04-29 Thread yvan volochine

On 29/04/13 21:26, yvan volochine wrote:

On 29/04/13 20:36, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:

* I got jump-on-click arrays working.
* Implemented "bargraph style" for "Put" menu arrays.  (See attached)
This is basically a multi-slider.


do you have both jump-on-click /and/ "bargraph" at the same time?

one behavior I missed at the time was having all sliders to "align" when 
you click on the left side, (don't release yet) move cursor to the right 
side and then release, i.e. jump-on-click and jump-on-index-change kinda 

also having this as an activable option would be nice..

just my 0.02£


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Re: [PD] got jump-on-click arrays working

2013-04-29 Thread yvan volochine

On 29/04/13 22:07, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:

That's the behavior I currently have working.

cool =)

The question is whether there is a need for an additional option to turn off the 

naa I meant the jump-on-click option only..
you might want to keep some sliders responding to delta mouse values and 
don't "accidentaly" jump from 0.1 to 1.0 (like volume..)



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Re: [PD] pd color presets

2013-06-17 Thread yvan volochine

hi Jonathan,

How do I hook this into Yvan Volochine's gui-prefs stuff?  It currently only 
recent files-- is there a guide on how to add more gui preferences?

IIRC it should be pretty straightforward (although I wrote that some 
time ago..).

have a look at how it's done for recentfiles inside 
`::pd_guiprefs::write_recentfiles()` (and probably 
`::pd_guiprefs::init()` as well..) and do the same thing =)

just use another filename for the stuff you wanna save and use the main 
procs for read/write `::pd_guiprefs::get_config()` and 


let me know if I can help



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Re: [PD] compiling pix_opencv on debian (lmde)

2013-06-19 Thread yvan volochine

FYI it does not build on archlinux (with opencv2).

I fixed some of it with the following patch:

and now all externals build fine except for `pix_opencv_blobtrack` which 
gives the following error:

blobtrack.h: In function ‘CvFGDetector* cvCreateFGDetector1()’:
blobtrack.h:20:113: warning: control reaches end of non-void function 
 static CvFGDetector* cvCreateFGDetector1  () { return 
cvCreateFGDetectorBase(CV_BG_MODEL_MOG,NULL); }

blobtrack.h: In function ‘CvFGDetector* cvCreateFGDetector0Simple()’:
blobtrack.h:19:113: warning: control reaches end of non-void function 
 static CvFGDetector* cvCreateFGDetector0Simple() { return 
cvCreateFGDetectorBase(CV_BG_MODEL_FGD_SIMPLE, NULL); }

blobtrack.h: In function ‘CvFGDetector* cvCreateFGDetector0()’:
blobtrack.h:18:113: warning: control reaches end of non-void function 
 static CvFGDetector* cvCreateFGDetector0  () { return 
cvCreateFGDetectorBase(CV_BG_MODEL_FGD,NULL); }

make: *** [pix_opencv_blobtrack.o] Error 1



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Re: [PD] compiling pix_opencv on debian (lmde)

2013-06-20 Thread yvan volochine

On 20/06/13 15:04, Antoine Villeret wrote:

thanks for this

I just tested your patch with a fresh install of Ubuntu and it doesn't work
pix_opencv still depends both on opencv 1.5 and 2.3
it's a shame but I'll fix this later

yep, I thought that this might be archlinux specific, that's why I 
didn't "officialy" submit my patch =)

libopencv-dev is version 2.3.1
the others are legacy and install among others cv.h

concerning, pix_opencv_blobtrack, which version of opencv are you using ?
check it with : echo $(pkg-config --modversion opencv)




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Re: [PD] compiling pix_opencv on debian (lmde)

2013-06-21 Thread yvan volochine

hi Antoine

I've push a fixed version to svn
it should work with both version

could you please test it with 2.4.5 ?

nice, it seems that all externals build fine now (except for 
pix_opencv_surf but it looks like it should not be build in the first 

I still get this error at the end of the build though:

blobtrack.cpp: At global scope:
blobtrack.cpp:643:1: error: ‘q’ does not name a type

make: *** [blobtrack] Error 1



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[PD] pd-0.45 + jack == weirdness

2013-06-23 Thread yvan volochine

hi list!

I seem to recall some changes about the way pd and jackd interact 
together but I couldn't find the related info online so forgive me if 
that was discussed already..

before, if I launched pd without jack running, pd would take more time 
to launch with a bunch of messages complaining that jack is not running...

now, if jack is not running and I launch pd, pd starts jack by itself.. 
well... ok...
the problem is that when I close pd, it just won't close (terminal would 
print "watchdog... signaling pd" messages forever) and unless I kill the 
created jackd process, the pd window would _never_ close argh.

this is really annoying and looks like a regression to me..

should I submit an issue or is that a known one or was it discussed 
already (and I missed it)?

running pd-0.45 on archlinux Linux x230 3.9.6-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMP



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Re: [PD] pd-0.45 + jack == weirdness

2013-06-24 Thread yvan volochine

hi Miller,

Are you using 0.44?  (I don't think 0.45 exists yet :)

yeah sorry, 0.44 (pd-0.45-0-test)

The only relevant thing I can find in recent commits is a change from
jack_client_new() to jack_client_open() back in 2010.

With apologies, here is the commit I found...

commit 1022e5687bb5785904ba1b1977a9a29c9b6b25dc


Is it possible this bug has been there for the last three years? (i.e.
0.43 and 0.44 would have this problem)?

I just built 0.43-1 and yes the problem is there as well (weird that I 
never tried to open pd without jack before..).

I couldn't build any older pd version (I guess I have a too recent tcl 
somehow) so I cannot test with 0.42 (or with the commit before the one 
you mentioned)

let me know if I should submit an issue..



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Re: [PD] pd-0.45 + jack == weirdness

2013-06-24 Thread yvan volochine

On 24/06/13 18:58, Miller Puckette wrote:

Thanks... I'm toying with a middle solution, which would be simply to open
jack with the JackNoStartServer option (one of JackOpenOptions).
I think this is a good idea anyway as the user might want to specify
jack options and it seems wrong to have Pd get involved in that.

+1 =)



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Re: [PD] compiling pix_opencv on debian (lmde)

2013-06-25 Thread yvan volochine

On 21/06/13 20:40, Antoine Villeret wrote:

i've made some change in the headers
it should not depends on libcv-dev libhighgui-dev and libcvaux-dev anymore
maybe this solve your problem too

I still get the aforementioned error but after all externals have been 
built fine.

but getting rid of dependencies is always nice =)

and here's another patch reflecting the new sf.net repo url in 
pix_opencv README:




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Re: [PD] compiling pix_opencv on debian (lmde)

2013-06-25 Thread yvan volochine

On 25/06/13 14:27, Antoine Villeret wrote:

it should be fixed now,
i don't know from where the line 643 comes...
but my gcc 4.6.3 doesn't complain for that

I have 4.8.1

thanks for reporting

haha, funny that I missed that as well =)

thanks for fixing!



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Re: [PD] pd-0.45 + jack == weirdness

2013-06-26 Thread yvan volochine

On 26/06/13 11:31, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

yes, i would like to have an "-audio auto" switch, that will try to
get*any*  audio backend (e.g. jack, alsa, oss, dummy; in that order)
i even think that this should be the default (e.g. when you start Pd
with no arguments and uninitialized settings).

but please provide a way to disable this autostart-audio feature.
(I don't know any audio app which starts jack for me

consider as well this use case:
 - a user starts pd (jack is not running)
 - pd starts a jackd process
 - user closes pd (admitting that the bug I reported is fixed)
 - user launches firefox and gets no audio from it unless (s)he kills 
the jackd process

very annoying for those who are not familiar with how to use your 
browser with jack etc..



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Re: [PD] pd-0.45 + jack == weirdness

2013-06-26 Thread yvan volochine

On 26/06/13 12:57, Nick Lanham wrote:

In my experience, most people using jack these days are aware that most
clients will autostart the server if they haven't started it, and it
does not confuse them.

yeah well in my expericence you don't need to open a terminal and kill 
jackd because an app has been too smart and started it for you.

since my first days with linux I learned to:
* start jack
* use my favorite audio app(s)
* stop jack when I'm done

I don't know if the following apps use the old jack API but about 
"starting jack for me when I didn't ask them to":

* supercollider does not
* ardour3 does not
* audacity does not
* any media players that I tried don't..

I would expect a call to `jack_client_open()` when I turn DSP on, not 
when I launch an app with which I might not make audio at all..

my 0.02£ anyway


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Re: [PD] pd-0.45 + jack == weirdness

2013-06-26 Thread yvan volochine

On 26/06/13 14:11, Nick Lanham wrote:

* ardour3 does not

- Yes it does.  It will pop up a dialog asking you to configure jack
first, but it does start it.

of course you're right, my mistake..

I would expect a call to `jack_client_open()` when I turn DSP on, not
when I launch an app with which I might not make audio at all..

Agreed.  If I don't turn on DSP, PD probably shouldn't start jack, but
if you haven't started jack and you've configured PD to use jack, and
you turn on DSP, it should probably start it.

agreed too.

so I guess pd should behave like the following:

 - don't start jack when pd is launched
 - start jack when DSP is turned on (unless another audio backend was 
 - stop jack when quitting pd if pd is the only jack client (like 
Ardour3 does)



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[PD] store value of any type

2013-07-04 Thread yvan volochine

hi all,

I'd like to store a value which can be of any type but I don't remember 
if that's even possible.. something like [value foo] but that would work 
for integer, list, or anything else like for [foo bar 123(

is there a vanilla object for that?



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Re: [PD] store value of any type

2013-07-04 Thread yvan volochine

hi Miller,

If it's just local, the "list" object will do it (floats and symbols are
just one-element lists).

If you want something that (like 'value') can be accessed by name or
pointer elsewhere in the patch, you might want the "text" object (in git
repo, upcoming for version 0.45).  If you're insteested in trying it and
don't want to compile your own write back and I can put out a "test" release -
there's a bunch still to do but it seems to be working OK.

I want it to be accessed by pointer somewhere else so I guess I'll give 
[text] a try..


ps: pd would not build from master like 5 days ago on my machine 
(up-to-date archlinux) but I didn't folow recent commits so maybe that's 
fixed already..


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Re: [PD] store value of any type

2013-07-04 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/07/13 22:23, Miller Puckette wrote:

It might be fixed.  I use "make -f makefile.gnu" from pd/src to avoice
all the automake horror, and so had allowed the automake to get out of sync
witht he source - Iohannes patched that so things migth be back to normal
with automake too by now.

it's still broken for me but I managed to build with the 
"old-school-way(TM)" :)

it seems that [text] help file is missing though..
would you mind giving me a quick `howto` for that object?



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Re: [PD] store value of any type

2013-07-04 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/07/13 22:54, Miller Puckette wrote:

Relly - you can make a [text] object but help comes up empty?

There should be a file doc/5.reference/text-object-help.pd ...

nope, trying to open its help gives me:
  sorry, couldn't find help patch for "text-object.pd"

and that might be because:
  $ ls /usr/local/lib/pd

I built latest master with the following:
  $ cd src
  $ make -f makefile.gnu
  $ make
  $ sudo make install



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Re: [PD] store value of any type

2013-07-04 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/07/13 22:13, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:

Does that mean only within the scope of your "session" (then [list]
should do..), or even through patch opening/closing?

yep [list] is the way to go..



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Re: [PD] store value of any type

2013-07-04 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/07/13 23:08, Miller Puckette wrote:

Aha... I never 'make install' myself - I'd better go look at that.
Anyhow I think it shoud have been 'make -f makefile.gnu install' instead...

yes this works..
I'll give [text] a try, thanks!

maybe it's worth updating INSTALL.txt with your instructions while 
automake build is broken? =)

(I have to say that I agree with Iohannes about sticking to only one 
build process for better/easier maintenance, but that's another subject)



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Re: [PD] building Pd vanilla with mingw

2013-07-26 Thread yvan volochine

On 26/07/13 15:15, Antoine Villeret wrote:

git reflog
5419183 HEAD@{0}: clone: from git://
maybe I cloned the wrong repos ?

sf.net changed their repos URL so you need the following if you wanna 
try to build latest master:

  $ git remote set-url origin git://git.code.sf.net/p/pure-data/pure-data
  $ git pull origin master

but as I don't have any windowz I have no idea if current master build 
with mingw :/



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Re: [PD] building Pd vanilla with mingw

2013-07-26 Thread yvan volochine

On 26/07/13 19:18, Antoine Villeret wrote:

i'm not sure which link is the right one for SVN and pd-extended so I let
who knows to update them...

this is the one for pd-extended/svn:

  $ svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/pure-data/svn/trunk pure-data-svn



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[PD] pix_motion_sector on linux

2010-12-10 Thread Yvan Volochine
hallo !
I stumbled upon this thread
and I'm wondering if it could be possible to build pix_motion_sector on
linux ?

the Makefile is osx only (and I'm a n00b and dunno which gcc flags should
replace xcode ones etc).

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Re: [PD] pix_motion_sector on linux

2010-12-10 Thread Yvan Volochine
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 3:06 PM, Pagano, Patrick

> that would be a nice linux addition

well I found another archive with a proper README, copied
pix_motion_sector.h and pix_motion_sector.cpp in Gem/src/pixes and built
it built fine, but now when launching pd (with the new Gem.pd_linux) I get:

./Gem.pd_linux: undefined symbol: _ZN3gem3RTE5Array4sizeEv
Gem: can't load library

any idea ?

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[PD] grdflow v4l2 error

2010-12-22 Thread Yvan Volochine

just built gridflow on maverick.
./configure tells me:
libv4l1 ---> found
libv4l2 ---> found
etc (everything except osx related is found), it builds fine, but if try the
examples, opening [#camera], selecting libv4l2 and then my video device
(video0) gives me this error:

error: [#io.v4l2 in /dev/video0 1]: this [#io.v4l2] wasn't compiled with
libv4l2 support
 #io.v4l2 in /dev/video0 1
... couldn't create
print: symbol v4l2
error: [gf/not_open]: not open

if I choose ...v4l2 I get:

error: ioctl VIDIOC_G_FREQUENCY: Invalid argument

I get the same errors with both pd-extended 0.42.5 and latest pd from git.

thanks for your help,
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Re: [PD] grdflow v4l2 error

2010-12-22 Thread Yvan Volochine
On 12/22/10, Mathieu Bouchard  wrote:
> [#io.v4l2] does not work in any way, therefore I didn't bother enabling
> libv4l2 at all. To use v4l2, you go through libv4l1 instead, which does
> v4l1/v4l2 conversion.
> I added [#io.v4l2] in [#camera] because I was going to work on it, but
> when I decided not to, I didn't remove it before the release(s), which is
> misleading.

ah yes, v4l1 works fine.
thanks for your amazing work !


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Re: [PD] grdflow v4l2 error

2010-12-22 Thread Yvan Volochine
On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 11:36 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

> BTW, if you use the one called just "v4l1" in [#camera], it doesn't do the
> v4l1/v4l2 conversion, so it will work only with v4l1 drivers. That's why
> there is the "libv4l1" option (well, it's also because it does all the color
> conversions that we don't want to bother supporting...)

mmh, I updated to maverick (2.6.25-24-generic) and it looks like it was a
bad idea..
any gridflow patch just freezes my os now :/
I don't have any special verbose output (it seems), just after opening any
patch from the examples I loose the mouse/keys and have to force reboot.

any hints much appreciated

(thinkpad w500 - core 2 duo)

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Re: [PD] grdflow v4l2 error

2010-12-22 Thread Yvan Volochine
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 2:55 AM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Dec 2010, Yvan Volochine wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 11:36 PM, Mathieu Bouchard 
>> wrote:
>> mmh, I updated to maverick (2.6.25-24-generic) and it looks like it was a
>> bad idea..
>> any gridflow patch just freezes my os now :/
> Any, or just when you try to get a frame from [#camera] ?

any patch (just by opening them)
then I can't kill pd because my keyboard is also lost..

> I do get a lot of freezes from [#camera], but that's because of the pwc.ko
> driver (for the Philips protocol). As far as I can tell, the Linux kernel
> has been shipping with a bad version of pwc for a while. But it doesn't
> freeze the OS, it just means I have to unload and reload the driver quite
> often, and kill Pd (Ctrl+c in the terminal works, but Ctrl+q in the pd-gui
> doesn't). I should reinstall a non-bundled version of pwc.ko like I used to
> have (I think I recall it made a difference).
> What's your situation ? (camera driver, if that's an issue...)

sorry but how do I find out my camera driver ?
I use a Sony Eye usb cam (from ps3).

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Re: [PD] grdflow v4l2 error

2010-12-22 Thread Yvan Volochine
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 3:17 AM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Dec 2010, Yvan Volochine wrote:
>  any patch (just by opening them)
> even hello-world.pd ?

yep (but this one crashes after a couple of secs)

> What if you create a new patch and put some GridFlow objects in it ?

for some it works (like #window #rotate) but it seems inconsistent
it's not on my machine so I have to go back and forth to make further tests
and I can't make as much as I'd like..

 I use a Sony Eye usb cam (from ps3).

If your freeze is not related to [#camera], in the end, it does not matter.

> BTW, several other people reported that the PS3eye didn't work with
> GridFlow. Did it really work for you ?

yes, we also have an old asus here, PS3 eye works fine with gridflow on it

BTW the same kernel on the old machine works fine
it seems related to the FireGL, which is a pity if it's the case...
unfortunately I don't have much ideas to try...

thanks again,
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Re: [PD] grdflow v4l2 error

2010-12-23 Thread Yvan Volochine
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 8:49 AM, Roman Haefeli  wrote:

> > mmh, I updated to maverick (2.6.25-24-generic) and it looks like it
> Hm.. How is this version string '2.6.25-24-generic' related to (Ubuntu)
> maverick? I'm using Ubuntu Lucid and it ships with a 2.6.32-26-generic
> linux kernel.

sorry typo (was late).
it's 2.6.35-24

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Re: [PD] pix_opencv pdp_opencv segfault

2010-12-23 Thread Yvan Volochine
thanks for your prompt answers.

we updated to maverick and installed pd-extended and opencv (deb packages).
we now have a segfault with Gem (closing gemwin) and gridflow crashes
the OS (see "grdflow v4l2" thread).

it appears that the issue is related to fglrx driver and ATI video
card because the same setup on an old asus a6g works fine.
the machine is a thinkpad w500 (core 2 duo, ATI FireGL 5200, 2.6.35-24-generic).

the weird thing is that all openGL tests seem to work fine
(fgl_glxgears, glxgears, etc) but I'm not a specialist..


On 12/22/10, ydego...@gmail.com  wrote:
> ola,
> yes, lluis might be right,
> but could you be more precise
> on which example gives you the crash?
> we also fixed a few more things
> in more recent version ( for lucid or maverick ),
> so maybe you can try to upgrade too,
> unfortunately the binary packages are only for 32bits ( i386 ),
> but otherwise just compile it.
> salut!,
> sevy
> lluis gomez i bigorda wrote:
>> Al 21/12/10 20:20, En/na manecante ha escrit:
>>> I have this segmentation fault with both pd-0.42.5 and latest git
>>> (0.43.0test3).
>>> I use latest opencv libs, Gem -r 3574, latest svn for pdp, pdp_opencv
>>> and pix_opencv (all of those built fine).
>>> I am on Karmic.
>> can you try with the binary packages :: http://artefacte.org/pdopencv/
>> this one
>> pdopencv-0.2.01-20100211-karmic-i386.deb
>> used to work for me in karmik ...
>> (I think there were some changes on libcv since there)
>> salut,
>> ll.
>>> thanks for any hints,
>>> delphine
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Re: [PD] grdflow v4l2 error

2010-12-23 Thread Yvan Volochine
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 4:20 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

> Hey, that one only produces one frame, and does so at [loadbang] time.
> So, it's especially weird.
> You could try patches that don't use any window at all... lots of
> help-patches are like that.
>  for some it works (like #window
> What do you mean "it works"... is anything being sent to [#window] ?
> Inside of [#window] there's a [#out window], inside of which there's a
> [#io.x11] (or other), isn't it ? So it should be the same as a plain [#out
> window].

sorry but this kernel and fglrx version are not usable unfortunately.
now Gem also crashes badly (deb and src).
I'm trying another distro and I'll report back here.

I forgot ATI cards were such a PITA in linux...
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Re: [PD] pix_opencv pdp_opencv segfault

2010-12-23 Thread Yvan Volochine
On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 3:21 PM, ydego...@gmail.com wrote:

> we also fixed a few more things
> in more recent version ( for lucid or maverick ),
> so maybe you can try to upgrade too,
> unfortunately the binary packages are only for 32bits ( i386 ),
> but otherwise just compile it.

opencv pkg seems to run fine with lucid =)

IIRC I just had to build pix_opencv against libvm.so.4

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Re: [PD] grdflow v4l2 error

2010-12-23 Thread Yvan Volochine
geez, finally all seem to be fine.
this time on lucid 2.6.32-27-generic, gridflow is running (and ps3-eye as
well =)

cheers !
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[PD] [pool] build fails on linux

2011-01-24 Thread Yvan Volochine
trying to build pool from latest svn (and latest pd git) I get this error:

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/delf/dev/pool/source'
/bin/bash ../libtool --tag=CXX   --mode=link g++ -O2
-I/usr/local/include/flext -I/home/delf/dev/pure-data/src   -no-undefined
-module -shrext .pd_linux -avoid-version -L/usr/local/lib -lpd
-lflext-pd_s-o pool.la -rpath /usr/local/lib pool_la-main.lo
pool_la-pool.lo pool_la-data.lo
libtool: link: g++ -shared -nostdlib
/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/crtbeginS.o  .libs/pool_la-main.o
.libs/pool_la-pool.o .libs/pool_la-data.o   -L/usr/local/lib -lpd
-lflext-pd_s -L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3
-L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/../../../../lib -L/lib/../lib
-L/usr/lib/../lib -L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/../../..
-L/usr/lib/i486-linux-gnu -lstdc++ -lm -lc -lgcc_s
-Wl,pool.pd_linux -o .libs/pool.pd_linux
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpd
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [pool.la] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/delf/dev/pool/source'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
zsh: exit 2 make

am I missing a path or something ?
./configure --with-sysdir=/PATH/TO/PD/SRC did find pd headers and all, now I
have no idea about what is going wrong...

any hint is much appreciated,

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Re: [PD] [pool] build fails on linux

2011-01-27 Thread Yvan Volochine
bump ?
sorry but this is quite boring, I hope I don't miss the obvious :/
forgot to say that this error appears on lucid.

ps: also sorry because it looks like my 1st message was a reply to a thread
although it was not... (and this only on lists.puredata.info, weird..)


On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 2:15 AM, Yvan Volochine  wrote:

> hi,
> trying to build pool from latest svn (and latest pd git) I get this error:
> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/delf/dev/pool/source'
> /bin/bash ../libtool --tag=CXX   --mode=link g++ -O2
> -I/usr/local/include/flext -I/home/delf/dev/pure-data/src   -no-undefined
> -module -shrext .pd_linux -avoid-version -L/usr/local/lib -lpd
> -lflext-pd_s-o pool.la -rpath /usr/local/lib pool_la-main.lo
> pool_la-pool.lo pool_la-data.lo
> libtool: link: g++ -shared -nostdlib
> /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/../../../../lib/crti.o
> /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/crtbeginS.o  .libs/pool_la-main.o
> .libs/pool_la-pool.o .libs/pool_la-data.o   -L/usr/local/lib -lpd
> -lflext-pd_s -L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3
> -L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/../../../../lib -L/lib/../lib
> -L/usr/lib/../lib -L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/../../..
> -L/usr/lib/i486-linux-gnu -lstdc++ -lm -lc -lgcc_s
> /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/crtendS.o
> /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/../../../../lib/crtn.o-Wl,-soname
> -Wl,pool.pd_linux -o .libs/pool.pd_linux
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpd
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[1]: *** [pool.la] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/delf/dev/pool/source'
> make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> zsh: exit 2 make
> am I missing a path or something ?
> ./configure --with-sysdir=/PATH/TO/PD/SRC did find pd headers and all, now
> I have no idea about what is going wrong...
> any hint is much appreciated,
> cheers,
> _y
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Re: [PD] [pool] build fails on linux

2011-01-27 Thread Yvan Volochine
the path to pd headers seems to be correct (./configure script does find
g_canvas.h etc)
m_pd.h is also there.

unfortunately I'm not a Makefile expert at all..


2011/1/27 András Murányi 

> Hello Yvan,
> i'm no compilation expert, (therefore) i would take a look if there is
> indeed an m_pd.h at /PATH/TO/PD/SRC
> If yes, the makefile might be broken, if not, you'll have to
> set /PATH/TO/PD/SRC to whereever m_pd.h can be found.
> Also, i think, the less complicated (which is, an absolute
> path) /PATH/TO/PD/SRC, the more bulletproof.
> Andras
> On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 7:27 PM, Yvan Volochine  wrote:
>> bump ?
>> sorry but this is quite boring, I hope I don't miss the obvious :/
>> forgot to say that this error appears on lucid.
>> ps: also sorry because it looks like my 1st message was a reply to a
>> thread although it was not... (and this only on lists.puredata.info,
>> weird..)
>> cheers,
>> _y
>> On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 2:15 AM, Yvan Volochine wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> trying to build pool from latest svn (and latest pd git) I get this
>>> error:
>>> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/delf/dev/pool/source'
>>> /bin/bash ../libtool --tag=CXX   --mode=link g++ -O2
>>> -I/usr/local/include/flext -I/home/delf/dev/pure-data/src   -no-undefined
>>> -module -shrext .pd_linux -avoid-version -L/usr/local/lib -lpd
>>> -lflext-pd_s-o pool.la -rpath /usr/local/lib pool_la-main.lo
>>> pool_la-pool.lo pool_la-data.lo
>>> libtool: link: g++ -shared -nostdlib
>>> /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/../../../../lib/crti.o
>>> /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/crtbeginS.o  .libs/pool_la-main.o
>>> .libs/pool_la-pool.o .libs/pool_la-data.o   -L/usr/local/lib -lpd
>>> -lflext-pd_s -L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3
>>> -L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/../../../../lib -L/lib/../lib
>>> -L/usr/lib/../lib -L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/../../..
>>> -L/usr/lib/i486-linux-gnu -lstdc++ -lm -lc -lgcc_s
>>> /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/crtendS.o
>>> /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/../../../../lib/crtn.o-Wl,-soname
>>> -Wl,pool.pd_linux -o .libs/pool.pd_linux
>>> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpd
>>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>> make[1]: *** [pool.la] Error 1
>>> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/delf/dev/pool/source'
>>> make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
>>> zsh: exit 2 make
>>> am I missing a path or something ?
>>> ./configure --with-sysdir=/PATH/TO/PD/SRC did find pd headers and all,
>>> now I have no idea about what is going wrong...
>>> any hint is much appreciated,
>>> cheers,
>>> _y
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Re: [PD] [pool] build fails on linux

2011-01-28 Thread Yvan Volochine
On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 1:53 AM, Pedro Lopes  wrote:
> I recall that some old makefiles found in some externals had a sintax like:
> >make pd_linux
> instead of
> >make
> Thus they had multiple make targets inside, and if you type make it would 
> enter the wrong one (like Win)

thanks to all for your hints. I finally made it =)

for the sake of the archives, here are my steps and errors:

I try by removing "pd" from pool_la_LDFLAGS in pool/source/Makefile
(which might be something very stupid !) but somehow [pool] built
then using [pool] in pd gave me a "undefined symbol:
_ZN17flext_root_singlenwEj" error, which lead me to this thread:
with the correct way of building a flext external:

(assuming pool and flext are in $HOME/dev)

$ cd $HOME/dev/pool
$ bash ../flext/build.sh pd gcc
# bash ../flext/build.sh pd gcc install

thanks !

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Re: [PD] [pool] build fails on linux

2011-01-28 Thread Yvan Volochine
On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 1:30 PM, Yvan Volochine  wrote:
> the correct way of building a flext external:
> (assuming pool and flext are in $HOME/dev)
> $ cd $HOME/dev/pool
> $ bash ../flext/build.sh pd gcc
> # bash ../flext/build.sh pd gcc install

lesson learned: read the README until the end !
sorry for the noise...


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[PD] [pyext] sending a bang to an object

2011-03-11 Thread Yvan Volochine
just wondering how I could send a bang to an object with [pyext] ?
I tryed:
self._send(rcvname, "bang")
but of course I get the error 'No method for symbol' because my object
receives the *string* "bang"
is there any workaround for this ?

what I try to achieve is get the current value of this object, so I
thought about binding it and sending it a bang.
maybe there is a way to retrieve the current value of this object
directly with some method I overlooked ? like:
that would be nice =)


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Re: [PD] [pyext] sending a bang to an object

2011-03-11 Thread Yvan Volochine
On 3/11/11, Yvan Volochine  wrote:
> hi
> just wondering how I could send a bang to an object with [pyext] ?
> I tryed:
> self._send(rcvname, "bang")
> but of course I get the error 'No method for symbol' because my object
> receives the *string* "bang"
> is there any workaround for this ?

Thomas kindly stated that the trick is to call the method without
further arguments:

detailed story:


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[PD] [pyext] [bug] nbx doesn't respond to bang sent by a py script

2011-03-12 Thread Yvan Volochine

I don't know if it's worth reporting this but just in case...

if I bind [nbx] to a `recv' method in a py script, it does not output
its value after receiving a bang from the script.
attached is debug_nbx.py and debug.pd patch to show the behavior.

anyway, thanks for the good work, py/pyext is amazing ;)

# py/pyext - python script objects for PD and MaxMSP
# Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Thomas Grill (g...@g.org)
# For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
# WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.  

"""debug nbx"""

	import pyext
	print "ERROR: This script must be loaded by the PD/Max pyext external"

class nbx(pyext._class):

	_inlets = 1
	_outlets = 0

	def __init__(self,*args):
		"""Class constructor"""
		print "\n\n\n\n\n\ninit\n\n\n\n\n\n"

	def bind_1(self):
		print "binding 's_float'"
		self._bind("s_float", self.recv)
		print "binding 's_nbx'"
		self._bind("s_nbx", self.recv)

	def bang_1(self):
		print "sending a bang to 'r_float'"
		print "sending a bang to 'r_nbx'"

	def recv(self, arg):
		"""receive function"""
		print arg

	def __del__(self):
		"""Class destructor"""

Description: Binary data
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Re: [PD] Workshop for beginners in Bordeaux, France.

2011-03-12 Thread Yvan Volochine
On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 11:21 PM, Olivier Baudu
> For curious, you can see my works with Pd-extended on my website :
> http://yamatierea.org/papatchs/

ca mériterait d'être en anglais aussi :P


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Re: [PD] Workshop for beginners in Bordeaux, France.

2011-03-12 Thread Yvan Volochine
On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 5:51 PM, Mathieu Bouchard  wrote:
>>> For curious, you can see my works with Pd-extended on my website :
>>> http://yamatierea.org/papatchs/
>> ca mériterait d'être en anglais aussi :P
> Veux-tu dire que ça serait trop bon pour être écrit en français ? :P

trop bon pour n'être écrit *que* en francais =)

we want it in english
queremos eso en español
wir wollen das auf Deutsch


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Re: [PD] [pyext] sending a bang to an object

2011-03-14 Thread Yvan Volochine
On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 9:11 PM, Thomas Grill  wrote:
> self._send(rcvname)
> currently sends an empty list message to the rcvname receiver which is often 
> interpreted but need not always be
> the correct way would be
> self._send(rcvname,"bang",())
> which is equivalent to a message with selector bang and no further arguments 
> (empty tuple)
> since the former notation
> self._send(rcvname)
> is also used with pyext outlets as
> self._outlet(outletnum)
> to send a bang, i corrected the behavior in the py/pyext SVN to indeed send a 
> bang.
> However, this is not yet reflected in the binaries in circulation

hi Thomas,

latest svn and self._send(rcvname) does not work with [nbx] but
self._send(rcvname, "bang", ()) does the trick and solves the [nbx]
issue at the same time =)

thanks !

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[PD] [SHARE][PYEXT] preset management

2011-03-14 Thread Yvan Volochine

after spending the w-end being curious about python in pd, I did as an
exercise a preset manager with excellent [pyext].
patch/abstractions txt files are parsed (sic =) to find UI objects
with valid send/receive symbols that are going to be saved.
it might not be the most elegant python code ever but anyway, for the
curious, you can grab the script and help file there:


note that this was only tested on pd-0.43.0test3, python 2.7 and
latest [py] svn on linux
comments and bug reports are welcome !


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Re: [PD] [ext] [pyext] [bug] nbx doesn't respond to bang sent by a py script

2011-03-14 Thread Yvan Volochine
On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 8:31 PM, Thomas Grill  wrote:
> Hi Yvan,
> thanks for reporting - that seems to a bug, although hard to say where 
> situated. I'll look into it.

this is fixed by using self._send(rcvname, "bang" ())


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Re: [PD] ⌘+⇧+L

2011-03-25 Thread yvan volochine

On 03/25/2011 01:09 PM, cyrille henry wrote:

Le 25/03/2011 12:48, Joe White a écrit :

I've just been told I can clear the log in Pd-0.43 with the shortcut

To whomever implemented this - you are a god.

Made my day so far :)

personally, i hate this shortcut :
it's the only one I use that i can't do with my left hand only. Since
the right hand is on my mouse, it is not really convinient to use it.
and since the clear button disappear, i have use the edit menu / clear log.

well, look like someone god is someone else nightmare.

well, that's easy to change with a gui-plugin:

just puts this line in a file called "clear_console_shortcut.tcl" (or 
whatever name you like) and put the file in your pd path:

bind all <$::modifier-Shift-Key-X> {menu_clear_console}

and bingo, MOD+SHIFT+X clears the console =)

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Re: [PD] ⌘+⇧+L

2011-03-25 Thread yvan volochine

On 03/25/2011 01:54 PM, yvan volochine wrote:

well, that's easy to change with a gui-plugin:

just puts this line in a file called "clear_console_shortcut.tcl" (or
whatever name you like) and put the file in your pd path:

bind all <$::modifier-Shift-Key-X> {menu_clear_console}

and bingo, MOD+SHIFT+X clears the console =)

oops, the name of the file *has to* use this scheme:


for it to work.

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[PD] 3 new gui-plugins

2011-04-03 Thread yvan volochine

I'm happy to announce the release of 3 new Gui-Plugins I wrote for Pd:

- menubar-shortuts-plugin
- recentfiles-plugin
- auto-completion-plugin

get them here:

comments and bug reports are welcome =)


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[PD] [PD-announce] 3 new gui-plugins

2011-04-03 Thread yvan volochine

I'm happy to announce the release of 3 new Gui-Plugins I wrote for Pd:

- menubar-shortuts-plugin
- recentfiles-plugin
- auto-completion-plugin

get them here:

comments and bug reports are welcome =)


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Re: [PD] 3 new gui-plugins

2011-04-03 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/03/2011 05:57 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

Wow, I love the tab autocompletion plugin! What would be amazing if we
had a bash-style completion files were the arguments were also
tab-completable, when relevant. Things like filenames, table/array
names, send/receive names, etc. This completion file could be included
in libraries. It really highlights how badly we need Enter/Return to
instantiate the object.

Personally I prefer the default tcsh/bash-style where tab doesn't cycle
thru the options when you hit tab repeatly. I could see a bash/tcsh
style display of the options, like in a popup when you hit tab repeatedly.

hey thanks.
I'm not really supposed to dedicate that ammount of time developping for 
pd but as I'm unemployed right now =)
I'm afraid the bash style auto-completion is a bit above my head, but 
the idea is nice.

One thing that needs to happen to make the auto-complete plugin more
deployable is to have all its procs in its own namespace. Otherwise
there can easily be name conflicts with other things named 'init',
'trigger', etc.


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Re: [PD] 3 new gui-plugins

2011-04-03 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/03/2011 06:44 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

On Apr 3, 2011, at 12:12 PM, yvan volochine wrote:

On 04/03/2011 05:57 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

Wow, I love the tab autocompletion plugin! What would be amazing if we
had a bash-style completion files were the arguments were also
tab-completable, when relevant. Things like filenames, table/array
names, send/receive names, etc. This completion file could be included
in libraries. It really highlights how badly we need Enter/Return to
instantiate the object.

Personally I prefer the default tcsh/bash-style where tab doesn't cycle
thru the options when you hit tab repeatly. I could see a bash/tcsh
style display of the options, like in a popup when you hit tab

hey thanks.
I'm not really supposed to dedicate that ammount of time developping
for pd but as I'm unemployed right now =)
I'm afraid the bash style auto-completion is a bit above my head, but
the idea is nice.

Basically, the first is the trigger: hitting tab twice where the tab
does not add any more characters. So using your plugin as an example,
type M-O-Tab-Tab would then list 'mod' and 'moses' as options but not
change the 'mo' in the box. Those options could then be in a popup menu
to both see and select with the keyboard or mouse.

yeah that's what I wanted first: a ComboBox below the object box, but 
then I had troubles with object box coordinates (did the user click or 
is the object still moving with the cursor, etc...) and I started adding 
some "if" and all kind of stuff inside mouse motion procedures and that 
became nasty.
this (and the fact that I wanted it now =) made me rewrite the plugin 
with the "cycling-through-completions-with-tab" behavior (which I still 
find very cool for speedy-patching)


Adding the argument completion would probably be a lot more work, but I
haven't really thought about it. But just having object name completion
is huge!


One thing that needs to happen to make the auto-complete plugin more
deployable is to have all its procs in its own namespace. Otherwise
there can easily be name conflicts with other things named 'init',
'trigger', etc.


(FYI: sending to pd-announce also sends to pd-list)



You can't steal a gift. Bird gave the world his music, and if you can
hear it, you can have it. - Dizzy Gillespie

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Re: [PD] 3 new gui-plugins

2011-04-04 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/03/11 23:37, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

I'm trying to think if there is a way to keep or get the coordinates of
the object itself. On the C-side there is, plus when an object is
created or edited then the GUI knows the location of it. Here's how, in
your pdtk_text_editing, you just need to query the coords of the active
text widget. This is a rough attempt that just gets a menu popping up:

proc pdtk_text_editing {mytoplevel tag editing} {
set tkcanvas [tkcanvas_name $mytoplevel]
set rectcoords [$tkcanvas coords ${tag}R]
if {$rectcoords ne ""} {
set x [expr int([lindex $rectcoords 0])]
set y [expr int([lindex $rectcoords 1] - 20)]
pdtk_post "currently editing at: $x $y\n"
if {! [winfo exists .completepopup] } {
menu .completepopup
.completepopup add command -label mod -command bell
.completepopup add command -label moses -command bell
tk_popup .completepopup $x $y
if {$editing == 0} {
selection clear $tkcanvas
# auto-completion
set ::completions {}
set ::new_object false
set ::lock_motion false
set ::cycle false
} {
set ::editingtext($mytoplevel) $editing
# auto-completion
set ::new_object $editing
$tkcanvas focus $tag

hi Hans
dunno if this is the same for you but for me there are some issues with 
this (on Archlinux + fluxbox):

- the popup is created at "screen coordinates" and not patch window 
ones, i.e. if the object box is at 100x25 (from the top-left patch 
window), the popup appears at 100x25 from the top-left corner of my 
whole screen, which I find not very intuitive

- also, if you are creating an object with CTRL-1 and moving your mouse 
(no click), the coordinates don't update (but that's not that bad)

anyway, all these are the reasons why I dropped the popup option (which 
would be better IMHO).

I'll think a bit more about it in the next days.


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Re: [PD] 3 new gui-plugins

2011-04-04 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/03/11 23:29, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:

Here's a hack to get around the hacky creator names of the list objects
(I also added "list", but I'm not sure if you want to use aliases.)

hey thanks for spotting this.
they are already in the global list of pd internals but I didn't notice 
that they had underscores instead of spaces.

I fixed it directly in the main list and it will be on the next version.

Is there no way to just get a list of all the creator names that are
available when Pd loads up?

I'm afraid not :/
but you can manually add your favorites or missing/special ones in the 
file $::user_objects_list


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[PD] auto-completion with popup [was: 3 new gui-plugins]

2011-04-04 Thread yvan volochine


I got the popup thing working with auto-completion =)
thanks to hc for the help and inspiration


enjoy !

as usual, bug reports are welcome (I didn't test the popup on osx/win...)


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Re: [PD] auto-completion with popup [was: 3 new gui-plugins]

2011-04-04 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/04/2011 10:05 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

On Mon, 4 Apr 2011, yvan volochine wrote:

I got the popup thing working with auto-completion =) thanks to hc for
the help and inspiration

Btw, had you tried DesireData's auto-completion ?

1. just name suggestions

2. with short descriptions in 15 languages

3. can pick from popup list using arrow

there were some more improvements after (3) to make it look better.

That's something I started to write in 2004, and Chun Lee improved it in
2006 or 2007.

no I never tried it (when I discovered it back in the years, my linux 
knowledge was close to null and I thought that the project was dropped 
(for some reasons..))

it always looked amazing to me, congrats ! (as well as gridflow)

I had to use pd again not long ago and thought that I should try to code 
these goodies for the sake of patching faster and with (nearly) no mouse 
(although I hate tcl, gui-plugins are cool =)

I'll give a try at desiredata and let you know.


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Re: [PD] auto-completion with popup [was: 3 new gui-plugins]

2011-04-06 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/06/2011 09:23 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

On Wed, 6 Apr 2011, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

It would be great if as many of those desiredata improvements as
possible were available as GUI plugins, I think I a lot of people
would use them.

Yeah. It would be great if they were. But they aren't.

That's why I mention some of them, once in a while.

BTW I gave a quick try to DesireData
CTRL + arrows to select surrounding objects is amazing ! (although a bit 
buggy here)

this + connect via keyboard shortcuts would be insanely cool :P


ps: and stick to grid !!!

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Re: [PD] auto-completion with popup [was: 3 new gui-plugins]

2011-04-07 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/06/2011 11:09 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

On Wed, 6 Apr 2011, yvan volochine wrote:

BTW I gave a quick try to DesireData
CTRL + arrows to select surrounding objects is amazing ! (although a
bit buggy here)
this + connect via keyboard shortcuts would be insanely cool :P

btw, here's the article on keyboard-only interface, from 2nd Pd
Convention (Montréal 2007) :


interesting, thanks.


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Re: [PD] 3 new gui-plugins

2011-04-14 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/14/2011 11:54 AM, JF wrote:

The auto-completion is fantastic stuff! Especially the drop-down menu addition.
Congratulations Yvan, HC&  JW.

Is there anyway of modifying the plugin so that instead of using TAB this

there is a new version but it's still expermiental (and unreleased).
if you wanna test it:


and checkout autocompletion_experimental branch

   * Create new object ->  list of objects appear in full (0-9, a-z) but focus
stays in object

then it can be a *long* list of objects so I should change the GUI for 
it (nomore popup menu but a window with scrollbars but then you don't 
have an easy overview of all completions...). not sure I really want 
that though :/ maybe this could be a user option ?

   * Begin typing ->  list of objects reduces as you type

the experimental version does that but there are still some bugs

   * See the one you want ->  arrow key up/down, focus changes to drop-down box
then ENTER to select desired object

the current version does that


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Re: [PD] 3 new gui-plugins

2011-04-14 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/14/2011 07:30 PM, Pagano, Patrick wrote:

how do install the tab completion properly?

get the gui-plugin there:
and howto is there:


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[PD] gridflow issues

2011-04-17 Thread yvan volochine


trying to debug a patch using gridflow-0.12 on pd-extended-0.42.5 
(ubuntu-lucid), I have some issues:

- some tcl errors at pd startup[1]:

(tcl) invalid command name ".xb6cde8.c"
while executing ".xb6cde8.c delete gf08c44168"

and then (30 or more):

.x8e3b590 no such object

- then I tried to build gridflow-0.13 but it does not find half of the 
headers and I have a couple of gcc errors just with ./configure
(libs not found are libdc1394, libmpeg3, quicktime, ... although they 
are all installed and can all be found in /usr/include)

as updating the OS is not currently an option, I wonder if there is 
something obvious I'm missing...

sorry for not posting the complete backtrace but this happened on 
another machine than mine

ps: ruby-1.8.7 and gcc/g++-4.4.3
pps: gridflow-0.12 was installed from a *.deb

any help is appreciated

[1] those errors go away if I remove gridflow/abstractions from the pd-path

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Re: [PD] gridflow issues

2011-04-17 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/17/2011 04:14 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

On Sun, 17 Apr 2011, yvan volochine wrote:

trying to debug a patch using gridflow-0.12

There's no leading 0 since a year ago. It would have been 0.9.12 but now
it's like 9.12. It has never been 0.12.

yes of course I meant 9.12

on pd-extended-0.42.5 (ubuntu-lucid), I have some issues:
- some tcl errors at pd startup[1]:
(tcl) invalid command name ".xb6cde8.c"
while executing ".xb6cde8.c delete gf08c44168"

That doesn't look like a pd (0.)42 error message style. Are you sure
that you aren't doing it with a pd (0.)43 ?

indeed, I tried with both and the tcl error is on pd-0.43

and then (30 or more): .x8e3b590 no such object

Haven't seen that. I could check with pd (0.)43 again to see whether
that's the bug that GridFlow had with it.

this appears also on pd-extended-0.42.5

- then I tried to build gridflow-0.13 but it does not find half of the
headers and I have a couple of gcc errors just with ./configure (libs
not found are libdc1394, libmpeg3, quicktime, ... although they are
all installed and can all be found in /usr/include)

Send me your config.log.

here it is:

ps: ruby-1.8.7 and gcc/g++-4.4.3
pps: gridflow-0.12 was installed from a *.deb
[1] those errors go away if I remove gridflow/abstractions from the

Ah, GridFlow needs add its own path elements to the pd-path, and it
doesn't remove any conflicting ones that it may see. This may cause a
problem when upgrading to 9.13 from 9.12.

I don't know of any way to automatically fix this. So, you just have to
remove the gridflow/abstractions item and... there's a
gridflow/deprecated folder to be removed too, and perhaps
gridflow/doc/flow_classes (though that's a -helppath instead).

it seems that my friend needs those abstractions so I dunno what to do next.
that's why I tried to build 9.13, I thought that the bugs in the patch 
(random freezes, shutdown etc) might be related to those missing 
canvas/objects but I'm not sure..


ps: I uploaded to ruby-1.9.1 just in case but same problems with 
building (and I don't see any new gcc/g++ in the ubuntu repos)

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Re: [PD] gridflow issues

2011-04-18 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/17/2011 06:55 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

On Sun, 17 Apr 2011, yvan volochine wrote:

and then (30 or more): .x8e3b590 no such object

Haven't seen that. I could check with pd (0.)43 again to see whether
that's the bug that GridFlow had with it.

this appears also on pd-extended-0.42.5

With any patch, or only those using [display] or [#see] ?

it seems with patches using [display] but she got rid of the errors by 
cleaning the patch (looks like there were some zombies, like invisible 
sub-patches that were deleted but somehow were still there... weird)

(libs not found are libdc1394, libmpeg3, quicktime, ... although
they are all installed and can all be found in /usr/include)

Send me your config.log.

here it is:

the nasm problem is fixed in 9.14 (it's a ./configure problem ; you can
fix it using --force-nasm)

dc1394 is a bigger problem : the API was changed, and thus part of
gridflow/src/dc1394.cxx would have to be rewritten, and I have no such
camera. In addition, the laptop I just bought doesn't have any FireWire
port (but I still have the other laptop).

so that means not building 9.13 for now

it seems that my friend needs those abstractions

Can't your friend use the ones bundled in the version of GridFlow that
will be loaded ? No functionality got removed, but many patches depend
on changes in abstractions, and some abstractions may depend on changes
in other externals that are part of GridFlow, so, it's way better to not
mix and match parts of different versions.

I was mentioning gridflow/abstractions from the one installed (9.12, not 

I thought that the bugs in the patch (random freezes, shutdown etc)
might be related to those missing canvas/objects but I'm not sure..

I haven't had random shutdowns for three years now, and I don't remember
ever having random freezes. If you think that the problem has to do with
GUI objects, try making smaller versions of your patches that use less
GUI objects and see whether the error messages and/or the freezes and/or
the crashes disappear. You may notice patterns that will narrow down the
possibilities, and then perhaps you'll have enough information to be
able to write a bug report.

yeah it might come from the patch itself =)

ps: I uploaded

upgraded ?


thanks for the infos!

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Re: [PD] gridflow issues

2011-04-26 Thread yvan volochine

salut Matthieu

another question:

is there a way to force gridflow external to load from a specified path?

ie: I'm trying to setup pd-vanilla wth gridflow-9.13 where the user 
already has pd-extended with gridflow-9.12.

(don't ask me why =)

gridflow.pd_linux (9.12) is in ~/pd-externals/gridflow
gridflow.pd_linux (9.13) is in ~/pd-vanilla-externals/gridflow-9.13

problem is that pd -lib gridflow (with the new path to 9.13) still loads 
the one from pd-externals (9.12) although ~/pd-externals/gridflow is 
*not* in his path.

is there any workaround to this ?


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Re: [PD] gridflow issues

2011-04-26 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/26/2011 03:42 PM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 2011-04-26 15:23, yvan volochine wrote:

salut Matthieu

another question:

is there a way to force gridflow external to load from a specified path?

ie: I'm trying to setup pd-vanilla wth gridflow-9.13 where the user
already has pd-extended with gridflow-9.12.

(don't ask me why =)

gridflow.pd_linux (9.12) is in ~/pd-externals/gridflow
gridflow.pd_linux (9.13) is in ~/pd-vanilla-externals/gridflow-9.13

problem is that pd -lib gridflow (with the new path to 9.13) still loads
the one from pd-externals (9.12) although ~/pd-externals/gridflow is
*not* in his path.

is there any workaround to this ?

~/pd-externals/ is _always_ in the path.
you might be able to turn this off, by specifying "-nostdpath", though
this will also turn off searching of .../pd/extra/

anyhow, if you add ~/pd-vanilla-externals/gridflow-9.13 to your search
paths (e.g. using the "-path" flag) , then the gridflow found therein
should take precedence over the one in ~/pd-externals/

I see..
I find this weird that this does not work if gridflow-9.13 is in my path 
in .pdsettings) but it does with pd -path xxx

also, `pd -path /path/to/gridflow-9.13' gives me:
"GridFlow 9.13...
GridFlow was compiled on Apr. 26 2011
/path/to/griflow-9.12/gridflow_x11.pd_linux undefined symbol...
/path/to/griflow-9.12/gridflow_gem_loader.pd_linux undefined symbol...
/path/to/griflow-9.12/gridflow_pdp.pd_linux undefined symbol...

so I guess there is no workaround except removing 9.12 from pd-externals..


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Re: [PD] gridflow issues

2011-04-26 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/26/2011 03:53 PM, Pierre-Olivier Boulant wrote:

I couldn't get Gridflow to work on any of my computers running different
versions of windows (Win 7, 32 or 64 bit) and pd 0.43 (either vanilla or
extended) whether or not there is a pd 0.42 install on the same computer
and with similar binaries.
I think there is some incompatibility at the moment between the pd 0.43
and gridflow. I wrote Mathieu about this a while ago.

just reverted to gridflow-9.12 and so far it seems to work fine on 
pd-0.43 (vanilla) (& this machine runs ubuntu lucid)


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[PD] gtk-open-save broken with gui-plugins

2011-04-26 Thread yvan volochine


it seems that gtk-open-save stops working as soon as I have any other 
gui-plugin in my path.

it fails back to (ugly) tk open with this warning:

WARNING: pd_gtk_open binary NOT found:
/home/yvan/dev/pd_stuffs/gui-plugins/PLUGINNAME/bin/pd_gtk_open. Using 
Tk open

if I remove *all* gui-plugins from my path, it works again.

(archlinux, pd-0.43)


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Re: [PD] gtk-open-save broken with gui-plugins

2011-04-27 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/27/2011 01:19 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

Hey Yvan,

You need to use the recently added $::current_plugin_loadpath. I think
you can skip the multi-level paths (bin/, src/) and just include the .c
and binary, and the tcl plugin in a single gtk-open-plugin folder, then
you would use the binary from:


the problem seems to be that $::current_plugin_loadpath is overwritten 
by each gui-plugin coming after gtk-open-save, so if I have:

path 1: /path/to/gtk-open-save
path 2: /path/to/autocompletion-plugin

I get:

WARNING: pd_gtk_open binary NOT found: 
/path/to/autocompletion-plugin/bin/pd_gtk_open. Using Tk open.

no time to look into it ATM.


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Re: [PD] gtk-open-save broken with gui-plugins

2011-04-27 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/27/2011 08:58 AM, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:

WARNING: pd_gtk_open binary NOT found:
Using Tk open

That means it can't find the pd_gtk_open for some reason. I'm note sure
where the PLUGINNAME comes from though. My understanding is that
$::current_plugin_loadpath will give the path where the plugin tcl file

see my previous post, $::current_plugin_loadpath is overwritten by any 
other gui-plugin coming after yours (in my case that was PLUGINNAME ;)


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Re: [PD] gtk-open-save broken with gui-plugins

2011-04-27 Thread yvan volochine

actually I found the problem in Lorenzo code.

gtk_open_save paths are set to $::current_plugin_loadpath when calling 
"Open" or "Save", which means that $::current_plugin_loadpath was maybe 
already overwritten by another plugin.

the solution is to assign these paths at plugin load time.

attached is a fixed version.


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Re: [PD] Pd-extended 0.42.5 dropped tk8.4 dependency only in source?

2011-04-27 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/19/2011 09:18 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

On Tue, 2011-04-19 at 14:15 -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

On Tue, 19 Apr 2011, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

The Pd-extended 0.42.5 release on newer Debian/Ubuntu releases use
Tcl/Tk 8.5

which releases are those ?

Maverick? Lucid?  Squeeze?  I forget.

not on lucid AFAICS, which is a PITA..


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Re: [PD] readanysf for windows? (again)

2011-04-28 Thread yvan volochine

sorry for the OT noise but...
Patrice, it looks like your mail reader does not follow the 'reply-to 
topic' rule, i.e. each of your message appears as a new thread, which is 
pretty boring with long threads like this one in a decent mail reader.


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Re: [PD] readanysf for windows? (again)

2011-04-28 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/28/2011 11:15 PM, Patrice Colet wrote:

  Thank you for telling me, but I don't now how to fix this, sometimes it 
follow the thread, sometimes not,
let me try out how this one will be displayed on the archive...
  It's boring indeed when mails don't follow the thread.

yeah this one worked =)

again sorry for the OT..


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Re: [PD] gtk-open-save broken with gui-plugins

2011-04-29 Thread yvan volochine

On 04/27/2011 12:44 PM, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:

actually I found the problem in Lorenzo code.

gtk_open_save paths are set to $::current_plugin_loadpath when calling
"Open" or "Save", which means that $::current_plugin_loadpath was
maybe already overwritten by another plugin.

Well spotted, Bravo! of course :)

the solution is to assign these paths at plugin load time.

attached is a fixed version.

I updated the plugin with your patch. Thanks.

cool =)
and now that recentfiles support was added to latest pd, you might want 
to add it in your plugin as well (in 'saveas', calling 
update_recentfiles adds the saved file to the recentfiles list).

here is a diff:

diff gtk-save-plugin.tcl gtk-save-plugin.mine.tcl
< set ::filenewdir $dirname
> set ::filenewdir $dirname
> # add to recentfiles
> ::pd_guiprefs::update_recentfiles $filename


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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Workshop: Switch from PureData! (Barcelona)

2011-05-02 Thread yvan volochine

On 05/02/2011 04:02 PM, john saylor wrote:

am i the only one who thinks it's odd to promote an anti-pd workshop
on a pd list?

(derek was right =)

who said it's an "anti-pd" workshop ?
knowing fredrik, it should be more about using new tools.
have a look at his website and you'll see what I mean..


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Re: [PD] helpbrowser and the paths

2011-05-04 Thread yvan volochine
sorry if I miss some of the basics in pd-loading-libs or if this was 
discussed before but wouldn't it make sense to have a difference between 
what is added to 'path' and what goes into the HelpBrowser ?
(i.e. -lib loads externals, help, ... and goes into HelpBrowser and 
-path adds whatever to the patch namespace but not to HelpBrowser)

it's weird to have my music directories on the top of HelpBrowser.



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Re: [PD] msg to abstractions

2011-05-05 Thread yvan volochine

On 05/05/2011 09:15 PM, Jeppi Jeppi wrote:

Hey, many thanks to all for such great tricks&hacks!

The trick to route messages to a named subpatch turned out to be a
chicken-egg problem if the subpatches are to be built dynamically as I
need...thanks for the nice idea anyway :)
though "obsolete" (?) that [namecanvas] really solved my problem. Hope
it won't be deprecated, as it seems the only way to access individual
abstraction instances through the pd-msg system. Otherwise a (better?)
workaround should be provided.

well although I dunno it I guess that there must be a good reason to 
deprecate it (moving the gui out of pd maybe ?? =)

claude solution works nicely without fancy dynamic subpatch magic (which 
is IMHO kinda risky within pd anyway)

just my 0.02€


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Re: [PD] auto-completion with popup [was: 3 new gui-plugins]

2011-05-06 Thread yvan volochine


I found the time to refine autocompletion-plugin so I ended up kinda 
rewriting it (screenshot below).

there are lots of changes, it would be nice if some of you could test it 
and tell me what's wrong or what is weird etc...

latest is here:

I tested it only on linux and pd-0.43.1-test2 (vanilla).

list of changes:

- new GUI (à la DesireData)
- added support for osx and win32 (untested)
- added bash-completion-mode behavior (more or less)
- added *.cfg file for options
- completions update while typing
- added 'All' mode (requested: completions popup as soon as you type)
- hiting 'Enter' without the popup unedits and select the object

I'd like to track down bugs before releasing it this time ;)

thanks for the help.

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Re: [PD] auto-completion with popup [was: 3 new gui-plugins]

2011-05-06 Thread yvan volochine

On 05/06/2011 08:16 PM, Patrice Colet wrote:

  thank you for this plugin, is it possible to have a 8.4 compatible code?
then it would be possible to load it within pd-vanilla

no sorry I won't support tcl-8.4 (and its ugly fonts)

note that gui-plugins work only in pd >= 0.43 (vanilla or not)
if you use pd-0.43 you should update tcl/tk to 8.5 anyway.


I found the time to refine autocompletion-plugin so I ended up kinda
rewriting it (screenshot below).

there are lots of changes, it would be nice if some of you could test
and tell me what's wrong or what is weird etc...

latest is here:

I tested it only on linux and pd-0.43.1-test2 (vanilla).

list of changes:

- new GUI (à la DesireData)
- added support for osx and win32 (untested)
- added bash-completion-mode behavior (more or less)
- added *.cfg file for options
- completions update while typing
- added 'All' mode (requested: completions popup as soon as you type)
- hiting 'Enter' without the popup unedits and select the object

I'd like to track down bugs before releasing it this time ;)

thanks for the help.

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