[PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-25 Thread Billy Stiltner

I've been trying to get a low latency with pd 04.25 in puredyne 9.10
with an NVidia HDA audio card. The audio card is listed as Nvidia
Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio (rev 2) using lspci | grep

With Jack there is bad glitching.

With Alsa I can run a patch wihtout glitching at latency in pd set to
60ms only if I minimize the pd window. Any time I move the mouse on
the pd window, scroll the pd window or adjust a control in the pd
window the audio drops out. This does not happen if the pd window is
minimized and the mouse is moved in other windows. The audio works
fine with the GEM window open.

I did install the latest NVidia graphics  drivers from Nvidias site on
both linux and Vista. Gem performance was not so good before this but
is excellent now.

The patch I'm testing with runs great on Windows Vista using ASIO for
all and latency in PD set to 50 ms.

The test patch uses GEM.

On Vista I'm using pd extended where as on linux it is plain pd with
extended libraries.

Things I have tried(this time around).
Reinstalled Alsa,
Reinstalled PD,

I tried to install pd extended to see if that was the problem but it
did not run after the install.
I think my version of extended on Vista is 04.26.

I also tried compiling from source 04.26 on another system with no luck.

So my questions are.
Is this possibly a pd problem or an Alsa problem?
I have not done any hardware configuration with ALSA and do not know
where to begin.

My guess is that it is probably a TCL/TK problem and lack of tuning
the ALSA drivers.

I would alos like to know where to get a synaptics compatible upgrade
of pd 0.43 and 0.426 plus synaptics packages for upgrading ALSA and

Any info on getting the latency  lower on linux would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You very much.

You can see a some videos of the patch I'm testing on youtube.

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-25 Thread Charles Goyard

Billy Stiltner wrote:
> I've been trying to get a low latency with pd 04.25 in puredyne 9.10
> with an NVidia HDA audio card.
> With Jack there is bad glitching.

If you have some messages about xruns then either jack is badly setup,
or your computer is not fast enough. However puredyne is supposed to do
things correctly.

Try running things as root: it might just be a priority setting that
fails as a normal user.

> The patch I'm testing with runs great on Windows Vista using ASIO for
> all and latency in PD set to 50 ms.

Anyway 50ms is very bad if you're doing an interactive session.


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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-25 Thread Bernardo Barros
Hi guys,

BTW: How did you measure this on Windows? And on Linux? What kernel
and jack versions? PureDyne is far from an up-to-date distro, as far
as I know.

50ms is a hell of a big latency for playing live, or recording with
monitoring and other kind of user cases.
But it all depends of what you want to do... :-)

I get 4ms here (ThinkPad laptop / intel i7 / ArchLinux), but higher
the latency less changes of xruns. So if I don't really need this
short latency I can set a little higher to ensure no xruns.

The word is that kernel 2.6.39 will have most of the rt patch
features, so things seems to improve very fast.

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-25 Thread Billy Stiltner
Do you mean from a terminal startup pd and jack with sudo or to
actually log on to the system as root from startup? I don't know how
to do that besides running the recovery startup. Linux has changed in
the last 15 years. I did try changing the runlevel of the timers and
sound card IRQ as well as adding myself to the sound group on another
installation and still had the same problem.

I guess I should have said performance is better on vista than
puredyne with said latency settings. I did not actually measure
latency.  The audio does not drop out with latency set at 50ms on
vista but does with puredyne.  2.6.31-9-rt is the kernel i'm using.
Yes 50ms is bad for rt performance that is why I'm trying to get this
working with linux. It is impossible it seems with vista to get the
latency any lower. It is crazy 10 years ago latency was not an issue
with 10 times slower machines.  The current processor is an AMD
Sempron LE 1250 at 2.2GHz.

Thanks and Thanks

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-25 Thread Charles Goyard
Billy Stiltner wrote:
> Charles,
> Do you mean from a terminal startup pd and jack with sudo

yes sudo will do.

I also would recommend trying Archlinux, which is really up-to-date. But
as they say that's no picnic.

> It is impossible it seems with vista to get the latency any lower.

Try using another driver. It seems in some cases the directX driver
gives better results than Asio. Just try every driver in turn. That's
what I did on a old Pentium4 running XP with a low-end terratec sound
card: Asio gives 40ms, directX gives 12ms.  Go figure...

good luck !

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-25 Thread Bernardo Barros
Some general and useful hints:

==> Install up-to-date kernel ( or the last rt-patch (still 2.6.33)

==> Install up-to-date JACK (jack1 or jack2, try both and see -- jack2
has support for multi-core)

==> Edit the /etc/security/limits.conf to allow you (user) to have rt

@audio  softcpu unlimited
@audio  -   rtprio100
@audio  -   memlock  unlimited

And add yourself to the audio group.

==> Use this script to help you check other realtime related configurations:


Hope that helps!

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-25 Thread Bernardo Barros
2011/3/25 Bernardo Barros :
> ==> Edit the /etc/security/limits.conf to allow you (user) to have rt
> priviledges
> @audio          soft    cpu             unlimited
> @audio          -       rtprio            100
> @audio          -       memlock      unlimited
> And add yourself to the audio group.

Forgot to say: NEVER start anything (jack, pd etc...) as root, it's
not safe. This configuration above is enough.

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-25 Thread Billy Stiltner
> Try using another driver. It seems in some cases the directX driver
> gives better results than Asio. Just try every driver in turn. That's
> what I did on a old Pentium4 running XP with a low-end terratec sound
> card: Asio gives 40ms, directX gives 12ms.  Go figure...
> good luck !
> --
> Charlot

With the directx drivers selected audio drops out till latency is set
to 150ms. even midi glitches till then.
I didn't think that Vista used directx drivers but evidently there is
some kind of directx layer in there.

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-25 Thread Billy Stiltner
On 3/25/11, Bernardo Barros  wrote:
> 2011/3/25 Billy Stiltner :
>>  2.6.31-9-rt is the kernel i'm using.
> Damn! This is really really really old kernel!! Try a recent one!
> I'm using last rt patch is 2.6.33-rt30 I guess.
> People reported similar results with those two.
> 2.6.39 is expected to be a good one for audio, with more rt features.
> Why don't you try a distro like Ubuntu (you can add the puredyne repo
> then), or Fedora etc.. ?

I do have ubuntu studio 10.10 installed on another partition and it
has the exact same problem.
The lspci reports the same Nvidia driver.
How do I point synaptics to the puredyne repository from Ubuntu
Studio? Also how do I point puredyne to a repository to upgrade the

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-25 Thread Billy Stiltner
>> ==> Edit the /etc/security/limits.conf to allow you (user) to have rt
>> priviledges
>> @audio  softcpu unlimited
>> @audio  -   rtprio100
>> @audio  -   memlock  unlimited
>> And add yourself to the audio group.
> Forgot to say: NEVER start anything (jack, pd etc...) as root, it's
> not safe. This configuration above is enough.

I did try something similar but with cpu at 95 I think  and memlock at
30% of ram. still same glitching. once I get the glitching to stop
when pd window is open I will mess around with that. again. I guess If
I set cpu to unlimited I will have to catch the cpu overload in pd and
stop dsp.

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-25 Thread Bernardo Barros
2011/3/25 Billy Stiltner :
> Studio? Also how do I point puredyne to a repository to upgrade the
> kernel?

I know that PureDyne is based on Ubuntu too, so you're using Ubuntu,
and you can use Ubuntu packages. If they don't provide you packages
you can search for a ppa, that are in fact independent packages and
repositories hosted in lauchpad. I'm sure you can find there audio and
kernel packages:


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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-25 Thread Bernardo Barros
2011/3/25 Billy Stiltner :
> I did try something similar but with cpu at 95 I think  and memlock at
> 30% of ram. still same glitching. once I get the glitching to stop
> when pd window is open I will mess around with that. again. I guess If
> I set cpu to unlimited I will have to catch the cpu overload in pd and
> stop dsp.

Ooops. Recent Ubuntu changed that, it's not in limits.conf anymore.
When you install JACK Ubuntu creates a "audio.conf" file. I think if
you use Ubuntu 10.10 just installing jack does the cofiguration for

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-25 Thread Charles Goyard
Does the glitches occur with other software ? Since you have a Windows
handy, you could check with a trial version of maxmsp or . If you
can reproduce the same/lame results, then pd is out of cause.

Also maybe the nvidia soundcard is just a piece of sh*t :) ?

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-25 Thread Billy Stiltner
Thanks Bernardo

Possibly so.

I wonder if I install the SB live if it will be autodetected. and the
drivers are allready a part of the kernel or will I have to patch the
kernel or something then reinstall all the audio software. At least I
would determine if it is the soundcard or sound card drivers or not.

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-25 Thread Billy Stiltner
>From Vista I was just able to set the latency to 12ms in pd 042.5
vanilla without loading any extra libraries besides the moog~filter
from ggee and this did not have any audio dropouts.  This is without

I will try this same thing with the same patch in Uuntu Studio 10.10.

Earlier I noticed from puredyne that whenever the audio glitches the
cpu% jumps to 1% instead of 0 for soundcard IRQ process. I tried
setting the priority of pd and pdgui to -10 and this seemed to help a
bit. Maybe I need to adjust the buffers for ALSA to match the buffers
of ASIO for ALL. which is set at 512bytes with a buffer offset of 4ms.

On 3/25/11, Billy Stiltner  wrote:
> Thanks Bernardo
> Charles
> Possibly so.
> I wonder if I install the SB live if it will be autodetected. and the
> drivers are allready a part of the kernel or will I have to patch the
> kernel or something then reinstall all the audio software. At least I
> would determine if it is the soundcard or sound card drivers or not.

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-26 Thread Billy Stiltner
Well with  the stock install of Ubuntu studio 10.10 except for the
graphics accelerator upgrade the audio was still glitching the same as
with 9.10 puredyne. So I done all the upgrades possible and  that
seemed to get the patch running without gem with a 50ms buffer.  There
is no glitching while messing with the guis in pure data like there is
in 9.10 so I'm guessing it's either a window drawing routine or
something to do with alsa or the audio codecs that got upgraded. Now
maybe I can figure out how to tinker with the alsa drivers to lower
the latency.

On 3/25/11, Billy Stiltner  wrote:
> From Vista I was just able to set the latency to 12ms in pd 042.5
> vanilla without loading any extra libraries besides the moog~filter
> from ggee and this did not have any audio dropouts.  This is without
> I will try this same thing with the same patch in Uuntu Studio 10.10.
> Earlier I noticed from puredyne that whenever the audio glitches the
> cpu% jumps to 1% instead of 0 for soundcard IRQ process. I tried
> setting the priority of pd and pdgui to -10 and this seemed to help a
> bit. Maybe I need to adjust the buffers for ALSA to match the buffers
> of ASIO for ALL. which is set at 512bytes with a buffer offset of 4ms.
> On 3/25/11, Billy Stiltner  wrote:
>> Thanks Bernardo
>> Charles
>> Possibly so.
>> I wonder if I install the SB live if it will be autodetected. and the
>> drivers are allready a part of the kernel or will I have to patch the
>> kernel or something then reinstall all the audio software. At least I
>> would determine if it is the soundcard or sound card drivers or not.

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-26 Thread ailo
Sounds like you have an interesting problem with your nvidia sound device.
Is the audio device a part of a graphic card by any chance?
Sounds like the graphics is interferring with the audio device, though
on puredyne the rtirq-init script together with the realtime kernel
should give higher priority to the audio device even when sharing irq
with other devices, if this is the source of your problem.
Perhaps Alsa would be interested to know of this problem? You could
subscribe to their mail list and let them know.

Here are the Creative Labs devices supported by Alsa:

On 03/25/2011 07:42 PM, Billy Stiltner wrote:
> Thanks Bernardo
> Charles
> Possibly so.
> I wonder if I install the SB live if it will be autodetected. and the
> drivers are allready a part of the kernel or will I have to patch the
> kernel or something then reinstall all the audio software. At least I
> would determine if it is the soundcard or sound card drivers or not.
> ___
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> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 
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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-26 Thread Billy Stiltner
On 3/26/11, ailo  wrote:
> Sounds like you have an interesting problem with your nvidia sound device.
> Is the audio device a part of a graphic card by any chance?
> Sounds like the graphics is interferring with the audio device, though
> on puredyne the rtirq-init script together with the realtime kernel
> should give higher priority to the audio device even when sharing irq
> with other devices, if this is the source of your problem.
> Perhaps Alsa would be interested to know of this problem? You could
> subscribe to their mail list and let them know.
> Here are the Creative Labs devices supported by Alsa:
> http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Creative_Labs

Thanks ailo for the link. I'm not sure if the audio card is seperate
from the video and ethernet chip or not but they are all built into
the motherboard. I'm going to look into the machine later. I could not
find any info about the sound device from the computer manufacturere.
Windows just lists the device as HD audio.

Yes I will check the alsa forums. I thought someone else on this list
might have encountered the problem before. It is odd that only
interaction with pd's gui objects causes the glitching and interaction
with other windows does not. I still haven't tracked down the problem.

I think the sound device has it's own irq and is not shared with anything.

I'll have to check the device confiuration in vista and somehow match
it on linux.
I noticed in the pd config file there are settings for which audio
device to use.

On another note I/O latency measured with MAX on Vista is 30 ms. I
guess that is due to the 256 byte framebuffer and ASIO matching it's
buffer to max's. I'm sure it is less with pd. It sure doesn't sound
like 30ms though there is a definite delay when playing with the
example fm synth.

perhaps a rewriting of tcl/tks  gui rendering to use hardware
acceleration would help.

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-26 Thread ailo
If the device is not sharing irq with another device, then there should
be no problems in that regard. Haven't ever heard of your symptoms.

On Linux, if you use jack, PD's ms setting won't make any difference on
audio, only midi. I wouldn't use any lower setting on PD than the lowest
you would use with jack.
To avoid glitches with jack, try using a high frames/period. Also, make
sure you are realtime capable, which should already be prepared on Puredyne.
Could be someone already had you're problem and discussed it on another
mail list. Alsa would be my strongest bet.

On 03/27/2011 12:19 AM, Billy Stiltner wrote:
> On 3/26/11, ailo  wrote:
>> Sounds like you have an interesting problem with your nvidia sound device.
>> Is the audio device a part of a graphic card by any chance?
>> Sounds like the graphics is interferring with the audio device, though
>> on puredyne the rtirq-init script together with the realtime kernel
>> should give higher priority to the audio device even when sharing irq
>> with other devices, if this is the source of your problem.
>> Perhaps Alsa would be interested to know of this problem? You could
>> subscribe to their mail list and let them know.
>> Here are the Creative Labs devices supported by Alsa:
>> http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Creative_Labs
> Thanks ailo for the link. I'm not sure if the audio card is seperate
> from the video and ethernet chip or not but they are all built into
> the motherboard. I'm going to look into the machine later. I could not
> find any info about the sound device from the computer manufacturere.
> Windows just lists the device as HD audio.
> Yes I will check the alsa forums. I thought someone else on this list
> might have encountered the problem before. It is odd that only
> interaction with pd's gui objects causes the glitching and interaction
> with other windows does not. I still haven't tracked down the problem.
> I think the sound device has it's own irq and is not shared with anything.
> I'll have to check the device confiuration in vista and somehow match
> it on linux.
> I noticed in the pd config file there are settings for which audio
> device to use.
> On another note I/O latency measured with MAX on Vista is 30 ms. I
> guess that is due to the 256 byte framebuffer and ASIO matching it's
> buffer to max's. I'm sure it is less with pd. It sure doesn't sound
> like 30ms though there is a definite delay when playing with the
> example fm synth.
> perhaps a rewriting of tcl/tks  gui rendering to use hardware
> acceleration would help.
> ___
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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-27 Thread Billy Stiltner
I found this to test if it is indeed a tcl/tk problem


I was looking into doing the same thing myself and found juce

I don't see what the problem with c++ is.

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-27 Thread Billy Stiltner
I actually tried a smaller patch on both ubuntu studio 10.10 as well
as puredyne 9.10.
On both systems the audio was flawless using a 6ms buffer in pd.

 So there is nothing wrong with my audio setup.

But still the larger patch that runs fine on windows with 50ms buffer
will not run without glitching with jack on either linux system.

There is a difference in gem's default video codec between linux and
windows. However I have tried the patch without even loading gem.

What else could be the difference between linux and windows with pd?

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-28 Thread Billy Stiltner
pd-l2ork didn't help anything. Well maybe a little with Alsa but
couldn't get jack to run with it at all.

On 3/27/11, Billy Stiltner  wrote:
> I actually tried a smaller patch on both ubuntu studio 10.10 as well
> as puredyne 9.10.
> On both systems the audio was flawless using a 6ms buffer in pd.
>  So there is nothing wrong with my audio setup.
> But still the larger patch that runs fine on windows with 50ms buffer
> will not run without glitching with jack on either linux system.
> There is a difference in gem's default video codec between linux and
> windows. However I have tried the patch without even loading gem.
> What else could be the difference between linux and windows with pd?

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-28 Thread Billy Stiltner
On 3/28/11, yvan volochine  wrote:
> On 03/28/2011 01:22 AM, Billy Stiltner wrote:
>> I actually tried a smaller patch on both ubuntu studio 10.10 as well
>> as puredyne 9.10.
>> On both systems the audio was flawless using a 6ms buffer in pd.
>>   So there is nothing wrong with my audio setup.
>> But still the larger patch that runs fine on windows with 50ms buffer
>> will not run without glitching with jack on either linux system.
>> There is a difference in gem's default video codec between linux and
>> windows. However I have tried the patch without even loading gem.
>> What else could be the difference between linux and windows with pd?
> not with pd but there certainly are some differences in how the OS
> handles your hardware.
> IIUC you're getting into troubles as soon as the graphics are involved
> in your patch ? your internal soundcard is Nvidia as well as your
> graphic card, therefore my idea of trying with an external soundcard so
> Nvidia chip takes care of graphics only (not sure if that makes sense,
> coffee mode here).
> anyway, I wouldn't trust Nvidia for anything else than graphics but
> maybe that's just me
> 0.02 €
> _y
yvan, thanks for the suggestion. I will have to try that. I noticed
that both my sound card and SATA controller are both on IRQ 23 with
Puredyne. This is not so with windows. Possibly this explains the
problem. Allthough the glitching occurs when no file writing is
happening the patch does prepare some files to be written to at
startup.  The SATA controller is managed by Nvidia as well as the
sound card. The audio chip(realtek) is separate from the Video and pci
controller. I have not seen mention of the Realtek drivers for linux.
So I will try to find out how to get Linux to use a differen't IRQ for
the SATA controller and see if that does the trick. I don't think the
BIOS allows for manually setting the IRQs of PCI devices but does
offer the reserving of IRQs or assigning them to ISA devices. This
discussion is getting off topic of PD but I would really like to use
PD with Linux on this machine. I'm probably better off deleting the
linux partitions though.

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-28 Thread Bernardo Barros

Did you try the recent rtirq deamon script? There was a recent update
this month.
Do you have problems just with PD? And pd without gui?

Hope you find the solution!

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-30 Thread joel silvestre
Just in case, do you run pd with the rt flag?


Le lundi 28 mars 2011 à 22:02 -0400, Billy Stiltner a écrit :
> On 3/28/11, yvan volochine  wrote:
> > On 03/28/2011 01:22 AM, Billy Stiltner wrote:
> >> I actually tried a smaller patch on both ubuntu studio 10.10 as well
> >> as puredyne 9.10.
> >> On both systems the audio was flawless using a 6ms buffer in pd.
> >>
> >>   So there is nothing wrong with my audio setup.
> >>
> >> But still the larger patch that runs fine on windows with 50ms buffer
> >> will not run without glitching with jack on either linux system.
> >>
> >> There is a difference in gem's default video codec between linux and
> >> windows. However I have tried the patch without even loading gem.
> >>
> >> What else could be the difference between linux and windows with pd?
> >
> > not with pd but there certainly are some differences in how the OS
> > handles your hardware.
> > IIUC you're getting into troubles as soon as the graphics are involved
> > in your patch ? your internal soundcard is Nvidia as well as your
> > graphic card, therefore my idea of trying with an external soundcard so
> > Nvidia chip takes care of graphics only (not sure if that makes sense,
> > coffee mode here).
> > anyway, I wouldn't trust Nvidia for anything else than graphics but
> > maybe that's just me
> >
> > 0.02 €
> > _y
> >
> yvan, thanks for the suggestion. I will have to try that. I noticed
> that both my sound card and SATA controller are both on IRQ 23 with
> Puredyne. This is not so with windows. Possibly this explains the
> problem. Allthough the glitching occurs when no file writing is
> happening the patch does prepare some files to be written to at
> startup.  The SATA controller is managed by Nvidia as well as the
> sound card. The audio chip(realtek) is separate from the Video and pci
> controller. I have not seen mention of the Realtek drivers for linux.
> So I will try to find out how to get Linux to use a differen't IRQ for
> the SATA controller and see if that does the trick. I don't think the
> BIOS allows for manually setting the IRQs of PCI devices but does
> offer the reserving of IRQs or assigning them to ISA devices. This
> discussion is getting off topic of PD but I would really like to use
> PD with Linux on this machine. I'm probably better off deleting the
> linux partitions though.
> ___
> Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> 
> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-30 Thread Billy Stiltner
On 3/30/11, joel silvestre  wrote:
> Just in case, do you run pd with the rt flag?
> Joël


Thanks for thinking of that.
I'm thinking it is a hardware problem or some kind of kernel configuration.
I sent my patch to someone and it ran with smooth audio and  a very
low cpu load.
Cpu load on my machine goes up to 73% or so on UBUNTU studio 10.10.
The cpu load is very high with that linux at all times. It is the
opposite with windows cpu load is normally low and memory use is high.
Could be the power settings in linux. I have not messed with the power

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Re: [PD] pd latency on puredyne 9.10 with Nvidia HDA

2011-03-31 Thread Billy Stiltner
Ok this is crazy I changed the priority of pd, pdgui, and jackd to -20
and the audio doe's not glitch now and there are no dropouts with
Ubuntu Studio 10.10. Still working on puredyne. but a big duh to me.
Ubuntu still has some cpu issues though. The cpu usage is really high.
probably the power management settings. Thanks everyone for your help
it is  very much appreciated.

On 3/30/11, Billy Stiltner  wrote:
> On 3/30/11, joel silvestre  wrote:
>> Just in case, do you run pd with the rt flag?
>> Joël
> Sometimes
> Thanks for thinking of that.
> I'm thinking it is a hardware problem or some kind of kernel configuration.
> I sent my patch to someone and it ran with smooth audio and  a very
> low cpu load.
> Cpu load on my machine goes up to 73% or so on UBUNTU studio 10.10.
> The cpu load is very high with that linux at all times. It is the
> opposite with windows cpu load is normally low and memory use is high.
> Could be the power settings in linux. I have not messed with the power
> settings.

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