Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-09 Thread Frank Barknecht
Steffen hat gesagt: // Steffen wrote:

> >>  And therefore that the information in a block is available
> >> to the program to process. Which also means that after that block has
> >> been processes the information is not longer available. Is that true?
> >
> >
> > i am afraid, i couldn't fully follow.
> What i was thinking about is the information in each block, ie the  
> samples in each block are forgotten about when the computation/DSP of  
> that block is done. 

Yes, it's gone then. But so are messages. Btw.: the [tabsend~] and
[tabreceive~] objects directly operate on the sample blocks we're
talking about here, as does the [print~] object, so if you want to see
or influence what's happening in a block, use these.

> I'm guessing this, since some object, i guess  
> again, depends on the block size, that is the samples in the block.  
> For example if one wants to compute some mean value. - Does the block  
> size then become the 'window' size, where window is used as the  
> theoretical term in DSP?

You mean "window" as in for example a FFT? Yes, that is equivalent to the
block in Pd.

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-09 Thread Steffen
First of all thanks for all the elaborate explanations. They are all  
greatly appreciated!

On 08/05/2007, at 20.06, Roman Haefeli wrote:

> On Tue, 2007-05-08 at 18:37 +0200, Steffen wrote:
>> I understand that decreasing the block size will possible requirer
>> more computation/logical time then there is real time enough to
>> complete.
> what do you mean by computational time? logical time and the time, the
> cpu needs to compute something are not the same.

Sorry. I meant the time it takes to compute the DSP.

>>  And therefore that the information in a block is available
>> to the program to process. Which also means that after that block has
>> been processes the information is not longer available. Is that true?
> i am afraid, i couldn't fully follow.

What i was thinking about is the information in each block, ie the  
samples in each block are forgotten about when the computation/DSP of  
that block is done. I'm guessing this, since some object, i guess  
again, depends on the block size, that is the samples in the block.  
For example if one wants to compute some mean value. - Does the block  
size then become the 'window' size, where window is used as the  
theoretical term in DSP?

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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-09 Thread Frank Barknecht
marius schebella hat gesagt: // marius schebella wrote:

> does this all make sense?
> smaller blocksizes give you the possibility to handle messages in even 
> shorter time intervals, bigger blocksizes may help to declick for 
> example when you write to arrays. [for some objects blocksize is even 
> more important (fft~, tabsend~).]

I think, it may be easier to explain this from a practical point of
view. I'll give it a shot: 

* First axiom: Pd's messages are deterministic, also in time. 

What does this mean? All messages *inside* of Pd are handled with
(almost) complete accuracy. If you have a bang going through a [del
0.3] and going through [del 0.299] then you can be sure that Pd
triggers the 0.299-bang 0.001 msec before the 0.3-bang, regardless of
what your blocksize or so is. It would be terrible and lead to lots of
nasty errors if you couldn't rely on Pd to schedule events in that

* Second axiom: The GUI is updated or polled less often. 

It would be a complete waste of ressources to update the GUI or poll
GUI elements for changes every sample or every 1/44100 seconds. So
currently events coming from the GUI are only read once every 64
samples. This interval also is independent from the blocksize! You can
check this with attached patch by setting the blocksize to some really
big value like 23 seconds and bang the [random 8]: You don't have to
wait 23 seconds to get the result. Also with the [timer] object in
that patch you can see the quantization of GUI messages to
64 samples. 

* Third axiom: Converting between messages and signals is tricky.

As you've explained so well, DSP signals in Pd are calculated in
blocks of several samples in one go. Normally 64 samples are one such
block, but even with a blocksize of only 1 sample it would be tricky
to convert messages to signals correctly, because even one sample
takes a certain time (1/SR seconds) to compute. 

Generally DSP objects calculate a complete block and cannot react to
messages in between that time. The messages themselves are scheduled
correctly (Axiom 1) it's just that most DSP objects don't listen for
messages during their computation time. 

Some DSP objects however actually can react quicker than a block:
[vline~] and [vsnapshot~] are the prime examples. They use a little
trick to do so: While they still calculate a full block in advance
like everyone~ else, they "know" beforehand when messages are
scheduled to reach them possibly in the middle of such a block and
they calculate their sample block with these "future" messages in

This is possible for messages, that are scheduled to be send at some
future point in time. For example a [metro] generates this kind of
message: When a [metro 500] bangs, it also instructs Pd to bang again
after 500ms. [vline~] then can ask Pd: "Are there any messages scheduled
for me during the next block?" and because Pd knows about that
scheduled [metro]-bang, it can tell [vline~]: "Yes, there is one bang
waiting for you 0.526 msec into the next block. Please take this into

The normal [line~] object doesn't ask Pd about such scheduled messages
and as such is faster to compute. If you just need to declick some
value from a slider, then you can just use [line~] instead of [vline~]
because slider events don't happen faster than 64 samples anyway. But
if you build a drum machine that is driven by [metro] , you should
really use [vline~] to get a drumset, that is not only good enough for
acousmatic music, but also good enough for Jazz, as Eric Lyon once put it.

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-09 Thread Frank Barknecht
Frank Barknecht hat gesagt: // Frank Barknecht wrote:

> This interval also is independent from the blocksize! You can
> check this with attached patch

Now you can...

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-08 Thread Roman Haefeli
On Tue, 2007-05-08 at 18:37 +0200, Steffen wrote:

> Marius also ends out with some explanation of the 'block' concept. I  
> think that what i don't really get.
> I understand that decreasing the block size will possible requirer  
> more computation/logical time then there is real time enough to  
> complete.

what do you mean by computational time? logical time and the time, the
cpu needs to compute something are not the same. 

>  And therefore that the information in a block is available  
> to the program to process. Which also means that after that block has  
> been processes the information is not longer available. Is that true?

i am afraid, i couldn't fully follow. i'll try to explain it in my own
words and hope that i don't tell too much rubbish, cause this is only
what i assume, how things are:

a block is a number of numbers, in pd these numbers are 32bit floats.
the usual blocksize is 64samples(=floats). audio signals are passed
blockwise between tilde-objects, that means a tilde-object receives 64
floats on its inlet, then processes  all 64 samples and then sends them
to its outlet. this happens each tick for the whole dsp tree. each tick,
a whole block is processed by the first object, then passed to the next
object, processed by this object, passed to the next and so on.
i assume, the cpu overhead, when decreasing the blocksize, comes from
the communication between the tilde objects. if the packagesize is
smaller, more packages need to be passed to process the same amount of
data in the same time, so more exchanges between tilde objects are
every tick, the 'message tree' is processed as well. so, in logical
time, messages always 'happen' at block boundaries. for example, when a
number is sent to the left inlet of an [osc~], the [osc~] changes its
frequency exactly on the blocksize boundaries. so, in logical time,
messages take effect only every 1.45ms (when running pd at 44100Hz). in
real time, you can't tell when exactly something is processed, it can
vary between immediately and the maximum of your soundcard buffer
setting. the sound card reads the samples from the buffer at a fixed
rate (the samplingrate), whereas pd does fill it at a speed, that
depends on the cpuload. although pd does compute things at nondefined
times, the output (of your soundcard) seems well timed, because pd puts
the samples in the right order into the buffer.   
> What is a block, what's in it, what properties does it have. Is a  
> block a sample or is a block made out of a number (being the block  
> size) of samples? And also Jamie's question: what does the 'v' stand  
> for?

i think, in [vd~], it stands for 'variable' (delay). i don't know, what
it means in [vline~] and [vsnapshot~], vector maybe, because the
messages, they receive can have an effect within the vector
(read:block), not only on block boundaries. these two objects are
special, because when they receive a message, that was initally
triggered by a [del] or a [metro], it has an effect within the block,
because the messages generated by [del][metro] are tagged with some
timestamp (is that correct?), so that [vsnapshot~]/[vline~] know, for
which exact time they are meant to be executed.

if i understood IOhannes correctly, he said, that other 'translations'
from pd to the 'real' world beside sending data to an audiocard cannot
be timed accurately, since they lack a fixed rate, like an audiocard has
it. for example, if you are talking to an arduino board, it will process
the data as soon as it gets it. so if the cpu load is currently a bit
higher, it will get the data probably a bit later, than when cpu load is
small (is that right, IOhannes?).
let's say i am running pd with a buffer of 100ms and the patch switches
often between high and low cpu-load (for example it does load some
audiofiles into arrays from time to time). would that mean, the maximum
jitter of the arduino outputs is 100ms, although i don't have any
dropouts in the audio? is that correct?


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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-08 Thread marius schebella
what happens in a block cycle?

first all dsp computation is done, then all new messaging is handled:

usually 64 samples of digital (audio) signal are blocked together.
so lets say you have a line~ object that received a message [0, 1 10( 
before the new block started. so that is executed beginning with the 
first sample of the block cycle. lets say the line~ is directly 
connected to an [dac~] object. so there is a buffer of 64 samples and 
the first of these samples is filled with 0. then (still dsp 
computations...) the next value of line is calculated, which will be 
dependend on the sample rate settings (let's say 44.1k) so 1 sample is 
1/44.1 ms, which will give the next rampvalue of 0.00227 (you will reach 
"1" after 441 samples).
in this way 64 samples are written to the buffer. 0, 0.00454, 0.00680...
during all these calculations no new messages are handled. [v messages 
have a slightly different behaviour here] finally (that is varying 
depending on the sound card driver and operating system you are using) 
this buffer goes to the soundcard.
THEN: after all that dsp stuff is done, the messaging process is turned 
on. interface events (even if they are received and saved during dsp 
computation) will only have effect for the beginning of the next block. 
the whole messaging process will set a lot of new values that will 
interact with the next dsp computations. for example our line object 
might receive new values...

does this all make sense?
smaller blocksizes give you the possibility to handle messages in even 
shorter time intervals, bigger blocksizes may help to declick for 
example when you write to arrays. [for some objects blocksize is even 
more important (fft~, tabsend~).]


Steffen wrote:

> I understand that decreasing the block size will possible requirer  
> more computation/logical time then there is real time enough to  
> complete. And therefore that the information in a block is available  
> to the program to process. Which also means that after that block has  
> been processes the information is not longer available. Is that true?  
> What is a block, what's in it, what properties does it have. Is a  
> block a sample or is a block made out of a number (being the block  
> size) of samples? And also Jamie's question: what does the 'v' stand  
> for?
> I suspect there is some digital music fundamentals that I'm lacking.
> Thanks for your patients, all of you.
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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-08 Thread Steffen

On 08/05/2007, at 14.36, Roman Haefeli wrote:

> i think, i understood, what IOhannes explained,

I'm sorry i wasn't cleat about what i didn't understand. By "this  
discussion" i mean to refer not only to IOhannes mail but the whole  

"Confusion Is Sex", they say. So i guess it's not necessarily a bad  

> but this is more an issue of concepts than of code itself, i think.

I think so too. Hence my map example.

> is it the difference between logical time and real time ?

No not really. And Marius gave a good shot explaining that.

Marius also ends out with some explanation of the 'block' concept. I  
think that what i don't really get.

I understand that decreasing the block size will possible requirer  
more computation/logical time then there is real time enough to  
complete. And therefore that the information in a block is available  
to the program to process. Which also means that after that block has  
been processes the information is not longer available. Is that true?  
What is a block, what's in it, what properties does it have. Is a  
block a sample or is a block made out of a number (being the block  
size) of samples? And also Jamie's question: what does the 'v' stand  

I suspect there is some digital music fundamentals that I'm lacking.

Thanks for your patients, all of you.

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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-08 Thread marius schebella
Steffen wrote:
> On 08/05/2007, at 9.19, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
>> because they do not interface with the world outside.
> I feel that i don't interface with "the world" inside. I would  
> greatly appreciate if someone would translate the scope of this  
> discussion into noobish.

think of it as Pd being a tool also used for non realtime renderings. in 
fact it is possible that Pd renders everything to a soundfile and not to 
the sound card.
so if you have very complicated computation which cannot be done in real 
time because the cpu is not fast enough, that data would still be 
written to the soundfile without clicks. and that is because pd has its 
internal predictable time. if you want to trigger a message with 1000 
milliseconds delay then you want to use the internal time measurement. 
for example if you load a 2 hours soundfile into a buffer in the first 
millisecond and start playing it that usually would cause Pd to clip and 
that is because it takes a while until the sound file is written to the 
buffer. Pd cannot continue with its internal measurement until all 
messages are finished executing. that is an example where internal time 
and world time would drift.
the internal time is cut into pieces of 64 samples (at 44.1 khz sampling 
rate that is 1.6 ms). then the samples are sent to the soundcard 
(clocked by the soundcard) and then the next rendercycle of 64 samples 

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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-08 Thread Roman Haefeli
On Tue, 2007-05-08 at 13:12 +0200, Steffen wrote:
> On 08/05/2007, at 9.19, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
> > because they do not interface with the world outside.
> I feel that i don't interface with "the world" inside. I would  
> greatly appreciate if someone would translate the scope of this  
> discussion into noobish.
> I sense that it's not that hard to grasp the scope once getting the  
> 'aahh' experience. Like when you look at a map (of the world, you  
> thought) but can't find out what part you are looking at and think  
> "this is a fictive map" until some kind soul points and says "that  
> bit is water, the other is land". (I've tried that, it very  
> embarrassing but then thats ruled out...)
> Or just ignore this email.

i think, i understood, what IOhannes explained, though i am not a coder.
but this is more an issue of concepts than of code itself, i think.
before i give it another try to explain, i would like to know, what
exactly you did not understand. could you elaborate that a bit more (if
that's possible for you, of course)?  i mean, is it the difference
between logical time and real time ?


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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-08 Thread Frank Barknecht
IOhannes m zmoelnig hat gesagt: // IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

> unfortunately i am not very good at explaining things in simple words;
> anyone else wants togive it a try?

Pd is nirvana, comport is the harsh reality.

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-08 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig
Steffen wrote:
> On 08/05/2007, at 9.19, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
>> because they do not interface with the world outside.
> I feel that i don't interface with "the world" inside. I would  
> greatly appreciate if someone would translate the scope of this  
> discussion into noobish.

sorry if i confused anybody.
unfortunately i am not very good at explaining things in simple words;
anyone else wants togive it a try?


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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-08 Thread Steffen

On 08/05/2007, at 9.19, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

> because they do not interface with the world outside.

I feel that i don't interface with "the world" inside. I would  
greatly appreciate if someone would translate the scope of this  
discussion into noobish.

I sense that it's not that hard to grasp the scope once getting the  
'aahh' experience. Like when you look at a map (of the world, you  
thought) but can't find out what part you are looking at and think  
"this is a fictive map" until some kind soul points and says "that  
bit is water, the other is land". (I've tried that, it very  
embarrassing but then thats ruled out...)

Or just ignore this email.

Best, Steffen

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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-08 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig
Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Hallo,

> Objects like [delay] or [metro] produce these clock-delayed messages.
> They register their clocks with Pd's main scheduler using
> clock_new(...) and then order the scheduler to generate the
> clock-delayed messages like the metro-bangs using clock_delay(). The
> actual output of [delay], [metro] etc. then is initiated by the
> scheduler which calls the registered clock methods: delay_tick(),
> metro_tick(),...
> However I must admit, I'm not sure how this relates to comport and if
> comport should also register its port-writing-method with a clock and
> let the scheduler "tick" the clock and initiate the writing and if
> that could get rid of the jitter you mentioned. 

no, this won't work.

[metro] is arbitrarily accurate within pd-land: here we deal with
"logical" time, where the execution of a message (and everything it
triggers directly) is happening in zero-time by definition.

in the world outside, there is no "logical" time, there is only the
"real" time, where the execution of messages takes some cpu-cycles and
thus real time.

messages are dealt with during dsp-cycles (in fact, dsp-cycles are dealt
with in between msg-cycles; this is why a message-overload can lead to
click, when one dsp-cycle has to be dropped).

in "real" time messages are executed in bursts, but for each message in
the burst the "logical" time will be correctly set.

this is all fine as long as you don't have to deal with the world outside:
the only place where this is handled somehow correctly is with audio: pd
writes the samples (who live in "logical" time land) into a buffer; the
soundcard reads this buffer in sync with the "real" time.
as long as the 2 time references are roughly in synch everything goes
well; when they get badly out of synch (drift>buffersize), you will get

when dealing with other world outside interfaces (e.g. parallel/serial
port), there might be no such mechanism: whenever some data is sent to
the port (regardless of the "logical" time) it is visible "on the other
side in "real" time; this might appear in bursts and have a jitter.
the only way to overcome this is to create a buffer that synchs the two
time references.

a simple way to do this is to just overdrive the port a little bit, so
that your operating system's port buffer is always filled.

> At least "normal" objects like [float] don't do any funky clock-stuff
> and still don't disturb the correct timing of clock-delayed messages.

because they do not interface with the world outside.


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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-07 Thread martin.peach
> Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Hallo,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] hat gesagt: // [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > [metro] is very accurate over time, it just has a jitter as the
> > bangs have to happen in between sample blocks
> What do you mean by this "bangs have to happen in between sample
> blocks"? The bangs from metro AFAIK happen independent from the sample
> blocks.

I think the bangs are independent but they don't get processed until any 
pending samples have been dealt with.
That was the impression I got when testing [comport] by setting the DTR pin 
using [metro]: there is always a jitter of a few milliseconds. Maybe it's the 
OS that causes the jitter, but it was about the same on WinXP and linux.
Also looking at the pd code, as far as I could follow it, the control signals 
seem to be processed in between signal blocks, so that, for instance, a metro 
bang that happens in the middle of a signal block will not be processed until 
after that block, so yes, the metro can tick whenever it wants but the bang 
won't occur until after the current sample block has been processed. If it 
happens to tick in between sample blocks then the bang will happen at the 
correct time.


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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-07 Thread Frank Barknecht
[EMAIL PROTECTED] hat gesagt: // [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > Frank Barknecht wrote:
> > I think, it's comport's fault: [metro] generates clock-delayed
> > messages. These are like messages tagged with a time-stamp
> > referring to Pd's internal clock. However an object needs to
> > actually use the time-stamps and "look at the clock" to see what
> > time it is. Objects like [vline~] or [delay] do this, but comport
> > doesn't.

(Actually I may be wrong here: Maybe comport doesn't need to do
anything about this, as it's not a dsp-object. But read on.)

> Well that's interesting! How does one access these timestamps? I
> thought a bang has no associated info.

Well, there are no "real" timestamps attached to a bang-message. But
Pd has a clock running (actually many, sync'd to the main scheduler
clock), and objects that want to know the current time a message
arrives, need to look at the clock. 

vsnapshot~ for example (d_ctl.c) seems to do it like this: In its
dsp-perform routine, which is called every sample block, it stores the
current time with "x->x_time = clock_getlogicaltime();" Then in the
bang-routine, vsnapshot~ uses "int indx =
clock_gettimesince(x->x_time) * x->x_sampspermsec;" to calculate the
correct index into the incoming sample block from the difference
between the time stored previously and the current time. This is what
I meant with "looking at the clock".

Objects like [delay] or [metro] produce these clock-delayed messages.
They register their clocks with Pd's main scheduler using
clock_new(...) and then order the scheduler to generate the
clock-delayed messages like the metro-bangs using clock_delay(). The
actual output of [delay], [metro] etc. then is initiated by the
scheduler which calls the registered clock methods: delay_tick(),

However I must admit, I'm not sure how this relates to comport and if
comport should also register its port-writing-method with a clock and
let the scheduler "tick" the clock and initiate the writing and if
that could get rid of the jitter you mentioned. 

At least "normal" objects like [float] don't do any funky clock-stuff
and still don't disturb the correct timing of clock-delayed messages.

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-07 Thread martin.peach
> Frank Barknecht wrote:
> I think, it's comport's fault: [metro] generates clock-delayed
> messages. These are like messages tagged with a time-stamp referring
> to Pd's internal clock. However an object needs to actually use the
> time-stamps and "look at the clock" to see what time it is. Objects
> like [vline~] or [delay] do this, but comport doesn't.

Well that's interesting! How does one access these timestamps? I thought a bang 
has no associated info. Or are you referring to a [metro~]?


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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-07 Thread Frank Barknecht
[EMAIL PROTECTED] hat gesagt: // [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I think the bangs are independent but they don't get processed until any 
> pending samples have been dealt with.
> That was the impression I got when testing [comport] by setting the DTR pin 
> using [metro]: there is always a jitter of a few milliseconds. Maybe it's the 
> OS that causes the jitter, but it was about the same on WinXP and linux.

I think, it's comport's fault: [metro] generates clock-delayed
messages. These are like messages tagged with a time-stamp referring
to Pd's internal clock. However an object needs to actually use the
time-stamps and "look at the clock" to see what time it is. Objects
like [vline~] or [delay] do this, but comport doesn't.

> Also looking at the pd code, as far as I could follow it, the
> control signals seem to be processed in between signal blocks, so
> that, for instance, a metro bang that happens in the middle of a
> signal block will not be processed until after that block, so yes,
> the metro can tick whenever it wants but the bang won't occur until
> after the current sample block has been processed. If it happens to
> tick in between sample blocks then the bang will happen at the
> correct time.

I think, basically that is correct, that's why evaluating the
time-stamps of clock-delayed message is important, if you want to
avoid jitter. 

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-07 Thread Roman Haefeli
On Mon, 2007-05-07 at 20:59 +0200, Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Hallo,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] hat gesagt: // [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > [metro] is very accurate over time, it just has a jitter as the
> > bangs have to happen in between sample blocks
> What do you mean by this "bangs have to happen in between sample
> blocks"? The bangs from metro AFAIK happen independent from the sample
> blocks.

in order to make this discussion more confusing, i say:
afaik, it depends which object receives the bang from the [metro]. when
it is [vline~] or [vsnapshot~], then it is independent from sample
blocks, but when the receiver is the phase inlet of an oscillator or
[tabwrite~], then the bang happens on the boundaries.
personally, i find that a bit confusing and i would like all these
objects to behave the same, namely independent from sample blocks.

the same two cents again


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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-07 Thread Frank Barknecht
[EMAIL PROTECTED] hat gesagt: // [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> [metro] is very accurate over time, it just has a jitter as the
> bangs have to happen in between sample blocks

What do you mean by this "bangs have to happen in between sample
blocks"? The bangs from metro AFAIK happen independent from the sample

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-07 Thread martin.peach
> marius schebella wrote:
> 2) Is it possible to get microsecond accuracy in metro?
> the difference between metro 200 and 200.5 would be one beat per minute. 
> for synchronizing a big difference.
> marius.

[metro] is very accurate over time, it just has a jitter as the bangs have to 
happen in between sample blocks, but if you measure over say one hour the 
timing is very accurate. I can run a hydrogen drum pattern with a pd midi patch 
both running at the same tempo and they stay in sync all day long, (or until 
hydrogen crashes because of its outrageously photorealist gui...I generally run 
with all windows minimized.)


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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-07 Thread Jamie Bullock
On Mon, 2007-05-07 at 16:57 +0200, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
> Roman Haefeli wrote:
> > 
> > what/where is that [vmetro] object from? it is not included in my
> > version of pd 0.40.2. anyway, if i am not mistaken, your patch works
> > also with [metro].
> oh yes, i forgot.
> [vmetro] is just a [metro] replacement based on [delay] so i can use
> small cycles (<1ms); you can safely replace it with [metro].

I've always wondered this: what does the 'v' stand for in [vline~]
[vsnapshot~] etc. ..?


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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-07 Thread Frank Barknecht
marius schebella hat gesagt: // marius schebella wrote:

> two side questions:
> 1) since computers are much faster now than in 1998, would it be 
> possible to change the 64 sample block timing of messages to a block~ 1 
> and use block~ 64 only for talking to the soundcard?

Messages already are faster than [block~ 1]. It's only the conversion
from messages to signals (and the other way around) that's tricky. 

However doing all signal processing at [block~ 1] even today is quite
a burden - and even an unnecessary one in many cases. Just try it.

> 2) Is it possible to get microsecond accuracy in metro?
> the difference between metro 200 and 200.5 would be one beat per minute. 
> for synchronizing a big difference.

metro handles float periods just fine. Try: 

 [metro 200.5]
 [t b b]

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-07 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig
Roman Haefeli wrote:
> what/where is that [vmetro] object from? it is not included in my
> version of pd 0.40.2. anyway, if i am not mistaken, your patch works
> also with [metro].

oh yes, i forgot.
[vmetro] is just a [metro] replacement based on [delay] so i can use
small cycles (<1ms); you can safely replace it with [metro].


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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-07 Thread marius schebella
two side questions:
1) since computers are much faster now than in 1998, would it be 
possible to change the 64 sample block timing of messages to a block~ 1 
and use block~ 64 only for talking to the soundcard?
2) Is it possible to get microsecond accuracy in metro?
the difference between metro 200 and 200.5 would be one beat per minute. 
for synchronizing a big difference.

Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Hallo,
> Roman Haefeli hat gesagt: // Roman Haefeli wrote:
>> it would be very cool, if [snapshot~] and [threshold~] (and maybe
>> others) would provide sample accuracy as well (when triggered by [metro]
> Now I discovered something: Pd (at leat 0.40 up) has a [vsnapshot~]
> object!! It should do what the name hints at: Provide clock-accurate
> sample measurements.
> Unfortunatly simply replacing the lower-right snapshot~ with
> vsnapshot~ didn't get rid of the clicks. Strange ...
> Ciao

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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-07 Thread Roman Haefeli
On Mon, 2007-05-07 at 12:58 +0200, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

> when you send a message to [vline~] it is scheduled to the next
> dsp-block (sample accurateley); the last one is already done
> when you send a message to [vsnapshot~] it operates on the last
> dsp-block; the next one does not yet exist
> this is somehow logical: when you query [vsnapshot~] you do want the
> result immediately (because that's the way how messages are handled in
> pd); the only result it can give you, is that of already known samples.

thanks, it seems logical for me now...

> the only way to overcome this, is by delaying the sampling bang by one
> dsp-block.
> the other thing with the "irregularities" is simpler:
> even when messages have "sub-sample" accuracy, the signal-vectors are
> only sample-accurate.
> so when you read the sample-values of a sawtooth immediately after the
> jump, you will always get different values unless the frequency of your
> ugen is "in sync" with your samplerate.
> see also: shannon's sampling theorem

ah, i see. from what i expected from [vsnapshot~] before, it should have used
some kind of interpolation, that it obviously does not have. now it is
also clear for me, why the discontinuousities grew with higher
frequencies/smaller periods.  

> attached is a modified patch

what/where is that [vmetro] object from? it is not included in my
version of pd 0.40.2. anyway, if i am not mistaken, your patch works
also with [metro].


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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects

2007-05-07 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig
Roman Haefeli wrote:
> i made a little vsnapshot~ test patch. it seems that [vsnapshot~] is not
> working as expected, though it definitely gives other results than
> [snapshot~].

i think it is working as expected but there are 2 things to bear in mind:

> one issue might be introduced by the rounding error of floats. the other
> i cannot explain. vsnapshot~ seems to pick sometimes the wrong value.

[vline~] and [vsnapshot~] do not work exactly alike, because of this
vexed causality

when you send a message to [vline~] it is scheduled to the next
dsp-block (sample accurateley); the last one is already done
when you send a message to [vsnapshot~] it operates on the last
dsp-block; the next one does not yet exist

this is somehow logical: when you query [vsnapshot~] you do want the
result immediately (because that's the way how messages are handled in
pd); the only result it can give you, is that of already known samples.

the only way to overcome this, is by delaying the sampling bang by one

the other thing with the "irregularities" is simpler:
even when messages have "sub-sample" accuracy, the signal-vectors are
only sample-accurate.
so when you read the sample-values of a sawtooth immediately after the
jump, you will always get different values unless the frequency of your
ugen is "in sync" with your samplerate.
see also: shannon's sampling theorem

attached is a modified patch

#N canvas 195 55 722 477 10;
#X floatatom 12 296 0 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 12 279 vsnapshot~;
#X msg 72 206 1;
#X obj 74 236 vmetro 100;
#X msg 42 205 0;
#X msg 13 127 bang;
#X obj 13 103 loadbang;
#X obj 74 255 del;
#X obj 192 226 /;
#X msg 192 207 64 44.1;
#X floatatom 192 247 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 13 226 phasor~;
#X msg 70 90 44100 64;
#X obj 70 113 /;
#X floatatom 70 131 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 13 204 f 10;
#X obj 13 185 t a b;
#X obj 73 184 t b a;
#X msg 119 195 1000 \$1;
#X obj 119 212 /;
#X obj 119 176 f 10;
#X obj 13 156 t a a;
#X obj 192 186 loadbang;
#X connect 1 0 0 0;
#X connect 2 0 3 0;
#X connect 3 0 7 0;
#X connect 4 0 11 1;
#X connect 5 0 21 0;
#X connect 6 0 5 0;
#X connect 7 0 1 0;
#X connect 8 0 10 0;
#X connect 9 0 8 0;
#X connect 10 0 7 1;
#X connect 11 0 1 0;
#X connect 12 0 13 0;
#X connect 13 0 14 0;
#X connect 14 0 21 0;
#X connect 15 0 11 0;
#X connect 16 0 15 0;
#X connect 16 1 4 0;
#X connect 17 0 2 0;
#X connect 17 1 20 0;
#X connect 18 0 19 0;
#X connect 19 0 3 1;
#X connect 20 0 18 0;
#X connect 21 0 16 0;
#X connect 21 1 17 0;
#X connect 22 0 9 0;
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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects (was: Switch and ramp and accurate timing)

2007-05-07 Thread Frank Barknecht
Roman Haefeli hat gesagt: // Roman Haefeli wrote:

> i made a little vsnapshot~ test patch. it seems that [vsnapshot~] is not
> working as expected, though it definitely gives other results than
> [snapshot~].
> one issue might be introduced by the rounding error of floats. the other
> i cannot explain. vsnapshot~ seems to pick sometimes the wrong value.

Hm, yes, that's probably difficult to get right. Attached is my
vnsapshot~ vs. vline~ patch to examine switch-and-ramp more closely. 

It seems, that here's I'm a victim of the dsp tree order: the lower
vline~ generating the ramp is starting a little bit too late. With the
[del] object I found, that the earliest I can see a ramp not equal to
0 is about one blocksize later (1.5 msec). 

Still no idea how to get around that ...

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects (was: Switch and ramp and accurate timing)

2007-05-07 Thread Frank Barknecht
Roman Haefeli hat gesagt: // Roman Haefeli wrote:

> wow, great news again how did you find out about this? it is not
> mentioned in the release notes.

Use the source, Luke: I was considereing to code my own vsnapshot~ and
looked into d_ctl.c where I found, that Miller already did it. ;)

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects (was: Switch and ramp and accurate timing)

2007-05-07 Thread Roman Haefeli
i made a little vsnapshot~ test patch. it seems that [vsnapshot~] is not
working as expected, though it definitely gives other results than
one issue might be introduced by the rounding error of floats. the other
i cannot explain. vsnapshot~ seems to pick sometimes the wrong value.


On Mon, 2007-05-07 at 09:40 +0200, Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Hallo,
> Roman Haefeli hat gesagt: // Roman Haefeli wrote:
> > it would be very cool, if [snapshot~] and [threshold~] (and maybe
> > others) would provide sample accuracy as well (when triggered by [metro]
> Now I discovered something: Pd (at leat 0.40 up) has a [vsnapshot~]
> object!! It should do what the name hints at: Provide clock-accurate
> sample measurements.
> Unfortunatly simply replacing the lower-right snapshot~ with
> vsnapshot~ didn't get rid of the clicks. Strange ...
> Ciao
#N canvas 546 0 366 477 10;
#X floatatom 12 131 0 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 12 109 vsnapshot~;
#X msg 13 53 10;
#X obj 69 79 metro 100;
#X msg 69 56 1;
#X obj 13 76 phasor~;
#X obj 13 20 loadbang;
#X floatatom 12 319 0 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 12 297 vsnapshot~;
#X obj 13 264 phasor~;
#X obj 13 208 loadbang;
#X msg 13 241 50;
#X obj 69 267 metro 20;
#X msg 69 244 1;
#X obj 12 348 t f f;
#X text 7 178 is this the rounding error of floats?;
#X obj 11 373 -;
#X floatatom 11 397 0 0 0 0 - - -;
#X text 10 424 why this discontuinities?;
#X text 9 158 phasor (10Hz) and metro (100ms) do drift apart.;
#X connect 1 0 0 0;
#X connect 2 0 5 0;
#X connect 3 0 1 0;
#X connect 4 0 3 0;
#X connect 5 0 1 0;
#X connect 6 0 2 0;
#X connect 6 0 4 0;
#X connect 7 0 14 0;
#X connect 8 0 7 0;
#X connect 9 0 8 0;
#X connect 10 0 11 0;
#X connect 10 0 13 0;
#X connect 11 0 9 0;
#X connect 12 0 8 0;
#X connect 13 0 12 0;
#X connect 14 0 16 1;
#X connect 14 1 16 0;
#X connect 16 0 17 0;
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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects (was: Switch and ramp and accurate timing)

2007-05-07 Thread Roman Haefeli
On Mon, 2007-05-07 at 09:40 +0200, Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Hallo,
> Roman Haefeli hat gesagt: // Roman Haefeli wrote:
> > it would be very cool, if [snapshot~] and [threshold~] (and maybe
> > others) would provide sample accuracy as well (when triggered by [metro]
> Now I discovered something: Pd (at leat 0.40 up) has a [vsnapshot~]
> object!! It should do what the name hints at: Provide clock-accurate
> sample measurements.

wow, great news again how did you find out about this? it is not
mentioned in the release notes.

> Unfortunatly simply replacing the lower-right snapshot~ with
> vsnapshot~ didn't get rid of the clicks. Strange ...

oh, hm... indeed, strange.


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Re: [PD] accuracy of signal/message-objects (was: Switch and ramp and accurate timing)

2007-05-07 Thread Frank Barknecht
Roman Haefeli hat gesagt: // Roman Haefeli wrote:

> it would be very cool, if [snapshot~] and [threshold~] (and maybe
> others) would provide sample accuracy as well (when triggered by [metro]

Now I discovered something: Pd (at leat 0.40 up) has a [vsnapshot~]
object!! It should do what the name hints at: Provide clock-accurate
sample measurements.

Unfortunatly simply replacing the lower-right snapshot~ with
vsnapshot~ didn't get rid of the clicks. Strange ...

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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