Re: [PD] [openpanel]/[savepanel] directory, [cd]

2008-05-29 Thread hard off
i agree with roman,

but as was mentioned before, the [getdir] external is good if you need to
find the directory of the current patch.
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Re: [PD] [openpanel]/[savepanel] directory, [cd]

2008-05-29 Thread hard off
On a related note, for this release, I made Save As default to the
Home folder (~/), what do people think about that?<<

sounds good to me.
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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc1 released

2008-06-04 Thread hard off
i still get error messages when loading the zexy [>~] [<~ ] objects.
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Re: [PD] Non-transposing delay

2008-06-05 Thread hard off
a made something similar the other week, as andy mentions, you'll get clicks
if you arbitrarily jump from different parts of a sample, but this can be
avoided by hanning window/ block overlap.

my patch is a simple timestretcher for audio files, but i think it could be
easily modified to do delaylines too.

Description: Binary data
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Re: [PD] bug in gop data-structs?

2008-06-18 Thread hard off
i can't use your patch because i don't have the [for] object, but i have had
similar troubles that you described.  i can also only describe it as a bug.
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Re: [PD] Lorenz attractor

2008-06-19 Thread hard off
2) Why does it take 2 bangs to start it?

because only the leftmost inlet of the [expr] object will trigger the
equation.  so you need to use a [trigger] object to send the 'start' bangs
to the right inlets first, and then finally to the left inlet:

like this:

[t b b b b b b b ]
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Re: [PD] Lorenz attractor

2008-06-19 Thread hard off
 1) What is a better method of displaying the output? (the lines always
get erased as the array draws new lines)

arrays in pd only have one y value for each x value.

as far as i know, there are no 'array' clones in pd that allow for multiple
y values.
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Re: [PD] array save contents problem

2008-06-24 Thread hard off
so, you created it as [table] ?  as far as i can tell, it's a bug that you
even get a 'save contents' dialogue if you do that, because the contents
will not be saved.

go into the menu at the top and use put->array

you can then disable the array's GOP capability if you want to save cpu, but
the save function will still work.
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[PD] [pd] where is sssad?

2008-06-27 Thread hard off
i have sssad on my system, so i definitely found it once.

but no matter what i enter into google, i can't find it again.

please help.
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Re: [PD] [pd] where is sssad?

2008-06-28 Thread hard off
great thanks frank
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Re: [PD] better tabread4~

2008-06-28 Thread hard off
legends of the pd-list gag department:


 "We need a state-saving object class named [jesus]."


"this might be the reason why i prefer [lop~] over [cool_filter~] and Pd
over reactor."
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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released

2008-06-28 Thread hard off
10 minutes to load a patch that used to take 10-15 seconds!!

also, a minor bug:

when i first opened the application, i couldn't access the preferences
without opening an untitled patch first.  and then, when i added my
abstractions directory to the paths, pd froze.

i did a 'force quit', and reopened pd, and the new path seems to have been
added ok though.
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Re: [PD] Phase Distortion Patch

2008-06-29 Thread hard off
i did a patch a while back that uses something similar to the phase
distortion algorithm used by casio cz-series synthesizers:
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Re: [PD] Phase Distortion Patch

2008-06-29 Thread hard off
Ugur, here is your original patch with the expr converted into expr~

also, you can get some really cool resonant filter sort of sounds by really
distorting the phase (like 10 times).  i added a slider for that too.

Description: Binary data
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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released

2008-06-29 Thread hard off
hans, i have found the source of my problem.  sorry for not adding this to
the bug-tracker, as i don't check that, but i do check this mailing list

for some totally weird reason, this version of extended won't let me load

i added the path to the sssad folder, and that's no problem.

but when i try to create a sssad object,  the following happens:

pd 'thinks' for about 10 seconds, then the console is bombarded with:

libdir_loader: added 'sssad' to the canvas-local objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'sssad' to the canvas-local objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'sssad' to the canvas-local objectclass path

...about 1000 times, and then finally says:

error: maximum object loading depth 1000 reached
... couldn't create

if i change the name of sssad.pd to anything else ( eg.  sssad2.pd ) then it
loads fine as an abstraction.

if i open the sssad.pd patch by itself, then that also works.

but for some reason, i cannot create [sssad] as an abstraction in another

this is on mac os 10.49 intel
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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released

2008-06-29 Thread hard off
by the way,  if i just type gibberish into an object box (eq.  [brrgghh]  )
then pd only takes about a second to see that as unidentified object and
gives me dotted red lines around the object box.

i have no idea why sssad would be acting this way.
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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released

2008-06-29 Thread hard off
arrghh.  sorry for so many mails.

one more thing:  i did remove my old preference files, so i don't think
that's part of the problem.
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Re: [PD] Phase Distortion Patch

2008-06-29 Thread hard off
yeah, that's really lush now.  great stuff!
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Re: [PD] Phase Distortion Patch

2008-06-29 Thread hard off
...and you can also get some squelchier sounds by increasing those sliders
to a larger range, and playing the phasor~ at lower frequencies.
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Re: [PD] sssad in pd-extended [was: Re: [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released]

2008-06-29 Thread hard off
frank, that does sound like a source of this error.  i think the problem is
though, that the sssad
abstraction is now included in pd-extended.  so the included version would
need to be modified in order for it to work.
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Re: [PD] sssad in pd-extended [was: Re: [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released]

2008-06-30 Thread hard off
>>As a workaround for now I would recommend to add extra/sssad to your
Pd search path in the traditional way: "-path .../extra/sssad" and
then use [sssad] as object name. (I don't think, much is gained by
having to include a prefix like "sssad/" to a library that just
includes a single classname anyway.)<<

that still doesn't work here.

moving sssad and the associated files out of the enclosing folder, directly
into the extra folder doesn't help either.

this is reallly making me sssad ;.(
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Re: [PD] sssad in pd-extended [was: Re: [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released]

2008-06-30 Thread hard off
as far as i can see, there is only the 'path' flag, and changing that does
not fix the problem.  only changing the actual name of the sssad.pd file
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Re: [PD] sssad in pd-extended [was: Re: [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released]

2008-07-01 Thread hard off
yep, list-abs is broken too.

today i did a search for all sssad files / folders on my computer and
deleted them all.  i was quite sure that none of these folders were in pd's
search path, but i guess i was wrong.

after deleting all instances of sssad, and then re-installing this new
version of pd extended, i was able to make sssad work by renaming the sssad
folder, and then setting a path to the new folder name.

then, even easier, i just took all the stuff out of the sssad folder and
placed it directly into the extra folder and that also works.

but this is just a temporary fix.  maybe we can get the libdir loader
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Re: [PD] extremely stupid question: playing sample

2008-07-01 Thread hard off
unless you've got a really weird pd setup. then i guess that it's not
tabread4~ that is complaining about the power of 2 + 3 error.  it's usually
tabosc4~ that does that.

tabread4~ should do what you want.
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Re: [PD] sssad in pd-extended [was: Re: [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released]

2008-07-01 Thread hard off
hans, [list-abs] definitely doesn't work for me here...i get exactly the
same error that i had previously got with sssad.
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Re: [PD] sssad in pd-extended [was: Re: [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released]

2008-07-01 Thread hard off

libdir loader $Revision: 1.8 $
written by Hans-Christoph Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: [PD] sssad in pd-extended [was: Re: [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released]

2008-07-01 Thread hard off
if you give me some info libdir loader, then i'll see if i can find out if
there is a solution to this problem already.
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Re: [PD] sssad in pd-extended [was: Re: [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released]

2008-07-01 Thread hard off
yep hexloader is still on in extended-RC3

hex loader $Revision: 1.5 $
written by IOhannes m zmölnig, IEM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
compiled on Jun 27 2008 at 03:24:22
compiled against Pd version 0.40.3.extended-20080627
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Re: [PD] getting the sample rate + channels of .wav

2008-07-01 Thread hard off
there is an external in pd-extended called [wavinfo] that does most of that
i think.
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Re: [PD] getting the sample rate + channels of .wav

2008-07-01 Thread hard off
yep, samples, channels, bitsize, samplerate
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Re: [PD] extremely stupid question: playing sample

2008-07-01 Thread hard off
yeah, and you can use [vline~] if you don't want to loop
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Re: [PD] best way to do 1/x

2008-07-02 Thread hard off
[expr 1/$f1]
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[PD] i need a bit of help to understand overlapped blocks

2008-07-02 Thread hard off
recently i have discovered the joys of using overlapped blocks in sound
patches.  however, i'm having a little bit of difficulty understanding
exactly WHAT gets overlapped, and what doesn't get overlapped.

it seems to me that control messages and do not get overlapped, and i can't
really tell what happens to external audio signals connected to the
overlapped patch.

is there some documentation somewhere on this topic?  or would a kind person
like to tell me basically what functions block overlap has?

cheers.  matt
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Re: [PD] fft newbie - rifft~ filter

2008-07-02 Thread hard off
if you use overlapped blocks, it makes the hanning window less intrusive.

so instead of [block~ 512], use [block~ 512 2 1] or even [block~ 512 4 1]
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Re: [PD] possible to reset phasor~?

2008-07-02 Thread hard off
changing speed within a cycle using vline:

[metro 1]
|   [r to-float]
|   |
[f  ]   [enter your new speed here(
|   |
[t f f][* 44.1]
| | |
| [+ 44.1]
| |\
| | [s to-float]
| |
[$1, $2 1(
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Re: [PD] best way to do 1/x

2008-07-03 Thread hard off
yes, [t ] triggers right to left,  that's just a typo
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Re: [PD] extremely stupid question: playing sample

2008-07-03 Thread hard off
drawback in using [vline~] as the 'table index driver' - compared to
[phasor~]: it doesn't allow to change speed at samplerate (yeah, it is
possible, but only by sending sr * times messages per second -> very
expensive, i suppose).

phasor~ doesn't allow speed change at samplerate either.  it allows speed
change at block rate.

so if you want to work with a metro and vline's triggered every 1ms, it
would still have better resolution than a normal phasor for speed changes.
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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-0.40.3-extended-rc2 released

2008-07-03 Thread hard off
i found my problem, which was that pd was going nuts trying to find sssad.
once i sorted that out, the loading of my patches didn't take so long.
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Re: [PD] extremely stupid question: playing sample

2008-07-04 Thread hard off
oops, my mistake.

here's the patch which i based my faulty logic on,  and in hindsight all it
proves is that signals are delayed one block before affecting the phasor's

Description: Binary data
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Re: [PD] print all abstractions and externals

2008-07-04 Thread hard off

that is so useful.  thanks for sharing.
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Re: [PD] Seam carving audio

2008-07-08 Thread hard off
i'm thinking about how you'd do this,

and the picture in my mind is of a single 2 second long clarinet note with a
hihat being hit after about 1 second.

so, if you were going to stretch or compress that, you'd want to preserve
the parts with the most 'colour' ...which i would guess would be the attack
of the clarinet and then especially the attack of the hihat.

[bonk~] will find those bits for you quite easily. so you can just mark the
sections bonk~ finds and set them as 'do not touch'

but the hard part is stretching the remaining sections.  i think ableton and
melodyne have good approaches for this, and from what i can gather it's a
good granular approach with the grain length being constantly adjusted so
that the playback doesn't introduce too much AM effect.

i have a feeling they also do a pitch analysis, so that the playback grain
length can be adjusted longer for lower overall pitch and shorter for higher
pitched sections.

i could be completely wrong of course.  wouldn't be the first time. :)
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Re: [PD] analog-modelling 808 hihat and cowbell

2008-07-08 Thread hard off
that's a brilliant idea to use receives
on the oscillators, so that the same ones can be used for both the bell and
the hat.

sounds great too.

here are some other drum sounds i have made and/or collected:
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Re: [PD] frequency components analysis

2008-07-12 Thread hard off
you looked at [fiddle~] right?
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Re: [PD] how to avoid (most/many/some) readsf~ dropouts

2008-07-12 Thread hard off
i was going to post about the readsf~ dropout problem today.  good timing.

in my case though, i am sending the open message, and then manually banging
to start, usually at least 15-20 seconds after opening,

but i still get dropouts!  not all the time, not in any pattern that i can
recognise, but the sound does drop out sometimes with [readsf~]

i read a thread that suggested making the readsf~ buffer really huge, like
[readsf~ 2 1e+08]  but even though that stops my dropout problem a little
bit, i still get them from time to time.

my latency is also set at 50ms which should be ok, but even setting it at
100 was still giving me audio drops.
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Re: [PD] how to avoid (most/many/some) readsf~ dropouts

2008-07-12 Thread hard off
julian!  you're a legend!!!  that was totally the problem. it totally makes
sense too, because when i sent a couple of 'open' messages in a row, i
wouldn't get clicks, but if i left it for a while, it would drop out.

now i have zero dropouts.  awesome.
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[PD] 2 questions for hans about the upcoming 0.40 extended release

2008-07-13 Thread hard off
sorry, i know i could have just emailed hans directly, but the pd list is at
the very top of my contacts list :)

question 1)  did you remove [sssad] from pd-extended?  i don't want to
download a new version just to check, as my current version is up and
working beautifully.

question 2)  how long do you think it will be until the final release of
0.40 extended?  i have a huge library of [sssad]-based abstractions that i
would like to add. it's all working very well at the moment, and could be
added now, but there are a couple more things i'd like to finetune if i have

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Re: [PD] 2 questions for hans about the upcoming 0.40 extended release

2008-07-14 Thread hard off
hans, my library is not externals, its a library of abstractions.  lots of
building blocks for drums, synths, effects and samplers.  i'd really like to
include it in pd-extended,a s it contains a lot of stuff that would be very
useful for people making music with pd.
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Re: [PD] how to avoid (most/many/some) readsf~ dropouts

2008-07-14 Thread hard off
i just found that removing the [wavinfo] external from my patch also helped
reduce clicking.
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[PD] really annoying question about tildes~

2008-07-15 Thread hard off
why do tilde objects work in vanilla pd, but the zexy tilde objects are so
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Re: [PD] really annoying question about tildes~

2008-07-16 Thread hard off
oh sorry i should have been clearer.  yes i was referring to >~ and <~
specifically. pd vanilla can load both the > and < characters, and tilde~
characters too.but pd extended can't load them together as part of the
zexy library.

iohannes, i really appreciate all your hard work, and maybe my original mail
looks a bit grouchy.  it wasn't meant to be.  i just think it's a real shame
that pd-extended won't load these objects.  they used to load fine in
earlier versions of extended.  personally i have just changed all my >~
objects to [expr~ $v1>n].
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Re: [PD] really annoying question about tildes~

2008-07-17 Thread hard off
ok, sorry to have caused a fuss.

last question:  hypothetically, if miller was to include >~ and <~ into
vanilla, would they load properly then?

i think those objects SHOULD be a part of vanilla pd anyway.  in any sort of
audio synthesis patch i do, they invariably need to be used.
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[PD] sssad glitch

2008-07-17 Thread hard off
frank, i found a glitch with sssad.

if you use sssad to save the state of a toggle, then sending a [set( message
to SSSAD_ADMIN will force a bang on the toggle, even if sssad has not
received any data for that toggle.   a [route bang] or [sel bang] before the
[sssad] outlet fixes this problem.
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[PD] the fastest way to read/write a lot of information from memory/hard disk

2008-07-17 Thread hard off
i have a couple of sequencers with 16 steps and about 5 parameters for each
, and then a bunch of synths and drum machines running.

i have always used textfile for saving sequence and control data for such
setups, but if i have a hundred patterns or more, it gets really slow.  i
guess its something to do with the way textfile accesses the hard disk.
it's just not very efficient for large amounts of data.

what are my other options?
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Re: [PD] really annoying question about tildes~

2008-07-18 Thread hard off
yeah totally.

it seems nonsensical that pd has > and < for control signals, but not for
audiorate signals.

and as andy obiwan mentioned before [pow~] would also be very useful.

as far as i can guess, all of these objects are very simple code-wise.
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Re: [PD] sssad key-name in abstractions

2008-07-23 Thread hard off
 OTOH you can also deliberatly give many [synth]s the same name, if
they should share their settings, for example to make a polyphonic
synth with 12 copies of the same synth voice. Just make enough [synth
/shared] abstractions and control them with [poly] (or use [polypoly])

wow, never thought of that.  of course!
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[PD] pd settings (preferences) in ubuntu studio

2008-07-23 Thread hard off
i just installed pd-extended on my ubuntu studio machine, and used synaptic
to delete the older version of pd, but my old preferences are still being

can somebody tell me what the preference file might be called so i can
delete it?  i tried searching for .pdsettings and .pdrc but all i can find
is the settings file for the new build of pd-extended.
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Re: [PD] Fwd: finding the cause of clicks when using sssad WAS: saving state of a patch

2008-07-23 Thread hard off
what i have done is create a large textfile for presets that can be loaded
when the patch is opened, which in turn sends its data to up to 1000
textfile objects.  pd seems to have no problem with so many textfile objects
storing data

it might even be cheaper to do it this way than storing numbers in an array,
if textfile is just storing integers, rather than floating point numbers?
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Re: [PD] pd settings (preferences) in ubuntu studio

2008-07-23 Thread hard off
yeah got that, but its the default for the new build i just installed.

pd-extended is still loading with my old settings, and i know this because
my abstractions folders and stuff are all still in the pathlist.
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Re: [PD] Save RAM memory usage ?

2008-07-23 Thread hard off
instead of arrays, use [table], that should help a fair bit.
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Re: [PD] request assistance with crackles and pops in VFOs driven by modulating accelerometer signals

2008-07-23 Thread hard off
by the way, is it even possible to get clicks when rapidly changing osc~
speeds?  i didn't think it was, and i have never experienced that.
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Re: [PD] request assistance with crackles and pops in VFOs driven by modulating accelerometer signals

2008-07-23 Thread hard off
if you attach a [dac~] directly to the osc~ object, do you still get

if not, then i guess your problem might lie further down the line.

looking at your PAN module, the panning amount is sent as a float into [*~ ]
objects without [line~] smoothing.  that would be the likeliest culprit i
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Re: [PD] request assistance with crackles and pops in VFOs driven by modulating accelerometer signals

2008-07-24 Thread hard off
a jump down to 0 wouldn't cause any problems though, the oscillator's
waveform would just flatline for a moment.  and in the tests i just did,
only very significant jumps, like from 100hz to 2hz caused major

i think it is pretty safe to say that the speed of the oscillator isn't what
is is causing these clicks.
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Re: [PD] Save RAM memory usage ?

2008-07-24 Thread hard off
i would assume that the size of the [table16] tables would just be half of
the original tables that soundfiler creates.. so, if you have your [table16]
objects indexed with integers (and i guess you do if you have 1400 of them),
then you would just take the original array size, halve it, and then write
that size into a seperate table of table sizes.

ie, you have a table, lets call it [table arraysizes] of size 1400, and you
write values for the size of each of your 1400 samples at the index point of
each sample.  then when you want to play back a sample, you tell tabplay~ or
tabread4~ or whatever to playback sample number x, and to get the size of
that sample you just send a value of x to [tabread arraysizes]
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Re: [PD] Save RAM memory usage ?

2008-07-24 Thread hard off
sorry, the overuse of the words 'table' and 'array' in my last post make it
quite hard to understand.  but i promise it works.
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Re: [PD] change knob width on sliders?

2008-07-26 Thread hard off
bit of a hack, but you can put a canvas on top of the slider, and have it
receive position data from the slider's value
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Re: [PD] 'pure' pd DSP abstractions wanted!

2008-08-26 Thread hard off
my diy library (work in progress) is not all pure pd, but fair chunks of it
are.  it shouldn't be too hard to rip the dsp guts out of some abstractions
for your purposes.

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Re: [PD] 'pure' pd DSP abstractions wanted!

2008-08-27 Thread hard off
jamie,   my diy collection has no licence, no need for credit., etc..  i'm
more than happy for you to do whatever and use it.
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[PD] DIY library - samplers, synthesis, effects, etc

2008-08-27 Thread hard off
here's the mailing list link to my DIY library,

lots of plug and play units for music and sound production.

at the moment there is no formal licence, so anyone may use these however
they want.

also, i am in europe travelling round until mid-october, so if anyone wants
to get in touch with me for whatever reason (i like to play live gigs, hint
hint ;), then please do!
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Re: [PD] Read damaged sound file

2008-09-08 Thread hard off
this is really handy to know.  cheers.
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Re: [PD] execution order for ~ objects that output messages

2008-09-26 Thread hard off
an easy way might be to put a [bang~] in a subpatch, so that it is triggered
after the [env~ ] objects, and then connect each [env~] to the right inlet
of a [f ]...then you
can bang the floats with [t b b] from the [bang~]
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Re: [PD] Analysing sound for further processing > react with graphics

2006-10-23 Thread hard off

yeah pmpd all the way.

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[pd] 100000hz+

2006-10-26 Thread hard off

i just made a synth which makes some really nice tones when i feed it
really high frequencies.  (midi notes 150-300)

question is, will this sound the same on all computers, or do
different systems handle such high frequencies differently?

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Re: [pd] 100000hz+

2006-10-26 Thread hard off

this is a bummer, cos i am getting a really nice palette of sounds
here, and i wanted to share the patch

oh well, i'll stick to normal midi notes for that i guess.

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[PD] clearing a delwrite~

2006-11-01 Thread hard off

is there any way to clear a delwrite~ object so that i don't get
unwanted feedback?  or pehaps another way to write a delayline that is

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Re: [PD] clearing a delwrite~

2006-11-01 Thread hard off

i made an fm synth that has a delay line on it,

and if i retrigger notes faster than the delay on the delay line, the
delay from the previous note bleeds into the new note.

this makes clicks when the 2 notes overlap.

i can think of a workaround, but if there would be a way to clear the
delayline it would be best,

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Re: [PD] clearing a delwrite~

2006-11-01 Thread hard off

yeah i decided to go with the poly option.

still, it would be nice if there was a clear option for delwrite~

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Re: [PD] PD Sounds...

2006-11-14 Thread hard off

yeah good tracks.

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Re: [PD] pause for [readsf~]

2006-11-16 Thread hard off

the subpatch thing works.  i have never gotten the repeated sound
thing...but i think i have my dac~ in the subpatch too.

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[PD] up-down saw-wave

2006-11-19 Thread hard off

does anybody know how to make an up-down saw-wave ?

phasor~ just ramps up and then goes straight back to 0, but i want
something that ramps up then back down again.

i know it's possible to use a [metro] and [line~] based solution, but
that falls apart at high frequencies.  is there a way to do this in
the signal domain?

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[PD] rounding edges of audio waves

2006-11-19 Thread hard off

(question 2)

does anyone have a nice method for 'sanding the edges' of audio waves
when they approach the top or bottom of an array?

for example, if i use

[*~ 10]
[clip~ -1 1]

is there something i can do to make the signal fade towards 1 and -1,
rather than just abruptly turning 90 degrees??

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Re: [PD] up-down saw-wave

2006-11-19 Thread hard off

ah thanks.  a triangle oscillator is exactly what i need. cheers.

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Re: [PD] Ergates game-like audiovisual instrument

2006-11-23 Thread hard off

[hid] is the only way to get

HID data from Mac OS X with Pd.<<

does this mean that [multio] will never work for osx, even if i or
someone else does eventually compile the external?

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[PD] frequency shifter

2006-11-24 Thread hard off

in the following picture:

how do i make a frequency shifter ?  is this the same as the pitch
shifter that i can rip from the pd docs, or is there a simpler way??


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Re: [PD] frequency shifter

2006-11-24 Thread hard off

yeah i think the tutorial is for hardware.

I would simply use two

more triangle oscillators in place of the pitch shifters, and set the
frequencies using a bit of math based on the frequency of the first
triangle oscillator.<<

derek, this is the answer i had hoped for.  the snare drum is already
sounding really good.  i'm so surprised...

if you could help me with the math required, i would be very grateful.

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Re: [PD] frequency shifter

2006-11-24 Thread hard off

attached is my snare drum which uses the freqshift~ external
( or cvs)

and the kick drum i did the other day.

these both took me way too long, but they sound good.  particularly
when run through analogue distortion.

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Re: [PD] counter trouble

2006-11-25 Thread hard off

check out  .../doc/2.control.examples/05.counter.pd

the [counter] object kinda sux, that's why barely anyone uses it.

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Re: [PD] re bug report on pd not finding files

2006-11-25 Thread hard off

pd itself is platform independant, but some extrernals won't run on
all platforms.  im guessing you're on osx because the externals you
have listed don't run on my osx system either. there are hundreds,
probably now thousands of externals that will run for you
will surely be able to do what you need to do without the missing
externals in your distro/

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Re: [PD] frequency shifter

2006-11-27 Thread hard off

cheers frank.  i remember the discussion about ead~ well, so it's good
to have that vead~ as an abstraction.

there is also a glitch in the snare drum subpatch -- i accidentally
left in a loose dac~ next to the output~.

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Re: [PD] frequency shifter

2006-11-27 Thread hard off

here u go:

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Re: [PD] frequency shifter

2006-11-27 Thread hard off

after having a good listen,

it doesn't sound as good as it did with [freqshift~].  i don't
understand the maths behind that so no idea why, but it's obvious to
my ears.   its especially clear when you increase the attack time.

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Re: [PD] frequency shifter

2006-11-28 Thread hard off

works like a charm now.  ... and i think nearly everyone who posted in
this thread was hitting on some good idea.  the only one i didn't
follow up was the [hilbert~] one, and that was what i needed to
eliminate the need for the freqshift~ external.

cheers everyone.  now i can go on to part 2 of that tutorial and make
some snare drums using different methods.

(revised patch attached to this mail)

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[PD] osc~ / phasor~ / cos~ ...sometimes clicking

2006-11-28 Thread hard off

has anybody else experienced small clicks every now and then from pd's

i have noticed it before with [phasor~], and today i was getting it
pretty badly with [cos~]..about 1 click every 10 seconds.

this is nothing to do with the contents of the patch, because just a
[cos~] connected to a [dac~] was making the same thing happen.'s nothing to do with dac~ or my sound hardware either, because
disconnecting the [cos~] from the [dac~] stopped the clicks.

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Re: [PD] reverse & variable speed soundplayback?

2006-11-29 Thread hard off

nice one :)

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[PD] bang when phasor~ reaches 1

2006-12-01 Thread hard off

i want a phasor~ to send a bang when the signal reaches 1.  any ideas?

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Re: [PD] bang when phasor~ reaches 1

2006-12-02 Thread hard off

well i ended up doing a metro and vline~ job.  this patch is still
unfinished, but it's working enough that i could take a rest from
patching and have a mess round with it today.  i posted  the workign
draft on the forum:

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Re: [PD] after pokesdown

2006-12-04 Thread hard off

lovely.  i want to do some of these too, but still gotta get my head
around a few things before i will be happy to put tracks together.

that oboe synth is really lush.  actually it all is.  nice one.

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Re: [PD] after pokesdown

2006-12-05 Thread hard off

ok i'll make a topic about that.

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[pd] a simple, user friendly place to post and link to patches, externals, libraries, etc.

2006-12-05 Thread hard off

i'm sorry i have really no idea about how to go about doing stuff on
the internet, or otherwise i'd try to set something up by myself, but
we REALLY need a place where any pd users can upload their works.

i know there is a wiki thing on the iiem site.  but barely anyone uses
it.  i think the main reason being that it's a bit of a headache for
simple people such as myself.

so i just thought i'd open the doors for some discussion of this topic.

what are your ideas?

i think we really just need something where people can upload a patch
or zip file with one click, and then write a description of it.

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Re: [PD] after pokesdown

2006-12-05 Thread hard off

"miller vanilla"  ha ha ha"!!!

also, that quote from you about pd being the crack cocaine of
multimedia software is awesome.  go andy!

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Re: [PD] fmbox patch for d/l, improv

2006-12-08 Thread hard off

now the neighbours definately think i am building a ufo in our spare room.

this is wicked though.  gonna have a mess round and make some mods.

cheers.  excellent work.


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