Re: [PD] OpenFrameworks + ofxPd in android: can't modify patch

2015-11-12 Thread Jose Luis Diez Antich
Hi Dan,

Thank you for your answer.

What do you mean by “modify it”? Modify the patch? The ofApp? You mean you
> send messages to the patch or?

I mean modify the pd patch, sorry if I was not clear. At the moment, in the
patch noisepanning.pd, there is an [osc~] connected to the second inlet of
Then, I modify the patch so the input to this second inlet is a constant
and I build the app again (running: make AndroidDebug and ./gradlew
assembleDebug). When I install the new version of the app in my phone, the
behaviour of the app is exactly the same as before, as when there was an
[osc~] object.

I hope my problem is more clear now :)

Does the sound work in the example if you build and run it on Android? I
> don’t have an Android device, so I’ve never tested ofxPd on Android. I’ve
> been told it does work, however.

I have not tested an example, but the application I built runs on android.

I am not sending anything from ofApp.cpp at the moment, but that is the
next step, once I sort out how to modify pd patches.

Thank you for your time,

On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 1:49 AM, Dan Wilcox  wrote:

> At the moment, I am loading a pd file called "noisepanning.pd", I load it
> in the ofApp.cpp
>  source
> code file. The problem arises when I try to modify it, because the app
> behaviour does not change, it is like I have not done anything. Moreover,
> when I try to load another pd patch, the android app does not sound at all.
> What do you mean by “modify it”? Modify the patch? The ofApp? You mean you
> send messages to the patch or?
> Judging from your code in ofApp.cpp, you’re not sending any messages to
> libpd at all. There is the playTone() member function but it’s not being
> called anywhere.
> I am not building again with Xcode when I perform these changes, since I
> am only interested in the android application. I only use the commands:
> make AndroidDebug
> ./gradlew assembleDebug
> That’s good, since you can’t build for Android in Xcode anyway. :)
> Is there something more I should do when I change the pd patch?
> Does the sound work in the example if you build and run it on Android? I
> don’t have an Android device, so I’ve never tested ofxPd on Android. I’ve
> been told it does work, however.
> Dan Wilcox
> @danomatika 
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[PD] OpenFrameworks + ofxPd in android: can't modify patch

2015-11-12 Thread Jose Luis Diez Antich
I have a problem with openframeworks ofxPd, maybe you can help me:

I have built an android application that uses ofxPd to interface with pd.
The code can be found here .

At the moment, I am loading a pd file called "noisepanning.pd", I load it
in the ofApp.cpp
 source code
file. The problem arises when I try to modify it, because the app behaviour
does not change, it is like I have not done anything. Moreover, when I try
to load another pd patch, the android app does not sound at all.

I am not building again with Xcode when I perform these changes, since I am
only interested in the android application. I only use the commands:

make AndroidDebug
./gradlew assembleDebug

Is there something more I should do when I change the pd patch?

Thank you very much,

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[PD] Building and packaging externals for android

2015-10-26 Thread Jose Luis Diez Antich
Hi all,
I need help building and packaging externals for android.

I am following [1]. So far, I have:
- added my external code "IIDgains.c" in the folder PdCore/jni.
- modified the in the same folder, and it looks like this:

include $(call all-subdir-makefiles)

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../PdCore/jni/libpd/pure-data/src
LOCAL_LDLIBS := -L$(LOCAL_PATH)/../../PdCore/libs/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI) -lpd

Doing that does not work, but I have not found any other information about
it. What can I do to solve it?

I do not know what they mean in "The only additional step that's needed is
to add the location of the binaries to Pd's search path, but if your
project uses PdService, you already get that for free."

What do they mean with that? What should I add more to my app in order to
make an external work in it?

Thank you

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Re: [PD] About extending the Universal Polyphonic Player

2015-03-31 Thread Jose Luis Diez Antich
Hi Thomas,

Thank you for your answer, it's been helpful!

Now I'd like to figure out how to modify the message in order to be able to
select from it with a [route] object.


On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 12:25 PM, Thomas Grill  wrote:

> Hi Jose,
> I found the Polyphonic Universal Player [1], I really liked it, and I
> would like to ask you about it.
> - I would like to build a simple classic synthesizer, that you can change
> its waveform, filter and envelope parameters. How could I send these
> parameters to my voice? In the patch '4-noteoff.pd', I understand that you
> send the ADSR parameters with a list that you call tag, is it possible to
> create a tag thus I can use the object [route] to get each different
> parameter from it? Do you have an example of a similar simple synthesizer?
> There are three different ways of controlling the synthesis voices:
> (see
> - at creation time, through object creation arguments (to upp.flow or
> upp.xc/upp.x2/upp.xf after your synthesis patch): Use this for fixed
> parameters that never change for different events.
> - at invocation time, that is, when you start the individual event.
> ADSR-curves would be an example. The list that goes to the left inlet of
> upp.flow/upp.xc/upp.x2/upp.xf starts the event. The first list element is
> called „tag“, it identifies the event. It should be unique for polyphonic
> events, e.g. a key number, but it can also be a running index
> - at run time, when the event is already active. You can use the right
> inlet of upp.flow/upp.xc/upp.x2/upp.xf to send a message to the event. The
> first atom of this message is again the „tag“, so that the event can be
> found. The rest of this message is your choice, it can be used to stop the
> event, or to change parameters.
> - I do not understand how the subpatch [spat mono] works, could you
> explain it?
> spat_mono is one of a couple of spatialization abstractions - there are
> also spat_stereo, spat_quad, spat_varbus etc. to route your monophonic
> voice to different busses/loudspeakers.
> spat_mono itself does hardly anything, it is just a container for your
> synthesis abstraction.
> It routes the audio output of your synthesis abstraction to a bus defined
> by the first creation argument $1.
> The rest of the creation arguments are used the instantiate your synthesis
> abstraction. $2 is its name, $3 etc. are creation arguments.
> i hope that helps,
> best, Thomas
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[PD] About extending the Universal Polyphonic Player

2015-03-30 Thread Jose Luis Diez Antich

I found the Polyphonic Universal Player [1], I really liked it, and I would
like to ask you about it.

- I would like to build a simple classic synthesizer, that you can change
its waveform, filter and envelope parameters. How could I send these
parameters to my voice? In the patch '4-noteoff.pd', I understand that you
send the ADSR parameters with a list that you call tag, is it possible to
create a tag thus I can use the object [route] to get each different
parameter from it? Do you have an example of a similar simple synthesizer?

- I do not understand how the subpatch [spat mono] works, could you explain

Thank you very much for your attention,

[1] -
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