FS: 135/1.8, 85/1.4 ......

2003-03-14 Thread JTodd19261
135/1.8A*   Ex+ cond, with caps, case   $1300
85/1.4A*   Ex cond, w/hood, caps, case  800
200/2.8A*   Ex+ cond, with caps, case   500
300/4A*Bgn cond, with caps  300
24/2.8Ex cond, with caps, case  250
2X-ASEx+ cond, with caps150

Photos available.  Please e-mail off list.  Serious offers considered.

FS: Omega 4X5F w Nikor W 210/5.6

2003-02-08 Thread JTodd19261
Since I am not shooting 4x5 anymore...

Omega 45F camera w extra bellows
Nikor W 210mm f/5.6 w/caps on mounted lens board
17 4x5 film holders
545 Polaroid back
Omega loupe
Dark cloth
Home-made wooden case

I am looking for serious offers or trades on the entire package.
Please e-mail off list.
Thanks.  Jay

Canon 1Ds vs Phase One vs Pro Back

2003-02-03 Thread JTodd19261
Last week I had the opportunity to test a Canon 1DS and a Kodak 16MP Pro Back 
against my work's Phase One 11MP H10.  I have shot the H10 for about 2 months 
and was getting weak color on all aspects; then when applying their color 
management I would get a Velvia-ish over saturation of colors, which my boss 
did not like on his garments.  I have some down time in between catalogs and 
was able to obtain the Canon and Kodak from a competitive local dealer.  I 
have shot with a D30 for a year and a D60 for a couple months, but still 
fumbled with the 1DS's layout.  The main reason for the test was color 
capture, and I was suprised by the results.  Not only were the 1DS's colors 
better than the two backs shot on a Hassie (120mm macro), but more 
importantly, or suprisingly, the image was just as sharp as the other two 
(shot w/a 80-200/2.8).  I had the preconceived idea that the cmos would be 
mushy compared to a same sized ccd.  I've read the 1DS vs MF threads and 
still wonder if what they say isn't true.  Granted, 11MP is still 35mm 
whether it's on a SLR body or a MF back, but a 9x13 inch capture @ 300dpi is 
pretty amazing, and all for less than $8K.  Hope Pentax can somehow keep up.


Re: Pentax DSLR: e-mail from Pentax USA

2003-01-08 Thread JTodd19261
Every camera shop in America, except Smile in NY (who is asking $250 more 
than retail) is out of stock.  Apparently Hong Kong has plenty, though.  The 
sales person at Smile told me Can** was increasing their price by 15% on the 
D60 soon, and told me to buy their 'last one'.  I think a D90 is pretty 
obvious in the PMA horizon, but again, how available will they be?  I waited 
4 months to get a D60 at work on a waiting list.
And then the vertical grip was still on back order.  Again, they put this 
stuff out way too early.  How soon, if ever, will a Pentax DSLR become 

Re: Pentax DSLR: e-mail from Pentax USA

2003-01-07 Thread JTodd19261
What's ironic is the fact that Canon can't keep up with demand on the D60, 
(try to findone in stock anywhere)  yet an entire year later they plan to 
offer a D90?  Who are they kidding.  They put the stuff out before they make 

FS: 135/1.8 & 85/1.4

2002-11-11 Thread JTodd19261
135/1.8 A*   near mint$1200
85/1.4  A*Ex+ $850
200/2.8 A*   near mint$600

Please contact me off list for more info.  Thanks.


FS: 135/1.8...

2002-08-03 Thread JTodd19261

I list these again since I only have a $700 offer on my 135/1.8 in Ex+ 
condition with caps.  I have other lenses to sell in hopes for a Canon D60 
outfit, but they all hinge on selling the 135 at a reasonable price ($1,000).

24/2.8Ex. cond
85/1.4 A*  Ex. cond  ($600 offer so far) w/shade
200/2.8 A*  Ex.+ cond
300/4 A*  Bgn. cond
2X-AS  Ex.+ cond

Please e-mail me directly, thanks.   Jay
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FS: Prime Lenses (135/1.8)

2002-08-01 Thread JTodd19261

Somebody from Australia got me started on selling my 135 f/1.8.  I have been 
holding out for a while, but I'm ready to dump for a D-60...providing I can 
get good bids on the 135 and others.  Everything hinges on the 135, however, 
since it is the only thing I have that Shel didn't offer to part with.  So 
here goes:  all with caps, please e-mail me directly with possible bids.  
Thanks,  Jay.

24/2.8 SMC   Ex.case
85/1.4 A* Ex.   soft case, hood
135/1.8 A*   Ex.+   case
200/2.8 A*   Ex.+   case
300/4 A*  Bgn.
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2002-04-21 Thread JTodd19261

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Re: Best portrait lens for Pentax DSLR?

2002-03-01 Thread JTodd19261

The 8 vs. 12-bit thread is a viable one, but not the only when considering a 
3 MP Pentax SLR.  When trying to optimize the 'best' portrait lens, don't 
assume that the 50mm f/1.4 becomes a 75/1.4.  Just like in a standard 4x5 
lens (150mm f/5.6) the larger film area has a wider aperature but with the 
same end result or look.  Think of the Olymp.. 3040 with a 35-105 f/1.8 lens. 
 Wouldn't a 105/1.8 be worth more than the camera?

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FS: LX and Auto Bellows A

2001-12-21 Thread JTodd19261

Saw today an LX body w/FA1 finder and B-grip for $400; cosmetics well used, 
but shutter curtain and mirror sponge look very clean.  The Auto Bellows A 
was in a box, did not look at it and do not know what all comes with it for 

Schillers Camera and Video  314-968-3650
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67: 45 vs 55

2001-12-19 Thread JTodd19261

With the recent discussions on the 45mm, which everyone seems to appreciate, 
I wonder why the 55f/4 is the more expensive lens.  I have the 55 and have 
always wanted the 45, or so I thought.  Any easy explainations?
I had the 55f/3.5 but wasn't thrilled with the results, except for the 
viewfinder brightness. 
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Re: In Praise of E100VS

2001-12-19 Thread JTodd19261

Did you push the film a stop during processing when rated at ISO 200?
And as for the cross-processing, did you rate it @ 100, and are you scanning 
the negs or basing your likings on lab proofs?
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Re: Digital Hypothetics (or: do I need a good slap?)

2001-11-24 Thread JTodd19261

I'm in, and have been in, the same boat.  I use the D30 at work; the 20-35 
f/2.8 is now a 35-50, and the 80-200 f/2.8 is a 320 2.8; good with the bad.  
You probably know all the specs, so I'll just let you know what I think of it 
from shooting it for the past 6 months:  I am ready for digital.  I took one 
of the photos, blew the 5x7 @ 300 dpi up to 11x16.5 in photoshop, printed it 
on an Epson 2000P, and was amazed.  I agree with whoever about not being able 
to blow it up to poster size (though I should try using genuine fractals) but 
this 11x16.5 looks better than any 11x14 cibachrome I ever had printed (and 
no I never had Kodachrome 25 enlarged... we have, however, blown up Kodchr 
200 to 30 x 40 C prints from a 4x5 inter-neg.).
I personally own Pentax 24/2.8, 85/1.4, 135/1.8, 200/2.8 and 300/4 w 2X-AS , 
all manual focus, and would love a Pentax digital, even if only 4MP.  
I've used the D30 and believe that the Canon 1D must be an even better tool, 
but hard to justify the 5+K price, making the D30 even more attractive.
I waited so long for the MZ-S that I traded my LX outfit before it came out 
for a 6X7II with AE prism.  I hope Pentax hints at something soon, for I have 
a Hassie outfit that I would swap for a D30 body w/grip and 45mm Tilt/Shift 
lens (which Pentax nor anyone comes close to making).  Canon is so far ahead 
of the pack that I fear Pentax will never be able to catch up, let alone keep 

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Re: Pentax Digital NEWS! Part one

2001-10-22 Thread JTodd19261

B&H's new digital catalog lists the new Contax N1 which is a 6MP camera and 
uses new AF lenses (50f1.4 lists for $595).  So the 6 MP is here.  Canon 
suprised me by coming out with a 4 MP EOS1D for @ $6,500 list.  I use the D30 
at work and enjoy using it, especially when my 80-200 f/2.8 becomes a 320 
f/2.8, but hate the 20mm now a 32mm.  The 1D will have firewire and only a 
1.3 lens magnification, but for a street price of $5,000 you still only get a 
5.5 x7.5 photo-quality image.  The D30 when it first came out sold for $3,000 
a year ago.  The price has only come down $500 (with a free 1 gig Micro-drive 
and extra battery), so it is definitly holding its value.  I hope Pentax 
comes out ahead of the pack with a 5 MP SLR since Minolta, Olympus and Sony 
already have fixed lens cameras available now in this size, and the Sony is 
less than $1,000.

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Re: MZ digital

2001-10-01 Thread JTodd19261

Kodak has had their "Pro Back" 4K chip which is a 2-inch square sensor 
(smaller than 2.25) and Phase One has their H20 4K digital back, both will go 
on a Hassie.
Kodak makes the 760 on a F5 body (Nik**) and is a 2x3K chip (35mm) and sells 
for about $8,500.  Can** just announce their new EOS D1 (EOS 1 body) which is 
only a 4K chip for around $5,000.  It has a 1.3X lens factor to 35mm.

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Re: 67 re-observations

2001-09-23 Thread JTodd19261

As mentioned previously, it has a 25 ft. min focusing, which is about a 
waist-up portrait.  It doesn't have an auto aperature, but I always shoot it 
wide open anyway.  It performs, believe it or not, as good as the 300 2.8 A  
35mm lens in a test I did just a few months ago using a 67 to 35 converter.  
I shot hand-held at 500/4 in filtered direct sun (1000/2.8 with the 35).  
Side by side slides were indistiguishable, which suprised me.  It's a beast 
of a lens, but well worth the effort, plus the price is less than half of the 
new 400/4, if you can find one.  I think the 'softness' is from others 
shooting slightly out of focus due to the narrow focus plane...which I've 
done plenty too.  Just shoot extra film to make sure you get it.
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FS: Tak 55f/2 screw mt

2001-08-02 Thread JTodd19261

Selling a Takumar 55mm f/2 screw mount lens with auto pin in EX condition  
$20 with generic caps.
Please contact me directly.  Thanks.
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Re: What to do

2001-07-26 Thread JTodd19261

I use the Tokina 28-70 2.6 on a Canon A2 at work.  It is a nice lens, very 
shrp, etc.   It's large at the end, though, so you can't use a pop-up flash 
with it.  We have since bought a Canon 28-105 3.5-4.5, and I find myself 
using it instead.  As always, I would say but Pentax brand instead.  I had a 
35-105 3.5A and was very fond of it.  As for AF, you're on your own...

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FS: LX Winder

2001-07-23 Thread JTodd19261

I am selling a LX winder in EX- condition for $125.
Please contact me off list.  Thanks.
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FS: LX Winder, 85 f/2

2001-07-10 Thread JTodd19261

I am selling these Pentax items:

LX Winder in Ex- condition,  $150
85mm f/2 SMC-M lens, bargain condition, CLA by Pentax 5 years ago, with caps 
and case,  $165

..both plus shipping.   Thanks.

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FS: 85 f/2 and LX Winder

2001-06-28 Thread JTodd19261

I am trying to sell:

85mm M f/2 lens, bargain condition, with case, CLA by Pentax 5 years ago,   
LX Winder, excellent- condition,   $175

please mail me directly with questions, thanks.

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Re: OT: St. Louis Camera Shops

2001-04-11 Thread JTodd19261

Schillers on Manchester has the best selection of used, but never much in 
Pentax.  They do have a 400T flash though.  You can also try Jefferson 
camera, closer to downtown; and Creve Couer Camera out in west county.  Good 
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Re: FS: Y2 filter

2001-03-14 Thread JTodd19261

hope you get more use/enjoyment out of it than I did.

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Re: K120/2.8

2001-03-07 Thread JTodd19261

I had a 120 2.8 M and a 50 1.4  M for years as my only 2 lenses, so naturally 
shot alot with both.  The 120 is a great portrait lens.  Probably the best 
thing about it is the ability to shoot it at 1/125th sec hand-held, which you 
may not be able to do with a 135.  In all honesty, though, I found it a bit 
mushy when shot wide open, kind of like the 85 2 M.
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Re: On the topic of the 67II (was Re: Pros don't use Pentax...)

2001-03-04 Thread JTodd19261

NPC makes a polaroid back for the 645, so I would think it would fit the 
645N.  I have a Polaroid back 'dedicated' to a 6x7 body, and shoot film with 
a 67II.  I bought the back used and it came with a hinge pin that raplaces 
the hinge on the 67's.  It works just like the pins on 35mm bodies.  There is 
a different pin for the 67II since the backs are not the same.  You can take 
the Polaroid back on and off, you just waste a sheet of film each time since 
there is no dark slide.  The down side is the inability to use the Polaroid 
midway through a roll of film, hence the need for a dedicated body.  But with 
the prices of used 67 bodies and lenses, you can justify it when compared to 
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Re: FS: Y2 filter

2001-03-04 Thread JTodd19261


Money order is fine.  Make it $12.50 to cover postage to Texas.  Thanks.

Jay Todd
1307 Claytonia Terr.
St. Louis, MO  63117
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FS: 85 f/2M, 35-105 f/3.5A, AFW2 and Y2 filters

2001-03-03 Thread JTodd19261

Going to a camera swap on Sunday, so I'll try these again:

85mm f/2 M  BGN$200
35-105mm f/3.5EX $175
AFW2 wide angle filter for 400T flash w/case, EX $10
ASAHI PENTAX Y2 (yellow) filter 49mm w/case & box, EX $10

Please contact me directly, thanks.
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FS: 85 M f/2, 35-105 A f3.5, 300 A f/4

2001-02-04 Thread JTodd19261

85mm M f/2  w/ case, caps, bargain cond.,   $235  
35-105mm A f/3.5  w/rear cap, ex. cond., $185
300mm A f/4   w/ caps, bargain cond., slight marks front,   $385

I'm interested in serious offers/trades.
(wtb:  67 to k-mount adapter, 20mm f/4...)
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FS: 85 f/2 M, 300 f/4 A, 35-105 f/3.5 A, 2X-S A

2001-01-31 Thread JTodd19261

For Sale:

Have to sell all 4 pieces in order to buy strobe outfit.
Please e-mail back to me directly with your best offer over mine.

85mm f/2 M Bargain condition, with original case, caps.  Serviced 5 years
 ago by Pentax.   $ 245.00

300mm f/4 ABargain cond., caps.  Marks front element, still performs well.
 $ 385.00

35-105mm f/3.5 A   Excellent cond., rear cap only.  This one's clean 

2X-S A Excellent plus cond., caps, might as well call it mint. Works 
great   with the 300 f/4$ 195.00

E-mail back to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with bids and any other questions pertaining to condition.
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