RE: OT - Francophiles

2004-10-23 Thread Nicolas Colarusso
Actually Frank I may have misled you. We do not put mayo on fries, we
actually dip the fries in the mayo. The mayo is served in a small container
on the side, so we can double dip the container is not shared.

You are right about it being newish, it happened in the early 90's. Started
with a chain of restaurants specialised in fries, i.e. different dips with
the fries. It then caught on mainstream. The specialty frie restos, the
chain that started it all, may have gone out of business. I haven't seen
them around or they may have downsized. 

And you are right about the hot dogs and mayo, tried it once, did nothing
for me. I actually prefer New York dogs with lots of mustard.


-Original Message-
From: frank theriault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 23, 2004 10:09
Subject: Re: OT - Francophiles

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 00:05:17 -0400, Nicolas Colarusso
> We do [put mayo on fries] in Quebec.

Really?  I didn't know that.  I haven't lived in Montreal for going on
20 years, but I don't recall mayo on frites.  I'd have remembered

It's either a newish thing, or a local/regional thing, I guess.

Now, some of my Quebecois acquaintances put mayo on hot dogs, which I
always thought a bit odd, but who am I to comment?  On fries, eh? 
Maybe Quebec's a Distinct Society after all...


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

RE: OT - Francophiles

2004-10-22 Thread Nicolas Colarusso
We do in Quebec.

-Original Message-
From: frank theriault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 22, 2004 23:41
Subject: Re: OT - Francophiles

On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 11:09:06 -0500, Gonz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And I thought Francophiles were people who like fuzzy pictures, or are
> those Frankophiles?

We Canadians don't eat French Fries with mayonnaise.  At least not
that I've heard of.  Is that a Western thing, Wheatfield?  Pat in BC?

Ketchup, vinagre, salt, gravy, cheese curds (actually, with gravy and
cheese curds it's called Poutine, literally Quebec slang for "a mess"
- it'll clog your arteries in about 20 minutes, but man, is it good!)
- I've heard of all those things on fries, but not mayo.




"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

RE: De-Lurking and Replacement Decision

2004-10-14 Thread Nicolas Colarusso
I totally agree with your comment. Seems to me since I have been shooting
digital I have put less thought in the photographic process. I keep shooting
until I get the image I want. Recently returned to my Mz-S and was forced to
think. What a wonderful feeling.

-Original Message-
From: Shel Belinkoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 14, 2004 22:57
Subject: Re: De-Lurking and Replacement Decision

That's   well, I was gonna say something nasty but thought better of
it, so I'll just ask, what makes you say that one can't have control over
their output unless one uses digital.  And what the heck is it with so many
of you digi people that you seemingly MUST comment on how many hundreds of
exposures you make?  


> [Original Message]
> From: Kenneth Waller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If you're not interested in digital optimization of images on the
> then by all means go out and get the MZ-S, a wonderful film camera. If
> however you're interested in having control over your photographic output,
> then I recommend you seriously consider digital. I recently have started
> move into digital, after shooting slides for years, I had no idea as to
> time digital would take, but I sure like the results & the long term cost
> savings. During a recent 10 day shoot during which I shot 1400 images, I
> figure I saved, in slide processing costs, the better part of the cost of
> the *ist D.

RE: Am I crazy, or..........??

2004-09-20 Thread Nicolas Colarusso
Same thing here, Just started receiving mail at 8:30 Eastern

-Original Message-
From: Don Sanderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: September 20, 2004 21:16
Subject: Am I crazy, or..??

Am I the only one affected or was the list AND down for 14 or so
hours today?
My last mail was at 5:36 AM, then none till 7:44 PM.
I'm surprised it's not the main topic of conversation, was it just a local


RE: istDs - what a great camera!

2004-09-15 Thread Nicolas Colarusso
Looks like the *ist Ds to me

-Original Message-
From: Martin Trautmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: September 15, 2004 10:10
Subject: Re: istDs - what a great camera!

On 2004-09-15 15:35, Alin Flaider wrote:
> Martin wrote:
> MT> Yet another question: the new model was reduced in weight. Does it
still use
> MT> an inner metal frame or ist it 'plastics only'?
>   The chassis depicted here appears quite sturdy:

But that's the image of the *ist D - isn't it?

I asked for the *ist Ds.


RE: Vacation musings-

2004-08-22 Thread Nicolas Colarusso
I would love to see your pics of Quebec City. I travel to Quebec City (I
live in Montreal about 3 hour drive) at least once a month to visit family
and it is one of the most, if not the most, beautiful cities of North

I agree with your opinion on French women..I married one.

As for Sangria, it is amazing on a hot day.


-Original Message-
Sent: August 22, 2004 12:06
Subject: Vacation musings-

Oooops let's try it again

Just got back from a week in Quebec City. Shot almost all architecture stuff

and holiday snaps using a PZ1, MZS and LX. PZ1 was loaded with film, MZS
slide and LX with SCALA B&W slide film. Lenses included 16, 20,24, 30, 50
120, 28-70,F2.8 (Tokina),28-105 FA Pentax, 70-200Fa Pentax, 100-300,300 f4.
Here are a few Travel notes: 
When on vacation travel light rather than take lenses you think you might
A pitcher of Sangria goes down great on a hot day.
Shooting  B&W and Colour at the same time is difficult.
Zooms are much more useable than primes.
Climbing up steep hills and steps carrying three cameras and a half dozen 
lenses is no way to spend a vacation.
Sangria does not taste the same at every restaurant. But all are very good.
The Pentax 28-105 FA lens is all I really need for 3/4s of my shooting.
French women really have a style, a look and sex appeal all their own...
Tokina's 28-70 is a close second to the 28-105 as far as an excellent travel

lens goes. It's just a little heavy...
Autofocus is nice for middle-age guys even for stationary subjects.
The MZS and PZ1 are excellent cameras but they offer too many choices. The 
simplicity of the LX still works for me.
Beautiful French women should not be allowed to speak French in front of 
balding middle-aged men who can only dream 
When you change the MZS or PZ1 to spot metering, don't forget to change it 
back to evaluative.
I must try different Sangria recipes.
A light monopod is easier to carry than a tripod and can be used for a
after walking up steep inclines carrying too much gear.
Looking like a professional photographer is not the same as being one. 
(Repeat of first muse - (When on vacation travel light rather than take
lenses you 
think you might use.)
Develop trust in your cleaning ladies that they are not interested in 
stealing your lenses.
Which leads directly into: leaving 3/4 of your lenese in the hotel room is 
smarter than carrying them around town with you.
Which leads to: Leaving 3/4 of your lenses at home is better than worrying 
about them back at the hotel room.
It's unfair that beautiful French women are allowed to wear very 
tight-fitting clothes when they are addressing middle-aged men who are, in
fact, balding, 
and sweating profusely from carrying too much camera gear.
It is better for your photography and your frame of mind to look and feel 
cool with one camera and one or two lenses, than to look like a photo geek
three cameras and too many lenses around your neck.
Just a few travel notes from the middle-age photo geek who never learns.

P.S. I am happily married and not planning to return to Quebec because I
to keep it that way... LOL
Pictures to follow..

RE: MZ-S Limited

2004-04-09 Thread Nicolas Colarusso
I may have missed something.When was this new battery grip announced? Is
there a link? 

Thank you

-Original Message-
From: Pål Jensen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: April 9, 2004 07:09
Subject: Re: MZ-S Limited

Rob wrote:

> Personally I don't mind either, either - but would like to know I was
future proof.

Well, at least Pentax apparently plans to continue the MZ-s in one form or
another for awhile longer. Why else bother with upgrading the battery grip?
I too think it is the last higher end Pentax film slr.


RE: SAFOX VIII problems?

2003-12-04 Thread Nicolas Colarusso
I experience this with my MZ-s and  F1.4. Camera is great with all other

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Stach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: December 4, 2003 12:00
Subject: Re: SAFOX VIII problems?

Hi Alin,

my first AF body was an MZ-3 and I never had such problems with it. The
pics were always tack-sharp, and I inspected them very carefully after
having so much practice with my olden LX and it's
sticky/infinity-problem then...

We'll just have to wait and see, but I hope this is a kind of
misalignment that can be adjusted. So, the QC issue again... :-/


>   Hi Thomas,
>   Don't want to spur your anger any further but this problem is common
>   among MZ bodies - two generations before *ist d. Some suspect a
>   firmware bug, but I think it has to do with the focus motor getting
>   out of alignment. Too bad that Pentax managed to perpetuate it until
>   now... :o[
>   Servus,  Alin
> Thomas wrote:
> TS> I always think of a friend who asked if I really wanted to buy one

> TS> of those from the first production run.
> TS> But I just smiled and said that it's already third generation or 
> TS> so from a technology point of view...

RE: Happy Birthday Canada

2003-07-02 Thread Nicolas Colarusso
Hi Bob, 

About the White House...that was a mistake. The British made us do it! 

And for our neighbours to the south, you are worthy of our friendship. I
hope we are worthy of yours.

Just kidding.

-Original Message-
From: Bob Blakely [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: July 2, 2003 10:49
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Canada

Damn right Canada's a great and beautiful country - and filled with the
of most wonderful people to walk the face of this earth! For all these
we've shared the longest undefended border in the world with a good
May we always be worthy of this friendship.

P.S. Please don't burn down our White House again.  :)


"Do not suppose that abuses are eliminated by destroying
the object which is abused.  Men can go wrong with wine
and women.  Shall we then prohibit and abolish women?"
-Martin Luther

From: "frank theriault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> July 1, 1867 was the day that the British North America Act was passed
> in London.  That basically ended Canada's status as a colony of
> and set us up as a more or less indepentant nation.  A few more things
> had to happen (most notably the Statute of Westminster in 1931) before
> we became truly independant.
> But never mind.  July 1 is Canada Day, and we turned 136 today.  Lots
> folks walking around wearing Canadian flags, with red maple leafs
> painted on their faces, lots of local celebrations, lots of fireworks
> tonight.  We had a beautiful day for it, and I must have walked about
> miles, just taking pictures of smiling faces - everyone was in a good
> mood, and no one seemed to mind having their pic taken.
> I'm a pretty cynical fellow sometimes.  But days like today remind me
> that, for all it's faults, there is no other country I'd rather live
> than this big, beautiful place.

RE: Happy Birthday Canada

2003-07-01 Thread Nicolas Colarusso
Peter Alling said: 
 >> I'm not
however surprised that Frank was the only Canadian on this list to
national birthday, it's so unseemly. :)

As a Canadian and Pentax list member I have to say that I was out all
day celebrating our great nations birthday.

RE: Happy Birthday Canada

2003-07-01 Thread Nicolas Colarusso
How true FrankVIVE LE CANADA!!!

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

-Original Message-
From: frank theriault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: July 1, 2003 21:35
Subject: Happy Birthday Canada

July 1, 1867 was the day that the British North America Act was passed
in London.  That basically ended Canada's status as a colony of Britain,
and set us up as a more or less indepentant nation.  A few more things
had to happen (most notably the Statute of Westminster in 1931) before
we became truly independant.

But never mind.  July 1 is Canada Day, and we turned 136 today.  Lots of
folks walking around wearing Canadian flags, with red maple leafs
painted on their faces, lots of local celebrations, lots of fireworks
tonight.  We had a beautiful day for it, and I must have walked about 10
miles, just taking pictures of smiling faces - everyone was in a good
mood, and no one seemed to mind having their pic taken.

I'm a pretty cynical fellow sometimes.  But days like today remind me
that, for all it's faults, there is no other country I'd rather live in
than this big, beautiful place.

Happy Birthday, Canada!


"What a senseless waste of human life"
-The Customer in Monty Python's Cheese Shop sketch

RE: Hands up and be counted

2003-02-27 Thread Nicolas Colarusso
NoI find it a very ugly body and APS does not interest me at all.


-Original Message-
From: zoomshot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: February 27, 2003 11:21
Subject: Hands up and be counted

So, how many of you merry people are going to get an *ist-D and if not
To start the ball rolling you can count me as a taker.

RE: Looking for an MX-S......or shouldn't I?

2003-01-13 Thread Nicolas Colarusso
Do you mean and MZ-s?

-Original Message-
From: Ketil Eidsaunet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: January 13, 2003 16:38
Subject: Looking for an MX-S..or shouldn't I?


I've got an MF Pentax setup with several items and lenses that I would
to stop using.  Including macro lenses, a ring flash (AF-080-C - I
wonder if
it will work in TTL mode with an MZ-S?), an extreme wide angle lens, a
Tamron mirror lens, to mention a few.

I would love to continue using many of these items, and have no
of buying all of them for an AF system.  But I would really love to have
advanced AF body!

I'm looking around these days, and is really interested in an MX-S.  The
reviews are not only positive, but all in all it looks good.

Anyone have experience with the AF-adapter for MF K-mount lenses?

Anyone have tips for where to buy?  New or used, it doesn't really
Other tips are also welcome!


Kethyl, Norway.

RE: Brads cable release in stock

2002-10-31 Thread Nicolas Colarusso
Please note the parts "guy" is a gal..

-Original Message-
From: David Brooks [mailto:brooks_dee@;] 
Sent: October 31, 2002 08:25
Subject: Brads cable release in stock

Hi Brad and any other PDML er who needs this cable.
I just recieved an email from the parts guy at Pentax
Canada in Mississauga and the cable is in stock at
this location and orders can be placed with him.
Minusha Alam

Dave Brooks

Pentax User
Stouffville Ontario Canada
Sign up today for your Free E-mail at: 

OT: Take it off the list (RE: BRAD PLEASE JUST ***STOP***)

2002-10-15 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, CGA

Ladies and gentlemen,

I have had it. Brad you were wrong with what you did and I accept your
apology (don't let it happen again). And my suggestion to you is to
ignore other emails (not this one) concerning this topic. 

For the rest of you (and believe me I love you all) if you cannot accept
his apology, please take it up with Brad off the list or filter him out
or whatever, I don't think the list really cares what you do. And keep
sending all the informative emails that have helped me so much during
the last few years to this list.

Thank you for your understanding
I got home today and 16 out of 92 emails from Pentax had nothing to do
with Pentax or photography (I would have rather have received emails
concerning C or N)

MZ-S focusing screens

2002-08-01 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, CGA

I have a Z1-p golden section focusing screen. Would any of you know if
it will fit my MZ-s and do I require any exposure compensation?
Thank you
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Focusing screens or MZ-S

2002-07-28 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, CGA

I have a Z1-p golden section focusing screen. Would any of you know if
it will fit my MZ-s and do I require any exposure compensation?
Thank you
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RE: Pentax Japan

2002-07-16 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, CGA

Maybe we should ask the respective Pentax sites in other countries to
translate the sites and make the information available on their sites. 

I don't believe it is up to Pentax Japan to translate to English or for
Pentax Canada to translate to Japanese

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of tom
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 6:22 PM
Subject: RE: Pentax Japan

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sylwester Pietrzyk
> on 16.07.02 18:08, dick graham at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > How do we go about convincing Pentax Japan to offer their
> home web site in
> > "foreign languages", at least English?
> >
> That would be great. The Japan site seems to be more informative, 
> especially their brochures in PDF format are far, far nicer to see,
> than those of
> Pentax Germany or USA... If we could write such a petition
> then who knows?
> But who will take care of collecting our votes?

Maybe one of you could volunteer to do all the translating too?

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RE: PZ-1 on ebay

2002-07-01 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, CGA

Looks like a PZ-20 to me, but I can be wrong...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of wayne master of
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 11:27 PM
Subject: FA: PZ-1 on ebay
anyone interested its going for about $220 US
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RE: Re[2]: How unpleasant.........

2002-04-06 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, CGA

I recently purchased the FA 50 f1.4 and it also came with the cheap back

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Bruce Dayton
Sent: April 6, 2002 11:38
To: Pål Audun Jensen
Subject: Re[2]: How unpleasant.

Every one of my FA's bought in the late 90's or as recent as 2001 have
all had the good rear cap.  I have yet to see a new lens from Pentax
that came with the cheap cap.

Bruce Dayton

Saturday, April 06, 2002, 2:27:47 AM, you wrote:

PAJ> Alan wrote:

>>Somehow Pentax replaced the good old rear caps with cheap ugly push-on

>>caps in mid-90's. I was surprised to find that out when I purchased 
>>the FA*85/1.4. What was Pentax thinking?

PAJ> I've bought a number of Pentax lenses since the mid '90's and none 
PAJ> of them
PAJ> came with the cheap rear cap.

PAJ> Pål
PAJ> -
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RE: MZ-S ... Final question of the day :-)

2002-03-08 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, CGA

I have the tokina ATX 280 (28-70 F2.8) and it works like a charm. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Antti-Pekka Virjonen
Sent: March 8, 2002 09:06
Subject: MZ-S ... Final question of the day :-)

Please bear with me...

All the Tokina AT-X AF Pro lenses (like the 80-200 f2.8) do work with
the MZ-S with no problems ? Just had to ask one more question ;-)

* Antti-Pekka Virjonen * Fiskarsinkatu 7 D   * GSM: +358 400 789753
* Computec Oy Turku* FIN-20750 Turku Finland * Fax: +358 2 413 
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MZ-S Functions Card

2002-01-26 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, CGA

Hi All

I have created a PDF file containing the MZ-S function card. If anyone
is interested please email me off list and I will be more than happy to
send it to you.


Nicolas Colarusso
Montreal, Quebec
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RE: Canadian PDML'rs

2002-01-10 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, CGA


Never heard of the book, but I would like to get my hands on it. It was
probably published around 1967. National Film Board of Canada makes some
very good documentaries.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of jmadams
Sent: January 10, 2002 22:42
Subject: OT: Canadian PDML'rs

I just found an interesting book discarded here in Richmond, and would
like to know if anyone has knowledge of it. (Or contributed to it)

It's "Canada, A year of the land" -  National Film Board of Canada,
containing 238 plates, divided into seasons, showing scenes from various
parts of Canada, and produced to mark the 100th anniversary of the
Confederation of Canada.

This is an awesome book, and I find the photographs inspiring.

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RE: Help Advice needed

2001-12-12 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, CGA

I want to thank all who gave me advice on which camera to trade in. The
response was overwhelming to get rid of the MZ5n. It was the decision I
had taken prior to asking for the advice and you all helped me to
confirm the decision.

Thank you all.

I will post my feelings on the MZ-s when I receive it.
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RE: Help Advice needed

2001-12-11 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, CGA

Grazie Gianfranco,

You stated exactly what I was thinking of. 

I also feel that the Z1p body is sturdier than the MZ5n and the handling
is simply divine.

Your advice has helped immensely.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Gianfranco Irlanda
Sent: December 11, 2001 19:53
To: Nicolas
Subject: Re: Help Advice needed

Nicolas Colarusso, CGA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> Need your help.. I am trading in either my MZ5n or Z1p for an
> Which would you trade in?

Hi Nicolas,

It depends on your needs.
I would trade in the MZ-5n, but it's just me.
I think I could live without a small body if I'm going to
purchase another, but I'd probably miss the 4 fps winding and
1/250 synchro and some other features of the Z-1p (most of all
the possibility to mount a flash on the camera hotshoe and still
use the built-in one without any additional gadget).

I know it's not a great answer, but I hope it helps.


Check out Yahoo! Shopping and Yahoo! Auctions for all of
your unique holiday gifts! Buy at
or bid at
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MZ-s and BG10 grip (Pardon my ignorance)

2001-12-08 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, CGA


I am receiving my MZ-s and BG10 grip on Tuesday; I have a question
concerning the grip. The price of the CR2 batteries is pretty steep, do
I need them if I have the grip installed (which takes AA batteries)?
Looking at pictures of the grip it seems like one has to insert it in
the battery compartment, so I would assume we have to remove them, but I
wouldn't mind a confirmation from someone who knows or has a grip.

Also would like to mention that the retailer told me that Pentax has a
promotion on now. If you buy an MZ-s with grip, they give you a free
remote control which is supposed to work with the grip.

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Re: Windows XP - Scary! (Was=3 A OT: A computer question...)

2001-11-12 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, CGA

was there an office 98?

- Original Message -
From: "Cotty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pentax List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: Windows XP - Scary! (Was=3 A OT: A computer question...)

> >Just curious, how compatible MS office applications are between Mac and
> >and what kind of time lag there is between release of the Windows version
> >and when a Mac version is released.
> Office 98 was released for the Mac well before the Windows version...
> Signed,
> A. Fanatic
> ___
> Personal email traffic to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> MacAds traffic to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Check out the UK Macintosh ads
> -
> This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
> go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
> visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at .
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Attention CANADIANS (MZ-s)

2001-10-25 Thread Nicolas Colarusso


Are there any Canadians who have purchased an MZ-s in
Canada. I would like to know if any of you have had
any problems with it and if you have had problems how
did Pentax Canada take care of it.I really appreciate
your responses. Thank you
Get your free address at
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Re: Cheating

2001-10-21 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, CGA

Voigtlander Bessa R
Canonet QL 17 GIII
Konica Heaxar AF

And thinking of upgrading to the MZ-S
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2001-09-13 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, CGA

I believe it was mentioned that it came from Gord Sinclair all HometownUSA
did was copy what was said. Mr. Sinclair made this commentary on radio in
1973. Therefore, I don't think I should attribute anything to Hometown USA
but rather to Mr. Sinclair. I don't believe existed in 1973
when Mr. Sinclair made the commentary.

Therefore if I haven't done it before I ATTRIBUTE THIS COMMENTARY TO

Look at the archives you will see the reference to Mr. Sinclair.

- Original Message -
From: "Patrick White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "pentax discuss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 8:16 PM

> "Nicolas Colarusso, CGA" writes:
> >Having heard many put down the US and hating their policies I think we
> >should all read this article  from a Canadian newspaper, it is worth
> >sharing.
> >America: The Good Neighbor.
> > Widespread but only partial news coverage was
> >..
> Being an American, I appreciate the sentiment.
> So let's not repay it with the un-neighborly act of passing this around
> without attribution.  It has apparently been written (said?) by Gordon
> Sinclair, of Toronto, a Canadian television commentator (this tidbit from
> the site  So please attach the
> attribution to it before you send it to anyone else, and consider
> along the attribution to those you already sent it to.
> It only took all of (literally) 15 seconds to find this attribution folks
> (I'm on a fast connection from work).
> later,
> -
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2001-09-12 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, CGA

Hi Gianfranco

I apologise if I came on too strong. The events in the last 36 hours have
been overwhelming, imagine the people who lost loved ones, hopefully things
will get back to normal in the near future and the perpetrators will be
brought to justice, whomever they may be.

No hard feelings?

- Original Message -
From: "Gianfranco Irlanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 7:32 PM

> Hi Nicolas,
> You are right saying that.
> I only wanted to say that the quotation seemed completely out of
> date (I should have expressed better what I felt at the moment),
> that's what made me feel it silly.
> I couldn't know that it went back to the 1973.
> Gianfranco
> - Original Message -
> From: Nicolas Colarusso, CGA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 1:16 AM
> > Gianfranco
> >
> > I have never considered myself proamerican, but I would be a
> fool to deny
> > historical fact. Being a second generation Italian Canadian,
> grandparents
> > came over after WWII, the war in which Italy was liberated
> from the clutches
> > of fascism by the Allied Forces, which included the US, I will
> not deny the
> > good things they have done. They have done bad, as all nations
> have, but
> > don't call someone short-sighted for seeing the good. In
> passing, I did not
> > make the statements in the article it was Gordon Sinclair,
> just thought it
> > was about time  we reflected on some of the good they did.
> >
> > Everyone is ready to defend whatever ethnic group is accused
> of terrorism
> > stating "lets get the fax first and then accuse", but when it
> comes to the
> > US, or any other western nation, its a free for all, and if
> someone defends
> > them they are short-sighted. Maybe it is not I who is
> short-sighted, but
> > rather all the ones defending the so called terrorists.
> >
> > Why not open your eyes Gianfranco, I may be short-sighted, but
> at least I am
> > not blind.
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2001-09-12 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, CGA

Having heard many put down the US and hating their policies I think we
should all read this article  from a Canadian newspaper, it is worth

America: The Good Neighbor.

 Widespread but only partial news coverage was
given recently to a remarkable editorial broadcast from Toronto by
 Gordon Sinclair, a Canadian television commentator.  What follows is
 the full text of  his trenchant remarks as printed in the
Congressional Record: "This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for
 the Americans as the most generous and possibly the least
 appreciated people on all the earth.
 Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain
and Italy were lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans
 who poured in billions of dollars and forgave other billions in
debts. None of these countries is today paying even the interest on
remaining debts to the United States.
When France was in danger of collapsing in 1956,
it was the Americans who propped it up, and their reward was
to be insulted and swindled on the streets of Paris. I was there.
I saw it. When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the
United States that hurries in to help. This spring, 59 American
communities were flattened by tornadoes. Nobody helped.
The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy pumped
billions of dollars into discouraged countries.  Now newspapers in
those countries are writing about the decadent, war mongering
I'd like to see just one of those countries that
is gloating over the erosion of the United States dollar build its own
airplane. Does any other country in the world have a plane to equal
the Boeing Jumbo Jet, the Lockheed Tri-Star, or the Douglas DC10?
If so, why don't they fly them? Why do all the International lines
except Russia fly American Planes?
Why does no other land on earth even consider
putting a man or woman on the moon? You talk about Japanese
technocracy, and you get radios.  You talk about German
technocracy, and you get automobiles.  You talk about American
and you find men on the moon-not once, but several times-and
safely home again.  You talk about scandals, and the Americans
put theirs right in the store window for everybody to look at.
Even their draft-dodgers are not pursued and hounded. They are here
 on our streets, and most of them, unless they are
breaking Canadian laws, are getting American dollars from ma and pa
at home to spend here. When the railways of France, Germany and India
were breaking down through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt
them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central
went broke,  nobody loaned them an old caboose. Both are still
broke. I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced
to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name me even
one time when someone else raced to the Americans in trouble? I
don't think there was outside help even during the San Francisco
earthquake. Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one
Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them get kicked around.
They will come out of this thing with their flag high. And when
they do, they are entitled to thumb their nose at the lands that are
gloating over their present troubles. I hope Canada is not one of

 Stand proud, America!

- Original Message -
From: "canislupus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 3:04 PM
Subject: All ok?

> It was terrible watching the news. I couldn't believe it at first.
> List people in NYC & W - are you ok?
> I hope you and your relatives are all alive and unharmed.
> Although I don't have much love for many aspects of US policy and
> government, I think US caused many wrongs, but this striking at US
> symbols which led only to many death and suffering is truly appaling.
> I feel sorry for all of you.
> Please, stay level headed howewer hard it is. Eye for an eye has never
> ended anything. I admire those on the list who are such level-headed.
> It's easy to write if I am only watching it on tv.
> With sympathy
>  Frantisek
> -
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Re: MZ-S Blah, blah, blah.

2001-08-31 Thread Nicolas Colarusso

I'm with Bruce on this. I have  no intention of purchasing an MZ-S, but I am
sure others may have an interest, so please do not stop talking about the
MZ-s and continue with the informative reviews. I am sure there are those
who appreciate it.

- Original Message -
From: "Bruce Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: MZ-S Blah, blah, blah.

> Sorry Jody,
> But there are plenty of us on the list who do have interest in the MZ-S
> may purchase one or more.  So you go right ahead and filter it out, but
> don't ask the list to shut up.  The same could be said for Spotmatics,
> etc.  The idea is that you read what you want.
> Bruce Dayton
> Sacramento, CA
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jody" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 7:45 AM
> Subject: Re: MZ-S Blah, blah, blah.
> > I forget who said this is getting tedious, but he is
> > right. I am sorry, but I just don't care about this
> > stuff. I think I will filter it out from now on.
> >
> > I am never going to buy an MZ-S. You will never
> > convince me otherwise. Yes, maybe you managed to
> > convince Pentaxclover, but not me. I just don't want
> > one. Don't ask why, that's just the way it is. Please
> > have some consideration and try not to clog my (and
> > others) inbox(es) too much.
> >
> > Enough is enough.
> >
> > Jody.
> >
> > --- Pel_Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo!
> Messenger
> > -
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> -
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Double emails

2001-08-05 Thread Nicolas Colarusso

Hi everyone

I have been away for the past 2 weeks. Is there a reason why I am receiving
duplicates of all   postings.


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Re: Pretty pictures

2001-06-21 Thread Nicolas Colarusso

Would love to see the photos. Thanks in advance.

- Original Message - 
From: "mike wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 3:24 AM
Subject: Pretty pictures

> Hi,
> If anyone wants to see some shots made with the 31mm Ltd or a
> comparison shot of the MZ-S/Z1-P, please mail me OFF LIST (sorry
> for shouting).
> They are just snapshots of a bridge in St Petersburg at fully
> open and closed aperture.  Total of 250Kb for all three.  Bit of
> operator error (left the date [not data] imprinting on on the
> MZ-S, although I was sure it was off) and some scanning
> artefacts.
> Replies to the list will not be answered.
> mike
> -
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Re: P&S en francais (Was: MZ-S worth)

2001-02-27 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, cga

Oui, excellent!!
- Original Message -
From: "Lasse Karlsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 7:54 PM
Subject: P&S en francais (Was: MZ-S worth)

Pentax Clover wrote:

> Please, can you tell me what P&S means ??? (my english is not as good as I
> wish )

Pardonnez moi, je ne parle pas Francais très bien, mais quand méme je
voudrais bien essayer de repondre cette question en Francais.
"P&S" veut dire "Point and shoot", comme (en Francais) "Pointer(?) et
tirer(?)" ou, si vous voulez, "Pointez et tirez". On utilise cette phrase
pour les cameras compactes (par example le Pentax Espio etc), parce que on
peut les utiliser tres facilement, seulment par pointer et tirer...
(Did this make any sense in French?)


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Re: MZ-S worth

2001-02-27 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, cga

A point and shoot camera. Une appareil photographique compact.

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Re: Autofocus use declining

2001-02-20 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, cga

When doing important work such as weddings I use my autofocus about 75% of
the time (Z1p and MZ5n). When walking around doing street photogrphy and
wanting to be creative, I use my Bessa-R and Canonet GIII QL17.

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Re: Max 5 posts a day? (Was: There's OK, Then There's OT etc

2001-02-17 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, cga

Not saying OT posts are not good. Just that after a long day at work going
through 150 messages is kind of much. Maybe I should filter for OT an create
a directory for OT subjects and have a quick glance.

This message has OT in its subject and I am still getting it into my inbox.
I filtered for "OT:" reason is that I don't want to miss anything "HOT" from
the members.

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 12:02 AM
Subject: Re: Max 5 posts a day? (Was: There's OK, Then There's OT etc

> In a message dated 2/17/2001 7:56:38 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> > Do what I do..any OT is filtered into my Trash folder. Saves lots of
> > no need to delete, no need to read.
> But, Nicolas, you will then miss out on some useful general photography
> threads, and you will also (because of the lack of "OT" labeling) still
> to put up with some irrelevant posts, too. It's a shame that your method,
> though you seem to say that it works fine for you, should be necessary at
> in the first place.
> Fred
> -
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Re: Max 5 posts a day? (Was: There's OK, Then There's OT etc

2001-02-17 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, cga

Do what I do..any OT is filtered into my Trash folder. Saves lots of time,
no need to delete, no need to read.

- Original Message -
From: "Lasse Karlsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 6:50 PM
Subject: Max 5 posts a day? (Was: There's OK, Then There's OT etc

> Bob S. wrote:
> > The list is becoming like a chat room with everyone chattering away.  I
> > myself deleting whole threads and all messages from some babblers
> > even reading them.
> How about about we agreed on restricting us not to send more than, say 5
messages a day? (The number up for discussion.) This would at least get rid
of a lot of the very chit-chat, one-two line postings. We would have to
think economically, we wouldn't have this  m a n y  rather meaningless
messages to open just to delete them.
> What do you all think? (We wouldn't have to be rigid about it, just as a
general guidline in order to make ourselves feel a little bad about
littering the list too much.)
> Is this a good idea or not?
> Lasse
> -
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MZ-S availability in Canada (was Germany)

2001-02-16 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, cga

Contacted Pentax Canada...they have no news but expect it in mid-June.

- Original Message - 
From: "J. Hein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pentax Discuss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 7:02 AM
Subject: MZ-S availability in Germany

> I just spotted on, they expect an availability of the MZ-S
> in June 2001. Not sure whether this was reported already. If so, please
> ignore. Joachim
> -
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2001-02-06 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, cga

Just got another email with a virus from [EMAIL PROTECTED] It is the
same virus from Graham.

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 5:30 PM

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Re: Re: My job sucks don't read this i'm being mean.

2001-02-01 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, cga

Please take this out of here..

a frustrated autoworker

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Re: Re: My job sucks ?????????????

2001-01-31 Thread Nicolas Colarusso, cga

What does this have to do with Pentax or photography?

- Original Message -
From: "aimcompute" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: Re: My job sucks (would you like some cheese with your whine)

> Gerald Cermak writes:
> >
> >This is exactly the kind of mentality that the CEOs of corporate America
> >would love to return to: ala the workforce of the 1990 recession, happy
> just
> >to have a job, willing to take pay cuts along with more work hours, and
> >"thank you" and the end of the grueling soul-destroying day.
> >
> >I say "No, thank you", I don't want that, I refuse to take that attitude.
> I
> >am doing my employer a favor by working for them, not the other way
> >
> Amen to that!  I know this will sound crass, so don't take it to it's
> extreme, but I've found the only way not to get totally taken advantage of
> by American business is to start viewing MYSELF as a business entity.  As
> such, I make business decisions based on what is best for the business,
> out of emotion or sentimentality, or fear.
> When multiple recruiters for a Microsoft contract were beating on my door
> offering me 33% less pay than the contract I had with the Public Utility
> company, I said no thank you even though I didn't have a job at the time.
> held out until I took another offer (not for MS) at 20% more than what I
> making.  In fact it's widely known that people will work for Microsoft at
> lower pay because of the "prestige".  They're also known to work very long
> days.  Not for me.
> I know this doesn't always work and everybody's personal situation is
> different.  But if the "corporate brain" believes your gullible or will
> for less they'll definitely maximize their profits by paying you less,
> though you're worth more.
> Tom C.
> -
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