Hello everyone!

I've been in the list for 1 week.
I've semi switched back to Pentax, using the ME my father bought in 1976 and
the SMC-M50/1.7 K that was mounted onto.

I recently acquired the SMC 135/2.5 K (6 elements, 6 groups version) and the
SMC-M 50/1.4 for 80 euros (approx. 80USD) for both.
I 'm still waiting for the film to be developped to see if these lenses are
lemons or not.
(and I'm on a mint, almost new SMC-M 24/2.8 at a low price, below 50

I must admit that using the ME with these lenses is a real pleasure, and I
left more often my Canon EOS gear at home now.



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