I was using my Pentax 100 f 2.8 macro lens with the *istd on the weekend,
and was horrified to find that many shots of what I had taken on auto focus
turned out to be so soft as to be

To make matters worse the shots were ones of my first ever encounter with  a
male Californian quail.

I took about a dozen shots of this bird from as close as 2-3 meters away and
relied on auto focus for all of them.

Bad mistake, I only got one image that was sharp enough to be useable. The
bird was stock still as I shot and in fact was listening to the auto focus
confirmation beep during the encounter. He was so engrossed with it he
actually stood upright once and uttered a little song in response.

It was a moment to take my breath away and I was just in raptures at what
was happening in front of me.

To find the images so poorly focused on downloading was a disappointment to
say the least.

 I don't quite know what to do about it.



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