Bribing someone to allow a great shot (was: Re: Favorite f/stop)

2003-01-01 Thread Paul Franklin Stregevsky
Tom Reese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I use a tripod for about 90% of my pictures and I'm working on my laziness
to eliminate that other 10%. 

You put me to shame! Using a tripod more often is a New Year's resolution
I'd be sure to break; I simply shoot too many stealth shots of people.

Last night (Dec. 31) I wanted to finish a roll of film; it drives me crazy
when one roll straddles two years; I can't decide how to file the negatives
and the index print. 

So I went around shooting my daughters as they chatted on the phone or
what-not. Alexa, my 12-year-old refused to cooperate; she would dodge me or
hold up a hand. 

With two shots to go, I decided to get a shot of me lying on the couch, so
my descendants could see how I spend New Year's Eve. :) Alexa was lying down
on the adjacent couch and saw me aiming the Tokina 90 from the next room and
said, "No!" 

I assured her I had no intention of shooting her or her mother.

"If you do shoot me or Mom, will you give me ten dollars?" I had taught her
to ask "If it turns out you've just lied will you give me xxx dollars?"
whenever she suspected someone is lying.

"Yes," I replied. She had me.

I set up the tripod, set the timer, lay down, and got my self-portrait.

Several minutes later, Alexa was lying with her head in her grandmother's
lap as her grandmother gently stroked her hair. What a great Frame 36 shot!
I asked if could take the shot? She finally agreed to let me take the
shot...for $10. I counter-offered $5, and we settled on $6. 

As part of the settlement, I got to set up the shot on a tripod.

Has anyone else ever bribed a friend or relative to allow you to get "the
perfect shot"?


Re: Bribing someone to allow a great shot (was: Re: Favorite f/stop)

2003-01-01 Thread ernreed2
[EMAIL PROTECTED] inquired, after sharing a cool story:
> Has anyone else ever bribed a friend or relative to allow you to get "the
> perfect shot"?

I think I've been brainwashed too much with NPPA Journalistic Ethics to even 
consider bribery -- however, during a visit from my father last year I managed 
to get him to sit, and cooperate beautifully, for the best portrait of him I 
have ever seen (much less taken)! My father is the type who always strikes up a 
facing-the-firing-squad pose when about to be photographed, but this time he 
was very eager to be photographed well. The reason? He assumed when I suggested 
the portrait session that I would be using my Rollei, and he really, really 
likes my Rollei. (See his Jan. PUG submission for evidence of this interest.)
Still can't get him to behave for a Pentax portrait, though ... :(

(so I guess the implicit but understood bribe was "I'll use the Ro-o-o-ll-ei!")


Re: Bribing someone to allow a great shot (was: Re: Favorite f/stop)

2003-01-02 Thread William Robb

> From: "Paul Stregevsky" >
>Has anyone else ever bribed a friend or relative to allow you
> get "the
> perfect shot"?

Does buying them lots of drinks and telling them how beautiful
they are count?

William Robb

RE: Bribing someone to allow a great shot (was: Re: Favorite f/stop)

2003-01-02 Thread tom
> -Original Message-
> From: William Robb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > From: "Paul Stregevsky" >
> >Has anyone else ever bribed a friend or relative to allow you
> to
> > get "the
> > perfect shot"?
> Does buying them lots of drinks and telling them how beautiful
> they are count?

I tried bribing my nephew with beer, but he prefers fingers and toes:

(Yes, that is a Pentax logo.)


Re: Bribing someone to allow a great shot (was: Re: Favorite f/stop)

2003-01-02 Thread Treena
If it doesn't, it should ... ;)

- Original Message -
From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: Bribing someone to allow a great shot (was: Re: Favorite

Does buying them lots of drinks and telling them how beautiful
they are count?

William Robb

Re: Bribing someone to allow a great shot (was: Re: Favorite f/stop)

2003-01-03 Thread Cotty
>Does buying them lots of drinks and telling them how beautiful
>they are count?
>William Robb

I'll bet the wife's not impressed!

At least she now knows where he's been taking the dogs 'for a walk'...



Oh, swipe me! He paints with light!

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