> See below for some remarkable comments he and a colleague made on
> television, as reported in the Washington Post.
> ________________ excerpt from news story _____________________
> God Gave U.S. 'What We Deserve,' Falwell Says
> Television evangelists Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, two of the most
> prominent voices of the religious right, said liberal civil liberties
> groups, feminists, homosexuals and abortion rights supporters bear
> partial responsibility for Tuesday's terrorist attacks because their
> actions have turned God's anger against America.
> "God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to
> give us probably what we deserve," said Falwell, appearing yesterday on
> the Christian Broadcasting Network's "700 Club," hosted by Robertson.
> "Jerry, that's my feeling," Robertson responded.

This isn't as disgusting as what the terrorists did, but it's disgusting.

The most ironic thing about these vicious morons is that their attitudes are
so far, far, far away from any accepted understanding of Christian behavior.
They ought to read what Jesus said for a change and try to make at least a
token attempt to understand what Jesus believed in.

Falwell and Robertson's attitude has much more in common with the blind
fanaticism of Osama bin Laden and the radical muslims than it does with the
rest of America, or with real Christianity.

I continue to be grateful for our constitutional separation of church and

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