Lon Williamson pointed out:
> There are other things to love about the KX:
> * Lock button locks shutter and aperature if you set lens on Bulb

It does *WHAT!?*

{runs downstairs to grab the KX and fire a frame on 'B'}
{runs back upstairs, cackling with glee}

[expletive]!  That's going to be Really Useful now that I 
know about it!

(Yes, I do have a locking cable release.  I don't always have it
with me.)

> * Batteries last practically forever and are cheap/readily available

Which reminds me, I need to replace the batteries in my Super Program

> * Horizontal shutter less vibration prone than many vertical run
> shutters

Didn't realize that!

> * ASA knob goes from 8 to 6400.  Quite a bit of control there for an
> oldie.

Yeah, and it's easy to just shoot "off by a stop" with the needle
when I'm shooting at 12500, which I do often enough that it matters.

                                        -- Glenn
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