Re: LX screens in MX, thanks.

2001-12-07 Thread Gianfranco Irlanda

 SE-20 has a circle in the middle but no microprisim.  Do you
think that
 would work?  Or is it worth putting up with this at all?  Is
it better to
 use LX screens in the MX then MX screens?

I have a SE-20 (too bad it got dirty and I tried to clean it up
in the wrong way) and it works (worked...) with no problem in
the MX (now I used some kind of oil to get it clear back - it
seems an SE-25 now... it works, though).

Better... ? Well, if you can live with a metering off of 1/3
stop, I can say yes, it is worth it.

Good luck for your studies, it seems like a good opportunity.



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Re: LX screens in MX, thanks.)

2001-12-07 Thread Gianfranco Irlanda

 Where are you from?

Hi Levi,

I'm from Italy. I live in Ercolano, near Naples. I hope you've
heard of Ercolano and not of Pompeii only... I'm a - almost
starving - professional photographer (and a sociologist, too,
but that's another story...).

Have you ever been around here?


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LX screens in MX, thanks.

2001-12-06 Thread LeviL

 Hungary! I've been in Vienna twice but never been able to travel
 to Budapest or even across the border. Next time I'll plan a
 longer journey...

You should come.  It is really pretty.  In fact I started Photography here
in Lincoln, NE. Talk about boring (especially without a car)  I can't wait
to get home where there is just so much to shoot.

 What do you study?

International business as an undergrad and polisci as grad.  I am in
between the two.  3 of my classes are undergrad finishing my degree, 2 are
grad starting the other degree.  Next semester I will take off though to
work for one of the political parties until the elections.  (campaign
consulting job)

 I mean the eyepiece, not the eyecup...

What I mean was that I did notice the problem of not seeing the whole
screen when I used an eyecup.  It is probbaly similar effect the your
glasses :))

 Step by step you'll do anything... There is no kind of
 photography truly hard (well... there may be a couple of

Well getting what you really want on the infrared film and getting some of
thos planets right sure don't seem to be easy.

 I really cannot help you much as I do not astrophotography (only
 once a year or so...), but i can quote from

  1 Focusing with SD-11 and SD-21
 I don't know anything about their application, so I'll just
 quote from the Operating Manual. When focusing with these
 screens, while looking through the viewfinder, place the subject
 you want to focus on in the central cross hairs, and focus the
 lens. When the subject does not come off the central cross hairs
 even if you have moved your eyes slightly to the right or left,
 your subject is then in focus. The SD-11 is suited for
 astrophotography and photomicrography, and if used for other
 purposes, or depending on the telescope or microscope to be used
 with, the corners of the frame may be darkened. 

Woow.  Sounds hard, but I am sure I will get a hang of it.  I don't know
if I will have the opportunity to do astro in the near or even distant
future.  So I guess it is not that important anyway.

We have a solar eclipse on the 14th (not complete) and as soon as the mood
goes away I was planning to take a few pictures of Jupiter, but my MX died

 If your purpose is to use your normal lenses (even the not so
 normal 50-250/4) and not a telescope I should warn you: not use
 one of the new (and expensive) screens for the LX (the -60/-69
 ones). They won't fit your needs and you'll be disappointed.

 Go for a screen designed for general purpose (the SC-21, SA-21
 et simila).

OK, thx.

 Have a look at
 for an idea of the compatibilty of the screens with the various

Thanks.  Good site.

 I would have a hard time trying to take a photo without glasses:
 I press the camera with a certain effort on my right eye and my
 nose to hold it steady (I usually shot handheld even with 1/8,

1/8 I do too.

 If I didn't wear glasses I'd change the shape of my nose
 and would need to clean up the eyepiece after every shot. This

That happends a lot to me :))  Actually when you have it so close to your
eye, it is harder to notice if the eyepiece is not prestine clean.

 way I only have to change the right lens of my glasses on a
 regular basis (you cannot imagine how can a camera induce
 scratches on glass...).

:))  I can imagine...

 I can suggest the SE-60 coupled with the SC-21 or SA-21. The
 last two were my most used screens on my LXs before I could put
 the hands on the SC-69 (do not use this one in the MX for normal

OK makes sence.  So I can get the SE-60 for the tele and the super tele
and get the SC-21 or SA-21 for all other applications.  (SC-21 I guess I
would prefer)  I just wish they would have a screen with no markings (but
especially no micropsims or split prism) that is good for the MX.  The
SE-20 has a circle in the middle but no microprisim.  Do you think that
would work?  Or is it worth putting up with this at all?  Is it better to
use LX screens in the MX then MX screens?

 Screens get scratched. That's what they do best... :-)

I did find this out the hard way...  Screens suck :))



Levente -Levi- Littvay
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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