Re: Medium Format to 35 (WAS: Digital MZ - MR 52 projet still in the air ???)

2001-06-09 Thread Isaac Crawford

Pål Jensen wrote:
> Isaac wrote:
> > It's easy, you can't change a lens' illumination angle. Coverage of a
> > lens is defined by its illumination angle, not the size of the circle of
> > illumination. If what you say above is true, I should be able to shoot
> > 8x10 film with my SMC 50mm f1.4, and I can't... The angle of
> > illumination is set by the design of the lens, along with its
> > resolution, distortion, etc... The resolution of a given area inside of
> > the circle of illumination, at a given size (i.e. at a given focusing
> > distance) will remain constant no matter what size of film you project
> > that image onto. If you change the focusing distance (increasing the
> > size of the image circle), the resolution can indeed go down, but for
> > other reasons involving the reproduction ratio...
> > As you point out, the larger formats rarely need to have as high a
> > resolution, so the designers do not put the extra expense into the
> > lenses typically, but it is theoretically possible to design a lens for
> > 8X10 that will have as good a "resolution" inside of 24x36 as a good
> > 35mm lens.
> I certainly agree but was not exactly what I meant with my admittedly rather bad 
>example. When designating equal lenses (MF and 35mm) I was thinking of overall 
>performance. Eg the two lenses projects the same information content (total number of 
>lines for instance) but on circles with different size. These lenses will then have 
>the same resolution and be equally sharp on the finished product; eg a 8X10 print. 
>This what I mean with the same quality. An MF lens with the same l/mm as a 35mm 
>system lens can resolve a hell of lot more information in total than the 35mm system 
>lens  simply due to the larger area of the  MF lens. Or in another way, a MF lens 
>doesn't need the same resolving power as a 35mm lens to appear equally sharp on  a 
>reproduction of a certain size.

Right, but that's not what the thread is about... I think... We were
talking about the lenses, not how much the film can resolve. If you take
in the same angle of view in both 35mm and medium format, odds are that
the medium format image will contain more information just because of
the density of info on the bigger neg. I thought that we were talking
about putting a medium format lens on a 35mm body. In that case the
medium format lens will resolve the same as it ever did, just over a
smaller area. 
> If a lens have a certain l/mm it will be constant regardless of format. But I won't 
>say that l/mm are equal comparable issues when comparing 35mm and MF lenses. For the 
>same angle of view a MF lens and a 35mm lens with the same l/mm the MF lens resolves 
>a hell of a lot more in finished photograph because theres a hell of a lot of more 
>mm's on a MF negative/positive. Hence, whats constitutes a good MF lens is something 
>different than whats a good 35mm lens. 

But not if they're both on a 35mm body... Once again, you are right
about there being fewer resolution demands put onto a medium format lens
(for the same amount of enlargement) when taking medium format pictures,
but a lens' performance does not decrease just because you switch
cameras. A lens will always perform the same weather its on a 35mm
camera or medium format camera. Theoretically, if you wanted to see how
your MF lens performs on 35mm, just crop out a 24x36 area from the
center of your image...

This is probably the core of the issue. As you say it is possible to
design a LF lens to be equally good as a 35mm but I wonder if it is
common or even viable on a consistent basis.

No on both counts I'm afraid... I only jumped in because it sounded
like you were saying that a lens' performance would somehow decrease
just by switching cameras. I think we both agree that in practical terms
MF optics just aren't as good over a 24x36 area...

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Re: Medium Format to 35 (WAS: Digital MZ - MR 52 projet still in the air ???)

2001-06-09 Thread Rob Studdert

On 9 Jun 2001, at 19:47, Pål Jensen wrote:

> When designating equal lenses (MF and 35mm) I was thinking of overall
> performance. Eg the two lenses projects the same information content (total
> number of lines for instance) but on circles with different size.

I think that this is where our perspectives differ, in my dialogue I was referring 
to the absolute LPPMM on film, ie referring to comparison of the absolute 
resolution a MF lens and 35mm lens of the same FL over the same area of 

I'd put the Pentax 43f1.9 LTD up against the Mamiya 7 43f4.5 (virtually 
symmetrical optical design) on on the same strip of film any day, and I'd say 
that you would have a difficult time deciding which was best (maybe the 
24x65mm image would give the M7 the edge :-)

By the same token I would guess that the Pentax 45mmf4 for the 67 wouldn't 
stand a chance up against the Pentax 43mm LTD, I found that it  was far 
less resolute than the SMCPA50f1.2 in my testing.


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
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Re: Medium Format to 35 (WAS: Digital MZ - MR 52 projet still in the air ???)

2001-06-08 Thread Rob Studdert

On 6 Jun 2001, at 14:14, Pål Jensen wrote:

> But the point in this debate is that when using a MF lens on a 35mm camera you
> will actually decrease the resolution of the lens practically speaking. An MF
> lens will perform worse on a 35mm camera than on a MF camera. The resolution of
> the lens will of course be the same on the 35mm negative/positive as on a 24X36
> area on the MF negative/positive. However, this is not how you (normally) use
> lenses. When the lens is used on a 35mm camera the image need to be magnified
> much more than similar image on a MF negative/positive. Not only does this means
> larger grain due to magnifications of the film but it also means magnifications
> of the optical defects of the lens. 

Hi Pål,

Sorry for my late reply, (I have actually been out making photographs :-). 

The absolute resolving power and minimal distortions available in some of the 
new generation medium format lenses (in particular the Mamiya 7 RF lenses) 
render them no less capable than the current prime lenses from Leica or 
Pentax (given optimum exposure conditions).

Therefore using the centre of the image from one of these lenses should 
result in no less resolution (and it doesn't, by my most critical observations 
ie 40x magnification). The fact is that MF lenses cover a wider field of view 
and project a larger image circle for the same FL, there is no additional 
magnification over 35mm, just a larger angle of acceptance for any given MF 


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
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Re: Medium Format to 35 (WAS: Digital MZ - MR 52 projet still in the air ???)

2001-06-06 Thread Isaac Crawford

Pål Jensen wrote:
> Isaac wrote:
> > Except the fact that the camera/lens combo would be rather awkward
> > because of the larger lenses, no autofocus and stop down metering, there
> > would be no compromises... Seriously though, I can't see many pros
> > putting up with those limitations on a really expensive body, digital or
> > no...
> I believe most of them will use it instead of a polaroid back. For these 
>applications (checking exposure, light setting etc) a digital slr with MF lenses 
>might be useful

For 5 grand?!? You could buy a whole RZ setup with that kind of money.
If someone needed polaroid capability, they probably didn't buy Pentax
to begin with, and if they did, it would make more sense to invest in a
studio camera that has a conventional polaroid (or digital) back. The
price of the digital camera would have to come down significantly to
make sense as a polaroid replacement...

> Pål
> -
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Re: Medium Format to 35 (WAS: Digital MZ - MR 52 projet still in the air ???)

2001-06-05 Thread Pål Jensen

Tom wrote:

> Resolving power is not spread over the image (lenses are
> essentially holographic devices). The medium format lens
> simply has a wider field of view. 

I don't get this. I'm no optical engineer but unconceivable to me how you can double 
cover area without doubling optical defects as well if you use a constant area as 
reference (in this case 24X36). By mounting a medium format lens on a 35mm camera is 
basically like adding a perfect teleconverter to a 35mm system lens. Still, you get 
reduction of optical quality because you're magnifying optical defects as well.
Say you are projecting a perfect slide with  no grain etc with a certain projector 
lens at a certain distance to the screen. Say you choose an area within the projected 
image measuring 24X36 as reference. Then you move the screen farther away from the 
projector (and refocus) so that the image covers a larger area. You still keep the 
24X36 area as reference. Wouldnt the area within the 24X36 frame now show lower 
resolution because you have magnified all the blemishes in the lens? This is basically 
what you're doing when using a medium format lens on a 35mm camera. Also, large format 
lenses show lower resolution than 35mm lenses. - the Minox lens has higher resolving 
power than 35mm system lenses.
Anyway, my test results of the FA645 45/2.8 and FA645 75/2.8 clearly show that they 
are pretty bad when mounted on a 35mm camera. This is of course more compensated for 
when using them on the 645 camera because the larger area of medium format more than 
compensate for this. Jostein Øksne tested the A645 120/4 Macro, one of the best MF 
lenses made, and found that it couldn't compare at all with the M 135/3.5 (I believe 
it was this lens) when mounted on a 35mm slr. 
[My FA645 120/4 gives comparable results with the A* 135/1.8 when used on a 35mm 
camera, but then the FA645 120/4 Macro is an astounding lens}


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Re: Medium Format to 35 (WAS: Digital MZ - MR 52 projet still in the air ???)

2001-06-05 Thread Pål Jensen

William wrote:

> HUH? By that arguement, my 210mm NikkorW should only resolve
> about 8 LPPM. I know for a fact it resolves closer to 60 on the
> film. Format doesn't matter.

Isn't 60 lines pr MM remarkably bad for a lens for the 35mm system?


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Re: Medium Format to 35 (WAS: Digital MZ - MR 52 projet still in the air ???)

2001-06-04 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: "Tom Rittenhouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: June 4, 2001 6:33 PM
Subject: Re: Medium Format to 35 (WAS: Digital MZ - MR 52 projet
still in the air ???)

> ???
> Resolving power is not spread over the image (lenses are
> essentially holographic devices). The medium format lens
> simply has a wider field of view. Older MF lenses may not
> have been as highly corrected as 35 mm lenses, but in these
> days of CAD/CAM the resolving power of the lenses are
> essentially the same. Furthermore, the MF lens on a 35mm or
> Digital camera is only using the center of the image which
> tends to be sharper than the corners. There is no reason,
> with modern lenses, for the MF lens to be less sharp than
> the 35mm lens.

I suspect that cost might be a factor. Really good lenses to
cover big negatives are horrifically expensive.
A Schneider Super-Symmar HM 150mm f/5.6 is over US$2800.00 at
B&H Photo.
I suppose this is the ultimate standard lens for 4x5.
I bet it out resolves anyone's 50mm lens for 35mm.

William Robb
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Re: Medium Format to 35 (WAS: Digital MZ - MR 52 projet still in the air ???)

2001-06-04 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: "Pål Jensen"
Subject: Re: Medium Format to 35 (WAS: Digital MZ - MR 52 projet
still in the air ???)

> Rob wrote:
> > There is no truth in the statement the MF lenses have lower
MTF values
> > either,
> Whatever resolving power a MF lens has it has to be
distributed over a larger area than a 35mm lens.

HUH? By that arguement, my 210mm NikkorW should only resolve
about 8 LPPM. I know for a fact it resolves closer to 60 on the
film. Format doesn't matter.
William Robb

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Re: Medium Format to 35 (WAS: Digital MZ - MR 52 projet still in the air ???)

2001-06-04 Thread Tom Rittenhouse


Resolving power is not spread over the image (lenses are
essentially holographic devices). The medium format lens
simply has a wider field of view. Older MF lenses may not
have been as highly corrected as 35 mm lenses, but in these
days of CAD/CAM the resolving power of the lenses are
essentially the same. Furthermore, the MF lens on a 35mm or
Digital camera is only using the center of the image which
tends to be sharper than the corners. There is no reason,
with modern lenses, for the MF lens to be less sharp than
the 35mm lens.


Pål Jensen wrote:
> Rob wrote:
> > There is no truth in the statement the MF lenses have lower MTF values
> > either,
> Whatever resolving power a MF lens has it has to be distributed over a larger area 
>than a 35mm lens.

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Re: Medium Format to 35 (WAS: Digital MZ - MR 52 projet still in the air ???)

2001-06-04 Thread Pål Jensen

Rob wrote:

> There is no truth in the statement the MF lenses have lower MTF values 
> either, 

Whatever resolving power a MF lens has it has to be distributed over a larger area 
than a 35mm lens. 


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Re: Medium Format to 35 (WAS: Digital MZ - MR 52 projet still in the air ???)

2001-06-03 Thread Rob Studdert

On 4 Jun 2001, at 0:31, Pål Jensen wrote:

> Todd wrote:
> > It should perform quite well, as you are just using the center of the image
> > produced by the lens, which is where most lenses perorm best.  
> They still show visible light fall-off at the corners at wide apertures. Also,
> when used on on 35mm format all optical defects will be trippled for a certain
> magnification. In addition, MF lenses are apparently harder to design well.
> You'll see that almost all MF lenses have lower MTF values than comparable
> lenses for the 35mm format. Even a Carl Zeiss Macro lens for the Hasselblad is
> pretty average by 35mm standards. 

Hi Pål,

My relative tests of 35mm vs MF Pentax lenses showed that the difference 
was negligible in all but the most demanding situations, also I noted no 
vignetting in the corners of the 35mm frame when using MF lenses. The 
distortion (colour and geometric) was very good right to the edges of the 
frame also.

There is no truth in the statement the MF lenses have lower MTF values 
either, just check the Photodo tests for the Mamiya 7 lenses, I have the 43, 
80 and 150 and can say that they are pretty damn good irrespective of the 


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
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