You must be thinking about the big manufacturers, Bud, Coors, Miller, stuff not fit
to swill for pigs. There's lots of good Beer made in America, just not these.

At 03:26 PM 12/18/2002 -0800, you wrote:

Cotty wrote:
> >If God loves me there is a full-frame digital SLR with fast imaged stablized
> >lenses in my future. I am betting Pentax won't have one out by then. Anyone
> >want to wager a beer or two on that. I like free beer!
> I'll bet you a bottle of Wychwood's Hobgoblin against a tin of that sudsy
> bathwater you Americans call beer that you will not see a full frame DSLR
> from Pentax before Jan 1st 2005 :-)
> You in?
> Cotty
> ref:

Hell no! But... I'd love to join you for making that case of Wychwood
become smaller!
I'm ALWAYS up for that, Cotty!
I'll even bring my magic MX to see you! <g>

keith whaley

P.S. Americans don't MAKE beer! IMMHO...

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