
At 13:52 2005.02.06 -0500, you wrote:
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2005 13:08:47 EST
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Bear in mind I am not the best photographer around, only been doing it a few
years, have a lot more misses than keepers, and still forget to reset the ISO
and WTB on my DSLR on a regular basis.

Okay, disclaimers out of the way. Here are some PUG shots that jumped out at
me. (And if I misspell anyone's name, hey, I was writing them down.)

Clocks by Collin Brendemuehl

Maybe it was all the blue, but I gravitated here first. Simple but effective.
Nice composition.

"You impress at a distance, but you impact a life up close. The closer the relationship the greater the impact."
Howard Hendricks

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