Re: SMC PENTAX-F AF Adapter 1,7x

2003-02-05 Thread Mark Roberts

How do you assess working of SMC PENTAX-F AF Adapter 1,7x with manual lenses? 

Very good indeed.

Is it accurate?

Accuracy really depends on the camera you're using it with. I've used it
with the PZ-1p and MZ-S , with which it's very accurate.


Yes. The mass or the moving parts is very low so it focuses very
quickly. Of course, its focusing range isn't extremely large: You have
to get the focusing within the ballpark manually and then let the AF
finish the job. This is fine foe most applications. In fact, I prefer
this to total AF is the majority of situations.

Does it worth to buy it?

In my opinion, yes.

Average price?

Around $100.00, I think?

Does ot work with K M and A lenses?


Any comments...What is the optical quality of the adapter itself?

Very good optical quality if used with top quality primes (which I think
are all you should use with *any* teleconverter).

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Re: SMC PENTAX-F AF Adapter 1,7x

2003-02-05 Thread akozak
And AF with converter is fast?Accurate?Does it deteriorate image quality a lot?
Uytkownik Rdiger Neumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
From Jostein
After also using it with many other lenses, I have found that AF with the
TC is very accurate with f/2.8 (or better) lenses. Precision with eg.
M-200/4 is ok, but no more than that. Lenses of apertures darker than f/4.5
will make the AF hunt in low light.  AF is quite fast. Comparable to eg.

The converter works even when using a f/4.5 like the FA 4.5/300 if you are
using it with a MZ-S. The MZ-S  AF has a far better low light abiltiy than
the Z1-p or MZ-5n, this cameras have a problem with this lens.



OnetPoczta: dua, szybka, bezpieczna!

Re: SMC PENTAX-F AF Adapter 1,7x

2003-02-05 Thread Mark Roberts

Thank you!
So how to work with the adapter?To set the old prime on infinity or what?

Start with the lens focused at infinity and if the AF converter doesn't
have enough range to bring your subject into focus, adjust accordingly.
It's really very easy and intuitive.

It darkens 1.5 stops?


Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: SMC PENTAX-F AF Adapter 1,7x

2003-02-04 Thread Jostein

At the PDMLUK event last summer, I took most of the airplane pictures with a A*400/2.8 
and the AF1.7TC, on a Z1. See for the images, and Cotty's page for 
pics of the combo

After also using it with many other lenses, I have found that AF with the TC is very 
accurate with f/2.8 (or better) lenses. Precision with eg. M-200/4 is ok, but no more 
than that. Lenses of apertures darker than f/4.5 will make the AF hunt in low light.  
AF is quite fast. Comparable to eg. FA50/1.4. 

It works with all bayonet mount pentaxes. Even with 67 or 645 lenses and the suitable 
converter, if you focus with the lens wide open. :-)

Wide open, the converter produce softish images. A 50mm and the 1.7TC makes a very 
nice portrait combo, with a convenient soft-effect.
Stopped down a bit, it's quite good optically.


=== At 2003-02-04, 18:33:00 you wrote: ===

How do you assess working of SMC PENTAX-F AF Adapter 1,7x with manual lenses? Is it 
accurate?Fast? Does it worth to buy it?Average price?Does ot work with K M and A 
lenses?Any comments...What is the optical quality of the adapter itself?


OnetPoczta: du¿a, szybka, bezpieczna!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Best regards.

Re: Re: SMC PENTAX-F AF Adapter 1,7x

2003-02-04 Thread akozak
I would use it with A50/1.4, SMC K105/2.8, SMC K135/2.5 
And optically it is like a zoom?Better/worse?
What price of it could be?
Uytkownik Jostein [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa:
At the PDMLUK event last summer, I took most of the airplane pictures with a 
A*400/2.8 and the AF1.7TC, on a Z1. See for the images, and 
Cotty\'s page for pics of the combo

After also using it with many other lenses, I have found that AF with the TC is very 
accurate with f/2.8 (or better) lenses. Precision with eg. M-200/4 is ok, but no more 
than that. Lenses of apertures darker than f/4.5 will make the AF hunt in low light.  
AF is quite fast. Comparable to eg. FA50/1.4. 

It works with all bayonet mount pentaxes. Even with 67 or 645 lenses and the suitable 
converter, if you focus with the lens wide open. :-)

Wide open, the converter produce softish images. A 50mm and the 1.7TC makes a very 
nice portrait combo, with a convenient soft-effect.
Stopped down a bit, it\'s quite good optically.


=== At 2003-02-04, 18:33:00 you wrote: ===

How do you assess working of SMC PENTAX-F AF Adapter 1,7x with manual lenses? Is it 
accurate?Fast? Does it worth to buy it?Average price?Does ot work with K M and A 
lenses?Any comments...What is the optical quality of the adapter itself?


OnetPoczta: dua, szybka, bezpieczna!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Best regards. 


OnetPoczta: dua, szybka, bezpieczna!

Re: SMC PENTAX-F AF Adapter 1,7x

2003-02-04 Thread Rüdiger Neumann
From Jostein
After also using it with many other lenses, I have found that AF with the
TC is very accurate with f/2.8 (or better) lenses. Precision with eg.
M-200/4 is ok, but no more than that. Lenses of apertures darker than f/4.5
will make the AF hunt in low light.  AF is quite fast. Comparable to eg.

The converter works even when using a f/4.5 like the FA 4.5/300 if you are
using it with a MZ-S. The MZ-S  AF has a far better low light abiltiy than
the Z1-p or MZ-5n, this cameras have a problem with this lens.
