>"but because these posts have not been relevant to the study of semiotics"

Complete rubbish. The topic, AND the broken culture that provides the 
narratives for the topic, have everything to do with semiotics, particularly in 
the context of pragmatism. Broken science can only ever come from broken 
culture and politicized agendas. If you do not see this, then you should not be 
calling whatever it is that you are studying, semiotics.

Nonetheless, I do agree that something needs to be done about this situation 
with Sadhu Sanga... people should have the freedom to participate in the lists 
of their choosing. 

And just to be clear - I certainly have no intention of curtailing my 
participation in Sadhu Sanga just to appease anyone's butthurt. So the sooner 
this situation is resolved, the better.

-----Original Message-----
From: g...@gnusystems.ca [mailto:g...@gnusystems.ca] 
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 7:52 PM
To: 'Peirce-L'
Subject: RE: [PEIRCE-L] RE: [Sadhu Sanga] Re: Is relativity theory holding back 
progress in science?

I'd like to second John Sowa's suggestion that the cc or bcc of Sadhu Sanga 
posts to Peirce-L should stop — not because the study of physics is irrelevant 
to the study of semiotics, but because these posts have not been relevant to 
the study of semiotics or of Peirce.

Gary f.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Jarosek [mailto:sjaro...@iinet.net.au] 

>"I would prefer not to have these emails stuff my folder for Peirce-L.  Unless 
>other Peirce-L subscribers want to read these notes, I suggest that the cc or 
>bcc to Peirce-L should stop."

PEIRCE-L subscribers: Click on "Reply List" or "Reply All" to REPLY ON PEIRCE-L 
to this message. PEIRCE-L posts should go to peirce-L@list.iupui.edu . To 
UNSUBSCRIBE, send a message not to PEIRCE-L but to l...@list.iupui.edu with the 
line "UNSubscribe PEIRCE-L" in the BODY of the message. More at 
http://www.cspeirce.com/peirce-l/peirce-l.htm .

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