Sure, I'll follow up Monday or Tuesday.


From: Spooner, Brian J [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 11:34 PM
Subject: [biosemiotics:9231] Re: Transcending Scientism - print version


I would be grateful if you would email me a pdf of your book/




brian spooner


From: Stephen Jarosek <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 10:41:46 PM
Subject: [biosemiotics:9225] Transcending Scientism - print version ready



Towards the end of last year I posted here to advise that my eBook was
published. Some members contacted me to ask when the print version is
available. It's available now.

A more detailed synopsis of the book than that already provided:

    1) Emphasis is on the PRACTICAL interpretation of the semiotics of CS
Peirce. What does Peircean semiotics imply for how we should live our lives?
Intended for general readership and as such, it omits detailed scholarly
    2) The FIRST CHAPTER is about the failure of the Darwinian paradigm,
attributable to its failure to address entropy. Peircean semiotics is in a
much better position to address entropy because of imitation. Imitation as a
variation on the pragmatic maxim, and how organisms define the things that
    3) We touch on quantum semiotics - semiosis at the atomic-molecular
level, and how it relates to entanglement, and why DNA entanglement is
essential to understanding how life works. Unlike my earlier unsubstantiated
conjectures that I introduced in this forum, however, this time I provide
robust evidence to substantiate the DNA entanglement conjecture;
    4) The SECOND CHAPTER is about exposing Dukkha. Dukkha is a term from
Buddhism, loosely translated as "suffering" or "imperfection." Exposing
dukkha is about exposing the breakdown in contemporary culture, and why we
need to "flee this burning house" (the burning house parable familiar to
Buddhists - to learn to see culture as it is, thus enabling one, in effect,
to transform to a different kind of "human organism"). Exposing dukkha...
how dukkha relates to the three categories, expressed in terms of habit,
association and motivation;
    5) Throughout the book, we address broken science, and how a broken
materialist paradigm relates to broken culture. Of course this relates
directly to semiotics... how a broken science paradigm relates to pragmatism
and epistemology, by informing cultures about the things that matter;
    6) Imitation - knowing how to be - the most essential pragmatism, and
how every organism defines the things that matter. The importance of
narrative and the company that we keep;
    7) In its practical emphasis, the book relates also to politics and
    8) Scientism as religion. There is nothing "objective" about materialist
science at all, as it will never overcome the subjectivity that is integral
to the pragmatic maxim.

If anyone is having difficulty obtaining the ebook online, contact me and
I'll forward a file version in either epub or pdf format, no charge.

The full title of the book: Transcending Scientism - Mending Broken
Culture's Broken Science

Print version:

eBook version:


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