[PEN-L:1887] Re: A + B Theorem

1998-12-27 Thread Jim Devine

William Ryan wrote:
1. John Legge writes: 
Li Feng's model shows a strong rate of growth in the rate of profit as
technological progress occurs...one can imagine workers bargaining for a
share in this "rent from technological growth"...

This diametrically contradicts the A + B theorem.

whose A + B theorem is that? Foster  Catchings?

Expressed in purely financial terms, the A + B theorem concludes that the
general rate of profit must diminish to nothing as technological progress
occurs,  if sales of increasing production are limited to the reflux from
salaries,  wages  and dividends paid during the course of production. This
results from the differentially greater rate of growth of the "B" circuit
as compared to the "A" circuit, funded ultimately by bank credit--which
leads to the hypercompetitive struggle for foreign markets. 

Tugan-Baranowsky argued that capitalist accumulation can realize the excess
product that can't be purchased by salaries, wages, etc. Keynes had a
similar argument: based on borrowed money or accumulated savings,
capitalists can spend on investment, so that aggregate demand is C + I, not
simply C (ignoring G and NX). "Animal spirits" (concerning expected future
profitability) can motivate capitalsits to do this.

One can hardly imagine that immiserated workers, who are being
continuously displaced from the productive process and their sovereign role
as consumers of their own product, as being in a position to "bargain"  for
anything. In this context, the displacement of labor need not equate to
unemployment,  but to labor's undercompensation.

it is possible, as in the late 1960s, that the progress of accumulation
would pull up wages (since creating and installing plant and equipment
requires labor-power). The result of "immiseration" (stagnant wages
relative to labor productivity growth) depends on supply-side conditions in
the labor-power market. 

2. The human mind does not function logically or mathematically but
logistically or metaphorically. This *Inclusive Logistic Progression* has
no excluded middle.  Formal logic and mathematics are included subsets to
the progression that are used by the human mind as tools of expression and
creation. They are tools that are useful to us; they do not define reality.
Nor do they necessarily  lead to understanding. Quite often the opposite is
the result. The applicability of a logical or mathematical argument to the
real world depends entirely upon its premises.Just changing, adding, or
removing one premise in such an argument, known, unknown or implicit, may
radically alter the outcome and thereby prove anything, even the absurd. It
is through creative expression that the human mind can put order to such
apparent chaos. In this respect, we as humans are truly made in the "image"
of God, and have the ability to participate with God in building a better

what do you mean by "logistic"? does that mean that deductive logic is
combined with inductive reasoning?

Is the A + B theorem based on logic or logistics?

If it's based only on logic, mightn't it be contradicted by the complexity
of the real world? 


[PEN-L:1885] Fwd: Re: Vicious Holiday Sillinessboundary=part0_914810400_boundary

1998-12-27 Thread Nativejmc

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.


Happy Holidays to All eventhough personally I think that Scrooge was an
advanced thinker.

My daughter is learning alternatives early.  For example, to the tune of God
Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen:

God rest ye merry merchants
let nothing you dismay
Christmas is the time of year
to make the workers stay
in debt throughout the coming year
Thank God for charge accounts
Our profits bring comfort and joy, comfort and joy,
Our profits bring comfort and joy

Mind you, the parents of other children think she is a victim of child abuse
but I call it early ideological propholaxis.

Jim Craven

n a message dated 12/27/98 4:37:26 PM Pacific Standard Time,

 ubj:  [PEN-L:1884] Re: Vicious Holiday Silliness
 Date:  12/27/98 4:37:26 PM Pacific Standard Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Bohmer)
 Hi Gar, Happy Holidays to you and your mom, Peter
 Gar Lipow wrote:
  For some reason this season made me think not about the real meaning
  of Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, Ramadan, Solstice or any other
  holiday, but about the real meaning of Santa Claus --  and all the
  valuable lesson Santa teaches for living in corporate America.
  Think about what a kid learns on first discovering there are is no
  Santa Claus. She learns (if she does not already know) that authority
  figures lie, and that lies by authority figures are good lies, lies
  you are rewarded for believing, lies you should go believing for as
  long as possible.
  If (as is usual) it is another kid who tells her there is no Santa ,
  she learns that those who expose the lies of authority figures are
  wicked destroyers of innocence, that the proper response to learning
  that an authority figure has lied is to protect others from the awful
  Gar W. Lipow
  815 Dundee RD NW
  Olympia, WA 98502
 --- Headers 
 Received: from  rly-yc04.mx.aol.com (rly-yc04.mail.aol.com [])
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  Sun, 27 Dec 1998 19:37:25 -0500 (EST)
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Sun, 27 Dec 1998 16:38:27 -0800 (PST)
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 Received: from [] by elwha.evergreen.edu;
 From: Peter Bohmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-Accept-Language: en
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 Subject: [PEN-L:1884] Re: Vicious Holiday Silliness
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  by rly-yc04.mx.aol.com (8.8.8/8.8.5/AOL-4.0.0)
  Sun, 27 Dec 1998 19:37:25 -0500 (EST)
Sun, 27 Dec 1998 16:38:27 -0800 (PST)
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 16:34:16 -0800
From: Peter Bohmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [PEN-L:1884] Re: Vicious Holiday Silliness

Hi Gar, Happy Holidays to you and your mom, Peter

Gar Lipow wrote:

 For some reason this season made me think not about the real meaning
 of Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, Ramadan, Solstice or any other
 holiday, but about the real meaning of Santa Claus --  and all the
 valuable lesson Santa teaches for living in corporate America.

 Think about what a kid learns on first discovering there are is no
 Santa Claus. She learns (if she does not already know) that authority
 figures lie, and that lies by authority figures are good lies, lies
 you are rewarded for believing, lies you should go believing for as
 long as possible.

 If (as is usual) it is another kid who tells her there is no Santa ,
 she learns that those who expose the lies of authority figures are
 wicked destroyers of innocence, that the proper response to learning
 that an authority figure has lied is to protect others from the awful
 Gar W. Lipow
 815 Dundee RD NW
 Olympia, WA 98502


[PEN-L:1884] Re: Vicious Holiday Silliness

1998-12-27 Thread Peter Bohmer

Hi Gar, Happy Holidays to you and your mom, Peter

Gar Lipow wrote:

 For some reason this season made me think not about the real meaning
 of Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, Ramadan, Solstice or any other
 holiday, but about the real meaning of Santa Claus --  and all the
 valuable lesson Santa teaches for living in corporate America.

 Think about what a kid learns on first discovering there are is no
 Santa Claus. She learns (if she does not already know) that authority
 figures lie, and that lies by authority figures are good lies, lies
 you are rewarded for believing, lies you should go believing for as
 long as possible.

 If (as is usual) it is another kid who tells her there is no Santa ,
 she learns that those who expose the lies of authority figures are
 wicked destroyers of innocence, that the proper response to learning
 that an authority figure has lied is to protect others from the awful
 Gar W. Lipow
 815 Dundee RD NW
 Olympia, WA 98502

[PEN-L:1883] Vicious Holiday Silliness

1998-12-27 Thread Gar Lipow

For some reason this season made me think not about the real meaning
of Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, Ramadan, Solstice or any other
holiday, but about the real meaning of Santa Claus --  and all the
valuable lesson Santa teaches for living in corporate America.

Think about what a kid learns on first discovering there are is no
Santa Claus. She learns (if she does not already know) that authority
figures lie, and that lies by authority figures are good lies, lies
you are rewarded for believing, lies you should go believing for as
long as possible.

If (as is usual) it is another kid who tells her there is no Santa ,
she learns that those who expose the lies of authority figures are
wicked destroyers of innocence, that the proper response to learning
that an authority figure has lied is to protect others from the awful
Gar W. Lipow
815 Dundee RD NW
Olympia, WA 98502

[PEN-L:1882] Re: Open letter to Gennady Zyuganov

1998-12-27 Thread Henry C.K. Liu

Thank you, Robert Naiman, for a well reasoned letter in an increasing confused

Henry C.K. Liu

Robert Naiman wrote:

 Open letter to Gennady Zyuganov

 from a Jewish leftist in the U.S.A.

 Gennady Zyuganov
 Russian Communist Party

 Dear Brother Zyuganov,

 Greetings. I hope my letter finds you in good health.

 Allow me to address you as an American Jewish leftist, as one with great
 concern over the suffering of Russias people, and also as one deeply
 concerned with the suffering of the Arab peoples of the Middle East, indeed
 as one who has brought medicine to Iraq in violation of the U.S. embargo and
 who was imprisoned by the Israeli authorities in February 1996 for
 attempting to nonviolently obstruct the demolition of a Palestinian home by
 Israeli authorities, and who remains to this day barred from Israel by the
 Israeli government.

 Let me begin my letter by expressing my deep regret for the destructive role
 that the United States, through its military, economic and political
 policies, has played in Russia, particularly for the role of the U.S., the
 IMF, and USAID in supporting "shock therapy" for the Russian economy, which
 has caused so much suffering for the Russian people.

 While I continue to be saddened by the suffering of the Russian people, I
 have been heartened by the recent moves of the Russian government to
 "declare independence" from the IMF and the U.S. and return to economic
 policies more attuned to the interests of the Russian people than to the
 interests of international banks and multinational corporations.

 However, I was quite dismayed to read recent press reports that you have
 recently and publicly attacked the role of "Zionist capital" in Russia,
 accusing it of "ruining Russias economy."

 I hope that these reports are not accurate. If they are not, please accept
 my apologies and my hope that in the future, you will bear in mind how your
 remarks may be distorted in the Western media and choose your words more

 If these reports are accurate, however, I must vigorously protest. Your
 remarks are being interpreted in the West a thinly veiled anti-Semitic
 attack. Sadly, I must agree with this assessment. In making these remarks,
 not only do you do a great disservice to the Jews of Russia, who must surely
 feel less safe today knowing that the head of the Russian Communist Party is
 willing to engage in anti-Semitic diatribes, you also do a great disservice
 to all those who struggle for more economic justice in the world and to all
 those who support the just demands of the Palestinian and Arab peoples for

 That you do a disservice to the Jews of Russia, by making an issue of the
 religious or ethnic background of some of the clique around Yeltsin instead
 of attacking them for their specific activities, I think is obvious. That
 you do a disservice to those who support economic justice and Arab and
 Palestinian self-determination may not be so obvious to you, so let me
 attempt to explain.

 To begin, I hope that you would agree that the opinions of the
 newspaper-reading public in the United States are a matter of great import
 for the world. It should not be so; in a just and more perfect world, power
 would be more evenly distributed, the U.S. would not be able to push other
 countries around so much, and so the opinions of Americans would not matter
 so much. But while we should all work to reduce the power of the U.S.
 relative to other countries, for the foreseeable future U.S. policy will
 have a great impact.

 Now, I would not claim that we in the U.S. democratically control the U.S.
 government. Clearly this is not the case; our democracy is rather imperfect,
 to say the least. Nonetheless, public opinion does have some impact.
 Consider the Vietnam War as an example. The war continued long after it was
 deeply unpopular in the U.S. Nonetheless, popular protest shortened the war
 and thus saved many lives. More recently, activists opposed to the policies
 of the IMF succeeded in blocking the Clinton Administrations request for
 more money for the IMF in the U.S. House of Representatives. While the IMF
 eventually got the money through a backroom deal, we believe that this
 battle significantly weakened the IMF politically and contributed to the
 somewhat increased flexibility the IMF has shown recently, at least in Asia.

 I assume you are aware that for many years Yeltsin and his clique have been
 portrayed in the West as "democrats " and "reformers," who are only opposed
 by "remnants of the Stalinist regime" and "extreme nationalists." (The term
 "nationalist" in this context has the connotation not of those who defend
 the general public against the interests of foreign powers but of those who
 promote ethnic hatred and xenophobia to advance their political careers. )
 With this portrayal, increasingly at odds with reality as you know, the U.S.
 government was able to maintain public support 

[PEN-L:1881] A + B Theorem

1998-12-27 Thread William B. Ryan

1. John Legge writes: 

Li Feng's model shows a strong rate of growth in the rate of profit as 
technological progress occurs...one can imagine workers bargaining for a share 
in this "rent from technological growth"...

This diametrically contradicts the A + B theorem.

Expressed in purely financial terms, the A + B theorem concludes that the 
general rate of profit must diminish to nothing as technological progress occurs, 
if sales of increasing production are limited to the reflux from salaries, wages 
and dividends paid during the course of production. This results from the 
differentially greater rate of growth of the "B" circuit as compared to the "A" 
circuit, funded ultimately by bank credit--which leads to the hypercompetitive 
struggle for foreign markets.

One can hardly imagine that immiserated workers, who are being 
continuously displaced from the productive process and their sovereign 
role as consumers of their own product, as being in a position to "bargain" 
for anything.

In this context, the displacement of labor need not equate to unemployment, 
but to labor's undercompensation.

2. The human mind does not function logically or mathematically but logistically
or metaphorically. This *Inclusive Logistic Progression* has no excluded middle. 
Formal logic and mathematics are included subsets to the progression that are
used by the human mind as tools of expression and creation. They are tools 
that are useful to us; they do not define reality. Nor do they necessarily lead to
understanding. Quite often the opposite is the result. The applicability of a logical 
or mathematical argument to the real world depends entirely upon its premises.
Just changing, adding, or removing one premise in such an argument, known,
unknown or implicit, may radically alter the outcome and thereby prove anything, 
even the absurd. It is through creative expression that the human mind can put 
order to such apparent chaos. In this respect, we as humans are truly made in 
the "image" of God, and have the ability to participate with God in building a 
better world. 

And here there is no necessary requirement for God to be thought of as 
anything more than the *theoretical limit* to the progression.

Bill Ryan: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/7018/

Get your FREE Email at http://mailcity.lycos.com
Get your PERSONALIZED START PAGE at http://personal.lycos.com

[PEN-L:1880] Open letter to Gennady Zyuganov

1998-12-27 Thread Robert Naiman

Open letter to Gennady Zyuganov

from a Jewish leftist in the U.S.A.

Gennady Zyuganov
Russian Communist Party

Dear Brother Zyuganov,

Greetings. I hope my letter finds you in good health.

Allow me to address you as an American Jewish leftist, as one with great 
concern over the suffering of Russias people, and also as one deeply 
concerned with the suffering of the Arab peoples of the Middle East, indeed 
as one who has brought medicine to Iraq in violation of the U.S. embargo and 
who was imprisoned by the Israeli authorities in February 1996 for 
attempting to nonviolently obstruct the demolition of a Palestinian home by 
Israeli authorities, and who remains to this day barred from Israel by the 
Israeli government.

Let me begin my letter by expressing my deep regret for the destructive role 
that the United States, through its military, economic and political 
policies, has played in Russia, particularly for the role of the U.S., the 
IMF, and USAID in supporting "shock therapy" for the Russian economy, which 
has caused so much suffering for the Russian people.

While I continue to be saddened by the suffering of the Russian people, I 
have been heartened by the recent moves of the Russian government to 
"declare independence" from the IMF and the U.S. and return to economic 
policies more attuned to the interests of the Russian people than to the 
interests of international banks and multinational corporations.

However, I was quite dismayed to read recent press reports that you have 
recently and publicly attacked the role of "Zionist capital" in Russia, 
accusing it of "ruining Russias economy."

I hope that these reports are not accurate. If they are not, please accept 
my apologies and my hope that in the future, you will bear in mind how your 
remarks may be distorted in the Western media and choose your words more 

If these reports are accurate, however, I must vigorously protest. Your 
remarks are being interpreted in the West a thinly veiled anti-Semitic 
attack. Sadly, I must agree with this assessment. In making these remarks, 
not only do you do a great disservice to the Jews of Russia, who must surely 
feel less safe today knowing that the head of the Russian Communist Party is 
willing to engage in anti-Semitic diatribes, you also do a great disservice 
to all those who struggle for more economic justice in the world and to all 
those who support the just demands of the Palestinian and Arab peoples for 

That you do a disservice to the Jews of Russia, by making an issue of the 
religious or ethnic background of some of the clique around Yeltsin instead 
of attacking them for their specific activities, I think is obvious. That 
you do a disservice to those who support economic justice and Arab and 
Palestinian self-determination may not be so obvious to you, so let me 
attempt to explain.

To begin, I hope that you would agree that the opinions of the 
newspaper-reading public in the United States are a matter of great import 
for the world. It should not be so; in a just and more perfect world, power 
would be more evenly distributed, the U.S. would not be able to push other 
countries around so much, and so the opinions of Americans would not matter 
so much. But while we should all work to reduce the power of the U.S. 
relative to other countries, for the foreseeable future U.S. policy will 
have a great impact.

Now, I would not claim that we in the U.S. democratically control the U.S. 
government. Clearly this is not the case; our democracy is rather imperfect, 
to say the least. Nonetheless, public opinion does have some impact. 
Consider the Vietnam War as an example. The war continued long after it was 
deeply unpopular in the U.S. Nonetheless, popular protest shortened the war 
and thus saved many lives. More recently, activists opposed to the policies 
of the IMF succeeded in blocking the Clinton Administrations request for 
more money for the IMF in the U.S. House of Representatives. While the IMF 
eventually got the money through a backroom deal, we believe that this 
battle significantly weakened the IMF politically and contributed to the 
somewhat increased flexibility the IMF has shown recently, at least in Asia.

I assume you are aware that for many years Yeltsin and his clique have been 
portrayed in the West as "democrats " and "reformers," who are only opposed 
by "remnants of the Stalinist regime" and "extreme nationalists." (The term 
"nationalist" in this context has the connotation not of those who defend 
the general public against the interests of foreign powers but of those who 
promote ethnic hatred and xenophobia to advance their political careers. ) 
With this portrayal, increasingly at odds with reality as you know, the U.S. 
government was able to maintain public support for its destructive policy of 
supporting Yeltsin at all costs and destroying the Russian economy.

I hope you will see then, that by making 

[PEN-L:1875] Re: Re: Re: marginalism uber alles

1998-12-27 Thread Rob Schaap

G'day Bill,

Of Brazil's financial swings and roundabouts, you ask:

I'm curious how this mechanism works.  Could you lay out the actors,
and the events that occur for this to happen?

I reported what happened in such general terms, 'coz that's how I got it
from *The Economist*.

I don't know the actual answer to this (I'm a complete finance simpleton),
but I have a guestimate how it could happen.  Plenty here can do much
better, but I'm so grateful somebody has finally evinced some interest in
Brazil, I'll put my neck on the block in the hope the inevitable
corrections put my mind at ease.

If a 'hedge fund' (worth scare quotes, I reckon, as the term's meaning is
apparently changing) load up on the local currency over a period of time
(anticipating a much-heralded IMF injection in such a strategically
important economy), a few billions' worth, what situations would they be
confronting when the injection does come?

They know the IMF bail-outs are attempted via the finance system (after
all, business has to  have 'certainty', dunnit?), but they don't
necessarily know what the government will do with its money (unless the IMF
telegraphs its conditions - and if it were a horse, its form might well be
taken as a better pointer than is the case with most conveyances, eh?).

If the currency is particularly sick, they've a good chance the Brazilian
government will try to put a floor under it by buying it (the government
has no way of knowing such a significant amount of currency power is in one
hand - no-one knows what the big hedge funds are up to - after all, they're
not obliged to tell anybody under our 'transparent' system).  The currency
quickly exceeds the price the fund paid, and the fund unloads the lot
overnight, mebbe making a billion on the spot, and also depleting the
government of its borrowed reserves, and also (given the volatile ambience
definitively associated with such a scenario) starting a run on the

This next bit, I got from Henry Lui over at LBO, who has described details
of an attack on the Hong Kong Dollar in August.

Suddenly out of readies, the government seeks then to protect the currency
by way of interest rates (the IMF will probably demand this, anyway).  As
they go up, the stock market takes a kicking.  Said hedge fund could just
happen to taken positions 'predicting' just such a fall (they could have
bought 'em up as recently as the night they dumped their billions) and they
make a mint on both sides of the Brazilian coin.  The fund could unload its
futures winnings, too, handing the local currency yet another bath.

Brazil's government is down a heap of borrowed money but its stock market
is in peril now.  Interest rates have to drop.  If the fund decides not to
unload its newly won Brazilian currency, it could just wait for the next
'IMF bail-out', and mebbe pick up some cheap futures against a stock market
now apparently in recovery ... after all, no-ones fixing what is decidedly
broken ...

Of course the government could do something else with the IMF money.  It
all depends on whether the IMF will let 'em, I s'pose - but who'd bet on

I've no doubt it's not this simple, and have some doubt it's even close,
but someone'll come along in a minute, Bill ...
