[PEN-L:1915] Libya Asks U.S. To Hand Over Reagan-Era Officials

1998-12-31 Thread Frank Durgin

Thursday December 31 7:19 AM ET 

Libya Asks U.S. To Hand Over Reagan-Era Officials

TUNIS, Tunisia (Reuters) - Libya wants the United States to hand over nine
officials of the Reagan
administration -- one of them dead -- to face charges in connection with
U.S. air raids on Libya in 1986, the
official Libyan news agency JANA said.

The agency quoted the Libyan attorney-general as saying in a statement that
warrants would be sent to the
United States requesting the men's arrest and extradition to face charges
in Tripoli.

The report, monitored in Tunis Thursday, did not make the handover a
condition for the handover of two
Libyans accused by Washington and London of killing 270 people in the
bombing of an airliner over the
Scottish town of Lockerbie 10 years ago.

But the attorney-general drew a parallel with the U.S. and British
warrants, which are backed up with U.N.
sanctions, by saying Libya would appeal to the U.N. Security Council if the
United States did not hand over its

``Our right is based on the fact that the U.S. and Britain turned to the
Security Council in a lesser case than
this one, namely the suspicion against two Libyan citizens in the so-called
Lockerbie incident,'' he said.

The accused from the administration of then-U.S. President Ronald Reagan
included national security adviser
John Poindexter, his deputy Robert Gates and aide Oliver North as well as
Central Intelligence Agency director
William Casey.

Casey died in 1987, and the attorney-general, who was not named, did not
make clear how he expected
Washington to honor the arrest warrant against him.

Other indictees were senior State Department official Robert Oakley, Frank
Kelso, the then commander of the
U.S. Sixth Fleet, two U.S. air force pilots and a weapons officer.

Libya considers the men responsible for U.S. air raids on Tripoli and
Benghazi in April 1986.

It says 40 people were killed including a girl adopted by Libyan leader
Muammar Gaddafi, whose house in the
Azizia barracks in Tripoli was destroyed.

Washington said the raids were in response to an explosion at a Berlin
discotheque in which two Americans
were killed. The United States blamed Libya but Tripoli denied the charge,
just as it denies all involvement in
the Lockerbie bombing.

Earlier this month U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan held meetings in Libya
in the hope of persuading it
finally to hand over the Lockerbie suspects, for whom arrest warrants were
issued in 1992.

But although Libya has agreed to hand the suspects over for trial in the
Netherlands, it continues to reject
American and British demands that they should be tried by Scottish judges
and serve any prison sentence in

[PEN-L:1916] Russia: Homeless Kids on New Year's

1998-12-31 Thread Gregory Schwartz


MOSCOW, Dec. 31, 1998 -- (Agence France Presse) At least 17,000
homeless St. Petersburg children will greet New Year's, Russia's
most-awaited holiday, in freezing cellars and streets.

Only 10 percent of that number have lost their parents, Anatoly
Zheleznev, head doctor of the Tsimbalin hospital -- the only one to
serve orphans in Russia's second city -- told Itar-Tass news agency.
The rest have simply been abandoned.

Those 32 children who will meet the new year in the hospital are the
lucky ones.

Many of them have never received a traditional present for New Year's.
Most also do not enjoy the luxury of heat in winter, comfort and clean
clothes. Hospital workers teach children to read and write in addition
to treating their illnesses and injuries.

Around 1 million children are estimated to be homeless in Russia,
which has a population of 148 million, according to Interfax news
agency, citing figures from a conference on the protection of

Among factors contributing to homelessness are divorce resulting in
one spouse losing residence privileges, confidence tricksters who
cheat people out of their homes and a growing number of underage

Another factor is that the government has been unable to provide
housing for needy individuals like those who grew up in state-run
orphanages and those recently released from prison.

Russia's current economic crisis has only increased the number of
abandoned children.

As for the orphans in the Tsimbalin hospital, the St. Petersburg city
administration and the Petersburg Tradition Fund have provided toys
and food for their New Year's presents

Some of the luckier patients are even taken for excursions around the
Baltic city at the mouth of the Neva river.

"The children don't recognize the city. They've only seen fences and
basements and not luxurious palaces," for which the city is famous,
Zheleznev said to Itar-Tass.

Gregory Schwartz
Department of Political Science
York University
4700 Keele St.
Toronto, Ontario
M3J 1P3
tel:  (416) 736-5265
fax:  (416) 736-5686

[PEN-L:1917] happy new year and signing off for awhile

1998-12-31 Thread Michael Yates


I am going to be away, teaching a class in economics to AFL-CIO folks at
UMass-Amherst, from January 3 through Jan. 13.  I am going to sign off
these lists for that time, but I will be checking my email, so if anyone
sends me a personal message, I will get it and respond.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is my address.

I hope that everyone on these lists has a great new year.

In friendship and solidarity,

michael yates

[PEN-L:1918] Russia: Zyuganov Statement on 'Jewish Question'

1998-12-31 Thread Gregory Schwartz


Here is an article that recently appeared in Sovetskaya Rossiia and
was subsequently translated into English. Although in this clever
recant about the recent anti-Semitic remarks of his party comrades
Zyuganov asserts a basically internationalist position of the
Communist Party and projects the party's socially minded vision, some
comments of his invalidate his supposed internationalism. For example,
in the last third of the essay, Zyuganov implicitly points to the Jews
(most likely people like Koch,  Uhrinson, Berezovsky, Gaidar, Nemtsov,
Chubais, Kirienko, etc.)  who were prominently at the forefront of
privatization and corruption, or have benefited from the loot that has
been taking place in the last 7 years, but he fails to illustrate how
these people are Zionists. That they are Jews is clear, not only from
his implicit, but from his explicit statements, as well as from some
factual evidence that Nemtsov and Kirienko are part-Jewish. That they
have robbed the working people of Russia is evident to any unbiased
reader of newspapers, either Russian or Western. But that these people
operate (behind the scenes, as Zyuganov reminds us) to aid the Zionist
conspiracy, still either needs to be proved, or at least adequately

What happens is some kind of perversion where, by virtue of being
Jewish (albeit Jews who caused what Zyuganov recently called "the
genocide of the Russian people") these men are automatically Zionist,
and not simply who they really are. The people of Russia, therefore,
are offered a scanty justification for seeing in every Russian Jew a
potential (if not a real) Zionist, where _real_ difference between
people disappears into a kind of unitary identity, and where the
possibly disastrous effects of this technique of superimposing
ontologically distinct entities are not difficult to imagine (history
serves as an adequate referent).


Zyuganov Statement on 'Jewish Question'

Sovetskaya Rossiya
24 December 1998
[translation for personal use only]
Statement signed by G. Zyuganov:  "On the National Pride of
Patriots.  Statement by Communist Party of the Russian Federation
Central Committee Chairman" -- passages within slantlines published in


  Each time that politicians in the ruling regime suffer a failure,
resort to an old tried-and-tested means -- they whip up anti-Communist

hysteria. The distinguishing feature of the current campaign of lies
slander in the electronic media has been its provocatively Russophobic

nature.  Once again the thesis about "Russian fascism" and a
Red" threat, and about "anti-Semitism" allegedly being an official
Communist Party stance has once again been thrust into the limelight.
  The aim of this entire campaign is obvious.  To divert society's
attention away from the country's catastrophic position and the real
culprits for it.  To provoke anti-Jewish sentiment among the masses.
channel the working people's mounting social protest down a dead end
-- in
the direction of interethnic conflicts.
  I am convinced that these plans are ultimately doomed to failure.
nor can we close our eyes to the fact that the provocateurs sometimes
succeed in achieving the results desired. In response to this
hysteria, certain Communists have issued ill-considered statements
the Jews, which run counter to the provisions of the Communist Party
of the
Russian Federation Program and the decisions of the Central Committee
plenum on questions of interethnic relations.
  These statements are based on an incorrect and harmful confusion of
Zionism as a political phenomenon with the Jewish question.  Zionism
itself, which states that it is a "purely national" blueprint for
Jews together in the land of their origin, primarily has an interest
such a confusion.  If its goals were indeed limited to this, no
questions would arise.  I would like to recall that it was the Soviet
Union, recognizing the Jewish people's right to national and state
self-determination, which actively promoted the creation of the state
Israel -- but, of course, not to the detriment of the vital interests
the Arab people of Palestine.
  But Zionism has actually shown itself to be one of the strains of
theory and practice of the most aggressive imperialist circles
striving for
world domination.  In this respect it is related to fascism.  The only

difference between them is that Hitlerite Nazism operated behind the
of German nationalism and strove for world domination /openly./  But
Zionism, operating behind the mask of Jewish nationalism, acts /in
not least at second hand.
  Fascism and Zionism are the bitterest enemies primarily of the
whose national feelings and prejudices they exploit. Fascism and
are non-national and profoundly antipeople in their essence.  At the
of World War II Hitler strove to take the entire German people to the
with him, 

[PEN-L:1919] Re: Stampeding bison?199812171533.BAA06772@elf.brisnet.org.au

1998-12-31 Thread Michael Perelman

The source for the stampeding bison is Lewis and Clark's Journals.  I found the
exerpt in Lewis, Meriwether (1971) 'An Indian Method of Hunting Buffalo',
extracted from Journals of Lewis and Clark; in Wes Jackson (ed.) Man and the
Environment (Dubuque, Ia: William. C. Brown  Co).

How trustworthy was there information?

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
fax 530-898-5901