RE: Re: another software query

2000-12-22 Thread Nicole Seibert

This is only a problem when we forward things to each other; we can also
forward "advertisements" that require further downloading from the
advertisers or the originator of the forwarded items website.  This does not
last forever and can be a problem if, well..., if you are not attached to a
university and are paying for your internet connection.  Sometimes it is
best if we cut and paste an article into our message to forgo such problems.
It is easier to cut out the junk.

Also, Jim you might want to fix you http:// address.  You have a semi-colon
where a colon should be.

Over and out until next year,

 -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  On Behalf Of
Sent:   Friday, July 10, 2893 6:44 PM
Subject:[PEN-L:6499] Re: another software query

Did my mail ever do that to anybody else?

> almost every day, I get an e-mail (usually from some reputable company --
> but once from Michael Perelman) which automatically launches my dial-up
> networking applet when I open the message. (I guess they want to help me
> download the info they're selling.) I then can't get rid of it, without
> shutting Eudora down.
> First, this is awfully like a virus -- and I've told that.
> Second, is there any way to fix Eudora so that it isn't susceptible to
> this? I use Eudora 5.0. Thanks ahead of time.
> Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 22 Dec 2000 -- 4:103 (#499)

2000-12-22 Thread Paul Kneisel

/=-=-=-=-Click Here & Support Our Sponsor-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\
Water is the fastest growing part of the beverage industry,
with sales growing to $7.0 billion by 2001. One Company is
poised to capture significant market share with a unique
marketing strategy. Click below to find out who...

DEAR FRIENDS, Have a happy holiday and while you're visiting friends be
sure to mention the journal. Many of you will get new ISPs this time of
year so be sure to let us know of your change of address.


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 22 December 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 103 (#499)

Action Alerts:
Association of Legal Aid Attorneys, "Urgent Action for Peltier," 22 Dec
Anti-Fascist Activism On the 'Net
Paul Kneisel, "Some Ethical Issues On the Use of 'Bots In Inforwar,"
Draft 10 Dec 00



Urgent Action for Peltier
Association of Legal Aid Attorneys
22 Dec 00

Recent news reports indicate that Bill Clinton is unlikely to grant
clemency to American Indian Movement leader Leonard Peltier, who has  spent
24 years in prison on false charges.  The FBI has conducted an
unprecedented public campaign against clemency

Clinton, meanwhile, is considering clemency for convicted junk-bonder
Michael Milken, a major Democratic Party contributor.

For all practical purposes, positive action now is Peltier's last chance
for freedom.  Supporters can join 17,698 signers of the petition below  by
visiting .

* * * * *

Mr. President:

We the undersigned come together before you to request the immediate and
unconditional release of Mr. Leonard Peltier from Leavenworth Federal

Mr. Peltier was convicted for the June 26, 1975 murders of 2 FBI agents  on
the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. There were 4 defendants originally
charged before the Grand Jury. Two of the defendants were tried before  the
court and found Not Guilty by reason of self-defense.

Charges were dropped on the 3rd defendant. Mr. Peltier was tried after a
change of venue to North Dakota. In this trial Mr. Peltier wasn't able  to
put up a self-defense argument. Any evidence that could have proven  Mr.
Peltier's innocence was not allowed in his trial or if it was  allowed it
was not allowed in front of the jury. Witness testimony  wildly diverged
between Grand Jury testimony and trial testimony;  further, several of the
witnesses recanted their testimony after the  trial, claiming perjured
testimony because of threats from the FBI.  Despite testimony, prosecuting
attorneys have stated on several  occasions that they don't know who shot
the agents that day.

The FBI coerced Myrtle Poor Bear into signing three mutually exclusive
affidavits in order to extradite Mr. Peltier from Canada. In Mr.  Peltier's
trial Ms. Poor Bear testified that she never knew Mr. Peltier,  that she
had never seen Mr. Peltier prior to the trial. She testified  that she
signed the affidavits as a result of intimidation by agents  interviewing
her. The jury never heard her testimony, despite the fact  she had
originally been scheduled as a government witness, her testimony  was
excluded on the basis of her "incompetence".   A few FBI officials and/or
agents have launched campaigns to publicly  proclaim the guilt of Mr.
Peltier. Thus perpetuating the original cover  up through dissemination of
misinformation in editorials, web sites and  full page newspaper ads in
what is seen as an effort to discredit the  common sense and creditability
of many national leaders and their  organizations. These leaders have
studied the case in-depth for over  twenty-three years since the reign of
terror on the Pine Ridge  reservation and areas supposedly under the
protection of this county.

Mr. President and elected officials of all people, we ask that you no
longer ignore the voices of the tens of millions of signatures and  letters
of the last twenty three years, and the results of the most  recent polls
in favor of his immediate release. We ask all politicians  and officials to
support true justice. Honor the voices of your  constituents. Call for
immediate unconditional executive clemency for  Mr. Peltier.



Some Ethical Issues On the Use of 'Bots In Inforwar
by Paul Kneisel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
DRAFT 10 Dec 00

Unchallenged spam would ultimately destroy the 'net. Unchallenged spam on
usenet would rapidly destroy the world's village green.

For this reason an informal group of 

Unemployment Conference in Newcastle, NSW, June 2001

2000-12-22 Thread Martin Watts

The Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE) 
  at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia will be holding its third 
  conference on June 14 and 15, 2001.  The theme of the Conference is 
  The Path to Full Employment.   Several keynote 
  speakers from the US and Europe will be presenting papers. The Conference 
  will also include a business symposium, where business leaders will 
  discuss the implications for them of a Job Guarantee program.  The Job 
  Guaranteeis one of CofFEE's major research projects, and more information 
  about it is available on the CofFEE website:    
  If you would like a Conference brochure, you may e-mail the CofFEE 
  Office ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or download a copy from the Conference 
  WWW site: 
  to see you at the Conference. Kind regards Bill Mitchell 
  DirectorCentre of Full Employment and 

FW: [WTO-REGISTRATION4:59] News and end of year greetings from WTO

2000-12-22 Thread Lisa & Ian Murray

> Dear Website users,
> Please find the following reports on our website issued at 13hr today.
> Please note:  to access the information you can either click on the link
> below or copy and paste the address into your browser.   If the new
> information doesn't appear on the page, try refreshing the screen.
> Report issued on Korea-US steel dispute
> A WTO panel, on 22 December 2000, issued its report (DS179/R) on the case
> "United States - Anti-dumping measures on stainless steel plate
> in coils and
> stainless steel sheet and strip from Korea" and also an Appellate Body
> Report (DS/166/AB/R) on "United States - Definitive safeguard measures on
> imports of wheat gluten from the European Communities".
> Please go to our news page at
> We wish you all a happy new year.

Re: Re: Keynes in the news

2000-12-22 Thread Justin Schwartz

>Just who was the mother of supply-side economics?  And what was Keynes
>doing in bed with her?
>Or was it one of those turkey-baster conceptions?

Joan Robinson, obviously. --jks

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: Re: Keynes in the news

2000-12-22 Thread Jim Devine

At 08:02 AM 12/22/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>Gene Coyle asked,
> > Just who was the mother of supply-side economics?  And what was Keynes
> > doing in bed with her?
> > Or was it one of those turkey-baster conceptions?
>Surely you've heard of "Bastered" Keynesianism? That makes Paul Samuelson
>the mother, doesn't it?

the muthuh?


Russia's New Labor Bill

2000-12-22 Thread Ken Hanly

Christian Science Monitor
December 21, 2000
The Kremlin takes on workers
Russia's parliament will take up the government's call to drastically lift
labor protections in January.
By Fred Weir
Special to The Christian Science Monitor

Russia's labor code hasn't changed much since 1971. It still reflects the
Soviet Union's claim to be a state run for and by working people. Current
laws feature near absolute job security, trade union powers that rival
those of management, and the right to company-subsidized vacations,
healthcare, and education.

But the Kremlin wants to overhaul Russia's labor code with a set of
Dickensian measures that include: abolishing collective bargaining and
legalizing the 12-hour work day. This has State Duma deputies balking for
the first time since President Vladimir Putin's Unity party took control of
parliament a year ago.

Supporters of the bill, submitted by the government to the State Duma
earlier this month, say it is necessary to bring Russia's sluggish
workforce into the fast-paced, flexible, and globalized 21st century. But
opponents, including a couple hundred angry trade unionists demonstrating
outside the parliament building yesterday, charge it will drag labor
relations back into the 19th-century world of robber barons and powerless,
dehumanized workers.

"The Kremlin is simply waging war on organized labor," says Yury Timofeyev,
an official of the Steelworker's Union. "They think they can improve the
economy at the expense of workers, but this path will only lead to social

The government had hoped that the Duma, dominated by pro-Kremlin and
right-wing parties, would quickly pass the new code. But parliamentarians
voted yesterday to postpone any discussion of it until at least January.

"I'm not sure our leaders recognize how unpredictable the response could be
to laws like this," says Alexander Lobeikin, deputy head of the Duma's
Labor and Social Policy Commission. "You cannot move so rapidly from
all-embracing Soviet-style labor protections to wild capitalism."

Among the draft's controversial provisions are measures that would reduce
trade unions to merely "consultative" bodies, without the right to maintain
offices or personnel on factory premises. Collective bargaining would be
replaced by individual agreement between worker and boss. Work time could
be increased to up to 56 hours a week, legal maternity leave is slashed
from 3 to 1-1/2 years, and procedures for firing an employee are radically

"The lot of workers under Communism was hellish, no matter what the laws
stipulated," says Vladimir Kashyn, a labor specialist at the Expert
Institute, an independent Moscow think tank. "This new code sounds very
drastic, but it simply reflects existing reality. We have to start with
what is real and possible, and that means bulldozing away all the old

So far, Russia's former Soviet official trade unions - which have 60
million members on paper - have put up only token opposition to the
Kremlin's proposals. "Of course we need new laws, and we are willing to
work with the government to reform the system," says Irina Vinogradova,
chairperson of the Moscow regional Union of Scientific Workers. "But there
should be proper consultations with the trade unions. They are trying to
ram these measures down our throats."

More serious resistance has come from the country's handful of independent
unions, who say they will launch a wave of open-ended strikes and protests
if the labor code is adopted.

"The old official unions are too accustomed to being servants of the state,
and they have no interest in defending workers," says Oleg Babich,
secretary of Zashita, an alternative union that represents about 50,000
industrial and scientific workers. "If this awful law goes through, I'm
sure it will only succeed in giving a big impetus to genuine union
organizing in Russia. You can't destroy people's rights through

Experts say at least half of Russians work in the shadow economy, where
they enjoy no legal protections. According to the state statistics
committee, the average wage in industry is 1,750 rubles (about $60) per
month, and 1,100 rubles (about $40) in the service sector. Although the
official rate of joblessness is a very low 2.7 percent, the International
Labor Organization calculates the real level at some five times higher.

Russia suffers from a vast overhang of "hidden unemployment" - workers who
still retain their Soviet-era jobs, but often receive no salaries for
months or even years.

"The new labor code will put an end to this by making it easy to sack
superfluous workers," says Mr. Kashyn. "That may sound brutal, but it will
bring the problem into the open, where it can be dealt with. The main thing
is to encourage economic growth."

Speaking to workers in a steel plant earlier this month, Mr. Putin warned
that the era of state paternalism was coming to an end, and that people
would have to learn to stand on their own f

Re: Keynes in the news

2000-12-22 Thread Timework Web

Gene Coyle asked,
> Just who was the mother of supply-side economics?  And what was Keynes
> doing in bed with her?

> Or was it one of those turkey-baster conceptions?

Surely you've heard of "Bastered" Keynesianism? That makes Paul Samuelson
the mother, doesn't it?

Tom Walker
Sandwichman and Deconsultant
Bowen Island
(604) 947-2213

Re: Keynes in the news

2000-12-22 Thread Eugene Coyle

Just who was the mother of supply-side economics?  And what was Keynes
doing in bed with her?

Or was it one of those turkey-baster conceptions?

Gene Coyle

Jim Devine wrote:

> the L.A. TIMES, December 22, 2000, Metro, p. B1:
>  >"Anaheim Schools Sued Over Removal of Books"
>  >ACLU accuses district of censorship in pulling gay-themed biographies
> from a junior high library.
>  >By Jessica Garrison, TIMES staff writer.
>  > ... The books, part of a series called "Lives of Notable Gay Men and
> Lesbians," were removed from the Orangeview Junior High library [in
> Anaheim, CA, the home of Disneyland] in September after a teacher
> complained that they were inappropriate. Among those profiled in the
> biographies are economist John Maynard Keynes, father of supply-side
> economics..."
> and who says this country doesn't have a great educational system?
> Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &

Re: Keynes in the news

2000-12-22 Thread Timework Web

Jim Devine wrote,

> By Jessica Garrison, TIMES staff writer.

> economist John Maynard Keynes, father of supply-side
> economics..."

Perhaps she means progeny conceived by antithesis?

Tom Walker
Sandwichman and Deconsultant
Bowen Island
(604) 947-2213

Keynes in the news

2000-12-22 Thread Jim Devine

the L.A. TIMES, December 22, 2000, Metro, p. B1:

 >"Anaheim Schools Sued Over Removal of Books"

 >ACLU accuses district of censorship in pulling gay-themed biographies 
from a junior high library.

 >By Jessica Garrison, TIMES staff writer.

 > ... The books, part of a series called "Lives of Notable Gay Men and 
Lesbians," were removed from the Orangeview Junior High library [in 
Anaheim, CA, the home of Disneyland] in September after a teacher 
complained that they were inappropriate. Among those profiled in the 
biographies are economist John Maynard Keynes, father of supply-side 

and who says this country doesn't have a great educational system?