1999-03-14 Thread U.P.secr.

From: "viviane lerner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
From: Zohl de Ishtar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Abolition Caucus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, March 13, 1999 11:22 PM
Subject: Assistance for Indigenous People to get to HAP

>I am writing to you to gain your financial sponsorship for ten
>Indigenous Australian and Pacific activists to enable them to attend the
>Hague Appeal for Peace Conference - the end of millenium peace
>conference being held in The Hague from May 11-16, 1999.
>The Hague Appeal for Peace Conference to be held May 11-16, 1999, is a
>major end-of-century international campaign and conference for peace and
>justice. It will commemorate the centenary of the First Hague Peace
>Conference, and will complete an extraordinary sequence of world
>conferences and summits convened during the last decade. Aiming to
>delegitimize war, the conference will bring together all sectors of
>international civil society to develop specific global strategies for
>disarmament and nuclear abolition, the peaceful settlement of disputes
>and the development of international humanitarian law.  The program
>covers four substantive themes: disarmament, conflict
>prevention/resolution, humanitarian law, and culture of peace. Organized
>by civil society rather than governments, documentation from this
>conference - tabled as "The Hague Agenda for Peace" - will be presented
>to world governments at the parallel intergovernmental process, which
>will comprise high-level meetings in 1999 in The Hague, St. Petersburg,
>Geneva and New York.
>Through participating in this conference Indigenous Australian and
>Pacific activists will be able to place on "The Hague Agenda for Peace"
>issues such as: Native Title rights in Australia, Bougainvillean Peace
>Process, French occupation and nuclearisation of Te Ao Maohi (aka French
>Polynesia), the Indonesian illegal occupation and military violence in
>West Papua, , racism, human rights violations, uranium and other mineral
>mining, the proposed international nuclear waste repository planned for
>southern Australia, US military bases, the impacts of nuclear testing,
>and many other issues of the independence and nuclear free campaign of
>our region. The lasting effects of such an achievement can be expected
>to be felt for many decades into the future. Without the Indigenous
>Pacific contribution to this conference it will fail in its attempt to
>represent a global perspective.
>The Indigenous Australian and Pacific activists represent 4 nations:
>Aboriginal Australia, Bougainville, Te Ao Maohi (aka French Polynesia)
>and West Papua (aka Irian Jaya). These nations will join delegations
>from Ka Pae’aina (aka Hawai’i) and Aotearoa (aka New Zealand).
>The individuals involved are:
>Aboriginal Australia - Kathy Malera-Bandjalan (Malera-Bandjalan
>traditional custodian of Timbarra under threat of gold mining); Jacqui
>Katona (Gundjehmi Aboriginal Corp./ uranium mining at Jabiluka-Kakadu
>World Heritage Park); Christine Christopherson (Mirrar woman from
>Jabiluka area); Joan Wingfield (Kokotha/Arabunna people/threatened Billa
>Kallina nuclear waste repository).
>Bougainville: Lucy Madoi (Bougainville Women for Peace and Freedom,
>President); Marcelline Tunim (Bougainville Women for Peace and Freedom,
>Vice-President).  (Survivors of nine year long Papua New Guinea imposed
>war; involved in Bougainvillean initiated Peace Process.)
>Te Ao Maohi (aka French Polynesia): Oscar Temaru (Tavini Huirratira,
>President); Lucie Pereire (Tavini Huirratira, Women’s Association),
>Marie Bopp Du Pont (Tavini Huirratira, Youth) (Campaigning for
>independence, end of French colonisation and ending of military
>occupation, including cleanup and compensation following French nuclear
>testing program.)
>West Papua (aka Irian Jaya): John Otto Ondawame (Organisasi Papua
>Merdeka/Free Papua Movement); Win Zonggonau (Organisasi Papua
>Merdeka/Free Papua Movement, NANGO-PNG) (Campaigning for independence,
>against Indonesian illegal occupation, removal of Indonesian military
>forces, ending of human right violations.)
>Together these people represent some of the most significant Indigenous
>Australian and Pacific issues of decolonisation, demilitarisation,
>denuclearisation, peace and justice and reconciliation issues facing the
>world today.
>Funds Required:
>The full amount required is $34114. This consists of:
>Australia: It will cost each of these 4 women $2760 to attend the
>conference. Total = $11,040.
>Bougainville: It will cost each of these 2 women $4432. Total = $8864.
>(This is so high because these women have to travel to Sydney first as
>it is dangerous for them to travel through Port Moresby, Papua New
>Te Ao Maohi (aka French Polynesia): It will cost each of these 3 people
>$2850. Total = $8550.
>West Papua: These 2 activists 

[PEN-L:3803] (Fwd) request for assistance

1999-02-24 Thread U.P.secr.

Dear Friends:

Below is a description of the Focus on the Corporation listserve. If you
like and find useful the material that we send out, we'd like to ask you
to distribute the notice to friends and colleagues, and encourage them to
subscribe to Focus on the Corporation. Thanks.

Robert Weissman
Essential Information   |   Internet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Corp-Focus is a moderated listserve which distributes the weekly column
"Focus on the Corporation," co-authored by Russell Mokhiber, editor of
Corporate Crime Reporter, and Robert Weissman, editor of Multinational
Monitor magazine.

To subscribe to Corp-Focus, send an e-mail message to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following all in one line:

subscribe corp-focus 

Focus on the Corporation scrutinizes the multinational corporation -- the
most powerful institution of our time. Once a week, it reports and
comments critically on corporate actions, plans, abuses and trends.
Written with a sharp edge and occasional irreverence, Focus on the
Corporation covers:

* The double standards which excuse corporations for behavior (e.g.,
causing injury, accepting welfare) widely considered criminal or shameful
when done by individuals;
* Globalization and corporate power;
* Trends in corporate economic blackmail, political influence and
workplace organization;
* Industry-wide efforts to escape regulation, silence critics, employ new
technologies or consolidate business among a few companies;
* Specific, extreme examples of corporate abuses: destruction of
communities, trampling of democracy, poisoning of air and water; 
* Issues, such as tort reform, of across-the-board interest to business;
* The corporatization of our culture.

Back columns are posted on the Multinational Monitor site

Please post this notice on relevant lists, and accept our apologies for


1999-02-16 Thread U.P.secr.

If we have 500-1000 people each donating 50-100 dollars (also 
bigger or smaller donations are of course very welcome !!!), we will 
have it ! "

See bottom of e-mail for name of Bank and account for deposit~


--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Tue, 16 Feb 1999 00:52:54 GMT
From:  Inter Continental Caravan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   The Inter Continental Caravan needs you !

To whom it may concern - an urgent appeal,

Dear recipients,

In May and June 600 Southern activists tour around Europe together with
European activists to demonstrate  against 93free trade94 and the 
institutions pressing for it (the World Trade Organisation, the 
International Chamber of Commerce, the European Commission etc.), 
against dodgy multinationals, especially those involved in 
biotechnology (Monsanto, Novartis...) and to meet and network with 
different groups across the Continent. We are going to meet
with the Geld oder Leben (Money or Life) Bicycle Caravan and the 
Caravan of Refugees and Migrants in Germany, the Euromarches, Farmers 
movements in Eastern Europe... The Inter Continental Caravan will 
join in the demonstrations against the NATO and Nuclear Weapons 
organised by For Mother Earth and join the actions against the 
EU-Summit and the G8-Summit in Cologne, and will coincide with the 
International Day of Action at Financial Centers on the June 18th, 
which will end the Caravan.

The Inter Continental Caravan for Solidarity and Resistance is an 
initiat ive of the People's Global Action against free94 trade 
and the WTO (PGA), a network of different people92s movements and 
organisations around the world. The Caravan will consist mainly of 
Indian peasants, since that's where idea originally came from. 
There will be  activists from all biggest farmers movements from 
India, and also anti-nuclear activists, indigenous people, landless, 
and people fighting against the Narmada Dam project. From other parts 
of the World, there will be people from Moviemento dos Sem Terra 
(Landless movement in Brazil), Madres de la Plaza de Mayo (Mothers of 
the disappeared from Argentina), womens peasant movement from 
Bangladesh, and there has been interest in Mexico, Nepal, Nicaragua, 
Columbia, Ecuador, Russia, Thailand, South Korea...

This project is not about bringing Southern activists for an 
exhibition t our to Europe. It is about joining ours and theirs 
struggles, about solidarity and common resistance. With this project 
we hope to be able to built up stronger links within different 
European movements, and between European and Southern Movements.

But this project needs everybodys involvement to become true !

Although there have already been extensive fundraising efforts, and 
much money has already come in, there is still an URGENT NEED FOR 50 
000 US DOLLARS IN ONE WEEK (BY THE 20th FEBRUARY), otherwise we will 
loose the contracts with the busses we are planning to use.

This seems to be a very big amount of money, but if we have 500-1000 
peop le each donating 50-100 dollars (also bigger or smaller 
donations are of course very welcome !!!), we will have it ! If we 
consider that all the Indian participants are each paying their own 
airfare to participate in the Inter Continental Caravan, then such 
donations of 50-100 dollars really are not so huge as they may seem, 
in relation to a project of such magnitude.

Please spread this appeal around, publicise it in different 
newsletters a nd magazines, call your relatives and people who 
symphatize radical political activism With the EU having the 
Agenda 2000, the WTOs Milennium round starting, this Caravan 
really has to take place now - with a little bit of effort from 
everyone we can make it !

Bank details:
Account number: 3701010441
Bank number: 50090100, Okobank Berlin
Please specify all the money as "Busses for the Caravan"  AND 
notify us when putting money into the account.

For more information:

Inter Continental Caravan
PO Box 2228, 2301 CE Leiden, Holland
tel/fax +31-71-517 3094
web-site: http://stad.dsl.nl/~caravan, http://www.agp.org

For MAI-not (un)subscription information, posting guidelines and
links to other MAI sites please see http://mai.flora.org/

[PEN-L:2265] Considerations for a Global Monsanto campaign

1999-01-18 Thread U.P.secr.

Dear Frank,

You don't consider things in the class-struggle perspective, the only
one perspective that can bring understanding, if you check it with 
the realities around you:

The conflict between labour and capital is antagonist. You will have 
either a dictatorship of the capital as we have now, or you will have
the dictatorship of the people, until the development of technology / 
productivity will allow for the state to be abandoned.

Until you possibly might follow my advice, I have to argue concretely.

Your alternative to the world parliament is: "We don't need to change
anything other than a few million minds."

In principle I agree with you (aside from "a few"), cf."The Peoples' 
Channel", http://home4.inet.tele.dk/peoples  

Although it should be possible to make all progressives contribute, 
my experience confirms that the main problem with establishing an 
alternative mass media of course is financial.

If you prefer an alternative to the world parliament concept, you
will have to overcome the problem with the corporations controlling
99 % of the printed and electronic mass media and thereby the public 
opinion, the politicians, the UN, etc.

So far, the number of Internet-users in this connection is 
insignificant. In Africa, for instance, there is absolutely no chance
for the peoples to become Internet-users within decades. 

With best regards,

Ole Fjord Larsen 

frank belsky skrev:
> Dear Mr. Secretary and Group,
>You can always cure bursitis by jumping off a bridge. But there are less painful
> treatments. Similary, our laws allow us to end corporate domination without
> adopting new systems.
>An example of a mechanism already in place, would be the FCC regulations. They
> assert that the public is controller of the airwaves. Programming must serve
> their needs. Perhaps lack of awareness has stimied this.  If so,
> on the one hand, we have a good system with a need to educate. On the
> other, your advocation that we overturn the current system and then
> start over again at the same place. That is, offer arguments to
> revamp radio and tv currently acceptable. Simply start by advocating
> changes right now.  This, probably the best system ever invented, allows
> and encourages this.
>Further, in every area where corporate self-interest supercedes public interest,
> our system offers avenues to change. But an unconcerned electorate fails to
> respond.
>"Campaign Finance Reform," for example, is dependent on votes in
> in Congress. Yet we happily elect a Congress that refuses
> to reform. The system and the People are fully empowered. We don't
> need to change anything other than a few million minds.
> Yours truly,
> Frank Belsky
> "U.P.secr." wrote:
> > Now you are talking!
> >
> >  Eventually we have reached the stage with concrete discussion
> >  of the ways to deal with, i.e.terminate, the corporations.
> >
> >  The world parliament of the united peoples will constitute the
> >  necessary structure for focusing on long-range strategy as well
> >  as short-term tactics :
> >
> >  Internationalization of the corporations
> >
> >  - the only strategy for saving our planet.
> >
> >  http://home4.inet.tele.dk/peoples
> >
> >  Ole Fjord Larsen
> >  Secr.,the formative world parliament
> >
> >
> >
> > > Biotech Activists wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > Date Posted: 01/12/1999
> > > > Posted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > > Having focused much of my work over the past couple of years on Monsanto's
> > > > uniquely aggressive role in promoting GE in agriculture and elsewhere, I
> > > > appreciate Gary's thoughtful comments.  Before undertaking such a campaign,
> > > > though, I think it is important to focus on both our long-range and
> > > > short-term goals.
> > > >
> > > > It is vitally important to educate the public about how corporations such
> > > > as Monsanto exercise their influence, and put an end to the horrors being
> > > > perpetrated in Monsanto's name.  It is also important not to lose sight of
> > > > the bigger picture and the overarching problem of genetic engineering.
> > > > Monsanto is an important symbol, but in some ways only a symptom of a
> > > > larger problem.  If Monsanto buckles under and is bought by DuPont, for
> > > > example, as Ronnie has speculated, it could make things worse:  it could
> > >

[PEN-L:2182] Re: Considerations for a Global Monsanto campaign

1999-01-14 Thread U.P.secr.

Now you are talking!
 Eventually we have reached the stage with concrete discussion
 of the ways to deal with, i.e.terminate, the corporations.
 The world parliament of the united peoples will constitute the
 necessary structure for focusing on long-range strategy as well
 as short-term tactics :
 Internationalization of the corporations

 - the only strategy for saving our planet.
 Ole Fjord Larsen
 Secr.,the formative world parliament
> Biotech Activists wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Date Posted: 01/12/1999
> > Posted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> >
> > Having focused much of my work over the past couple of years on Monsanto's
> > uniquely aggressive role in promoting GE in agriculture and elsewhere, I
> > appreciate Gary's thoughtful comments.  Before undertaking such a campaign,
> > though, I think it is important to focus on both our long-range and
> > short-term goals.
> >
> > It is vitally important to educate the public about how corporations such
> > as Monsanto exercise their influence, and put an end to the horrors being
> > perpetrated in Monsanto's name.  It is also important not to lose sight of
> > the bigger picture and the overarching problem of genetic engineering.
> > Monsanto is an important symbol, but in some ways only a symptom of a
> > larger problem.  If Monsanto buckles under and is bought by DuPont, for
> > example, as Ronnie has speculated, it could make things worse:  it could
> > revert to a less aggressive public profile, and wield _more_ influence
> > behind the scenes.
> >
> > So let's keep focusing on Monsanto, but also be clear that defeating
> > Monsanto is not enough.  What are the long-range goals and nearer-term
> > objectives of this effort?  How can it contribute to a wider understanding
> > of (and opposition to) genetic engineering and corporate power in general?
> > I hope folks agree that it's necessary to be clear about these before
> > fleshing out an organizational plan.  It would also help to know something
> > about the specific organizations that would be shaping this effort, as Gary
> > had described.  What resources do various organizations have to contribute
> > to such an effort, and what is their commitment to supporting activists on
> > the ground?  (This may or may not be an appropriate discussion over the
> > listserv.)
> >
> > Brian Tokar
> > Institute for Social Ecology
> > Plainfield, Vermont, U.S.A.
> >
> > 
> > How to Use this Mailing List
> > 
> >
> > You received this e-mail as a result of your registration on the biotech_activists 
>mailing list.
> >
> > To unsubscribe, please send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] In the body of the 
>message type:
> > unsubscribe biotech_activists
> >
> > For a list of other commands and list options, please send an email to 
> > In the body of the message type:
> > help
> >
> >
Now you are talking!
Eventually we have reached the stage with concrete discussion 
of the ways how to deal with, i.e.terminate, the corporations.

The world parliament of the united peoples will constitute the 
necessary structure for focusing on long-range strategy as well 
as short-term tactics :

Internationalize the corporations
- the only strategy for saving our planet.


Ole Fjord Larsen
Secr., the formative world parliament



Biotech Activists skrev:
> Date Posted: 01/12/1999
> Posted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Having focused much of my work over the past couple of years on Monsanto's
> uniquely aggressive role in promoting GE in agriculture and elsewhere, I
> appreciate Gary's thoughtful comments.  Before undertaking such a campaign,
> though, I think it is important to focus on both our long-range and
> short-term goals.
> It is vitally important to educate the public about how corporations such
> as Monsanto exercise their influence, and put an end to the horrors being
> perpetrated in Monsanto's name.  It is also important not to lose sight of
> the bigger picture and the overarching problem of genetic engineering.
> Monsanto is an important symbol, but in some ways only a symptom of a
> larger problem.  If Monsanto buckles under and is bought by DuPont, for
> example, as Ronnie has speculated, it could make things worse:  it could
> revert to a less aggressive public profile, and wield _more_ influence
> behind the scenes.
> So let's keep focusing on Monsanto, but also be clear that defeating
> Monsanto is not enough.  What are the long-range goals and nearer-term
> objectives of this effort?  How can it contribute to a wider understanding
> of (and opposition to) genetic engineering and corporate power in general?
> I hope folks agree that it's necessary to be clear about these before
> fleshi


1999-01-05 Thread U.P.secr.

>  The  rapid  development  toward  the  political / environmental
>  catastrophes  has  reached  the  stage  where  only  those  
>  aiming  directly  at  terminating  the  transnational  corporations
>  are  entitled  to  call  themselves  progressive.

The  march  of  events  seems  accelerating.
Here  is  another  example  seen  on  Leftlink.

LL:Shell Head Office Occupied

UKOOA (UK Oil Overthrow Association)

News release 9am Monday, January 4, 1999

Shell: Head Office Occupied 
Activists give taste of protests to come

At 9am environmental and human rights protesters began 
occupying  management  offices in Shell-Mex House, The Strand, 
London. The activists are  barricaded  into the offices and are 
refusing to leave. This is in solidarity  with  indigenous resistance 
to oil giant Royal Dutch/Shell in Nigeria  and to give a
foretaste of direct action to come. 

Today is the first day of work in the last year before the new
Millenium. The  activists have chosen this day to send a message 
to Shell and  other  transnational corporations that 
>1999  will  be a  year of  increased  globalisation  of  protest, and the 
>turning point  that they say will see the end  of  corporate  dominance. 

January 4 is also Ogoni Day, celebrated since 1993 when Shell was
forced from  Ogoni in the oil-rich Niger Delta by non-violent mass
mobilisation. Throughout  1997-98, occupations of oil facilities by 
the Ijaw ethnic group of  southern  Nigeria have grown in number 
and degree, cutting Nigeriaôs oil  output by up to  one third. Now the 
Ijaws have told Shell and other oil companies  to quit their
land by January 11, 1999 - or face eviction by the people.
Killings by  Shell-backed troops have already claimed the lives of at 
least 20  Ijaws since  the first deadline expired on 30 December.

The protesters in London are demanding compliance with the Ijawôs
demands to  leave their traditional lands and for an end to corporate-
backed  military  repression. Live footage of the protest will be relayed 
directly  from Shellôs  own offices to an internet website at
<www.kemptown.org/shell> using a
lap-top  computer  and mobile phone.

A spokesperson said,  õThe violent militarisation of the oil
producing  areas in  Nigeria are indicative of the global militarisation 
of commerce.
Moreover, oil  industry-derived climate change is causing more global 
disruption,  and  restructuring and oil mergers are causing massive job losses.
Shell and the  other oil transnationals are bad news for everyone  ultimately
even for  shareholders. We call for no more oil.æ

Further information is available from (+44) (0171) 561 9146
Video footage of the protest, shot inside the building, may be
available from  (+44) (0) 966 137925. You can also check out the website at

 Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
   The Year 2000 Bug - An Urgent Sustainability Issue


1998-12-29 Thread U.P.secr.

Dear  Ish,

Only  recently  have  I  become  aware  of  the  seriousness  and
the  possible  revolutionary  potential  the  Y2K  poses.

Without  a  lot  of  research  I  find  it  very  difficult  to  evaluate
whether  the  pros  or  contras  will  prevail.   The  decentralization
effect  seems  rather  certain.   But  will  this  necessarily   weaken
the  TNCs ?   They  have  time  and  resources  to  prepare  for  the
new  situation.  They  will  have  to  strengthen  their  planning  and
make  it  longer  sighted.   And  will  it  be  easier  to  fight  many
local  branches  in  stead  of  one  centralized  headquarter  ?
The  attitude  of  their  politicians  probably  will  not  change  over-

Compared  with  the  internationalization  of  the  TNCs  by  means  of
the  world  parliament  I  would  find  the  task  to  be  much  more

And  the  possible  breakdown  of  the  Internet  not  only  would  be  a
catastrophe  for  the  TNCs,  but  also  for  US !   Up  until  now  I  have
considered  the  net  to  be  the  great  chance  of  our  planet.

IF,  however,  we  should  be  so  lucky  that  the  Y2K  really  will  be
to  defeat  the  TNCs  without  much  effort  from  our  side,  I  think  we
will  need  the  world  parliament  of  the  united  peoples  anyway,  to
organize  the  future  globalization  on  OUR  terms   and  to  prevent
Mafia  conditions  a  la  Russia.


P.S.  This  time  I  think  I  managed  to  BCC  the  many  addresses !

Ish skrev:

> Excuse my post to this rather large list, but would like to interject a
> thought for consideration.
> An event that looms on the horizon for all of us, no matter where we live,
> is the January 1, 2000 software, embedded chip barrier that the world has
> been preparing to cross.  chances are very high international
> communications will be most effected by computer errors and failures.
> Hence, these TNC will be most effected in their efforts to conduct
> business.  In essence becoming local branches rather than international in
> nature.  It might be a good time to prepare locally for dealing with these
> remnants of the larger corporations..it is when they will be most
> vulnerable to local actions..
> Your thoughts?
> Ishgooda
> If you think you are too small to make a difference;
> try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito
> African Proverb
> =-=http://www.tdi.net/ishgooda/ =-=
> IF it says:
> Please Check it before you send it at:
> http://urbanlegends.miningco.com/library/blhoax.htm


1998-12-21 Thread U.P.secr.

> > Dato: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 10:05:54 -0800
> > Fra: National Centre for Sustainability <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Til: "UP.Secr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Dear Fjord:
> >
> > At 14:03 17/12/98 +0100, you wrote: " The  rapid  development
toward  the political / environmental catastrophes  has  reached  the
stage  where  only  those  aiming  directly  at  terminating  the
transnational  corporations  are entitled  to  call  themselves
> >
> > My comment: I disagree with this sweeping statement. I am absolutely
in  agreement with  the need to dismantle the stifling stress on our
future  resulting from the corporate stranglehold on everything we do.
However,  destroying the TNCs will not achieve anything else than
further  destruction. Rather than  equating progress with destruction,
it should be  aimed at construction of a liveable world for all within
adequate  ecological conditions. If some elements of society have to be
destroyed on  the way, or deeply modified, fine. However, destruction
per se will only
achieve what it is set for: to destroy  What has to be destroyed must
be  replaced by something else that will work for our common good.
> >
> > Please rethink your message and your action plan. You are just not
credible along the path you chose.
> >
> > Sorry for my stern comments, but after being bombarded by your
messages on  the  theme 'destroy", I could not resist. This advice is
given in warm  sympathy for your concerns and your commitment. Please
redirect, with equal  energy and commitment,  in a  constructive mode.
> >
> > Og Glaedelig Jul, imellem. (Merry Christmas, in the meantime)
> >
> > Yves Bajard

> U.P.secr. skrev:
> >
> > Dear  Yves,
> >
> > Thank  you  for  this  opportunity  to  elaborate  on  these
serious  matters.
> >
> > If  you  agree  on  the  following  assumptions,  I  cannot
understand  your  position  at  all :
> >
> > The  present  misery  on  our  planet  has  two  roots:
> >
> > 1.  Cultur
> > All  evil  on  Earth  derives  from  those  parents  who  do  not
give  their  children  unlimited  and  unconditional  love,  respect,
care and  freedom  to  natural  unfolding.
Proportionately  with  the  degree  of  mistreatment,  the   ill-
treated  children  will  spend  rest  of  their  lives  with  striving
for  power / money  (extreme  examples  are  Hitler  and  Sadam
> > Most  of  the  present  catastrophic  global  situation  is  the
direct  or  indirect  result  of  the  last   500  years'   domination
of  the  white  Christian / child  oppressing / selfish / imperialist /
fascist / racist /  tradition,  that  has  destroyed  numerous  other
> > In  Denmark  only  recently   beating  of  children  has  become
illegal,  20  years  after  the  other  Scandinavian  countries.
> > In  1st  degree  imperialist  powers  like   Britain,  Germany,
France,  etc.,  the  conditions  are  even  worse.
> >
> > Change  of  the  dominating  culture  takes  generations.
Therefore  the  only  realistic  chance  is  to  curb   the  thus
erroneously  programmed  money-people's  activities  of  exploitation,
by  changing  the  reciprocal  structure  of  society:
> >
> > 2.  System  of  society
> > The  long  overmature  capitalistic  system  not  only  fails  to
set  any  limits  to  the  exploitation,  it  encourages  and  rewards
exploitation  through  the  state  of  the  capitalistic  dictatorship.
> > Nowadays  70 %  of  the  economy  is  concentrated  in  the  hands
of  the  transnational  corporations  (TNCs)  owned  by  5 %  of  the
world  population.
> > In  agreement  with  the  system,  the  TNCs  have  only  one
objective:  maximum  profit  without  any  regard  to  the  exploited
peoples  and  nature.
> > Through  their  mass  media  monopoly  they  corrupt  and  control
the  politicians  and  state  institutions,  so  that  there  is  no
> > How  can  anybody  imagine  that  a  humane  society  can  be
built  on  greed  and  profit-hunting  as  the  superior  principles  ?
> > Behind  all  war,  poverty,  hunger,  destruction  of  nature,
etc.,  are  the  TNCs.
> > Therefore  it  is  the  aim  of  all  progressive  people  to
transfer  the  economic  and  political  power  from  the  TNCs,  their
mass  media  monopoly  and  their  politicians,  to  the  peoples;  to
transfer  the  ownership  of  the  TNCs  from  a  handful  of  wealthy
people  to  the  whole  people  and  to  introduce  democracy.
> >
> > Where  is  the  "destruction"  in  this  ? ?
> >
> > With  my  best  wishes  for  a
> > 

[PEN-L:1781] .

1998-12-21 Thread U.P.secr.