A requirement for ADVICE :

       I  am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Business
Administration at  Istanbul Technical  University, Turkey. I
am interested in economics of technological change. I
believe that  Marxism has  lots to  say  about  this  theme,
although it is ignored for so long. After I came across with
the studies  performed mostly  in Europe about "Evolutionary
Economics"  and   "Schumepeterian  Studies",  I  decided  to
concentrate  on   the  relationship  between  economics  and
technology from a Marxist point of view.

Next year I will be in the USA and I want to pursue
a post doctoral studies. I would be more than happy if you can
give me some advice on where should I apply in the US or in
Canada.Any suggestions will mostly be appreciated.

Dilek Karaomerlioglu

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