So, Trevor, are you saying that international trade groups like eu and nafta
have the potential to be 'turned' or used to progressive purposes where
nationalistic movements might fail?  While I don't dispute the attractiveness
of such an idea, I would think that union or popular movements in opposition
to such official groups have a greater chance of being formed.  maggie
In a message dated 97-05-15 19:56:07 EDT, you write:

>Unlike NAFTA, the EU is a project to create a new type of state structure -
>which is why Thatcher was so opposed to it. Many questions about the form
>of that structure have not yet been determined. Certainly the right has
>made much of the running up til now - as they have at a national level. The
>big question is how the left might change that.
>Take the demand for shorter working hours. I think it is a key issue, in
>terms of combatting unemployment, in terms of creating the basis for a more
> egalitarian division of domestic labour, and of moving towards a society
>where most peoples lives are not dominated by paid and unpaid labour. Of
>course, progess is only likely if pressure can be brought to bear by  a
>mass  movement. But given the mobility of capital within Europe, there are
>real limits to what can be achieved in any one country - as German workers
>are discovering - and pressure is only like to be effective if it is
>applied across the whole of  the EU, so that the  EU establishes similar
>standards for all its member countries.
>Trevor Evans
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